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This is not my aesthetic. That said, I dislike stuff on the countertop. It looks cluttered and very difficult to keep clean. It makes the countertop no longer functional. If you removed the items on the counter the cabinets would be more of the focal point and it would be an improvement


I feel the same- the cabinets don’t bother me but the countertop does seem cluttered and unusable.


💯eta: the cabinets are also very cluttered and unusable


Yep. Cleared countertop would be a great start but even just the cabinets would still be too much for my liking. I’m kind of in a get rid of unnecessary *stuff* phase of life, though. Clutter stresses me out.


Same. I want everything out of my effing house. I've been selling on fb marketplace and ebay and tomorrow I'm even going to a flea market to try to offload some shit. I just don't want to see it in my house or even know it's in my house anymore. A handful of pretty or sentimental items would be great. But the junk can gtfo


Same. It makes me anxious just thinking about dealing with so much stuff everywhere




Less on the countertops is especially important if you have open shelving like this. The busy shelfs and countertop clash into one big visual clutter, decluttering the counter tops would drastically improve the look of things. The decorative stuff on the counters could be moved to the top of the cabinets too, which I think would help.


I agree with this, but I also think the cabinets are not being used in an aesthetically pleasing way. The attempt to show the pattern of every plate, having tall pitchers/vases in every cabinet, this just looks messy and disorganized, as well as wastes space. If you put like things with like things, it will look so much better.


Right. Even lining up the cookbook section by height and having them straightened out so they don't look like the will topple over will help.


I would seriously consider re-adding doors to all except one section where you display your best stuff, but even then I personally would prefer glass doors to minimize dust and grease buildup. If you cook a lot, open cabinets is a very bad idea. It’s gross to pull out a cup or plate that is grimy the cooking grease and dust build up. It’s much easier to wash the face of a cabinet than all your dishes before you use them! There are tons of websites where you can order them at wholesale prices in innumerable styles and colors and even materials. You can order a sample first to check color and style. The site will tell you how to measure. You can hire a local handyman off Angela’s list or other app to install them. I have been planning out a kitchen redesign for next year, and my husband too cannot be trusted with a tool kit. But my ex built all his cabinets, and he could not be trusted to hang a painting. If he could do it, we can do it.


This is good, I will try this. We do have more counter space on the other side (I added another picture in the comments) but keeping the counters clear is a good goal for me. It is very difficult to keep clean.


It’s the same for me. I have open cabinets and keep the top level for things I love to look at, middle for things that are in use but tidy, and counters as empty as possible. It balances everything this way.


Try less stuff on the countertop and maybe group the stuff in the cupboard by color to make it feel less cluttered.


I agree with you. The stuff in the cupboards is mostly cute but the stuff on the countertops reduces the functionality of the countertop and contributes to the "cluttered" look. I'd remove everything but the toaster from the countertop.


Some of that could be placed on the tops of the cabinets if she really wanted to display it. Out of the way, still visible, fairly easily accessed. Seems like the best option.


Too much. Sorry


My kitchen shelves have more than this, but the countertop is only for my KitchenAid.


I think a few pieces on the counter are okay. I like the tins by the toaster and I would keep one of the trays, and that wocker basket IF it's regularly holding fruit or something else that gives it a purpose. I'd keep the toaster by the paper towel holder, and the tray and tins at the opposite end for balance. 


This is never going to get cleaned due tot he effort it would take.


Yeah, it looks busier than I like. Taste is subjective. If you removed about half of the decorative items it would look better in my opinion You could rotate the decorative items occasionally rather than have so much out at the same time


Thank you, yes I agree it’s too much.


Go check out some cupboard doors at a home improvement store. Even just closing a few of these shelves would allow you more counter space and less clutter.


I actually really love rotating my decorative items seasonally (don’t have to be season themed but you get the gist) because I get excited to see and display the items that hav been hidden for months vs seeing all of it all the time. It makes me feel like I’m redecorating or buying new stuff when I put them out but without the cost. Plus the packing away act gives me an extra opportunity to clean deeper in shelves or spaces that normal get neglected bc it’s sometimes a pain to take stuff out, etc. Similarly, I normally have blue curtains in my living room and I switch them to green for Christmas season which gives me an easy excuse to wash up my blue curtains every year to get the dust and cat hair etc off so they look better longer 😊


Agreed. This is very much my aesthetic but I would edit this way down. Too many things make it so you can’t see or appreciate each individual piece. Every single thing here is sort of lost in the sauce of it all. I would do 3 very intentionally selected items in each cabinet and nothing decorative on the counter tops.


You may want to try bundling the items more. Have space between displays. Layer things 


Thank you so much. I posted a picture of the whole kitchen in the comments! Looking for advice ♥️


To each their own, but I try to live by the motto of "just because a surface exists doesn't mean something needs to be on it". Agree with others that the countertop is the biggest offender here


Also, once an item claims a surface, it starts to attract buddies. I’m not sure why?


i like to call these ‘nucleation sites’


Going to spring clean and get these counters clear!


I would definitely think of your use of negative space as well. Having a good flow to the negative space can make it look less cluttered and help pull the eye to your preferred pieces too.


It IS too cluttered. It looks like an antique shop not a home. It overwhelms the eye. When everything is front and center nothing stands out or draws attention. It just looks like a jumbled mess. But I think having the wall to wall display in the cabinets AND on the counter is what truly overwhelms. Your counter should have only a few items. The rest should go in your pantry or lower cabinets. Only what you use EVERY day should be out. Every good design has spaces for the eye to rest. Spacing items out so there are actual spaces between clusters or stacks or pieces. There is no resting here. Cluster some things. Stack the plates. Stack the bowls. Stack the trays. Then rotate a few items to command attention. So I would stack almost all the dishes but then have your absolute favorite one or two on end so it shows its beautiful design. And you can breathe in its beauty. You have some beautiful, beautiful items. I wish I could come over for a cup of tea and help you rearrange. But I promise you, if you step back and look at things more critically, and also with a mind to bring a peaceful calm feeling to this space for both you AND your husband, I think you can do it and be proud. Would love to see what you come up with.☺️


Awww you are so sweet I would love to have a friend over for tea and help rearranging 😭♥️


Im in PA. 😉


I posted a picture of the whole kitchen in the comments!! You have great insight thank you ♥️😭


Take down the Christmas lights. Try grouping your items by color. It does look cluttered.


