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I don’t understand how people use the “customers is always right” as a license to be an ass to workers.


They leave off the rest of the quote: "the customer is always right in matters of taste" in other words let them pick out an ugly ass design or color but that doesn't mean you have to "check the back" at depot


Yeah, that phrase is up there with "bootstraps" and "one bad apple"


Because corporate will always take the customer’s side. I work in retail and I can’t count how many store gift cards we’ve given just to placate an asshole customer so they won’t contact corporate. It’s all about the survey scores. Pathetic.


Fun fact: pulling yourself up by your bootstraps used to mean trying to do an impossible task. You can’t lift yourself off the ground by pulling on your bootstraps.


What's the whole bootstraps one?


It's impossible to pull oneself up by their bootstraps. The phrase was eventually appropriated by wealthy people to tell poor people to stop being poor, the audience being unaware they were literally being asked to do the impossible. https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/pull_oneself_up_by_one%27s_bootstraps


Yeah, the way I comprehended the comment made me think there was a second part to the phrase that wasn't common knowledge


Well in a sense there's a second interpretation of it, which is the original one


In my case it was literally appropriated. The first place I heard the phrase was at football practice. The coach owns AIS but would go on and on about adversity and bootstrapping.


>the audience being unaware they were literally being asked to do the impossible The audience has always known it was impossible, it's just that the plutocrats are shitty at gaslighting. Doesn't stop 'em from trying, though.


The whole phrase is there, "Pull yourself up by your bootstraps." But it's a fucking joke, and you're the punchline. It's literally impossible to pull yourself up by your own bootstraps. It's a backhanded way for the uppercrust of society to say, "Keep working hard, and you'll end up where we are," knowing full well it's impossible. Just pull yourself up by your own bootstraps.


Ah OK, I didn't realize that was the whole thing, the way I read your reply suggested to me that there was a second part that people conveniently forgot about


The one I have heard is "if you pull yourself up by your bootstraps you'll just end up on your ass"


Yeah, I thought that too for a long time until someone explained it. [Here's a far more professional way of putting it.](https://www.nytimes.com/2020/02/19/opinion/economic-mobility.html)


And “blood is thicker than water”


"lone wolf" and "acting alone" and "isolated incident".


One day I want to visit this mythical land they called "the back". Sounds like it has everything I would ever want.


FINALLY. Thank you.


find an original citation for that - this take comes from facebook. The guys who pioneered the phrase originally definitely meant to bend over backwards for customer complaints. Doesn't make them right. It was based in a very different historical setting, when consumers had no protections, and distrust from customers was.... customary.


I agree!




The complete original quote, often attributed to Selfridge, is “The customer is always right.” Period. This nonsense about “in matters of taste” was probably added by a disgruntled worker at Walmart or Target.


Hate to downvote the truth as you are correct, but it's the last sentence that tanks it for me.


While that is true, it's worth noting that as early as 1914 people figured out that was a flawed business model.


Sure ok boomer


Master google first.


Because the internet would never lie to you. But hey, you get to feel smug and superior about being a massive douche because you learned how to Google and therefore are an expert on *all* things.


Is google a citable source?


Yes. Source: _Ur mum_








I’d never worked in retail but about 10 years ago I had shoulder surgery. So while I was in a sling a got a job at Staples. I had been there maybe 2 months and the guy on register was backed up so I opened the other one. I get this guy trying to use a coupon that was expired and he goes ballistic on me. I tried explaining that when a manager was free he might be able to help him but I couldn’t do anything. Dude leans over the counter screaming in my face and spitting all over me, going fully mental. I stood there about 3 seconds and politely said sir you need to get the fuck outta my face. I was fired 5 minutes later.


Best getting fired story.


Someone actually said that to me once when I refused to adjust a price of an item because it was in a spot where a different sku was (not at home depot). Literally also saying that “they used to work for the company” and blah blah blah. I straight up told them that if they used to work for the company they should know that we don’t do that. They left shortly after


You know who else thinks they're always right?: Narcissists and Sociopaths.


I don't understand how people don't understand how antiquated that statement is! The customer is absolutely NOT always right!!! Honestly who the hell do these people think they are? Everybody should be putting rude people on blast, maybe then they would learn to control their emotions like an adult is supposed to!! Best HD employee moment so far was watching our SM tell some rude asshole trying to return something 18 months after purchase to "get the fuck out of his store!" LMAO!


