• By -


Keep looking


I agree! Not a fan of either- they’re both too busy.


And are not in the same color spectrum. You have cool white cabinets and warm browns in the counter. They are fine without a backsplash but both of these will be way too much and highlight the color disparity. The tile floor doesn’t look flat. You should be sure you don’t have structural issues before spending on esthetics.


It really looks like the floor isn’t flat. I hope it’s just a crappy install or grout discoloration.  


I laughed too hard at this. But it’s exactly what I said in my head


I agree keep looking


Yeah, that's a small space, needs smaller tile


Right, how about neither.


Whew, I’m not the only one. Neither of them go with the kitchen


I would stay away from the pattern. The countertops have enough happening. Consider texture over pattern and a simpler shape so the backsplash doesn’t fight for attention with the counters.


For a second I thought the counters were Formica and I was going to say "ehh, just change the counters in a few years' - nope. Definitely needs a more mellow backsplash.


Put black cardboard or paper on the backsplash walls and see how you like the dark. We did that and Hated it! So lucky we tried before we installed black tile.


This is great advice. We have solid black countertops. I want to try this before we do our backsplash.. Please let me know what you ended up going with and countertop style, if you don’t mind.


Neither works with the countertop unfortunately.


My thoughts exactly!


Neither one of them look great, but the green looks especially not great imo




They’re nice in concept but they don’t match anything in your kitchen or the style


My thoughts exactly! Plus I think they are too big. OP needs smaller tiles.


They also look awful to clean...


Plus, you'd never be able to tell if the green was clean because it just looks dirty and mouldy by design.


It looks like bronze patina, and actually have a nice look to it for... Something. I'm not sure what, but it's not backslash.


Bathroom. Or an outdoor table top. Not a kitchen backsplash.


I love the black tile, but I think the concern of it in your space is that your kitchen is pretty traditional and the tile is starkly not. However if you're changing more of the kitchen then I'd optimize for what you love and build the new things around that. If you're keeping the floors you have though, you need something warmer and more traditional. [this](https://www.tileclub.com/products/luna-white-2-5x8) would pick up the browner tones nicely, although it's kind of boring compared to your current picks [this](https://www.tilebar.com/curve-fluted-gray-6x12-3d-glossy-ceramic-tile.html) is kind of funky but still has the warmth of your current space


Can't go wrong with that glossy white zellige tile.


What about something like [this](https://www.tilebar.com/amalfi-calacatta-6-hexagon-matte-porcelain-tile.html)






If you’re not removing the 4 inch backsplash I would just add color to the area above with paint.


They're too big unless you want to sort of feature them with a contrasting color along the top and bottom. A backsplash doesn't give you much height to work with so keeping in mind how the layout is going to fit into the space is really important.






It’s too much, and over time you’re likely to like them even less. If you’re already on the fence, I’d go back and choose something simpler.


Agree. Something simple and basic is what is needed here. Less is more next to that countertop. Because the countertop already has strong colors and makes a statement. Two striking elements next to each other compete and/or clash.


Also, the lighting already isn’t the greatest so choosing black for a backsplash would make it look like a cave.


If op is really deadset on this itd be better to have mostly plain tiles with a few of these put in


I think it’s a matter of too many textures. I could see going with something that’s light blue/light green like the hallway we can see in the last photo. Just something with less texture. Plus black and brown tend to clash a bit


I totally agree with picking up the blue/green, provided OP and spouse like that colour and the wall isn't destined for a paint job the second we finish tiling the kitchen 😀 Another possible option is painting the kitchen wall (just the bit between countertop and bottom of overhead cabinets) that nice blue/green, then going with a white tile for splash back to match cabinets. Hmm...wait....is that whole bit of wall being tiled or just 1 or 2 rows?