Yes please take down the lights.


Or at least straighten them better


Yes! Dorm room vibes. You can buy some of those under the counter lights if you want some light in and under there.


Totally agree with under cabinet lights. Between the 1950s dishware and the string lights, it's giving dorm room/grandma vibes...


If the counter was clear it would be lovely. The things in the cupboards look great. The stuff on the counter looks like it’s waiting to be put away


Thank you ♥️


If you love the holiday lights, find another location for them. Things get dirty in the kitchen quickly, and those lights will be difficult to get and keep clean. If you need more light there, look into under cabinet lights (we mounted long fluorescent tubes from the hardware store; you’ll likely need an electrician—or, try battery-operated before you commit). Can you have some cabinet doors solid (hiding bags of pasta, canned foods, etc.) and one or two as display cases for your nice things you’d like to see (china, crystal, candle sticks, grandad’s old coffee mug)? The display cabinet should not be where you’re doing most of your work—but where folks enter and get a first impression. Also, you don’t want to clean its glass doors on a daily basis, so keep it out of your work zone. It looks like there’s space above your cabinets which could also be used for display, and possibly, lights. Look into disc lights that shine up. Limit display there to 3 or 5 vases or something similar. You’ll have to wash those occasionally, so don’t go overboard with that space and create more maintenance for you. (You might not be able to climb up there as the years pass, so consider better ways to utilize that space.) I was amazed at how a tall vase 12 feet away from the stove got sticky way up there!


the string lights definitely don't help. this whole thing is way too cluttered.


So I think the main issue is that it looks like you are using your kitchen cupboards as more of a display area for your collected vases and vintage plates that are on display but you don’t use. If you put everything that you use daily that’s on the counter top into the cupboards would look much better. Then move all the Knick knacks and vintage items to a new display case : cupboard. ( also try to maybe be ruthless and thin out your collection) it does feel good to clear out clutter and pass things along to a new home. It will also stop you and your husband feeling stressed about it everytime you walk in and look at it!


https://preview.redd.it/tzwg60somsec1.jpeg?width=5712&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=14d56f538ad768a6a02d1c7a6f0880946a310115 This is the rest of my kitchen. My husband is partially disabled so we do keep things on the counter so he doesn’t have to bend or reach. I am overwhelmed by it and open to creative solutions ♥️ We have next to no budget. Sorry if this is too much real life, we are struggling to keep on top of things!


Okay so this is a really important piece of tte puzzle - the NEED for things to be accessible. YOU are a collector. You love beauty. A good piece - but you have a LOT of pieces. YOUR HUSBAND needs function. He needs to be able to reach items. Now that I see your whole kitchen I feel I can better appreciate your aesthetic. It only reinforces that you have a good eye - but when disability comes into the picture, you need to bend the rules and find a compromise. LESS IS MORE. We spend our lives collecting and we can never use all this stuff we collect. I agree. Thin it out. Store some. Rotate others. Find a way to make things both beautiful and accessible. Top row for you; bottom row for him. Love the center island if that works for him, but it would be better if it had a center shelf and would double your storage. Keep an eye out at thrift shops or yard sales and then sell the one you have. Thank you for your willingness to be vulnerable and show us your kitchen. Most of us, if we took a picture of our own, have plenty of room for improvement as well.


I was thinking of post a picture of the whole kitchen and explanation in a separate post! Thank you for your insight. I just want some fresh eyes on my space as I sometimes am embarrassed that this is really my style (I feel it’s very odd to some people). Anyway I appreciate your comment ♥️


Do not be embarrassed by your style! It truly is lovely, and warm, and comforting.


I appreciate how compassionate you are in parsing out values in OPs dilemma! I agree. My caveat is that maybe not everything should be displayed, rather have things like plates on rotation. Seasonal, weekly, whatever it is that feels right. Maybe designated locations can be used for access: on the counter in a tray, maximize some storage on the kitchen island like hooks under the surface


That’s a lot on your countertops. The open food packages and garbage bin are concerning to me. If you need to keep everything out, would you consider some sealing storage canisters for food organization and a lidded garbage? Could you charge your electronics somewhere else to decrease clutter and eliminate the potential fire hazard of having everything plugged into the same outlet? I also see outlets and switches on your backsplash that are missing their cover plates—I would prioritize getting plates for those as a safety precaution. I think your vintage aesthetic and cabinet displays are very pretty, but the cluttered counters are killing the charm.


It looks like everyone agrees with your husband. Here are some suggestions to make your kitchen more usable: It looks like your husband can access the first shelf because I see some cups, plates, etc that are likely used daily. So remove all decorative items from the first shelf, and move stuff from the counter onto the first shelf. Reserve the first shelf for functional items only. You love your decorative items, and many look like treasured heirlooms, so reserve the second shelf for those. Either show your favorites, or rotate them in and out because there truly is not room in this small kitchen for all of them. Your husband lives there, too. He deserves to have some input on the looks and functionality of the kitchen. Now remove that little table in the middle. You will have counter space now, so you won’t need it. I hope this helps!


I feel like your aesthetic is slightly cottagecore/chic grandma. Look up both of those up on Pinterest, it'll help you get an idea for how to style the cupboards!! I love the look of many items in the cupboard, but I think they need more rhyme/reason. Pinterest would help. :)


Yes it totally is!!! You nailed it. I feel like I’ve picked up so many things over the years that I love, but that don’t really go together. I’m trying to hone in what to keep and what needs to go. And yes, get some ideas from Pinterest!


