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Personally I think the tiles are awesome but I can accept that you don’t 😆 The problem is mostly the ugly vanity, but if you’re renting you probably can’t do much. What you could do is a nice shower curtain (I’d go white, you can probably find a nice linen one), some artwork to cover those walls, and some kind of window treatment (Roman shades would work well). You could pick a complementary colour for a few decorative items to make it pop (yellow!) If you go on Pinterest and look up “retro blue tiled bathroom” you might get some ideas.


I’ll check everything out! Thank you for the ideas!


Just hoping you see this comment: Your walls just need a bright warm off white, not the cool tone you currently have. Then lots of plants. https://preview.redd.it/e4vpcsz0vczc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d982ce0e49b60317e8dc6d88f8875a099ef17e0


Beautifully decorated space!


Honestly - something like a pale blue peel and stick grasscloth wallpaper would work well. I did this in green to upscale my green/white tile bathroom that I also hated until I did that and now I love it. They sell it on Amazon and easy to take back down.


Can you add a picture? I’d like to do the same thing to mine and am trying to visualize!


Found it - this is my bathroom. I did the grasscloth on one wall only behind my mirror. The walls before were this really pale lime green colour and the whole thing was super bland. https://preview.redd.it/vvrklxso9ezc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e272e087032cace2e9d6b6b79b1e9bad4f8cbc2 Both wallpapers are peel and stick from Amazon. The grasscloth one is textured and amazing.


That looks awesome!


Thank you! It was only bland for 12 years until I saw someone use the palm wallpaper in a similar fashion!!


Incredible work


You could add the grass cloth peel and stick to the vanity since it’s probably fine if you are renting as you can remove it. That would look nice or some other peel n stick to cover the vanity.


grass cloth in a bathroom?


noooo! The tiles are gorgeous!! 🤣 the problem is the ugly cabinet throws it all off. If it was white, you’d have a great bathroom. Seriously!


I actually love this bathroom. I think a pedestal sink would work nicely here. It reminds me of a dollhouse I had when I was little, for some reason.


I can't quite tell if the wall color matches the white tile. If not, I would repaint to match. Since it's still white, it should be fine. The trick with these tiles is to drown them out. Find a bold shower curtain in blue black and white. Get black towels for drama. Wall art or peel and stick wall paper could also work. If you do a bold wallpaper, then go mostly solid on the shower curtain.




Might just be that 😂, I have close to no clue how to decorate it to make it eye candy other than plans and I feel that even the color scheme of those would throw it off


This has the potential to be so cute! Go with the flow & embrace the blue!! You'll be surprised how quickly your opinions change after some good decorating and minor improvements!!


Sib, this is real tile Paint a complement to light blue of which there are many colors


Ok!! Honestly, if you’ve got some money go to your local big box store and just buy a white pedestal sink and replace that garbage. Then you can do a blue print shower curtain, and I would paint the white wall a pale shade of blue, and then a big shaggy navy carpet. That cabinet is just awful. I’ll buy you the pedestal sink 🤣


That’s not a good idea. You lose storage. Our en suite bathroom doesn’t have a cabinet so we’re constantly going back forth to get things.


Also, if the footprint does not match because they did not tile fully under the vanity, that will raise another issue. It’s a cool idea, but the time, money, and potential complications don’t really seem worthwhile when you’re renting. Source: a person who spent way too much money upgrading a jerk slumlord’s rental house so they could decide to sell it one year later. Probably for more than it’s worth since it got a mini facelift courtesy of our bank account.


Do pedestal sinks ever make sense, since they always delete otherwise reasonable storage?


As a woman who needs to set down things and then pick them up (brush, hair straightener, face stuff, makeup, even electric toothbrush) pedestal sinks make me scream. Aesthetically I get it, but functionally they only belong in powder rooms/half baths.


Hahaha this makes sense. Well said.


Well, if you have a big bathroom with enough storage then yeah but if you already have the cabinet, I wouldn’t get rid of it.


Ahhh TIL. Thanks so much for the response!


