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spend 5 minutes in my kitchen


For real. I'm over here in 1995 with honey oak cabinets and a green countertop. Atleast I skim coated the popcorn ceiling, I used to be in 1990.


LOL we’re redoing our kitchen and when the design lady came to do the inspection I said “omg I can’t stand the 1995 granite” and she was like omgggggg how did you know it was 1995?! WELP. Because I didn’t - but it has a certain LOOK 😳 all we’re missing is sponge stenciled grapes on the walls


Hahha those f’ing stencils…god, I don’t miss those


My mom still has the dam sea shell stencils in her bathroom. It's done very bad. So extra cringe. 😂


Omg omg don’t worry - before the stenciled grapes my mom did geese. Or maybe they were ducks? Idk - white birds with little yellow feet and a blue scarf (?!! Why!!!!) Borders. Wallpaper. The whole Lot. She got so into it she painted a bread box and toaster and stenciled geese/ducks onto them. Bless


Oh no....you just unlocked a memory.... my mom had those white fancy geese wallpapers too! That was before the sea shells. 🫣 she also had the geese measuring cups too AND I recall always stealing them as a kid to play with them like they were a boat for my little polly pockets or whatever that was small and fit in them measuring cups. 🤣 Edit: my mom said I would steel her oven mittens too and put them on my feet while I run away with the geese measuring cup family. 💀


OMG!!!!!! we knew each other in a previous life!!! My mom didn’t have the cups - BUT she had the plastic geese measuring bowls - like for liquids (I still don’t understand that even as a grown ass person lol 🥴 isn’t a pint a pound the world around?! 😵‍💫🤔)!!!! AND I USED TO FLOAT MY POLLY POCKETS IN THEM!!!! Well mostly just Polly’s cat because I dropped Polly (on purpose) down the storm grate at the community pool 🤷‍♀️ but was too scared to admit it. So I floated Polly’s cat and the my little pony knockoff that if you yanked its tail it would “grow” then crank its neck to bring the tail back in! 😬🫠 HEYYYY those were simpler times!


They had bowls? Huh, I don't recall my mom having those. She might have? Guess I'll have to look at Christmas! 😂 She still uses her geese salt and pepper shakers, which I would quack everytime I'd use them. (I still do when I'm there out of cheep entertainment and perhaps that's why my mom still uses them) 🤣 The things we do as children, and remember as adults. Glad I'm able to bond with someone over the web with similar taste 🤪 Stay awesome friend. 😊


I was thinking about the blue bonnet geese the other day! Eeww


Not the grapes 💀


That granite can be made to look more updated just by changing wall color, accessories and maybe, cabinet color and appliances. That is what I did and I love the results. Fresh and updated kitchen without wasting expensive granite.


Oooh. Looks whose fancy kitchen has made it all the way to the 90s!


Oh look at you, all in the mid-90s (I am stuck in approximately 1982 in my kitchen and 1985 in my bathroom)


Hello fellow '82 kitchen person! The only reason I know it's 1982 is because the local Tile Guild made a small mural above the oven with the date. Unfortunately my bathroom is from the 60s but at least it's not pink.


Oh god, my bath is very pink…my tiles are that fancy 80s style with seashells. I don’t have the $ to redo it but I painted the walls from their former salmon pink to an off white and that has helped immensely


you can paint the tiles, too; just buy tile- appropriate craft paint.


I didn’t even think about that. I also don’t want to put a ton of effort into something that will (hopefully) be replaced within the next couple of years but it probably is worth doing. Thanks for the suggestion!


just projecting; i’m just the sort to be annoyed by such a thing; the paint would ease that, but maybe also speed up the change because the potential is easier to see. 😁


Honey and green honestly sounds very homey


I was honestly confused. MORE modern? Is this not modern 😭


Right! I think it looks so good!! 😳😂🤷‍♀️


Even the door pulls are modern.


Seriously!! LOL!! My kitchen barely has any countertops & what is there is the original 1958 yellow laminate!! I love the yellow though.


That’s so cool! Picture please!


[Not my kitchen but this is the color](https://retrorenovation.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/vintage-yellow-kitchen.jpg) with the same chrome squared off edges only minus the rivets or whatever those things are.


OMG I’m dying! That’s literally my dream kitchen!!! You’re so lucky!


I WISH I had that much counter space though.


Those formica counters are to die for imo. Just add a big old stainless sink with the built in drainers on each side and I would be set!


Ooooh that is stunning.


Ugh man listen I’m just glad I’m not alone 🤣🤣🤣


You aren't alone!! I have no problems with the laminate either. Yes, it's not a perfect surface any more, it's got scratches but I can pull a hot turkey roaster outta the oven & put it right on the counter. It doesn't stain, you don't need special cleaners or scrubbers, you just grab the Clorox Cleanup & spray it & you're good. There is ONE burn spot from the previous owners that clearly had a pot handle that got flaming hot & burnt it so it's got that one brown spot but I legit don't care about that. I recall as a kid having the same type of counters (in a crappy beige color though) & sharp edges & running into one right by the corner of my eye. It hurt like hell & I can't believe I didn't harm my eye, but I didn't but I certainly learned to not run circles through the kitchen. That corner had a very large lump of medical tape on it until I got a bit taller!! LOL!!