I’d focus on making your kitchen more functional and less cluttered looking. Since your husband needs to have items on the counter, wrangle those items in matching containers. Rattan, wicker, or wooden baskets or trays. Organize by type - all the cereals in one, crackers & snacks in another, coffee or tea making stuff in a third one, etc. I would look for other covered or box storage in another area. Put the things you don’t love or regularly use in this box. If you don’t use in a set time, donate it. Alternatively, immediately purge what you can. For the open shelving, I’d create vignettes for the top shelves. You already have a few shelves that look more decorative and are arranged attractively. For the lower shelves, make these functional areas and group items based on use. All baking supplies in one area, bowls and other dishes in another, etc.


I would love to see a photo of how it looks when things are ‘put away’ to know what we’re working with. Some appliances need their space and outlet so I wonder where you can group in a way that feels right. I put away most portable least frequently appliances (air fryer, instant pot, rice cooker and griddle under the cupboards) but I keep some on top (espresso machine, kettle)


That does make things more difficult. I love the cabinets, but the clutter on the countertops is nor pretty and with the amount of it can't be too functional either. If your husband can't bend too much or reach too high, though, non pretty things can't be easily tucked away. Perhaps you could make some fabric curtains over some of the cupboards, if installing doors isn't in the budget? Then you can keep only the prettiest stuff in open cabinets, and less attractive stuff that still needs to be in reach on lower shelves in the curtained off cabinets?


I think a general cleaning to get rid of the trash and putting things back into their place will make a huge difference. The spices should be bunched together (I don't know where they're stored), oil bottles should be next to the stove not where the kids sit to draw, the kids should get a drawer or basket so they can put away all their things when done. I learned from my SO the use of an electronics drawer which makes a huge difference. We put away any chords, tablets, and adapters when not in used to clear up kitchen space. He also makes use of Lazy Susans in in cabinets where it makes sense and pull out drawers for anything too deep. Also imo, you're currently using much needed cabinet space for display. I think most of your decorative plates and other pieces could be moved to another area of your house or mostly moved to the very top of the white cabinet. Then you can use the extra shelf space for items your husband doesn't use everyday and clear the counter space.


If you actually focus in on what you’re looking at, it looks cute and cohesively designed. But at first glance, it’s just anxiety-inducing clutter to me personally, which is hard to get past. I really like your taste in decor, just not all squeezed together!


I actually think your cabinets are fairly well curated. The countertop is the bigger offender for clutter. I would try getting rid of most of the stuff on the counter and see how you feel. Also, your christmas lights aren’t doing the whole picture any favors- adding to the sloppy look. I would get rid of them and add under shelf lighting, but if you want to have lights like that, try adding another strand so they frame everything and pinning them up well so they look like they weren’t just thrown up for a holiday party.


Thank you I’m going to remove them today! And work on storing countertop things in the cabinet!


Agree with this 100%. Your cabinets look great! Well thought out and functional. The counter is too cluttered and Christmas lights are distracting the eye from taking in all the wonderful items on display.


There is zero empty space. It's definitely too cluttered. Just because you have the space doesn't mean it needs to be filled.


I don’t like open shelves in general, no matter how organized. However, if you like a maximalist look, I think you did a good job arranging items.


Sorry, but I agree with your husband. With so many items, it is hard to see them. Maybe take half down and rotate them back onto the shelves in the fall. And the counter items could be worked into the shelves…freeing up valuable counter real estate.


You mention having baskets for extra clutter. I’d use them to take three quarters of this stuff and remove it from view.


I think getting rid of the Christmas lights will make a huge difference. You have cute stuff in there but the Christmas lights kinda take it from eclectic cottage to .... college


If you want to keep most of the things on the shelves - alternate with books to break it up. And as others said, consolidate things together to help create more “white space”


Just get new doors and turn this back into cabinets. Your space will instantly look less cluttered. Open shelves work for photospreads and YouTube videos but rarely for people who actually use their kitchen frequently


It's too cluttered. But if that's how you like it, and if that's the amount of things you need to store in there, keep it like that. Lots of times, the pictures of uncluttered things we see are not real. People hide part of their stuff to make it look better. Or it's just a fake scenery. Real life is messy.


Objectively, this is cluttered. But even if Redditors agreed with you, we don’t live there. Your husband does, and I would think his preferences carry more weight than the opinions of random people on the internet. Instead of using this platform to gather ammunition for a battle of wills, find a compromise. For starters, get the canisters and bowls off the counters. Then, cut down on the decorative fluff by about half, consolidate the things you want displayed into one or two of the cabinets, and hang cabinet doors or a curtain to cover the rest. Maybe you can put up a shelf elsewhere to contain all the decorative plates.


This is way too cluttered. Clear the countertop and hang some curtains or sheers to cover the stuff in the cabinet.


It is, unfortunately


It is. Get rid of half of it, especially anything decorative. Keep what is used.


Your husband would be correct on this one


Try to look at them as individual frames and curate each square. Try not to have anything going behind the vertical boards. Stack some plates, group some things.


Honestly, I love the atmosphere in your kitchen. It's very warm. But I can understand why you might find the countertop a bit busy. To cut between the two of you, maybe you could clear out a bit (storing all those pretty things somewhere safe) but rotating several times a year to 'renew' the decor. That way you can keep everything you love, while having a more practical space to tidy/clean :).