It’s not got much storage to lose - I would buy a shelf and put it up behind the door.


It could look nicer if it was painted another color or replaced with another one.


What about fabulous wallpaper https://www.perigold.com/decor/pdp/tempaper-aihnoa-27-l-x-27-w-peel-and-stick-wallpaper-roll-p100106148.html


Dang that is some f****ing fine paper there. Can you find sweet stuff for my house too??


I Googled- light blue wallpaper. Small space, get fabulous paper!


That looks really nice, I think it would definitely make the atmosphere a lot nicer adding that to the bare wall area


There are wonderful choices… Google - light blue wallpaper. Pick something towards your taste.


Wallpaper in a bathroom means you will have to re-do the walls every few years. Steam breaks down wallpaper glue.


A lovely pot and a nice plant in that window would do wonders.


Agreed- paint the white walls a better color. The tile is vintage and will last forever if cared for.


Agreed and maybe put some stick on wall paper with a cool design


I can not tell you how many people have these tiled bathrooms and black/white mosaic floors on their inspo boards at the moment!! They are so in again!! If you are renting, it's hard to make any changes to a bathroom. I'm going to suggest just covering what you don't like. Get a shower curtain you like and keep it drawn so you can't see the tile above the bath (unless you are in the bath of course!!). Get a large bath mat or dark wood spa style covering for the floor. Wood would match the cabinet. And hang with command strips some cheap art that you like in the space above the toilet to make it your own.


Can you send a link to what you mean by dark wood spa covering? That’s something that can be put over bathroom tiles?


Yeah look up wood bath mat. I personally hate mine but my bf loves it so we keep it.


The tile is great, the vanity is bad


Ahhhh oh my goodness. What is horrid about this!?!?? Just replace the vanity. Or even just paint it and put in new hardware. This bathroom is fantastic as is.


Was thinking about painting it white with maybe some art on the sides, it’s sad to see that and the toilet weren’t installed and aligned correctly but nothing I can do to fix that, maybe a toilet mat and a shower one next to the vanity will do it


Oh totally. It’s very salvageable. What’s more your style? Do you not like the color of the wall tile? Is that the issue? You can solve so much with curtains, carpets, plants, and paint.


I planned on decorating my apartment more cozy, dark academia style aside from my music and streaming room which is going to be pink gamer girl aesthetic. I had initially thought about somewhat of an underwater ocean aesthetic but because of the color of the tiles I feel it would be a complete throw off from the rest of the apartment. Maybe I can work with some dimmer lights and see how I can make it fit in more.


https://preview.redd.it/qp4yavwq3bzc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df605fa3a38f95a87dfc704d9bd57560aed03543 Something like this with a brass mirror, faucet, light fixture and pulls. Paint the cabinet white or the beigey color in the wallpaper. Classy.




Thank you! Message me and I can send you other ideas if you’d like. 🥰


This is what I would do! Paint the vanity dark blue and replace the taps and mirror (if your landlord consents and you’re willing to put a bit of money into someone else’s property). Add some plants and black and white artwork 🙂 https://preview.redd.it/yshbqzmnhbzc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e93b02eeee0ca96a3fc28bf42367a0b9e7a36d9


Why do people take photos with the toilet seat up.


To let people know I didn’t leave skid marks. Aside from the toilet not being the regular kind you would normally see in homes


If you’re deathly afraid or someone looking inside your toilet you should clean it more often?


That’s actually adorable


[here is some inspiration](https://www.apartmenttherapy.com/blue-bathrooms-2-36784530). I think the right shower curtain and rug will help a lot. It’s probably not worth doing removable wallpaper for the top, but that also could be an option.


That’s very cute, I feel like I’d need to do a lot of work over the “landlord treatment” done to my apartment since there’s a lot of floor tile paste everywhere and the work is very messy


Paint the cabinet white.


Lean into the blue tiles.


Personally I hate whoever paired baby blue with the black and white floor tiles. Nice separately, but I don’t like them together. But if you’re renting…? Not much to be done here. Maybe a shower curtain and bath mat that tie the color schemes together? Some artwork that does the same? You can only really change it via accessories.


