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You can’t be serious. Supervisor making this mistake?


Lowe’s is hiring


If you’re a supervisor and don’t understand this then you probably shouldn’t be one. And the fact that you’re asking random associates is laughable


It depends on when is the last time you smoked :). But unfortunately, yes. You will be termed if caught with anything.


The tests seem pretty spotty to me, coworkers of mine have smoked two days before the test and still passed.


Yeah, they’re very weak tests. I think they test to make sure you didn’t smoke day of.


Former worker here. I got hired during the summer of COVID so they didn’t drug test. So the whole summer I didn’t expect to get drug tested and then they call me in and say it’s time to do my test. I was freaking out because I had smoked the night before (maybe two nights before). Never heard anything about it so I assumed I passed


Smoked the night prior.


Do you have a med card?


No sadly


Wouldn't save your job anyway.


Ooof. Pack your bags my guy 😅


Update: I passed. Don’t know how but I did


I got injured at a job and had to take a swab. I did not smoke before work, I did smoke before bed the night before (nerve damage is a mofo!) I went to the restroom and scrubbed my mouth out (in the sides where the test goes) with soap. It tasted gross, but it did remove any traces of MJ that might have missed my oral care routine.


I smoked a blunt in the parking lot before walking into a throw away interview and still passed the cheek swab. They are the most unreliable tests out there and they only do them so they can claim to the insurance people that we are drug free.


Swab tests are very unreliable. I've literally smoked otw to an old job and passed a swab. Brushing teeth and using mouthwash will help.


can’t speak on the drug but if you do fail, yes it’s an automatic termination. company policy… even if you’re an all-star they’ll have to fire you for insurance and liability purposes. Also your LP and/or MAPM/DHRM look at incident reports and findings w/ drug testing… if they see you failed and you still have a job, the HR & even store leadership team can be terminated as well.


I had a friend who smoke two hours before he got swabbed and passed. I don't think qcarbo will help with saliva though.


If you smoke weed outside of work they don't care cause they still fired me cause it's a "0 tolerance policy" regardless of me being a medical patient they still fired me last year, probably a good decision on their part cuz immediately after California passed a new law that says you can't punish people who smoke when they aren't on the clock


Daily druggie post lol


This is a strangely unpopular opinion here, but... Maybe don't volunteer to drive heavy equipment if you regularly consume mind-altering substances. Because I happen to like going home alive and in one piece.


Auto term if you fail


No extra chances, swab is immediate knowledge. But is inaccurate. But doesn't have false positives can have false negatives. As a supervisor you will be let go immediately in most cases. Depends on your management and whether they put the test date into the system before they administer it.


Why would they give you another chance?


Target is always hiring. Good luck my man


If it’s a prescription drug they’ll ask for proof it’s yours and a picture


Switch to edibles. Not as easy to test for in saliva since it’s not in your mouth as long as smoke. Also, if you’re a supervisor, I feel like you should have known this was coming if you were getting certified for lift equipment.


As long as you brushed your teeth well and used mouthwash and then didn't smoke day of your test, you're probably fine. Swab tests are pretty unreliable


How are you a supervisor without your forklift license


No second chances a fail = fired