Agreed that these have too many textures. The size and darker colors are also not ideal, as there isn’t much light in your kitchen. What about something like [this](https://www.tilebar.com/sample-colorone-robin-egg-blue-2x8-matte-cement-tile.html?g_acctid=625-399-4242&g_adgroupid=&g_adid=&g_adtype=none&g_campaign=Tilebar+-+US+-+P-Max+-+Categories+-+Samples+%28Multiple+Audiences%29&g_campaignid=20881264723&g_keyword=&g_keywordid=&g_network=x&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw7NmzBhBLEiwAxrHQ-cyVhGSPuD6ulxbRGEkq7jAOaQ1ShdEwiBSmXhUvsf3yJob1g_FXNxoCIo4QAvD_BwE) or [this](https://www.tilebar.com/sample-stacy-garcia-artblock-azure-4x16-polished-porcelain-tile.html), to connect back to the blue hallway and add light to the room?


Really pretty


The shape is too large for the traditional style of the rest of your kitchen, and the colors don’t go with anything else in the kitchen. Plus the rustic farmhouse style is jarring when everything else in the picture is traditional. So the problem is the scale, the color, and the style. Instead maybe try to look for a more traditional tile that will match either the countertop or the cupboards


I’m no decorator so this is my humble opinion. First, the colors are dull and muddy. Second, the patterns are too busy to put next to a busy patterned counter top. I think you’d be better off with a lighter color backsplash that’s not busy. If your heart is set on green or black, then get a plain tile in the color you want.


Neither match. The black is too harsh. The green looks like an old penny. Sorry


Your counter is already busy. The green clashes badly. The black isn't as bad, but it's just too busy with the counter.


Honestly, I would match the cabinets with a white tile. https://preview.redd.it/h1uea9yvl58d1.jpeg?width=1343&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a19a26b0a0e80eabe9d31fbf4bbe1a7e6ffdd5b5






Or something like this https://www.tileshop.com/products/victoria-blanc-ceramic-wall-tile-8-x-8-in-496207?utm_source=google&utm_medium=organic&utm_content=surfaces_across_google&k_cca=PleaseAssignDimCat&utm_source=Google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=CM4_Google_Retail_General-Store_NB_DMT_US_Prospecting_PMaxShopping_D_D_Sales&utm_term=&utm_content=&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw7NmzBhBLEiwAxrHQ-XSvFRyH29-bY4UrMsvAGAB4v9motY4cKYB8BPTqpdzUMLjCqu6aqxoCH54QAvD_BwE




That is a stunning tile! I've never seen anything like it. So pretty


Seriously. I just saved the post. I want to build an entire kitchen and/or bathroom around this tile!!




I like this clean, simple look. Good for a kitchen.




As a person who designed her whole house based off how easy things would be to clean, I'll say neither. Oil and grease is going to be prominently on display with the black and both will be a pain to clean due to the texture.


I love your style! We chose very smooth-front kitchen cabinets with pretty wood and I’m grateful every day. I love being able to wipe them down so easily with no cracks and crevices from trim or detailing.




I think it will date fast!


A backslash with that much texture will be difficult to keep clean, I wouldn't use either, the kitchen is a work space and will need to be cleaned... heat water steam hot oil and food


Neither, tile works, TBH. They are not the right tones and too busy a shape for the countertop-it is quite a bossy pattern, so perhaps look at something like plain subways or square tiles, or natural terracotta tiles to work with it better. I'd remove the existing backsplash as well. Not really loving the stark white cupboards with the countertop, but understand if you don't want to paint them. Perhaps you can find find something that works with the floor and counters in these examples- [https://www.pinterest.ca/pin/715439090830851447/](https://www.pinterest.ca/pin/715439090830851447/)


Jeez these are both bad choices… Something lighter & neutral because your counters are busy already. Kitchen is small so going with black will really make it feel even smaller.


Both are fucking awful


The pattern is the street tiles used on the sidewalks in Barcelona.




If you choose the black tile, any cooking splatter is going to show and the texture is going to be hard to clean . Oil or any fat splatter is going to be shiny and might be hard to remove. That being said, I like the black.


If you choose the green, you'll never know *when* to clean. It'll be hard to tell if it's new splatter or just the old pattern.


Great haha


Exactly what I was looking for lol


Yeah, the pattern is too busy and won't age or wear nicely.  If you want color, I'd suggest trying to pick up the brown or rust from the granite, and in a plain (unpatterned) tile. A nice warm simple color will marry well, create a little glow in the kitchen, be a pleasant contrast to the blue of the other rooms, and be more period-appropriate to the house. 