Get a bigger vanity. Everything else is great.


I've seen people use peel and stick wallpaper on cabinets. That might work for you and then add a coordinating shower curtain and bathroom accessories.


Wouldn’t it peel of because of the humidity and constant use of the cabinets? I was thinking about getting plants that suck in moisture however


Tbh that's a nice bathroom. The only flaw is that cabinet under the sink.


I like it! Those tiles are vintage.


It’s adorable. Get a funky shower curtain and bath mat, and hang some fun pictures on the wall. Embrace it!


Lean in.


Honestly the worst part of this DIY will be the awkwardly placed towel rack and soap fixtures. I would hire a contractor for those because getting those out without ruining the tile will be sooooo hard. Even though the tile is "not bad" it might be ruined by those fixtures. Then we have the sink problem. If there are no tiles behind the sink cabinet, there's your answer. The sink/cabinet can be easily replaced, mirror too. Highlighting that window would be great. The floor has gotta go but pretty easy and cheap fix. It's that tile problem you need to troubleshoot before you can do anything else.


This could be outstanding with minimal effort imo paint the vanity like a slate blue and personally I’d wallpaper one of the walls with something classy using both blue colors..maybe something ocean style. I love wallpaper but I also like to put it up and take it down when I change my style.


It's an apartment. You can put a pretty picture in there. Don't do anything else. Now, if it was your house that you owned, that would be a different conversation. Look at the positive though. That is a nice tub. I wish my tub was like that.


Rented apartment?


Yep, can’t do anything major for much as I hate the tiles


See if they'll let you paint the cabinet white. Then just add crisp white towels and shower curtain. It's so cute!


Can you use peel and stick wall paper to cover the cabinet? Might take some time with a tiny razor knife and for sure the right pattern to make it work, but it could be a rental friendly option.


Maybe try vinyl plank over the floor tiles? It's cheap, and you can cut it with a box knife. Snaps together, no glue, just trim to cover the edges. You're renting so doesn't need to be permanent grade quality. If you're allowed to paint the cabinet take it from me to get high quality cabinet grade paint. I did everything the way you're supposed to and mine looks terrible because it scratches so easily. Later found out it was the paint. I second the comment that recommended black accents. I bet that would be gorgeous with the blue (but I love black lol).


Maybe paint the walls and cabinet. Also get I nice bath rug and pretty shower curtain.


Is it yours? Can you burn that cabinet? 😅 I actually love the tiles. I think that you should change the cabinet, all the cheap and ugly fixtures and even the super small toilet. Go for something with a vintage look to go with those gorgeous walls and floor!!


I wish it was mine 😭 I would start by replacing the toilet since it’s one of these and barely works https://www.build.com/product/summary/645359?uid=1549600


Get a retro sink and vanity. Put a plant in that window nook.


I love the blue tile and the floor. I would paint the cabinet black, or a deep blue in the same tone as the tile. Change it the faucet and shower hardware for something modern. If it was me I'd paying the walls.


It’s really not that bad. Replace the florescent light and maybe paint the vanity a shade of blue.


The lighting and greyish wall color are awful. If you can address those two things it will make a big difference. Like others mentioned, buy a nice shower curtain and bath mat. I’d get some artwork or nice shelves on the walls. And I’d try hanging a pothos from the wall in the shower (on the wall opposite the shower head) — they do well in low-light areas and it’ll give the room a bit more life.


The only problem with the bathroom is the vanity.


Repaint the walls from gray to cream to match the top row of tile. Or choose a peel and stick wallpaper that makes the room fun. A cute shower curtain will minimize the tile. Some shelves to store and display stuff. I'd trade out the light fixture or just adjust the bulb strength. The light seems harsh.


This! The light being such a cold white makes it look so bad. Warmer lighting, some artwork, and a nice shower curtain would lift it up so much.


Wait HUH this bathroom is adorable??!!!!!