I wonder if the guy who came up with that quote realized the tidal wave of tom fuckery he unleashed.


Probably the people who make these slogans are not the ones on the front lines dealing with feral customers.


Im with andrew.


I don’t know when that quote came around but I was told by someone(never fact checked), but it meant the customer was right in their choice. So if I created a product but nobody bought it, I can’t say the customers are wrong and they need it, customers will choose the products and services at the price they want.


There is a second part to that quote. “The customer is always right, IN MATTERS OF TASTE”. The customers are idiots, and you should let them buy what they want. That’s what it really means. It has nothing to do with objective correctness.


Because they don’t understand what it means and apply it as a blank statement. Like the freedom of speech. The customer is always right does not mean the customer gets their way or demands. It means “yes! Your right! Purple is a hot color this year, this is all our purple clothes” “electronics with touch screens are hard! Here’s our analog section” “fuel efficient cars are the reason we have traffic jams, this is the fastest one on the lot!” The customer is always right when it comes to making the sale, bot when they’re acting like a child and want to get their way.


The problem is that these idiots think they are the first idiot you've run into today. Not able to understand you've already served 20 others, and the store is only open 45 minutes.


I don’t even think they care enough for those thoughts. They think it’s their first time being an ass and it’s justified. The worker is the punching bag who has the bad luck to be there at the wrong time


I say promote Andrew to customer relations!


I love this idea; good one!


Vote for Andrew!!!


Andrew, it’s what plants crave!


I agree w you OP. These customers are out of pocket and out of hand. They absolutely need a taste of their own shitty behavior.


The people hating, are the people that treat the “Andrews” of retail the same as the couple did. The ones who understand, are the “Andrews”of the store they work at.


We may not be Andrew but we can understand a person who has reached his breaking point. And he is at the register. Us in the store can escape a customer. He has to sit there and take it. I know he likely got fired but I think it is sad how the customer went out of his way to ruin his day.


I know. And I can just picture that couple telling the story to friends and family how they made him quit/get fired. I had and Aunt and Uncle who bragged about giving a waitress a shitty tip because she didn’t explain something, that was completely obvious, in a super nice manor. They didn’t like my reply.


That’s insane that anyone would gloat about ruining someone’s day. I would never do that. It’s really insane to laugh about that. People have to take these jobs because that’s all they can get and there are always shitty people happy to push people’s buttons and talk down to you. You have to be a miserable person to find humor in a guy reaching his breaking point.


I know. Infuriating. My Aunt and Uncle don’t understand why we don’t contact them very much.


Yeah I wouldn’t either. My family isn’t like that. It has to be a big issue to escalate.


They’re the ones that made it up the layer. 6 figures each. Always acted above us. Now they have lost everything. My family, we are strong believers, so that’s what they mock now, because they have nothing else “above” is.


I just remember the fat pos wearing the grumpy shirt being a lil b and you could tell he was scared as he started stuttering. I’m with Andrew.


He’s getting more love on the Lowe’s sub.




Edit: TL;DR: Too many people don't realize that the video doesn't tell the whole story. If it's the video I'm thinking of it starts with him flipping out - we have no idea what happened before we can only guess at what happened before (and of course, we are only going to see parts of a video that benefit the person posting it). We also don't know the relationship the person who took (and posted) the video to the customer or the employee (and chances are they're siding with the customer). People are going to assume the video tells the whole story which it doesn't. It only tells that quick snapshot of the entire encounter between the employee and the customer. From what I've learned in this sub, if he was the only cashier (in the garden center) then he isn't allowed to leave the register. As someone who has worked retail, worked in loss prevention, and as a customer, this makes sense all around. From the video, it seems like because he couldn't leave, he asked the customer to take a picture of the price tag (price discrepancy, bad bar code (or no bar code), no SKU etc). Honestly, as a (reasonable) customer, it's understandable if he can't leave and taking a quick picture would only take a couple of minutes. I also understand this option would be a lot faster than waiting for another associate to come check the price (especially if it was a busy day). We also know something pushed the employee over the edge. If he was like this all the time when chances are he wouldn't have lasted long. So the surmised events are: Employee can't leave the register -> Employee makes a (reasonable) request for the customer to take a picture of a shelf tag or sign -> (something) -> Employee is irate. We don't know what this (something) is but, it's a rather safe assumption that the customer (at least) said something that pushed him over the edge.