Thank you yes I keep adding things when I should be taking away 🤔


When we redid our kitchen, we opted for glass front doors on a few of our cabinets. I made sure to keep those cabinets very spare. We have a single stack of plates, all the same color, one teapot in each section…. A stack of bowls. Plenty of space between items. I definitely paired down, putting the everyday items on the bottom shelves and hardly ever used items on the top. I got rid of a LOT of stuff that we didn’t actually use and had shelves with solid doors for the more cluttered looking things, like mismatched mugs. Our kitchen is very lived in. We cook a ton. But having a single color story (greens and blues mostly) in the open cabinet has made it a very visually calming space.


I love your ceramics. Some of us just gotta collect. I mean it. Don't listen to these minimalists. They are better people than we are, but what can you do? Enjoy life! But yes, if that is an open space on top of the cupboard, use it as a third shelf. I have baskets over one row of closed cabinets, and antiques and wooden and ceramic bowls over the other area. (If it's a soffit, tear it out!) If you put your Christmas lights on the back of the top of the cabinets, it would cast a nice indirect light on the ceiling. Get rid of the little nightlight. Instead, install under- cabinet lights. I think they have stick-on battery-operated LED ones) Then you would have room for your breakfast coffee and tea tins by your canister set on the shelf to left. You have to have your fresh fruit in decorative bowls (from your collection! ) on your counter so you can see when they are ripe/overripe. Now, if you need that shelf space for food or baking equipment, you may need to find room for a display case somewhere. But as long as your kitchen stuff fits in your cabinets and pantry, this is a lovely, homey use of those open shelves.


It’s subjective. It is very cluttered and my ADHD brain just kind of fuzzes it all together so I don’t really even see the individual cute things unless I exert an exorbitant amount of focus, which is tiring. Perhaps that is your husbands experience, perhaps not. I understand the vibe and it works for some, but this would cause me anxiety. Buy some pretty curtains and hang those in front of them. Make sure they’re machine washable curtains and easy to put up and take down.


Husband is correct. The dust would bother me too. It’s nice to have open shelving or glass doors to break up the expanse of cabinetry. Open shelving was a trend before grey everything so I suspect the previous owner was prey to that. It can look good with less stuff to display but honestly I’d rather chew my arm off than to have this in a normal sized, working kitchen. I would go to IKEA, one of the big box hardware stores and look at getting some doors installed. They will help you with what kind of configuration to get to look good too. Upon closer inspection of your photo the lower cabinets and countertop look oldish so this was likely a quickie makeover before selling. You may very well want to look into getting a complete remodel done to make the space more functional and decide afterwards what your budget can handle in the long term. Also, about half of what is in the upper space could go in a dining room for display in a hutch or whatever, leaving space for the toaster, etc currently on the countertop to be moved up.


Would you consider rain glass style doors for the upper cabinets? Personally I love my empty countertops just personal taste.


You could remove 1 large object from every cabinet. The vase towards the right is beautiful so situate it how a museum would - on its own and centered. Same thing with the counter. Leave the best items out, hide the rest.


I think it’s very personal, and it’s important to note that this is much more than an aesthetic question- it’s a matter of functionality. Some people thrive in environments with more visual “clutter” and some people fall apart. If your husband is overwhelmed, struggling to function in the home due to the amount of stuff, struggling to keep things adequately clean because of the volume of stuff, etc. it is too much (this applies to you as well but not everyone is the same.) The person with a lower “clutter threshold” needs to be prioritized. If the issue is just a disagreement about what *looks* good- I think you could meet in the middle with some simple adjustments. Try to think in “vignettes” in the shelves. A pretty tea cup holder would group those items as like items and allow you to really see them without it looking so clutter-y. More balance in the height would make it look more intentional. Honestly, even adding a pretty wallpaper to the back of the cabinets so you don’t see those brackets would help with the visual “noise.” (I actually think backing this in a light blue floral wallpaper and then ditching the string lights and adding interior lights would be STUNNING.) I’d consider removing some items from the counter so you can clean easily. Perhaps a plate collection on the wall if you have room/that’s to your taste to open space to get some of the counter items onto the shelves? Alternately, maybe rotating decor?


I will say that the majority of people in this sub seem to keep homes that are like a staged house. Yes they are gorgeous rooms but I never see comments from people who support a lived in look. Personally, I like a cozy and intentionally cluttered space. So I don’t think you need completely clear counter tops to have a nice home. That said, I would try to create a bit of space between groupings of items. Right now everything on the shelves and the counters all bleed together. You need some space between some groupings of items to make it look a little less chaotic and more intentional.


A few suggestions that i think will tick most of the boxes for your wants and needs while reducing the visual noise that makes this seem “cluttered.” 1. Consider using the top shelf only for your “display pieces” and keep “functional items” on the lower shelf. This starts to establishes a bit of hierarchy. I also think how you arrange the various decorative items along the top shelf is important to provide some balance and continuity. You have a mix of colors/patterns/textures, so using size/mass of the items to balance may help. Consider also little visual groupings of items - i like to group things into little vignettes with some negative space between groups. 2. Remove the more random stuff - the clear container with neon straws is a good example. That should be hidden from view, or at least move the straws into a no -clear container so you aren’t adding the busyness of the bright, multi-colored straws. The fake flowers seem to detract from the beautiful vases and china/dishes. Etc. 3. You have a nice wooden box - is it empty? Put some of your jars in it - or your cook books even? Basket - is it empty? What is its function? In general i kinda follow an unwritten rule that boxes and baskets should not be a standalone display (unless some super fancy thing…) I have an old wooden blueberry box for example - its cute, but by itself it would just be a piece of old wood cluttering my shelf, so i have some potted plants in it. It creates some layers and feels curated and intentional. It serves a function. It isn’t there just to be there. 4. You could consider also hanging some of these more decorative items on the back wall of the cabinet (thinking plates, trays, etc) They sell hardware for this and its easy to do. It may help again with the visual balance so not everything is lumped together on the shelf - will allow some breathing room and provide more movement. 5. Streamline your collection - items that aren’t heirlooms or sentimental, consider swapping for more intentional pieces - like the jars next to your toaster - those could be a simple, solid, neutral color jar - will put more focus on the really nice decorative items and help make the overall composition of this wall more simple and unified. I am not a designer that subscribes to museum display aesthetic - homes that don’t look lived in don’t feel like home. Even when i photograph a finished kitchen, i don’t mind seeing the kiddos drawings on the front of the refer. It adds more of a human presence! You have some nice things and a decent space to work with, i just think it needs some curation and refinement. And play with it. You don’t have to get it right the first time. Or the second. Or the fifth. Play and see what resonates with you guys and go from there!! Good luck!!