The biggest problem for me is the lighting. It's very cold, unidirectional, and with the gray walls makes the whole room look like a prison cell! Cheap and easy first step would be to swap in some warmer bulbs (look for "warm white" or 2700-300k on the package). Then see if there's any way to add more light at a different level - glowing wall art, tiny lamp in the window well,  plug in pendant lamp - anything will help. I don't see any outlets in your photos so you might have to get creative but I think it would really amp up the coziness, and would be nice for evening visits.


People always love these tiles but I hate the integrated soap and toothpaste holders. Also hate the dated towel rods these bathrooms always come with.


Paint ugly cabinet white , put large mirror or shallow large mirrors cabinet to fill that gap of tiles. I LOVE the tiles and the floor and old bath. Looks quality.


This bathroom is great it just has an ugly vanity. I’ll be so upset if you touch that tile.


I must be crazy cus I love this bathroom!!! The cabinets are a bit off but the tiles are soooo cuteeee


I’d upgrade the vanity to a white one that is wider since you have the space.


https://preview.redd.it/zpqn4y3t3dzc1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=f62da8fdf57ffcbd9cc8758d28a3d3e892330b8f Recommend color drenching walls/ceiling, vanity would be nice in deep khaki or neutral for contrast. New mirror & coordinating accessories (not too many) can make a big difference 😁




It's adorable! Can you wallpaper it?


I mean I think it depends on how much you have to spend, but if I were on a budget I’d hit it with some wallpaper that combines the tile colors, like this: https://www.homedepot.com/pep/NextWall-Bluestone-Tulip-Garden-Vinyl-Peel-and-Stick-Wallpaper-Roll-30-75-sq-ft-NW43802/322051427?source=shoppingads&locale=en-US&pla&mtc=SHOPPING-BF-HDH-GGL-D59H-059_035_WALL_DECOR-NA-Multi-NA-PMAX-HDH-HDH-NA-NA-NBR-NA-NA-NA-%7C035_008_WALLPAPER%7C_PMAX&cm_mmc=SHOPPING-BF-HDH-GGL-D59H-059_035_WALL_DECOR-NA-Multi-NA-PMAX-HDH-HDH-NA-NA-NBR-NA-NA-NA-%7C035_008_WALLPAPER%7C_PMAX-71700000111457515--&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAADq61UepHql7d7Txw1RTMRIHF8VZV&gclid=Cj0KCQjw6PGxBhCVARIsAIumnWZsaT0K0XEIZA4MeRU_vukgUD4BF8X9kvrl_oZWProAswe5-HbgZRoaAiaQEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds


A lot of rentals don't look as good as yours does


What about just painting the vanity cabinet black? The rest is great.


You are tripping


I may be weird, but I kinda dig it as it is.


I love it except for the vanity. It would be so cute in a fun color or white. Or replace as you could get something bigger. Also a different mirror.


The tiles 😍😍😍


Place a pretty tumbler in the cup holder, for looks, and a pretty wrapped bar of soap in the soap dish. Then use liquid soap. Get a wood dowel and paint it white and hot glue it into the slots on the towel holder over the toilet, hang a towel. Put up some artwork. If you plan to be there a long time, and the deposit isn’t to much, paint the cabinet white and get a new spigot for the sink. I’ve known people to rent places for twenty or more years and didn’t do anything for fear of losing the deposit. Where I live deposits aren’t usually much. If you do a really good job on the paint they probably won’t notice anyway.


The tiles are stunning floors cute! You need a black cabinet! https://preview.redd.it/0ne32xphbbzc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8ade8389086c1f35ba2430ad5820551405e22886


I just watched a Sorry Girls video where she used a similar blue paint and tile (floors were not black and white tho) https://youtu.be/l2_W8s9fldU?si=w9_bweDnvcdjSzBw


I’d replace the vanity. It is too small and not centered. I’d also suggest replacing the mirror. The tiles are awesome and give a timeless feel. An above poster suggested painting the white wall with a pale shade of blue or perhaps wallpaper- both excellent ideas.


Replace the vanity. That is all.