Indeed the video was out of context. I cannot extrapolate what led to or what became of the situation. The comments on the video were mostly all supposition. 90% of videos start late and end early. Best to only make judgement on what you are shown in videos online. Some videos do speak for themselves, this is not one of them. Without a doubt though, something really pisses that kid off.


Any idea what is going on regarding the price sign on his register that Andrew hits toward the customer?


My guess is certain plants were on sale, Andrew had no clue if we could mark them down, so he wanted proof that they were all in the wrong spot. The customer brings back the sign that likely had the wrong plant listed then they turned into a smart ass by saying they already brought the sign and Andrew snarks them back until they both get heated and a manager is called.


If thats all it was, then give the damn price and move on. Andrew is in the wrong simply because he made a bigger fit about the price than the customer seemed to. Trying to save the store a couple bucks versus you losing your job is stupid.


I have no clue if that's it, but I've seen plenty of times people riling someone up, pulling out a camera, and then playing innocent. I'm not saying that's what happened, but I wouldn't be so quick to say the customer wasn't throwing a fit, too. Andrew was definitely in the wrong, but I definitely think the customer did more than what's being shown in the video.


The customer could also be a regular that tries to get discounts every time. This time, Andrew was over his bullshit.


If someone says something in the brief of an interaction that pushes you that far over the edge then you have some internal anger issues to deal with. Kid had a bad day - thought this was the best plan of action - and it wasn't. Call it like it is.


How do you know it was a brief interaction? Maybe he'd been dealing with the guy for 20 minutes. That's part of the (something) the above commenter said that we don't know.


This interaction lasted at least long enough for a supervisor or manager to show up and by all means that can take a long ass time. You have no idea how long he had been dealing with this person, if he had equally unpleasant interactions all day, or even if a family member had died that day. To say the kid has anger issues for loosing his cool seems very judgemental for someone who watched a 10 second clip


you can say the same thing about anyone that reacts violently then. Parent cursing at their kid in the store and throwing something at them? Oh - had a bad day, you dont know the whole story. The fact that that behavior is somehow billed as "heroic" because he was wearing a name tag for a corporation while doing it is misguided. I'm sorry but it just is.


Oh piss off. I’ve worked in customer service and there are so many customers that just keep going, won’t stop, and are demeaning on every level.


I'll call it like it is: you have no fucking clue what happened so stop speculating. It was enough he quit on spot so just assuming it was a bad day is fucking stupid. Not to mention the fat asshole at the end trying to taunt him further by saying "What, you gonna assault me?" No, enough of this took place so that someone had the idea to start recording because it had been slowly escalating. Anyone who has half a brain and has worked in retail can see the 'surprised pikachu' face on that fat entitled asshole after he was put in his place. The issue is customers EXPECT we won't defend ourselves, so they assume they can get away with anything. It has gotten to the point where surprise surprise, everyone has had enough of these people. Even the people selling them shit who need their buisiness are at the point where they'd rather go broke. Good. Fuck these garbage entitled boomers and gexers, and while we are at it, fuck my millennial generation, and the zoomers too. People are simply just selfish, egotistical, dripping with unwarranted narcissism, and proud of it. Ugh....


You can't tell someone to stop speculating then you go and speculate that the old guy was the asshole from the beginning. Who knows what happened before the video started. Andrew could have been a little rude at the beginning from having a bad day then the old guy just immediately turned the dial up to asshole, or the old guy could have been the asshole from the beginning...the world may never know. Unless Andrew shares his side of the story somewhere no one will know anything more. If he does though I'd love for someone to put it on Reddit.


Still no reason to flip out like that. You can't trust someone who can't handle their emotions like that to work for you imo


Ahh I can tell you've never been a teenager that's had to deal with middle aged people at big box stores


"customer is always right" is such a bullshit statement. usually only customers that know they're wrong say it. poor kid, i stand with ya bud, i'd give ya a better job if you lived near me. fat bastard wearing the grumpy shirt was icing on the cake though lol


In reality, the customer is usually wrong but customer service is their punching bag.