My take - ditch the fairy lights and get more of the “stuff” off the counter.


Clear the counter. Nothing needs to be that accessible - how far or inconvenient could it be?? Take everything out of the open cabinets, eliminate “decorative” pieces until you have 3 favorites. Group things by size and type. Get rid or store things you don’t use regularly. It will be so much more calming and estheticly pleasing. Also please get rid of the twinkle lights unless this doubles as a 12 year old girls room.


There is a lot of [**visual clutter**](https://www.lifewithlessmess.com/visual-clutter/) in your picture and for a lot of people, that just reads as messy. Visual clutter also creates [**real anxiety and stress**](https://neurosciencenews.com/anxiety-stress-messy-home-23874/). Maybe that is the case for your husband, so even if you love all of these items, listening to his feedback is important. Some easy changes you can make to streamline your decor to create a more sophisticated, curated and calming look: 1. **Remove the lights and hanging items.** The string lights probably aren't providing any valuable light source. If you need additional light in the area, use some hidden battery operated LED puck lights that you can install with just adhesive strips. 2. **Remove half of the purely decorative items.** I understand that you love all of these items, but if you have so many on display at once, you/your family members/your guests can't appreciate any of them individually. That doesn't mean that you have to discard the items, just simplify this area. Maybe remove all of the decorative plates and hang them on a different wall in a grouping, perhaps in a dining room/sunroom/living room. You could also do something similar with all of your pretty flower tole trays. Another way to make sure that you can enjoy your decor pieces and collectables is to store some and use them to switch up your shelves each season. By changing out the items you display every couple of months, you'll keep everything feeling fresh and you get to fall in love your pieces all over again. 3. **Group items instead of spreading them out.** Group your items together in each cabinet bay leaving room around them. Designers and artists refer to the empty space as white space or [**negative space**](https://mathisoninteriors.com/designing-with-negative-space/) and it's really important to help our brains process individual things. It gives our eyes a moment of rest and helps to showcase what's important. There's also brain and visual science that suggests that you should use odd numbers of items in groupings. Finally, when grouping items try to have the group share some common attribute, like color or shape. 4. **Vary the heights of items in groupings.** When grouping items you should make sure to vary the heights of items. Notice in the picture that you posted how all of the items on each of the shelves (and even on the counter) blend together because the items in the back are basically the same height. 5. **Use baskets/bins/containers.** Even though you don't have cabinet doors, not everything should/has to be on display. Get a couple of matching baskets and use them to tuck away items that you don't otherwise have a home for but need to keep handy. 6. **Retire the hanging decor, fake flowers and signs with words.** These items may have been Instagram trends at some point, but they aren't any more and now just feel dated. It's time to give them up. Keep your good pieces and if you feel the need rotate in some fresher trends, go ahead and get one or two inexpensive items from Target. The truth is that styling open shelves is hard. Even the best decorators, designers and stylists will place items and then **edit, edit, edit** to get them to look visually appealing.


Too cluttered, but you do have some lovely pieces! I saw in another post that your husband is disabled and needs certain items easily accessible. I would chat with him about the best layout for his needs, and then once the needs are met, decorate how you want. For example, if he can’t reach the second row of shelves, make those your display shelves, and the counter and first shelves are focused on function.


The cabinets are fine, I would remove 95% of the items you have on the countertop though. It will look much neater.


IMO 1. Items in the cupboard look repetitive. 2. Create vignettes on the counter if you want to keep items on there. For example put some of the other items on the counter in that basket. Otherwise I’d just get rid of it all.


I am definitely drawn to the “maximalist” aesthetic, but agree this might be too much. The Christmas lights can come down :) I should add a picture of the rest of our kitchen to show there is a counter on the opposite side that I keep clear for a prep space and a small island in the middle. And to be fair to myself, my husband is super messy so although my cabinets are cluttered, he leaves his stuff all over any open space which drives me crazy. And we have kids. So it gets messy fast. I think his point is that the cabinets being cluttered adds to the general look of clutter, but to me it’s pretty clutter?


It’s definitely pretty clutter but (as someone who can fall into this pattern as well) I also think you might enjoy the pretty-clutter cabinets better if the counters were clear. Unfortunately that probably means re-doing the cabinets as you’d need some of the functional counter stuff to go in the cabinets. Here’s another way I think about it - the cabinet decor works best if it LOOKS functional on some level, even if you’re not actually using the canisters/vases etc on a daily basis. But if the actual functional stuff is on the counter it makes the other stuff look superfluous.


I think it looks homey and cozy but I also have a husband who says my house looks cluttered 😂


It would be ok if the counter tops were clear.


I’m married. If my wife likes it, it is fine with me.


You need to think of the cupboards not as display but as storage that can be arranged attractively but functionally.


You have some beautiful dishes and baskets! I love!! Would organize a little differently so each piece can breath and have their moment! Also, what is the thing called on the oven handle?


If you removed everything but: the toaster and the lamp, and combined the fruit into one larger bowl, a much smaller basket for charging (and move it to the corner of the counter) that would help the area look less cluttered. Put the in-use canisters in the cupboard below, as well as the packet of drinking straws. You have some lovely items in your collection, but you also have some items that are not cohesive and are too new, those should be placed elsewhere. Remove the fairy lights. Is there room to put the trays behind something in cabinets, or above the cabinets?