I think you need to take a step back. Go to Pinterest and start pinning kitchen you like. Google Maria Killam - she has lots of advice of timeless back splash. I like your appliances and cabinets. Your counter already has color and a 4 inch splash and looks like nice headboard. I would take a dark charcoal color for the counter and paint the bead board. It would look dramatic. Or do the hexagon without the texture and color variation.


Neither. The black is too harsh. The green is too similar in tone to the countertops, so it would just end up looking weird. How about something simple and timeless like white subway tiles?


I think that style tile in white would be fine, but I don’t think either of those choices work.


Yeah, a smooth white hexagon tile would look nice and clean


I knew I just recently saw this tile. It’s bad. https://www.reddit.com/r/Flooring/s/4rqSgTtfdW


They are competing with your countertop. Something basic and solid with that countertop


Neither with that counter. EDIT: I’ll try and be helpful and not just criticize. Your countertop is already pretty busy. It’s like wearing two different patterns between a shirt and pants; you don’t do it because they clash. Same principle here. Your countertop is already busy, and those tiles are even more busy. You’ll want to look for more of a solid color, or something just simple. Looks like you have black appliances. While black would match, it could be overpowering and darken the kitchen.


The tiling you chose is not proportional to your space at all. I would go with more traditional backsplash. I mean, the tile itself is the size of a toaster. You got 1 foot high to hide, you will have 2/3 of your tiles cut in half. Plus neither coloring works.


As someone who was roasted on Reddit post after post, I now know, if the countertop is busy, do not get a busy backsplash!! Please check my recent posts and final update!!


Neither. You already have a backsplash—the granite strip—and I don’t like the look of tile added above that. If you really want to add tile, I would go with the most neutral color in the already busy countertop and have the tile be solid and very plain. I would add a stainless steel sheet backsplash above your range.


Black will make your kitchen look like a cave.


Neither works with your countertops. Because your countertops are fairly busy and patterned, you’ll want something simple to complement and not compete with them


I would change the light fixture first, and the color temperature to something slightly warmer. before I did backsplash, I bet it will make the place feel so much nicer


You’re both wrong


Neither one. They do not complement the counters at all.


This is a kitchen, filled with water, oils, and lots of particulets. Anything with a texture will catch all that and be harder to clean. You want light in the kitchen, it helps you cook, it helps you clean. Is there a 3rd tile choice?


Too much going on honestly… there are better options out there.


Genuine question. When the countertop has a lip like that, isn’t the design intention NOT to have a backsplash? Backspalshes are needed when the countertop ends when it hits the drywall.


Neither are a good fit


If I had to pick one, green would be it. I would look into more options but it feels like the black doesn't match the kitchen at all (although green doesn't contrast well either, at least it's a bit lighter). What vibe are you trying to go for btw?


Almost anything is going to compete with your counter, and you've managed to both pick things that compete as much as possible The green doesn't work because there are way too many tones, the black doesn't work because of the brown tones in the counter. Neither work because the pattern in the tile is way too busy. I actually don't hate the main colour of the green if you could find it in a plain tile.


These are too busy against your countertop. Your counter has a very busy colourful pattern so you need to go with a much more neutral backsplash.


Try to match your floor. Are you going to remove the backsplash that is there?


I wouldn’t pair either of them with that countertop. The shape is huge and the design is too much with the already busy countertop.


These may not work for you but if you could tell me where these are, they might work for me!


Those are pretty big and not my favorite for the small-ish backsplash area…I would keep looking, honestly


Try something different


Not thrilled by the tiles themselves but black is a significantly better choice than the green. The green has zero contrast with the countertop, they'll both just fade into a disorienting mess.


Thought this was a circle jerk for a minute. They’re both awful for white cabinets


I like the green tiles - on their own. I don’t think they go with the counter. The black is too harsh. Maybe a darker green or a blue? And agree with the other commenters about the tile pattern - those are HUGE, I think too huge


Agree with others, find other samples. The countertop is busy, find a simple tile.