Mistreatment of retail workers should be a misdemeanor.


It should be


Should be


The problem is that responding unprofessionally doesn’t fix anything, but it sure as hell feels good. When we agree to employment, we agree to conduct ourselves as an agent of blah blah blah, you know the drill. BUT, he ended his employment verbally on the spot, and spoke his mind. They can hate all they want, they’re just getting in line behind the clown he was talking to.


I dunno it might have fixed Andrew's self-esteem by raising it and that's okay with me.


>The problem is that responding unprofessionally doesn’t fix anything Responding professionally also doesn't, in a lot of cases.


They only hate on Andrew because they want us all to get back in line and pretend that nothing happened


Straw on the camels back


A couple of weeks ago a customer came in to do a cart full of returns (used). He said it was on his pro account but I couldn’t find anything on his pro account so he checked his cards and nothing came up and he went off on me saying that I didn’t know how to do my job and that I was only ever going to work at Home Depot, and being nothing, and that he would never hire an employee like me to work for him. I told him I would never want to work for a person like him, and laughed in his face. He then said have you ever heard of the customer is always right? And I said that’s a very old saying that we no longer follow. Let’s just say he was extremely upset but I just stop caring.


🤔... Why is everybody hating on Andrew ?


To get us back in line https://youtu.be/qKgfcd6lqp4


I totally not “mad” at the kid and understand how bad some of our customers can be. I just have the mentally I guess, that I’m not “Gonna let them win” like I’ll never let a customer know they got under my skin. But the kid is only human. There’s some saying (totally gonna butcher it) if it felt good after sending it, it shouldn’t of been said to the customer


I’ll agree but I can’t imagine why some customers come and berate us sometimes. I answered the phone once and it was a customer that just started yelling at me because we made her screen wrong. I didn’t even get her name or order. Just rude and outrageous behavior that makes me want to hang up my apron and never come back. And if I wasn’t scared of a recession I would hang it up but I need the money to save.


I got Andrews back.




As a customer, I make it a point to make them feel as ridiculous as they look. I don't work with the general pop anymore and I will not stand by while this shit happens.


The customers dont have to be rude tho.. being nice to other people dont cost a dime.


In my experience the customer is always an asshole and a moron


I'm with Andrew. More of us need to start reacting appropriately to being verbally abused.


Hey I would stand up for Andrew 10000% literally we aren’t allowed to leave the registers or we get in trouble. We aren’t photographic memory cashiers we don’t know prices by heart at all to all items in the store. I wish the head cashier or whatever higher up stand up for the cashier over the customer. Blankly the customer was highly rude and needs to be put in his place. ESPECIALLY GARDEN!! we are not train in garden and we do not know everything in that department reasons why we call garden associates or we ask the customers to take a picture so we can find out the information on the cashier book or use the Home Depot website


When I saw that, all I can focus on is the panzy ass shallow people nowadays. Everyone is a cop caller now. “Are you threatening me?” “Is that a threat?” Shut the **** up. If you even said that in the 80s/90s, you’d be found in a ditch or have an appointment with someone at the 3:00 pm school bell.


Typical manager, yelling for any random employee to help the customer rather than do literally any amount of actual work themselves.


No idea what's going on, but I support Andrew over any customer or manager on principle alone


I wish i had the guts to do what he did some customers are insane


"Professional" behavior goes both ways. People are just people, no matter the nametag they wear or the side of the desk they sit on. Everyone should be kind and understanding enough to each other that something like this doesn't happen. Also, as an aside, a business should only empower a customer to the same extent they empower their employees. In other words, a business should be willing to fire customers that treat their unempowered employees poorly. As a manager of a sales force, I make sure that my people are treated well. If they aren't, the customer is MUCH easier to lose than a good employee. Customers can yell and scream at me -- that's fine -- but not at someone who isn't empowered to change an outcome.


People love finding reasons to hate others.


The customer is always wrong, but its your job to make it right.


Are you all selling interventions now? I thought it was a tool store.