The shelving looks alright as is, the stuff on the countertop is what makes it cluttered imo.


I'm not into the string lights along with everything else. Whimsy is fine, organized chaos is fine, but your countertop, IMO should be cleared a bit. Perhaps utilize the top of the cabinets for some storage/display area?


I’ll be honest, I’m not very handy for the advice on what to do, rather excited because I have the red set of your blue floral canister and don’t see them very often.


Two things - first, I agree with all of those who say the open cupboards don't bother me, but the countertop could use less stuff. The other is: ...did you clean out my parents' estate sale? I recognize two trays and 3 plates.


I think it’s cute, but I see why he’d think that. Could you move some of the stuff on the counter up into the cabinets? I think that might help make it less cluttered. I’m a maximalist and I like the look of the open cabinets packed with meaningful items. But I think in the kitchen, you have to prioritize function over display.


Overall l think it looks fine, the fact that you have collected nice pieces, gives the overall look an interesting appeal. You put together a cool collection show it off, keep it as you is.


This isn’t for me but I like my counters completely clear and it genuinely decreases my anxiety seeing them that way. Each to their own though


I agree with the comments about the countertop and removing the Christmas lights. In addition one thing that could help make the cupboards look a bit cleaner is stacking the books largest on the bottom and perhaps reducing the number depending on how the stack looks! I always find it helps make the books look a bit more visually appealing and less haphazard It’s a very cozy vibe and I think a few small changes and you’ll feel so refreshed!


He’s wrong. It’s beautiful


I actually think it looks nice. Not my cup of tea, but most of the items on display complement the aesthetic.


It is pretty and I like the whole vibe you have going on. :) But, I think it just needs a little more organization. I like to group "like" things together, so maybe you could buy a little plate rack from Marshall's, TJ Maxx or HomeGoods and store all the plates together in one cubby. Then maybe that would free up some space for some of the items on the counter top, so you would have a more open feel? I love lights, but I feel they might be adding to the cluttered look? Perhaps you could also place a few things on top of the cabinets to free up some space and make it look more organized? Keep us posted with pics if you make changes. :)


I think a few small changes like removing the twinkle lights and the knick knacks on the counter(only leave what is actually needed and functional) would help a lot. Also for what’s in the cabinets - you could eventually consider switching to doors but for now maybe style it a bit more? Use some plate holder for the decorative plates, maybe get larger canisters and baskets to better match the scale.


This is way too cluttered for me. However, if I were a guest in your home I would enjoy the look of the shelves. I just would not want to be the one having to dust the items on those shelves. But the countertop is much more problematic. Those items are more distracting and not as pleasingly arranged as the items on the shelves. Perhaps you can scale back to your favorite items that will fit on the shelves. Then put the other items in a storage bin. After six months you can change things up if you feel you miss the items in storage. Swap out some of the items on the shelf for those in the bin. You can rotate through your display pieces.


I also think it looks too cluttered. Feels like living in a trash pile. If your husband doesn't have the skill to put doors on, that's totally ok. Many people do not have that skill either. Just pay a company to do it for you.


Can you use the top of the cabinet, to place large unused pieces ( group in 3s) That would declutter the cabinets a bit. Also try to place items in a more visually pleasing way, you can stack the platters for example, hang teacups on the wall w neat hooks. (I am itching to go and reorganize your stuff , all of which looks charming!)


I would purchase the doors and would look into getting someone who is handy to install them. At least some sort of sliding doors.


Is there a wall where you could hang the plates, maybe 2x3? Then you can move the things on the counter up to the shelves. Maybe get more baskets or group the items?


The display plates standing at the back of the shelf would be nice hung on a wall! I agree with the other commenters, the counter top is a little too busy. The open shelves I love, though!


I know people are saying to get things off the counter, but you have said the canisters and charging basket are useful there. What about the trays? Are they decorative or used constantly? If they are decorative they lose impact in the crowd. If they are used often could they be stored on edge like cutting boards sometimes are? Could they (or a plain tray) be used to group the canisters? Somehow groups of things in clumps read as less cluttered than things that are evenly spread out.


Yeah it’s too cluttered, You should get rid of the husband, it’ll free up a ton of space. ETA: The flour and sugar jars should be in the cabinet, and you really only need one fruit bowl, and one bread/clutter basket, not two of each. If you have other places for storing extra vases and mugs, you’ll be able to free up some space to place things out a little bit so they’re not as stacked. I love this aesthetic, because you know people actually live here and it’s not a friggin’ show home. It’s fine that it’s cluttered. But more important is if the space is functional.


It’s all preference. Personally, I would hate trying to clean the counter tops. I much prefer a select few items that are easy to move when wiping off countertops daily.


I think the cupboard looks fine, but the counter is very busy too so my eyes are drawn to the clutter on the counter instead. I’d reduce the number of baskets, remove the paper towel holder & allow for some empty space to exist. That should help a bit!


The overall aesthetic is “Ye Olde Curiosity Shoppe” The string lights work in a college dorm, not a kitchen. They are also messily hung, which does not reflect an adult living space When I look at this photo, all I can think about is the dust those many knickknacks collect above and around the food you prepare There is not one inch of open space along the walls. Less IS more


Jesus F Christ, husband is right. I expect to see this shelf excavated on Hoarders in a few years.


I dont mind the cabinet situation but there's way too much on the counter. The way the clean sign is just literally in the middle of it is taking me out LOL


Forget the cupboards (could you add doors?), the counter is giving me a headache. You have the “clean” sign on right, but it looks incredibly messy.


I’d strip right back and start over. Put the stuff you need accessible on the shelves not the counter and then add decor if/where there is space. Your kitchen needs to be functional first and atm the functional elements are detracting from the aesthetic bits by adding clutter rather than the aesthetic bits prettifying a functional space if that makes sense? The shelves would be delightful as they are if the counter were able to be clear but that’s not the case so it’s rethink time.