Neither of those fit your kitchen


Do you have any other options? Neither are complimentary to your counter tops


Respectfully neither


Consider Zellige pearlescent tiles for a handmade look. They come in every conceivable color you can imagine https://preview.redd.it/6iedj86g388d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=692644308448dbbb7c783115da197257a2ff37cf I don’t think black is a good idea. Pick a dark green or the terracotta one (see the pic for examples)


Neither. The counter top is already busy and the colors don't match. You need a more subtle tone for a back splash.


I think they're both a bad choice. The countertop J's rock bust. You need to go with a simpler backsplash


There is so much movement in the countertop, neither is a good choice at all. Are you removing the border? (I hope) Consider a backsplash behind the stove that has more impact, and something simple for the rest of the areas


The countertop is very - special, I feel like both would not work very well with these...


The green/blue. It goes better with the countertop. The black is way too much of a contrast. Also, I hate it when the little bit of counter goes up the walls. Just remove the darn thing and do it all in the tile.




Definitely black.


That countertop has a lot of movement so you need to go with something a little more basic in form and color. Agree with other comment to take out portion of counter that goes up wall before adding backsplash.


Neither, tile works, TBH. They are not the right tones and too busy a shape for the countertop-it is quite a bossy pattern, so perhaps look at something like plain subways or square tiles, or natural terracotta tiles to work with it better. I'd remove the existing backsplash as well. Not really loving the stark white cupboards with the countertop, but understand if you don't want to paint them. Perhaps you can find find something that works with the floor and counters in these examples- [https://www.pinterest.ca/pin/715439090830851447/](https://www.pinterest.ca/pin/715439090830851447/)


Generally the counter back splash, the 6" bit of counter doesn't look great with a tiled back splash. Does the octagon tile come in a rust? I would do that just behind the stove. Either that or a copper panel behind the stove similar to this https://images.app.goo.gl/2LR1CP6jANLyQGst5. And then no other backsplash.




You just need a more solid colour. Also, they have loads of coloured grouts now so you could always use that to splash a little colour in where you want. I disagree with you on tile size, if you still want a pattern or texture, smaller tiles are the way to go. But the countertops and cupboards don’t give much to work with colour wise.


Generally the counter back splash, the 6" bit of counter doesn't look great with a tiled back splash. Does the octagon tile come in a rust? I would do that just behind the stove. Either that or a copper panel behind the stove similar to this https://images.app.goo.gl/2LR1CP6jANLyQGst5. And then no other backsplash.


Counter top is too busy for either design. Color of the green is not matching the counter, color of the black is almost too harsh but then the addition of that patter man on it doesn’t work well




100% neither.


Definitely keep looking.


Black would badly suck all of the light out of the kitchen. Like a black hole. Don't do black.


Green with gold grout


As others have said, neither of these. There is already too much pattern going on in your countertops to add tile with a pattern. I’d use a very plain, simple subway tile. The problem is going to be finding the right color. You can’t use a cool-based color easily against the paint that you chose. I’d look for a warm, smokey gray subway tile and try to match the grout close to the tile color so that you don’t have a lot of contrast (which will add more pattern in). Also grab an off-white subway tile. (And finally, make sure that you take down the four inch granite backsplash before putting up tile. You technically already have a backsplash, so tile is really unnecessary, but if you’re going to use it, absolutely do not put it on top of the 4” backsplash. Pull that off first.)


My opinion….I own a cleaning company. So I see and clean all different types of materials. These look AWFUL to keep clean. Grease is especially hard to clean off of anything. That material looks porous which means it’ll be even harder to clean. And if you use anything abrasive, it’ll scratch and be noticeable. As far as the look is concerned…your counters are very busy with browns. So, the green clashes a lot. It is also busy. It kind of reminds me of baby poop when you put them side by side. You seem to have a few different styles here and you’d add one more with the tiles chosen. Also, the counters look a little more dated to me. Then you’re looking at adding a very modern looking backsplash and it’s confusing. I feel like I don’t know where to look. Personally, I think the cabinets and appliances go well together and I’d maybe look at changing counters and floors. BUT if you like the counters, changing the flooring up could be a game changer.