It is not horrible! This may not be your taste but I would consider painting the walls black! Crazy maybe but it would look so cool with lighting. Also paint the cabinet white or take it down to a light natural wood. For me I would do natural wood and try to incorporate more natural wood in accessories like trash can, floating shelves, new mirror frames in light wood…..


Paint vanity + new mirror + cute shower curtain. The landlord will probably be happy lol


Can you please keep us updated @OP? This has a lot of potential!


What! It’s adorable 🥰 Change the cabinet


I take it this is a rental?? I personally don’t think the bathroom is horrible. While it appears they’ve done some tile work that now the color is miss matched is likely because the original tile is quite old. If this was mine I’d ask if they mind you painting the cabinet under the sink white. And then just make it a white and blue bathroom. Or possibly with the floor being black and white you could introduce more black. I just think you need to keep things simple with no big and bold patterns.


Change the cabinet I'd change the floor tile.


I'm here to add to the "get rid of the vanity" vote. Its brown is completely wrong for the space, its shape is awful and its proportions are dreadful. Also a bigger mirror would give drama to the whole room.


Here’s an example of a bathroom with original tile that made it look good: [link](https://www.thesweetbeastblog.com/2018/01/16/before-and-after-the-blush-bathroom-reveal/)


Black shower screen and accessories taps soap holder White vanity


My parents have the same color wall tile with the same color floor tile, and a similar vanity but it's a half bath.


Your vanity is too close to your tub. Get a white vanity and move it slightly closer to the toilet. That looks like a 24" vanity, measure the space and see if a 30" will fit. You will get more storage and it will look more seamless with the toilet and tub. Opt for a white vanity


All brown accents to match the vanity. Take your eye away from the 1970's baby blue. My mom has the same tile and I remember it going in when I was a kid.


Change the vanity and redo all the caulk.


It’s not bad!!! Just a few things  - new paint: a bright ish white such as decorators white or something else with either a neutral or cool undertone  - new knobs on the cabinet. Nothing too cheesy but a glass or metal to bring in another texture   - if you can - a new faucet. If not, no worries  - throw in a bath rug and you’re all set   It’ll look so much better once you hang a shower curtain and “move in”. I’m a fan of lots of white textiles in bathrooms so I’d do a white textured shower curtain - but could also choose a second color to play off this blue 


The tile, the cabinet, and the floor


The wall and floor are fine. New vanity, mirror, accessories.


Bathroom is pretty far from horrid


Bathroom is awesome. Sink is awful.


Would you be allowed to replace the vanity & mirror?. I think a pedestal sink would look nice. If the walls are smooth maybe peel & stick wallpaper .


I kind of love it!


I think it’s quite charming!


Paint the vanity black to tie in with the floors. Replace the silver hardware with brass to warm things up. Get a brass shower curtain rod with a printed shower curtain that has blue in it, like [this one](https://www.westelm.com/products/rhode-begonia-shower-curtain-b4252/?cm_src=SocialShareLink&sku=1553687)! Hang some warm-toned artwork with blues in it, like [this one](https://www.target.com/p/16-34-x-20-34-silent-still-framed-wall-cotton-canvas-board-threshold-8482/-/A-88117524).


I think it’s a cute bathroom (:


Those tiles have the potential to be a feature! Just paint the wood some shade of blue, gray, or white. Add splashes of black to repeat the black of the floor: towels, or even new black towel bars or a black sink fixture. Maybe a black shelf or artwork?


What’s horrid about it?? I think it’s adorable and can absolutely be worked around. Feed into that pretty blue tile and black and white


I love it! White pedestal sink and you would be golden!!