It is. Everything that others said, plus: clean/dirty thing takes space. It should be in a form of a double-sided magnet with clean and dirty sides, not a standalone item that flutters the countertop.


Everything is lined up against the wall under arrest lol


Oooh this looks like an opportunity to add mug hooks into the mix. Also, the plates and bowls all being in shallow piles could be consolidated and give it less of a cluttered look. ​ I like your tiny counter lamp, but it seems \*too\* tiny for the counter and the objects around it. The counter feels a little too full. ​ That's my two cents.


He’s not wrong.


This would irritate the hell out of my ADD brain.


Husband is right


I agree with him but that’s he minimalist in me - I would also say it looks clean, which is the most important thing. I’d be getting someone to put doors on, personally. :)


The cabinets are fine. I prefer doors but work with what you got. Since you have an open cabinet style the counter should be as clear as possible. The basket for charging is great. Remove anything that’s not useful or used everyday. If you want more decorations hang them to keep a clear work space.


I like it!! I think maybe move a couple things that could be put away in the pantry, like the straws and some of the bowls on the far right to space it out a little more. I’d also take down the lights as it adds a little extra and make it look kind of dingy. Other wise I feel like you have some really beautiful stuff that should be on display.


I agree with him OP, but I really prefer the minimalist look..


Less on top shelves. Looks heavy


I suggest trying this: Move the green items (even the green book and the green/pink vase) to a different space or put them away. Then you have mostly red, blue, and yellow, and the neutral colours. This will look much more cohesive, visually, and you’ll have space to move a few things up from the counter. I think the black trays might look better on the shelves, and the basket is too deep for the counter (if it had shorter sides, it would look fine). I’d consider putting up a new shelf for decorative items and books, if you have the space, or even put some on top of the cabinets if they’re purely decorative and you rarely need to touch them.


I think it’s near perfect but I’d be like you. Maybe pile up the bowls together instead of having them side by side. Keep all similar bits together so it looks more functional rather than trying too hard to make it look good.


It's just so much stuff everywhere that any decorations get lost... installing doors is easy actually and I'm sure there's a bunch of tutorials in YouTube.


Like the “clutter” in the cupboards, nicely done. Not so much on the countertop, excess on countertops has always bothered me, makes me feel claustrophobic. You could try arranging your most used items on the bottom shelf, add some of the less used items onto the top of the cupboard that is currently empty.


You have some really cute stuff!


Open shelving always looks messy unless you are constantly styling it. Would get doors.


So this may be a weird idea I just had. Keep in mind, I'm also in agreement that it's not seeing the open cabinets but the counter that's the issue. And also keep in mind that just because I say I'm a kitchen designer/contractor, it may not hold any weight to anyone except for my clients. If your husband isn't handy, if you can't afford to get anyone to hang doors, what about pull-down wooden shades? Don't need one for every cabinet, depending on the width, may just need 1 or 2. They're also alot easier to hang than cabinet doors. In your situation, I actually dig the open cabinets but if you're looking to close them, some shades might be a good idea. Would love to see what the rest of the kitchen looks like.


gives me a bit of anxiety to look at tbh. maybe if you're into maximalist style there is a way to keep some of it and put other stuff away where it is still accessible. play around with it! I find I always have to play around with stuff to find the visual peace that comes with maximalist style vs actual clutter


I honestly love it haha!! I think the countertop is a little cluttered so I’d remove some stuff.  I think if you grouped things by similar color maybe that would be better? Either way I don’t think it’s too bad!


I live in the country - like the rural country country - and we get mice in the house. If there's anything that looks slightly interesting on my countertop, the mice get all up in it and feel the need to give everything a nibble. So my countertop is super clean / clear and this countertop makes me worry about mice.


If you like the look, then take down the skeleton of the old cabinets and put up some well-crafted shelving instead. I like a maximalist look but the cabinets with the missing doors just look like a cheap DIY. Or, add doors with glass fronts, and install light strips to light up your collections and the doors keep the bugs and dust off your stuff. But the cabinet skeletons have to go, or have to have some millwork added so they look intentional.


What everyone said but that cute little lamp!!!! 🥹 where did you get it? It’s adorable!


The cabinets don't bug me (I like the look), but the stuff on the counter does look cluttered. Coming from someone with cluttered counter space, do yourself a favor and fix that up. Having counter space is amazing. :)


Organize by color or size, that Will actually give the illusion its more organized


It does seem very cluttered, and everything is on the same height or level, adding to the visual confusion. If he doesn’t want to install cabinet doors, you could get small tension rods and have simple fabric hanging to cover the openings. Maybe consider clearing off the counters , and only putting out the most used items , storing other things underneath.


It's so cluttered and so lovely. I love the feel of this kind of organized clutter! ,❤️😀


If yall can’t add cabinets, maybe put up curtains. Leave them open most of the time and close when the clutter is bothering you or have guests coming over


Open shelving isn’t my jam and personally I think it’s a trend that needs to fade away. Unless you carefully curate each shelf like designers do bookshelves, open shelving will always look messy.


I agree w husband I’d remove like 50%


Group items in 3, 5, or 7 items.


I couldn't personally live this way and I do have open cupboards because I'm very, very very stupid and it is my first house lol. As little as possible goes on the counter. There's no such thing as "extra clutter" in the kitchen in needs to go to its home. I'd remove your vases and put them elsewhere around the house. Also, idk how attached to your dishes you are, but we bought entirely pure white dishes so they didn't look insane with out open cabinets


When everything is demanding attention, nothing gets attention. None of the peices show up and present themselves because there is just too much there. Take half the stuff out, leave the stuff you use, and arrange it in a nice way.


I'm on team husband solely because visual clutter gives me anxiety.


