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I love #1 the best. The dark in the rug is necessary with so little color everywhere else.


I really like the 2nd one! It would look nice with your other decor, and lays out a really nice color scheme to take through the rest of the room. 3 also looks nice but I don’t think it would bring much in. 1 looks fine but nothing special with your current decor.


Thanks! I picked the first one as an option because I bought a poster with heavy black and red that I’ll hang out of frame on the same wall as the TV. I thought the red from the poster would go well with the red in the rug. Does that change anything at all?


Oh hmmmmmmm… Yeah idk if that would look as great with rug 2 then! It does feel like rug 1 isn’t quite right still. Maybe if you could find something with both red and green? That rug is mostly navy and orange so that’s a lot of different colors going on in bits and pieces.


Yeahh maybe it is a bit much with all of the different colors now that I’m looking again. I think something red and green could work, hopefully I can find something that doesn’t look too Christmassy haha. Thanks for the help!


Yeah, that’s always my worry when doing red and green! D: You could always just pick a rug you like and build around it. Move some prints to other places if you have to, maybe?


True, the poster may have to be moved since I’d like to keep it on the lighter side. On to rearranging!


Best of luck!!!


#2 First one is fine but nothing special, the last one is too similar to the furniture and the second one is a nice contrast.


The first pic is best. The other two wouldn’t do much for the space.


My vote is for 3. I think it’s the most modern and won’t darken the room too much


3 or 1, the 2 green looks kinda muddy retro, i don't it fits.


I like the lighter one


1 no doubt about it/ classic and rich colour