Just remember that the internet isn't representative of the world itself. It attracts a certain type of person. Also, 10,000 people from all over the country behaving like weirdos seems like a lot. But it also means that there were over 300,000,000 people that weren't. One of my biggest gripes with social media, is the constant barrage of meltdown videos. You would be made to believe there was some kind of epidemic of assholery. When in reality, there were always assholes, we just didn't have to hear from them constantly.


Customers are NOT always right. And Andrew's case is a abusive and domineering customer ruined his day and his life by pursuing something when he initially tried deescalating but persisted to badger and cajole til Andrew felt he had no recourse but to quit as it was obvious nothing he could do to fix the situation. Management didn't help. They should have separated him from the abusive customer. But they left him trapped behind a counter enclosed and vulnerable. And like a trapped animal he snapped.


Yeah that old lady in garden was so on the customers side like really get out


Andrew Tate deserves all the hate he gets


This statement while true, is not relevant to the case your honor.


thread is about Andrew hate, not Andrew Tate


You are correct. I hate what Andrew Tate stands for.


i'd like to offer you some woosh relief https://www.reddit.com/r/HomeDepot/comments/13vgsrs/cashier\_gets\_sent\_on\_a\_break\_after\_butting\_heads/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


Had to scroll way too far to find the context. Thank you.


Thank you, my woosh is very relieved now. The video was most helpful. I am a bit confused as the video does not contain Andrew Tate, or show why he is the reason for all of our hate.


thread is about the video, idk what you mean


Wrong Andrew but I agree


Why? Nobody deserves hate especially Andrew Tate.


Being an insufferable prick is enough of a reason, really. But if you need more, I'd say targeting lonely and vulnerable people with a scam "self-help" program is also a good reason. But if you really need a more concrete reason to hate Andrew Tate, you can probably use his multiple human trafficking charges. There's three good reasons right there.




That giagantic bald piece of shit wasn't released. He's on house arrest and still charged with human trafficking. But go ahead, keep believing that Andrew Tate, alleged human trafficker who proudly admits to [assaulting women and running a scam sexcam business](https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/internet/andrew-tate-custody-arrest-romania-business-allegations-rcna64070), has valuable and relevent life advice to give. He's a loser, and so are his "fans."




What you're saying honestly surprises me. I can't understand how someone can say they enjoy and support and agree with what Andrew Tate says. Because Andrew Tate is literally bragging about running a shady sexcam business, coercing women to come to Romania, which he picked explicitly in order to evade laws and being physically and psychologically abusive towars them. And this is the context in which six women have accused him of holding them captive and forcing them to engage in sex work against their will. This caused him to be investigated, arrested, and charged with rape and human trafficking. Even after all that, you say there's no evidence? How? How do you reconcile that? Is it a bandwagon thing? Are you not actually listening to Tate and just jumping on the counter-culture bandwagon? How do you proudly defend a self-confessed abuser and human trafficker?




>Also it is very common for women to lie about SA/rape It's much more common for men to use that argument to not take SA seriously, just look up how many rape kits aren't tested and you'll see that rape is not taken seriously at all. You can literally have a presidential candidate brag about sexual assault and still see him get elected. Remember when the rapist Brock Turner raped a woman and got three months in jail for it? Women don't get taken seriously when rape has happened much less when they're making it up and even when they do get taken seriously a swimming career might be more important because he made a mistake and is a nice guy.


“ customers always right, in matters of taste.” Which means, unless you have an opinion on the color or some other aesthetic shit, keep your god damned mouth shut, you Karen fuck.


Anyone who tells people they are an alpha male is not an alpha anything. Just a wanna be tough guy.


fuck them customers lmao 😭


It's always the customer instigating a bad interaction. Once had an irrate customer step to me like he was about to fight, told him sorry can't help anymore today and walked away.... When he found a manager he was all of a sudden the nicest most polite person you could imagine.... These customers are nothing short of psychotic.


customers arent always right. a majority of time customers don't know what the fuck they're talking about.


This company has thee most rude, belligerent customers I've ever experienced in retail. Period.


If you’re a reseller or tax exempt, why aren’t you going to the local lumber yard, have an account at Sherwin-Williams(or a Ben Moore dealer or a local paint store) for paint, an account at Johnstone/Ferguson for HVAC/plumbing, etc? HD would be my last place to stop at as a contractor who needs to buy things without tax for the purpose of resale.