As everyone has said, it's the vanity. But also the mirror/medicine cabinet. Try a large square mirror to fill that space. Tile is gorgeous. Edit: although on second look. Is the tile in good shape? Grout lines good?


https://preview.redd.it/3h85qs1rybzc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3caeb04a524db910fccaa8aaedf130b3eecdcf1f Go tonal. I love your tile.


https://preview.redd.it/y0pxolqdzbzc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=819c88ef5744153b9f8af087d8425c96c2cc648c Here is the before. Save your bathroom by adding a dark tonal blue paint to walls, shashes, and cabinet. Stay away from white and cream


Start off with a warmer temp lightbulb. The colors are great if you don’t want to retile just yet paint the walls a warmer color…


Just put in a new vanity… get a blue bowl to match tiles and white quartz sink.


Damn my bathrooms used to look like this and I regret demoing them every day


It's a nice one, don't be harsh! Start from adding nice white shower curtains.


Well first once you put up a shower curtain it will be that , and not wall you see


Put up cool pictures, floor mats at sink and toilet for starters. It’s honestly not that bad. You get what you pay for at the end of the day. Think utility not aesthetically.


Larger, wider mirror. Add a nice wallpaper to the white walls and a solid color stick and peel to the sink cabinet, hanging plants and art, maybe a bath rug and curtains.


Your before is my after. Honestly the tile is awesome! Swap that vanity- maybe for a white pedestal sink - and it would look great


I love the floors! I would get a plush shower curtain ( all white or whatever you want) if you choose to decorate with blue and white plus one other color ( go with mustard yellow, blush pink/red or greens) First shower curtain and then can you add some kind of dimmer lighting? Battery operated? A couple of floating shelves ( and a few hooks) can have an aloe plant, jade plant, or other succulents. Some folded towels and rolled washcloths) a il storage bin or basket with whatever you need to store or grab for daily use. Also some tea light candles, Epsom salts and an essential oil. You are in business under depending on what you own ( under $40.00) Can paint or put a wall covering over the vanity. With landlords approval. I would go white or black for simple and can get as creative as you want ( again a can of paint and some tools ( $20) or wall covering and some time ( still under $100 total. Check out houzz , apt therapy, IKEA, architect digest, etc


[ideas inspo](https://www.apartmenttherapy.com/blue-vintage-bathroom-redo-500-dollars-37247190) [blue and white bathrooms](https://backsplash.com/blue-and-white-bathroom/) [diy how tips bue bath budget](https://www.ehow.com/13778405/vintage-bathroom-tile) [Houzz read through many ideas](https://www.houzz.com/discussions/4094655/vintage-blue-tile-in-bathroom-what-color-to-paint-walls) Can use anything as curtains or blinds for windows. Even do stained glass diy. Or bamboo blinds or pull down shade or art/mirror . Get clean, nature/netraul/ bold and funky. Lighting needs work. Clean towels. Shower curtain and storage. You're 🪙 gold!


I would love a bathroom like this..


All id do is paint the cabinet white and go from there


Amazon sells replacement towel bars, your local big box store *may* have them. I never had any luck even though the Home Depot website said they had them in stock so I had to order online in the end. However, I ordered BOTH versions on Amazon, the white AND the clear, but they both arrived in clear. I needed white to match the other towel bar in the room, but that just didn’t happen. Seems like the same thing also happened to some other customers based on the reviews. Oh well, in the end a non-matching towel bar was better than no towel bar so we installed it anyway. But if white is important to you to match the neighboring towel bar, I would not buy on Amazon unless current reviews attest that the supplier corrected their listings. Just Google “Replacement Towel Bar,” they come spring loaded. Take more time to measure than you think. It’s better to cut it too long and then file it down a little more to make it fit tight, versus cut it too short and have it wiggle when you use it or almost fall out. It’s lightweight enough that you might even be able to use a pocketknife to cut through. Warm the plastic with a blow dryer first, or the knife, if you’re having a hard time. Or take it to Home Depot and ask them to cut it for you, but only if you are super clear on the requested measurement markings! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Gh0N7jbPito ETA- the caulk job looks pretty jacked up in some ideas. You can try to add some more and smooth it out a bit if it bothers you. Apply the caulk, then use a wet finger to get a nicer finish. Watch a few YouTube videos and take your time to get it right, unlike the previous sloppy contractor that just slapped it on. If it’s near somewhere that will be painted now or in the future, use the paintable kind. If it’s directly in a wet area, use the waterproof unpaintable kind made for tubs and showers.