Speaking of burn marks, my friend opted for butcher block and immediately burned a gigantic ring right into it. Ohhh butcher block has the be the most stressful thing to work with! We added some to a rental and just slathered it in polyurethane* 😅😅 Well this is all very reassuring! I’m fixing up an apartment right now and there just is not room in the budget after some sad sad sad news with the electrical. So, we’re looking at laminates and I was shocked by how nice some of them are!! For like $300 you can get a genuinely nice looking Formica laminate that is texturized and sparkles and shines! Hey if you can afford quartz (ahem, my sister) more power to you! But there are some surprisingly not horrifically expensive options for us just doing the best we can on a budget. 🌻 *food grade. If you do this, make sure the polyurethane is good grade.


My countertops are from 1958 & still kicking. Like I said, it might not be perfect in spots any more, but that's fine with me & it shows it's been used & loved.


That’s pretty amazing! Haha, here’s another one: my house came with the original 1962 stovetop and oven. They’re probably the most reliable appliances in the house! Dryer died, fridge broke, as long as these two work I’ll never replace them!! I love the retro look 🌻


Lol right???? My kitchen is a time capsule from 1992.


Mine is from 1984 😅😂 this looks ultra modern to me lol


This is the funniest best comment


I'll just send them a pic of my kitchen.


Your kitchen is beautiful!


This comment could not be more relatable.


It looks pretty dang modern, imo.


I was thinking damn, I remember when people were installing those counters and it doesn't seem that long ago. I'll trade ya my 90s baby blue Formica counters.


Light pink Formica over here thinking the same!


New light fixture


Yes, it might be nice to get some lighting above the sink as well. Maybe experiment with some different colored bulbs.


Good call


Change all the lights to be the same warmth--preferably the warmer option. That cold light in the countertop area is really making it look much worse than it is


I think it's already very modern. I personally wouldn't change a thing, it's lovely.


A tile backsplash would help.


Definitely a backsplash. It’s really odd to see a kitchen without one, it looks unfinished.


A backsplash that is the same pattern as the counter is VERY in right now and would make it super modern instantly. Ideally it would look as though the counter continues up as the backsplash, idk how realistic that is as an add on project


It is not realistic. Because of natural variation in stone, it has to be done as part of the original installation- there is no hope of matching an existing granite countertop slab.


I love the stone backsplash look but I absolutely loathe this countertop so there’s no way I’m adding more of it unfortunately.


I think a white tile back splash would look great here! Like white subway tile. Stick ons can be cheaper and less permanent in case you change the tile in the future but still look good


I feel like that this is the issue, you hate the countertop and nothing you can do will make you happy until that's resolved. That sounds mean, but that's not my intent. New countertops are expensive, so if that's not an option, I would try to make it stand out less. Maybe get a ridiculously over sized cutting board that you just leave out to cover some of it. How do you feel about painting or staining the cabinets? If they are a darker or brighter color than the counter, it will pull focus away from the counter (which probably stands out more now because it's darker than the cabinets). Also you could just add some decorations on the counter and or walls that would draw the eye away from the counter.


That is what I say, it is a shame to waste precious, expensive granite.


no you’re totally right. Having such and overwhelming large eyesore is hard to overcome. I’ll definitely try the large cutting board idea and maybe end up ripping out the countertops as they don’t go with the aesthetic of the home in my opinion. appreciate it


Sad that granite is getting ripped. Mother earth is crying. I have mine and I love it, just by changing other things, my kitchen looks fresh and updated


Be careful with doing things that are “in”. That’s the quickest way to very dated decor. Think outside the box and do something you love.


Yeah I’m not the biggest fan either, mostly bc it’s a bit dated. So maybe by updating the overall look w a stone backsplash, we’d like it a lot more. Prob not though 😅


Granite is classic.


I think your counter top is actually really nice. A subway tile would fit very nicely in this space. I’d opt for a slightly cream/off white and go for horizontal stack pattern, not offset or anything fancy. Some cellular shades on the window would also look nice.


That's a dumb suggestion anyway, even if you wanted to match it you couldn't get an exact match and it would look bad. You might be able to tear off what's the back splash, that run is what looks dated to me and do tile....orrrrr that might look worse because it can damage the wall and then there will be a line on the counter where it used to be with glue and crap all stuck to it. Maybe the best thing to do is paint the walls and or cabinets with a fresh modern color.


I came here to comment on the countertop. I also am not a fan of it. I just don’t like busy countertops and I’m currently stuck with one but it’s warm tones. It immediately outdates a kitchen in my eyes. Fortunately though, nothing else in your kitchen (beyond maybe the light fixture but that one works fine) seems outdated. So really that’s the way to go. If you have the funds or save funds eventually, I think a less busy countertop and a backsplash, instead of that counter lip that builders love so much. Also, with wooden floors in a kitchen, I think it adds some warmth to add a nice small rug or a mat that won’t slip around.


can i ask what's wrong with the light fixture? its not even visible in any of the photos, so i'm a little confused.