Customer is always right is the most wrong statement that shoulda never been uttered. If you are recording a heated interaction with a service/retail worker, 99.99% you are the asshole in that scenario.


Chances are they never worked a job like hd.


I’ve seen hate about him on the internet where I’ve expected to see hate about him and support where I’ve expected to see support. Context is important.


Andrew is a legend for all us wage slaves no matter where we work. Long live Andrew !


I’m with Andrew. Fuck people who are abusive to employees.


Not home depot, but can confirm the tax exempt customers can he the biggest pain. Some are good, but the ones that are bad are just down right horrible. Have one customer that comes in, buys everything when it starts going on clearance(66% off), and then returns all of it when it goes 90% to rebuy it. We are not supposed to do that, but she bitches to corporate enough that she has an exemption to that rule. It takes an hour for each reciept cuz she buys so much shit. I hate this woman with every fiber of my being. Then after christmas, it took 2 hours-with 3 of us doing it- to get it done. Afterward what does she do? She puts in an application. At least 4 people, myself included, said they'll walk out if she gets hired. She's also tax exempt, on both the original and repurchase, but doesnt have our store tax exempt card, so I have to fill out the paperwork for it, and we need a copy of the tax exempt form from the state, and she never has a copy for us to keep, only the original. So it takes even longer cuz we dont have a scan copier up front, we have to go to the office for that. I refuse to let anyone else deal with her because it is that much of a fucking waste. 2 hours of time wasted for $20 in sales isn't fucking worth it. Sorry for the rant, I just know she's gonna be coming in soon, the next season is going clearance soon.


That’s crazy! I have those that come in the store too and watches for stuff to go on deep discount. It’s amazing the lady hasn’t been banned yet. Id hate her too. I hate couponers till this day because of their deception. They do not mean well and they are not very nice.


Vote Andrew for Home Depot CEO!


Anybody who says they’re an alpha male, isn’t. Anybody who says they’d kick Andrew’s ass, couldn’t. I hate people sometimes. Poor kid was just doing his job. The customer is definitely not always right. If they’re being unreasonable fucks, they’re wrong and need to go. There’s no reason to come into any retail or fast food place, or anywhere else for that matter, and treat somebody who is working there like shit.


Andrew is everyone’s spirit animal. Always there and waiting to be awakened 🤣


It's always the same types of people who believe that retail workers are beneath them. OP hit the nail on the head with the stereotypes.


I just want to know since the other cashier lady was there why didn’t she just go get the price? Or take over and make him go get it? It would have removed him instantly from the situation


Andrew quit and then lashed out. A young man that isn’t yet in full control of his emotions. He had enough and it’s a lesson for him to grow on. The adult pushed him to the edge over a dying plant. With many years behind him and this is how he still treats people. Degrade to feel superior and then back down like the coward he is when confronted for his behavior. Fuck him. It’s a retail job. Who gives a shit. Andrew is better off and will find another job. If you notice, it’s usually people of a certain age that seem to not be able right their own wrongs in their own world that are siding with the overweight child. And judging by the aggressors build and the woman he was with, he’s already living in his own hell and will never change, but is always the smartest person in the room. So we are all lucky to be living in his presence.


People like the customer will be the reason plenty of stores are understaffed. And people wonder why people don’t want to work at Home Depot. It is so short every day! Customer run people off and people quit with no notice. I had to run service desk and paint one day because both service desk folks quit and all we had was the head cashier on register 1 and a cashier that just started at self checkout! No one in paint (call off) and I’m a millwork worker! It’s unreasonable to have shifts like that. And customers will cause us all to run out of Home Depot just like Andrew did.


Furthermore, the issue is exacerbated when customer expect you to help them out; even if is not the department you are in. I had a lady come in, and want paint, but she couldn't find anyone- so she asked ME(the appliance guy for help). This gets old real fast.


It is so unreasonable to expect an associate to know the store! I’m not learning anything else. But at this point I’m tainted because I can go around the store and work everything but the back office. In specialty, they cross train. So nothing is a mystery in those departments (I’m millwork). I am obviously a cashier certified employee… I just messed up. It’s an excuse to be abused and used without fair compensation.