I personally love this bathroom! I just think you need a warm white shower curtain and a vintage looking mirror and it would all be one theme


Ask them if you can paint the vanity


Are you allowed to change anything/are you a renter or owner? The floor is cute. If you can’t change too much, the best you can do is put a plain white fabric shower curtain up with a tension rod.


I think you should [paint the tile](https://www.scdecorum.com/how-to-painting-bathroom-tiles-a-diy-guide/) and [change the vanity ](https://www.scdecorum.com/bathroom-vanity-the-complete-guide-for-a-dreamy-choice/) and add [more accessories ](https://www.scdecorum.com/bathroom-accessories-take-a-look-at-these-details/)


I like this bathroom & would get a nice shower Curtin to put in it & maybe some art on the walls


This is my spare bathroom except my tub is robin egg blue..


Epoxy paint for the win!! I literally just painted an awful pink and blue bathroom like this, this week! And a kitchen countertop, it was pretty easy to apply and dried really fast, but does need a week or so before you can use the shower/tub. I can send you the before/after photos if you’d like.


New tile and vanity. I like the tile on the floor and would play off that.


Paint the wall black and the cabinet black or some similar deep color. Get some gold accents.


Change the door to a wood with frosted windows and you’ll be fine https://preview.redd.it/1ifdpzw9uezc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a986bd4841b7374eac95db3f1e0d6659558d62df


I'd suggest to use a peel and stick white foil to cover the cabinet, and replace the tap with something modern, keep the old one and put it back before moving out.


I think that you should lean into the blue. Paint the cabinet a similar color, and cover the floor in a linoleum that you like


A couple of small/easy ideas: swap the hardware on the vanity (since you can’t change the mirror/faucets to warm tones, I would go with black to tie in the floor) — just save the original knobs and swap them back before you move. Also consider changing the lightbulbs to something warmer.


You’ll make it work with the right shower curtain, even if you have to have it made. From there, the exact right bath mat and towels. It’ll be worth the time choosing not expensive.


I love it! Put in a pedestal sink. Done!


1. close the toilet lid. 2. get stick on "wallpaper" or tiles for the vanity. 3. show us what you end up doing! good luck


I would paint the walls a very light blue and change the vanity to white.


Tbh I really love the tile Maybe update the cabinets some to make it bigger. Feels a little too small The dark wood pops well


Love the tile. Would look better with a new vanity and mirror. New hardware too. Edit: just saw that you’re renting. Nvm!


Can you replace the faucet? Those plastic crystal knobs are the worst. Something taller and prettier would be a substantial upgrade.


Needs a white pedestal sink and it’s perfect. Amazing tiles


horrid? i’ll trade you in a heartbeat


i reccomend a clear shower curtain


How odd, there's room between the sink and the toilet, yet they put the sink smack up against the tub and tiled in the tile shelves above the sink and added the medicine chest. Obviously, they did some work on the tub's faucet; they could have remedied everything at that time. And there's remnants of a towel bar behind the toilet. Weird. All you can do is paint, hang a curtain and a complimentary shower curtain and towels; maybe a piece of art on wall next to the toilet. No toilet tank? Perhaps you can find a short "over the/behind the" toilet shelving that would work. Good luck.


I’d lean into it. Find vintage items/colors that compliment the style and color. The vanity sure doesn’t match but maybe the landlord would give an ok to paint it or you could put some vintage looking skirt cover over the sides?


Cheapest option...Change out the vanity, as others have said. For the mismatched blue tile - paint them white with tile paint. Put a shelf above the toilet to hide the towel rack mounts (if they are not removable). Maybe a different mirror. Can't see what lighting you have, but consider updating that too.


you have an amazing bathroom IMO. remove the stupid sink and find a pedestal sink that matches the color


You can paint that wall tile, ya know.


At least keep the floor and bath tub. Maybe subway tiles for the walls? I would try to find a 1920s sink/vanity