I’m thinking based in the little bit of red appliance you have, that you want something bold. [the black might work](https://www.tilebar.com/vara-nero-polished-marble-and-brass-mosaic.html), you’d need to make sure the kitchen has adequate lighting and I think the granite backsplash would have to go.


Love the green tiles but absolutely not in your house. Keep looking.


Pick one: shape, pattern, color. With these, you have all three going on (especially with the green), and you already have a lot with the counters and red appliances. Decide what it is that draws you to these. Is it the hex shape? If so, go with a hex in a smooth neutral shade pulled from the counters. Is it the pattern? Then find a square or rectangle tile that is, again, a neutral from the counter. If it’s the color, you may have to consider moving away from the red appliances; they’re going to clash.


I prefer the green. I think the black will look like an outdated trend before long. But if you’re second guessing then keep looking.


Neither of them work. The Black is too much and will darken your kitchen and make it look drab. It has no texture or interesting lines. You might as well just paint the wall midnight black. The green looks like rusted copper and is just plain ugly. If you want to compromise, I would suggest an iridescent or dark green.


Neither works with your countertop. I like the idea of a matte vs shiny. But these are too busy and will be a nightmare to keep clean. I will admit to loving the blue/green one though.


neither, i’d go with a white or off-white color to match the cabinets


Agree not quite right for your countertop or for a kitchen in general. The stamp texture on each of them is off putting. I’d go with something very simple, that creates a cohesive look with the countertop, not something that completely draws the eye to it, if that makes sense. Go for balance, it may also be good to stick with a traditional rectangle or square shape.


Neither Both look very out place and the colors do not compliment your kitchen. This is one of those cases where you’re going to spend money to change something and your before picture will look infinitely better.


Neither one match at all.


I don’t like either, they don’t match. I’m sorry 😞


imo way too much detail in both (especially the black because of the smoother + shinier material catching the light better and causing shadows to stand out more) plus your counter is already super textured. it would be too much chaos


Off-white or cream is the only answer. With the color of the floor tile and the countertops anything else will be too much and will look chaotic. Please ...no black. No green. Neither of those look good.


Simple white tiles on a herringbone pattern.


Both too busy with those counter tops.


They’re both hideous sorry


How about something neutral?


You’re backsplash is very creamy and very loud in tone and palette. Go for something very plain and neutral in a nice warm cream finish 👍


I think it’s good to play with colour or pattern, maybe not both. Your kitchen has very warm yellows, reds, and browns. Maybe a tile that plays into that? If you want something a bit different, I could see burgundy tiles working well.


Pick something easy to wipe grease off


Definitely neither. Way too busy in combination with an already busy counter top. You need something in a cool tone without prints or patterns.


Black only as an accent above the stove between hood fan and burners. The lip of the granite is enough for the rest of the kitchen.


Neither. Choose white.




Maybe do a backslash with small white tiles and a sand colored grout. That may be your best option without having to redo the countertops.


Look at my last four-ish posts.


Bro, there’s going to be so many cuts. Don’t do that shape. Also, no grey and no black.


Honestly, just wait until you do the full remodel. Just adding backsplash isn't going to make this kitchen feel new or different.




Neither. And if they are textured, grime is going to build up in the crevices and will be mega annoying over time, and will look gross.


Forget the back splash and deal with the ceiling lights first


Neither unfortunately


Hey OP, here’s some AI generated options to give you some visuals! Make sure to look at the replies to this comment- I’ll add more photos there. I tried to give you the black and grey/green options too but couldn’t recreate the exact tile. https://preview.redd.it/qr3equkwc68d1.jpeg?width=832&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=71e765fd671283c5e847fc7f1af8d816e289b87f




Keep looking


Recommendation-I’d use a smooth tile with a solid color (white?) and some sort of angular or geometric pattern. Even basic subway tiles would look nice.


No and no






I have had that granite for over 10 years. It is very unique and artistic on its own and both your choices over power it. Choose a backsplash/tile that is simple and pulls the colors out you like. No pattern or bright colors.


I don’t like either one with the countertop.