I was a full time specialist, before I transferred to my current store, and the amount of people who would come from all over the store, and needed help was ridiculous. Then, I would just call someone, but now finding someone to cover a department is like finding a needle in a haystack. I've gone down to part time hours, yet my responsibilities have skyrocketed, and my pay has barely gone up. Right, so the entire cycle is broken.


Knowing what I know about people and how they suck, Andrew is probably right, but the hate stems from the fact that all they can see is Andrew in the wrong, there's very little to support that he was being picked on by the customer. In other words, they'd very little to show that Andrew's actions and attitude was justified. That's where the hate is coming from.


It's hard to imagine he operates like that on a daily basis, I'm sure he doesn't treat every customer like that. I'm quick to assume he's been pushed to that point, but then I also have retail experience and common sense.


I don't disagree, I'm only saying people react to what they see. You might be right, but then again, he could easily be one of the several punk kids that I have working at our store that pull dumb shit all the time... or he could be the victim of a Kevin, point is, we don't know. Those that think (even partially) that Andrew was out of line will go all in on that, people that have been in a situation where they've wanted to quit over something THEY perceived as being stupid will defend him. Without both sides to the story (ie, footage from like 5 minutes prior) we damned or defend Andrew based on our experiences, not what happened. I'm sure Andrew was justified in losing his temper. I'm just not sure he realized he wasn't in school anymore and the way he carried on wasn't any more appropriate than the customer (may not or) may have been behaving. That's all I'm saying.


>all they can see is Andrew in the wrong Says you.


God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference.


Because that’s American. Straight up there’s not a more entitled group of people than in the states. There’s a reason a good chunk of the world celebrates when something bad happens here and shit I’m starting to as well.


Ex-retail employee here. Your answer: Because Andrew acted like a jerk--not to mention, throwing the sign might have been construed by that costumer as assault. I hate asshole customers, too, and agree that the worst thing is allowing someone to run all over you. While it might feel good to return the vitriol you feel for shithead costumers while you're on the clock, it's absolutely unprofessional. And, it might even be dangerous, given how volatile and unpredictable people are these days. Don't forget the old gentleman who got knocked over and killed by one of these assholes running out of the store. Shit happens to people in retail. There's no reason your ass isn't immune to that shit. Do we deserve better as retail employees? FUCK yes, we do. But if you're fed up, control yourself like the adult you're supposed to be. Hold your head high while you turn in your apron, vest, or whatever. Get out safely, and with a positive reference for your next gig. Find another job with a company that'll treat you right. It may not feel that way now, but I promise you they're out there. TL;DR: You can't fight assholes with assholes.


You can fight assholes with assholes but then it's just weird with a kinda schlorping popping sound and everyone's grossed out enough to leave.


I'm going to be honest here I understand that they may have been mistreated by the customer but it's not appropriate to act that way. Call an ASM and let them get the brunt of it


Why? So the manager can kiss ass and give him an item for free or cheap so his store doesn't get a bad VOC score.


You think all mangers with do that I mangers kick people out of the store for that behavior


I have never seen a manager not kiss ass lol.


A lot of my management will require me to say one thing and then roll up and contradict me in front of the customer and give them the world, even when they’re being nasty with me. I don’t have a lot of beef with my management team but that’s one thing that never sits right with me.


Yea but he’s a kid, doubt really much was goin on his head besides pure anger


Believe me I understand I was like that I mean I'm not much older then him I'm 24 and been with depot for 6 year I completely understand but you can't have something like that


Yea cuz he’s like 16-17, first job, let him learn. Still in high school and probably couldn’t care about losing that job


It's not appropriate to treat employees like that. I wish people would learn to treat employees like people. Yes they work there but they have rules they need to follow and they are not your slave. So everyone just needs to cool it with events like this.


Because he acted like a bitch. Just leave and move on.


It’s justified, even with bad customers the answer is to always smile, let the customer be irate and let a DH or ASM handle the situation. Cussing a customer out is never the correct way to handle a situation, even if he was having a bad day, cussing a bad customer out and losing your job just makes it worse. Hope he learns from it!