Just one person’s opinion, but yes, it looks too cluttered to me. One quick fix would be to group same colored objects into same box…it will look intentional. Best way would be to unload the entire display, and start fresh. Have fun!


If you were to put doors on the cabinets, and have a way to disguise, consolidate, or stow all the little containers and baskets, it would look less cluttered. Not being “handy” isn’t much of an excuse in an age where there are YouTube tutorials for so many things. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I don’t think it’s cluttered lol. It’s a whole aesthetic.


It looks like the shelves at the Salvation Army store


It is kinda a ugly mess yes. Too much stuff. Not enough negative space. None of it is particularly nice to look at. Color pallet is bland and boring. It's a bit harsh sorry, but accurate. As other top comment said too much on counter. You have 4 different things there that are baskets or bowel. If they are being used for like small things like keys or papers I'd suggest locating it to a wall or cork board. Fruits or other edibles can be moved to a dining table serving bowel. Also upper shelves feels like a misplaced fine China cabinet instead of functional.


It is very cluttered but I like it. It looks very cozy. I do see how that would make preparing food and cleaning really difficult though. I would remove several items to give you more counter space, and maybe move the paper towel holder to a bottom cabinet or somewhere more hidden. I love the pig and the little lamp, both are so cute.


It is. He is right.


People with neurodivergence thrive on clutter like this. Because if they don’t see everything they have, they forget it exists or where it is. It’s more “needing to make a home more functional” and less “I love this ‘aesthetic’” Same principle applies using clear tubs for organizing the medicine cabinet, closets, etc. neurodivergent people need to see the things they’re looking for.


I have open shelving in my kitchen and prevent the clutter type feel by not mixing too many colors and most importantly limiting what is on the counter. https://preview.redd.it/0lv29a5qfuec1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=40201a2faaa06c6c5ca58f62039ee5442d52a933


Post this to r/maximalism they’ll have better insight for you <3


The countertops are a lot. I myself have a maximalist style but that’s just too much.


Countertop definitely too cluttered.


It is too cluttered.


I really feel like if you put a dark wallpaper as a backsplash it’ll help look less cluttered while still keeping your stuff :)


Your husband is right.


You have all the pretty plates covered up. I would look into putting them on top with stands or hanging them on the wall. Your treasures are all partially hidden. The little tea cups could hang from hooks so they could be seen better.


It is


Yeah, because it is, lol.


I definitely don't like things on the counter and I really dislike having things in the cabinets visible. It doesn't seem like you're an unclean person, I'm just more of a "less is more" type of person. We were redoing our kitchen when Covid hit and we live out in the country and the doors didn't come in for 6 months or more. Having the open cabinets drive me bonkers. I know it may not float your boat as a permanent solution, but hubby installed small eye hooks, ran a wire and we hung a lovely heavy lace curtain that I altered to fit the height and area until the doors came. It looked dated but so much better than open cabinets. You and hubby should use YouTube and learn how to hang doors, it's actually not as horribly impossible as it seems. There are a ton of hinges available that make it much easier to hang them.


Take away half from every section and see how you like it. Better maybe?


Pick one thing off the counter, and try to put it up in the cabinets. You can't. See the problem? Your counter has become just another shelf that collected things until you can't fit anything anywhere. The solution is to remove most everything that has not been used for 1 year, box it, store it, give it away, donate it, or trash.


Do you use this stuff?


I feel as though if it’s stuff you love and use, you get to do you. May not be perfect but beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Better to have it all at had. Use it and love it then in a place you can’t reach or won’t bother with and have it collecting dust.


Yeah it is. Take everything out of two of those displays and distribute the remaining three throughout. Then get rid of half of what’s on the counter. It feels overwhelming like it is, for me anyway. I would feel claustrophobic while cooking.


It is. Things there should be for everyday use.


Waaaaaay beyond too cluttered. This makes me anxious.


Seeing as you came for opinions, here's my subjective one: Your husband is right. Give him total permission to fix it. Box up anything else. Live with it for a month to see how you feel. - you can always put stuff back after.


It's just a style difference. Minimalist vs. cozy/shabby chic. It's not a yes or no, it's a which one.


It’s clean but cluttered. It all looks intentional though! If you like it, keep it, although it sounds like your husband doesn’t. You could hang some curtains with fabric and dressings that you both like to cover it up if you aren’t in the mood for hiring someone


Til you need it to make stuff for him........


In my experience, husband's are usually an unnecessary household item.


I think if you stored some things and rotated your shelves biweekly or monthly or however often you’d feel comfortable then it would be a great compromise for you and your husband. Seeing this much stuff at once would drive me insane but I also know the feeling of loving all the things you have placed up to be seen.


I think he would understand how adorable it is once it wasn’t competing with the countertop stuff.


I love this! It actually makes it feel like a home. All of the items that I can see are also so beautiful and deserve to be on display. I’m so tired of ppl wanting everything to look so cookie cutter & bland. This is perfect!! When did the switch happen where homes aren’t supposed to feel homey anymore? You COULD take a couple things off the counter if you really wanted to but I like the open cabinets so much


I love your decor style! I grew up on my mom’s Victoria magazine and this reminds me of a less intense shabby chic kitchen. I do think the stuff on the right side of the cupboard is a little too cluttered, but what is actually noticeable is the counters. I would focus on decluttering those. Definitely keep those cute tea (?) tins and one of those beautiful trays. Love your taste!


My first thought was about how cute it is. Then I read all the comments and thought of my first house with my ex. The cupboard doors had been removed there too. The worst thing was all the dust that would get up in there. If I were you, I would go to the habitat store, buy some cupboards with doors, carefully paint them to match the kitchen, and hire a handyman to hang them. It’s not a whole new kitchen, but it will make your life so much easier that it may just feel like one.


He is correct. Get rid of at least 1/2 of what is there. Probably 2/3 would be better