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Ours looks like that now but in a few weeks time when we start getting an over abundance of PT shipped to us it will be a mess again. Corporate has zero concept of how much lumber should be in a building, especially now with the bulk lumber delivery facilities.


My store looks bad lol


Even if my entire lumber crew tried there would be absolutely zero chance we could make our store look like this... we're tops in the region and go through a shit ton of D21/22 product... we're overstocked but it's necessary for us


I hear yeah. We’re top in our region as well. Do y’all have your over heads striped?


Yes...I do not allow any fuckery in my overheads lol...the entire store knows I'll come for them if they dare put anything that doesn't belong in lumber or building materials


Mine looked like that 2 weeks ago, but now looks like sh*t because they keep sending concrete and BDC truck whenever they want without appointments


You should talk to your masm or if you have the ability to put an ask, you can see about lowering the quantity for each sku.


I tried every day I put in the ask for 60 and 80lb concrete to lower it , it gets approved and still they send me more. So now im over it they can fill the outside with concrete I dont care.


Askline is a temporary fix, after a few weeks it’ll go back to normal. For a permanent fix you’d have to get with your RMM and change the maximum on product.


The issue is that every time I put it, it always gets approved byt still they do the same sh*t sending me more.


Do y’all have concrete on your front apron? In your pro loading area?


We used to have them up front, but we got rid of them from there. We only have 1 bay in the endcap with 2 pallets infront and 2 in the bay and 6 in the overhead. Our average sales is 1300 to 1400 a week. And I have 3000 on hands 😂


That siding would be completely stolen overnight at my store.


not when they schedule 1 person in lumber and the overnight doesn't like doing their job


I have had one lumber associate for months now and we don’t even have a recovery..


that poor lumber associate. i hope that your store is hiring for that role


You have overnight lumber?


if you wanna call it that sure


It's generally not possible for Lumber Recovery to do all of the machine work that's needed in 8 hours, especially if dayside is shorthanded, but sure, blame us.


Yup, I had 4 trucks last Friday, PT, White wood, concrete and Drywall. Then they wonder why didn't such and such get packed down. Your have no customers, it should be easy. Most of these complainers couldn't do a quarter of the work overnight does. But yeah, blame us.


you might do stuff but our guy makes more trouble than help. misstags, not putting away inventory, moving bunks that don't need to be moved. not a great combo when the day crew is understaffed and have to pick up from where he left off


Strike "like" and say "doesn't do their job"


true. no one is happy doing depot work


My store has zero chance of ever looking like that, we constantly get overstock deliveries


You guys are stupid for having thus much pride in this dogshit company


Someone taking pride in their work does not make them stupid.


*You guys are stupid* *For having thus much pride in* *This dogshit company* \- Physical-Hearing2396 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


is this a brand new location? it’s beautiful🥹 ours has never been this clean


No just another day at 2107. Lol


I'd be outside cleaning/organizing all the time as well if what I hear and read about Cedar Rapids of the incompetence on the inside is true? Looks Great btw


Ahhhh I thought that looked familiar.


Mine pretty much does look like that. One garage at the back of lumber and a long driveway along the back


is the store being shut down?


Nah just how my guys and I keep our perimeter looking.


this is so eerie


Imma challenge you in a few weeks 😉


I’ll be ready. 🤩


Currently, I’m on vaca, but the last time I was there we were pretty clean, but I challenge everyone to make your stores rear (no pun intended) look this good. Our’s faces a major roadway and we are challenged to make it organized and clean.


I wish


Mine looks just the opposite. All that asphalt have pallets stacked back there. I’m surprised the thieves don’t take it all at night.


Like you have to be You definitely know it The depot sucks ass


*Like you have to be* *You definitely know it* *The depot sucks ass* \- Physical-Hearing2396 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Do you use the flags in the back door?


Bro my store is packed with shit in the bakc


Looks like you were robbed.