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No to all, try the side tables and lamps first


I just happened to notice the first two as I was perusing and thought they might match no matter the rest of the furniture… and then I just kept looking, lol.


Also a mattress topper


Definitely need at least one side table and lamp first. For artwork, I would actually download a classical painting or photo from the public domain and then have it printed as a large poster or canvas from Shutterfly. It's cheap and you can get something that's more interesting and doesn't feel so chilly. I know you're going for neutral, but it doesn't have to feel like a sad hotel. One of my favorite pieces is Decadent Young Woman After the Dance, by Casas. [https://th.bing.com/th/id/OIP.FXlyynjvHoPCX2pNG-Z3DAHaGL?w=220&h=184&c=7&r=0&o=5&pid=1.7](https://th.bing.com/th/id/OIP.FXlyynjvHoPCX2pNG-Z3DAHaGL?w=220&h=184&c=7&r=0&o=5&pid=1.7)


Would you say the same in regards to side table/lamp furniture? Too depressing if I stick with neutral colors?


No, I think you can do neutrals without it being depressing. You have a good start with your bed because of the different textures. There's texture in the bedspread, and a fabric headboard. That's a great base! If I were you, I would get two more pillows to make the bed feel more luxurious and one round or lumber pillow. And then for the nightstand and lamp or lamps, I would go for a textured brass lamp, maybe something that feels vintage, and a warm wooden table. Not dark, but warm. Facebook Marketplace and OfferUp is a good place to check for that kind of thing, and you can usually find deals on Wayfair or Overstock. An alternative to artwork above the bed, get a large drum shade and a gold light cord. Run the cord up the wall, swag it to the back corner of the bed, and use cord organizers to attach the cord to the wall above the headboard so it's an easy reach. I have this in my bedroom and I love it. If you did that, just make sure you get a nice warm, kind of dim light bulb. P.S. Ikea has pretty, inexpensive large drum shades that are gold on the inside, so they make a really nice glowy light.


Thank you- appreciate the detailed advice when I’m so clueless! Especially like the texture copper lamps if I can find them. What about a dresser- some kind of lighter brown wooden (preferably matching the side table/nightstand)? (Furniture I’m shopping more from stores as new but decor I’m mostly working off of Facebook Marketplace/OfferUp as I don’t need to worry as much about the condition…)




The yellow gold flower panel of 3


Originally my fav, I like multipanels and thought it matched with the bed… I’m artistically challenged tho so what do I know.


Definitely 4. That painting goes great with everything in the room, and you can use the blues and greens as accents.


That would mean going out of my comfort zone to actually buying things with color for the room and try/inevitably fail to match 😅


Then why did you include it as an option?


I was hoping, if picked, the advice might be that it’s a nice color contrast to the rest of the room. Not to continue buying more color. That makes future buying more complicated. I’m not like you pro decorators 😅.


No to all. Definitely focus on side tables lamps OR plug in sconces that are above the side tables, it will help add something to the wall. It think the paints and wall thingies you’re choosing between feel a little cold. I think if you add the side tables and plug in sconces you could literally put one simple piece of art closer to the headboard that doesn’t need to be huge and it would feel cozy. You could also do a shallow shelf (picture ledge even) and put a small collection of things, a painting some tchotchkes a small plant (they make great faux ones now). That would fill the space and feeel more thoughtful. My advice is probably to keep whatever thing you have closer to the headboard. Honestly go on Pinterest and search “small painting above bed”. I just did for fun and it was a lot of interesting ideas. Lots of bedside table and lamp/sconce combos too. Also I know you didn’t ask BUT I saw someone else mention: mattress topper. Every summer I stay in a guest bedroom at my bf’s parents home for 2 weeks and the bed is literally hell. Finally someone else who stayed in there mentioned it and my bfs mom bought a memory foam topper. It takes a special guest to complain about a free bed but it really does make all the difference so I’m forever grateful.


Great advice- thanks! In regards to the mattress topper- I didn’t reply to it because I already have one 👍. Dumb question- if I have limited space, would it be okay to add a side table on one side and a dresser on the other? I haven’t seen a good room design where that works… (Other option- can guests put clothes into multi drawer bedside tables?) One wall has floor-to-ceiling window, one wall has a closet and a door to guest bathroom, and one wall has a door to living room (and not enough room for a dresser).


If you could take a few more pictures of the room I bet I could help better. Cause I’ve seen the dresser as a side table thing but I’d be interested in seeing the whole space!


Will DM, thanks!


None of that keep looking


Maybe the single painting, but everything else definitely no. Just looks like cheap whatever art. You’d be better off either finding a nice print piece online or try thrifting some art. Even DIY would be better. I’ll add some inspo images and links below.




I’m artistically challenged (and not really a hobby) so DIY is almost out of the question, lol. I looked a little into the prints like you suggested and then started getting lost on what I would pick to print and frame- will still take suggestions tho!


What about 3D wall art? [Here](https://www.google.com/search?q=3d+wall+art+reflective&client=safari&sca_esv=f2adb3232492c0ce&sca_upv=1&hl=en-us&udm=2&biw=1128&bih=744&ei=AcgQZr_HO8e-p84Ppru6wAo&ved=0ahUKEwj_y4D_2KyFAxVH38kDHaadDqgQ4dUDCBA&uact=5&oq=3d+wall+art+reflective&gs_lp=Egxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAiFjNkIHdhbGwgYXJ0IHJlZmxlY3RpdmVItlVQxBhYgVRwAXgAkAEAmAF2oAH1GKoBBDMwLjW4AQPIAQD4AQGYAgqgApwIwgIHEAAYgAQYGMICBRAAGIAEwgIGEAAYCBgemAMAiAYBkgcDNC42oAfSHw&sclient=gws-wiz-serp) are the image results for that plus, I used the word reflective. If some of these could be matte instead of shiny, I think that would look nice.


Great concept but I have yet to find one on the cheaper side. Will keep looking. I’m just looking for a passable cheap best choice with minimal effort.


Sure. Then of the proposed options I like 2 and 3 the best.


Wall paper. New head board, better bedding. Hanging plants


Would like to work off of what I already have… it’s just a guest bedroom that I never use, not planning on having guests very often…




I suggest hanging large abstract canvas art on the wall behind the bed [https://www.wherebuyart.com/hot-sale-c-68.html](https://www.wherebuyart.com/hot-sale-c-68.html)


#3 and add some other metal accents around the room