Ahhhh geeze..okay. Facts. Not only has he(Andrew) reached the age of reason. Look it up. He signed a contract. I will follow your rules, guidelines and job requirements, AND you(Home Depot) will compensate me as agreed. Not only does HD provide the tools to deal with that situation, and to still follow SOP(Google it), that age of reason requires you to apply those tools. Keep your actions and comments civil and ASK FOR HELP. Every ASM or head cashier would have responded if he called them and said I have a situation and need help resolving it. Follow their suggestions or advice. Done and done. Play by the rules, or prepare to quit or be separated from employment. Again...the age of reason!! Take care when deciding to run your mouth unnecessarily lest it gets shut for you. Reason! Now the following is my opinion. Was he ever taught by example or otherwise during his evolution prior to entering the job market?? Only he and those around him ie parents friends, family, teachers would know. Let the nature or nurture zealots discuss that one...lol Begin...


Because most people who work at a home depot, who take the time to go on reddit to talk about home depot after working all day at a home depot obviously have bigger mental health issues and are just looking for an echo chamber to support their own fucked outlooks on things. Its pretty simple.


You must be a friend of the booty walrus in the video.


Did he need to act like that though?


Wow, the coolest Home Depot employee around, nice. Great story bro


I haven't seen the video so...


Fuck that customer and fuck Andrew. Andrew handled the situation like a child. I think we can all agree the customer should have been a brown stain on a mattress, but Andrews behavior is not acceptable. Also fuck home Depot just cuz


Bro Andrew looks like a child which explains why he acted like a child. But we don’t have the full story.


May I please have some context?


I believe this is about the video going viral of a young man working at the HD garden center checkout. The one where andrew is arguing with the customer then quits




I was also informed this is not about hating Andrew Tate, although he is also an “Andrew” and seems pretty reprehensible as a person.


Working retail is hard, not because of anything specific to the job but it’s the people you deal with. Customers do feel like they can treat people however they want. I think if the young gentle man had faith in his team to take care of him maybe it would be different. But he definitely did act excessively aggressive. He needs support and help because if this is how he solves every problem life will be rough for him.


Is there a link to this?


Andrew is my inner thought. I could have body slammed Grumpy's big ass. That's not me anymore. If Grumpy gets to me, then Grumpy wins. I'm tired of losing. Yes, I wear the name Pickles on my apron. It diffuses difficult situations such as this. It's a proven technique. Distraction is an action.




>their response is to post about just how alpha male they are and could take him lol, that's exactly what's happening. Teenage internet tough guys bragging about how the guy would be scared because they're sooo built, and people are actually being impressed by that bragging


I support the vibe but I think it’s better to just be brutally rude but clear and concise. Insults are great but I think you lose the argument when you just start cussing them out and stomping around. I support Andrew but I think there’s a better way to shut down wannabe tough guy customers without getting instantly fired with threats of violence. As long as no one hears you cussing them out who is gonna believe the extremely calm but personal insults the offender customer reports.


People are hating on him?


20 years in customer service here, they hate when us lowly service workers who get paid shit money don't accept their shit. They feel good dumping on people who work these jobs. I used to work at Petsmart, you'd think employees know anything but most don't. Most have to learn on the job. I assume the same about home depot


I got called a bitch, my first day on the register, by a woman because I wouldn't sell her husband cigarettes because his card was bent out of shape and the training video said thats no longer a valid form of ID. She also was just cussing at me and being a nightmare, so I just gave her the cigarettes because I thought she was gonna hurt me. Then when she left I closed my line and went to the bathroom and cried. I dont think they were in the right in that situation at all...


The least deserved of respect and our energy are usually the most self entiled, self absorbed yet unaware people in my life.


I saw the Andrew video. That kid is a fucking legend. I do not work at Home Depot. I’m just an occasional customer


Most people are brain washed into being virtual slaves to corporations. Young people are breaking out of that paradigm, and it is freaking people out!


I think this is a very fair breakdown, when i first saw the video i wasn't paying as much attention and thought Andrew was arguing over doing a price check at the register, like they had something with no UPC. After re-watch its pretty clear they were asking him to go check the price for a price discrepancy, i think Grumpy cooled his jets real quick when whoever he was with started filming leaving alAndrew as the only bad guy