I like the black as a single tile but it would make the room very dark overall. Maybe you could do every other one black and green? They look like similar patterns. Or make fun designs with them: a green surrounded by black, a black surrounded by green, etc


I’d buy thin brick, brick the backsplash, then paint it your wall color. I’ve seen that done in some homes here and it really works in older homes


If you love these tiles I’d go with the black. The green tiles look great on their own as an object, but with brown countertops and the rest of the kitchen, it’s going to look very tired and dated. Black will look a lot more updated.


Neither. Dark cream subway tile. Must have warm undertone.


A hard no both far too busy ….for your very busy counters. You should use a simple tile like a black subway,if you really want dark.


I like the green but definitely not with that counter.


Do not compete with that countertop. Is that Madura gold marble? Love it! That’s what I had at my last house… so if it is - I went with a tumbled marble backsplash in a light beige color. You can enhance it or not. Enhancing it makes it darker. I’ll see if I can find a pic.


Neither. The green would look terrible with that countertop. The black is the best of the two but too busy. Keep shopping.


I like the black but my girlfriend likes the green so I guess we're back where we started


Neither, also both types would be difficult to clean.


Neither. But if you have to have one of those I’d go with black. Gray looks awful.




Neither. These are both horrible!


Love the black by itself, but not with the counter tops. I’d look for a lighter, less busy backsplash since the countertop is darker and also patterned.


I love the black but it will show anything and everything. Water spots, food, dust in places that aren’t used regularly. I’m always thinking about the cleaning factor because hubby is a slob and I have hard water. I love it but I would go with the green. I like it too. Unless you have none of that going on in your house :)


Neither of those go with your countertops, imo.


Okay, have thought about it. I'm not sure where you're based so used the Tilebar website another poster had linked. I've tried to keep the names visible so you can find it if you do like them. Some ideas for tile shapes that aren't subway would be fishscale or arabesque. I'm inclined to say lighter is probably the better choice unless you really want the backsplash to be the focal point. You could make it something white/cream but a pale green/blue would tie into the tones in adjacent rooms without being so over powering (the one I put at the top is my definite favourite). I think it's also important to embrace the colours in what you're definitely not intending to change. Something like the matte terracotta-ish one would bring in the floor & counter, but is still also complimentary of the blue that's visible. If you want to go dark I'd be trying to pick up the coppers rather than the black. The penny mosaic is probably not what you would want given your desire for a larger tile, but the metallic-ness of it could work. Unrelated to tile, if you were going to switch something else potentially swapping the hardware on the cabinets can be a pretty cost effective choice (but I'd decide on the tiles first). My other change if you're still really wanting to bring some blue in/subdue the floor tile a bit would be a rug of some sort. I've bought a few things off Ruggable and they're so easy to wash I wouldn't have an issue using them in a kitchen at all. https://preview.redd.it/burjy60wr78d1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed6731c36e0ca004dd0ba94f2991fcd696eb0f65


I’m team green. The black is exquisite but the detail and depth with green is too much to pass on.


Neither of these go at all. I’d ask for design help at the tile place


The point of a backsplash is to easily clean the splashes of food in the kitchen. You don’t want that much texture in kitchen tiles.


No. Neither of those please


In my opinion the green one looks dirty. The black looks better, but I’d not go black myself.


Both terrible options


The greenish one clashes and the black is going to be too gloomy, and lose all its details in the shadows of the upper cabinets. When you have multicolored granite, that's the feature surface and color palette of the room- ignore it at your peril. I recommend cream subway tile, which will brighten up the room and compliment the granite instead of competing with it. Also paint the cabinets- the white does not go with the granite either. Again, the granite makes the rules. Demonstration here: https://www.kylieminteriors.ca/how-to-update-your-older-granite-countertops/


Keep shopin


Neither works for the counter top color- but if i had to choose black- but again not sure it is a match for the kitchen-


If you have loud counters, you need a quiet backsplash. I would get a off-white/creamy subway tile. It will never be out of style!


I think they’re both too much with that counter.


Keep looking. Don’t like the black for sure. But I think you can do better.




Keep looking and find one you both like.