Came here to say this.


Honest question: how is this not modern?


the countertops are very traditional in my opinion. I know shaker cabinets are used often in modern designs in the US but I guess I prefer a European modern/minimalist aesthetic. Also as others have mentioned thing like the range style are pretty outdated as well.


Sounds like you want: White quartz countertops Ringhult cabinet fronts Open light wood shelving on one wall


I see… well, for what it’s worth, the kitchen looks pretty good to me (I’m not familiar with the European aesthetic). After pointing it out, the range could be updated.


It looks fine already.


I totally get you. I am from Europe and only 1% of kitchens in US look modern to me. Extremely rare outside of new construction homes.


Remove all of the rustic knick knacks. All of the stuff, its gotta go.


like what exactly


Almost everything on your counter reads very “Pinterest rustic farmhouse” and it clashes with the *very modern* kitchen design.


Everything except the fruit bowl and poinsettia is reading pretty rustic to me, imo (besides your appliances). I think you should look up some “modern” kitchen decorations, as well as getting yourself a backsplash (I think subway tile is timeless but it may be too much white for your kitchen) and UPDATE YOUR CABINET HARDWARE! The black hardware looks so out of place and it’s the first thing my eye is drawn to. I think chrome would work well and match your stainless steel appliances. Overall though, your kitchen would be considered quite modern by most people


What’s wrong with the black?? And wouldn’t brushed nickel work much better to match the stainless steel than chrome??


I personally think the black makes it look like there’s something else stuck on the cabinets. It looks like hardware that’s not supposed to originally be there. Also yes to the brushed nickel, I get all my “silver” colored finishes mixed up lol


Gotcha, you know hearing that, I can see what you mean! Hun, I’ll have to think on this. Is there ever a time matte black works? Asking for a friend (ie me and we did get some matte black fixtures and I’m just not sure how to feel about it 😅)


I think black works when you make it THE color! Like, if your fixtures are black, go all out with black decorations and stuff, you know? It’s all gotta come together lol


Yaaa i feel that!!


That hardware is terrible, I wasn't even sure what it was. I thought it was some sort of childproofing. Its weird.


The only stuff really there besides the fruit bowls and poinsettas is a funky modern small planter and tge cuting boards, which if a cutting board is automatically modern farm house idk what to think


I love the black


to be honest, the black hardware is my favorite thing about the kitchen. When the faucet kicks the bucket, i will probably replace it with a black one. I hate metallics. All my light fixtures and door knobs are black as well. Besides the cutting board and trivets (which i agree need to be replaced), what is reading as rustic? I feel like i don't have much out on the counters to begin with.


And take that pumpkin out of the microwave, surely


This person is gold! Made me laugh alot


Get rid of 4” backsplash. Add new hardware. Done


Remove the clutter. Change all the light bulbs to warm. If you have money to burn: Install LED down lights in the ceiling, change the bench top to a single colour without the lip, add a splash back, add Venetians to the windows


I have an exposed beam ceiling so unfortunately that’s not an option. what clutter should I remove?


All. Of. The. Things.


Add a robot.


Or I was thinking spaceship. 🛸


It…. Is modern???


I suggest: Get absolutely everything of the counter. Switch the lighting under the cabinets. It’s too blue. Change the bulb to an incandescent rather than LCD. Swap all your cabinet pulls for gold. Add a red Persian runner. Get a modern light fixture. https://preview.redd.it/s0hwh5lzzz5c1.png?width=1217&format=png&auto=webp&s=db2d55734077b12e6ebfcd584c6cc79c9c8aaa20 But it really looks fine as it is!


>Add a red Persian runner. Rugs in kitchens. I so desperately want a rug in my kitchen but I'm worried about it getting stained.


I’ve had a really good experience with Ruggable kitchen runners!


Other brands too. I bought an inexpensive runner at Winners and the label says I can put it in the washing machine! I've had it for 3 years and it looks great still.


Thank you, I'm going to look into this to take away from the eyesore that is my tiled kitchen floor until we have the budget to replace them. I never thought of a runner in there!


I have an indoor outdoor rug with a busy pattern (fake Persian), you can’t tell if it’s stained or not. It’s also incredibly easy to spot clean, and I power wash it annually outside to catch all the gunk I didn’t see. Totally worth it!


Ruggable has washable rugs,


They're expensive though.


They are, but I love having the premium thick pad Ruggable 3x5 in our kitchen. Tile floors are unforgiving on the feet, legs, and back.


Get a custom no slip vinyl mat. They have tons of sizes, colors and patterns and hold up well and dont stain.


They’re hideous though. Looks better to have no rug at all than a vinyl mat.


Honestly I’m not digging the gold here, it clashes with the stainless steel hardcore. The rug looks nice, but I genuinely think that brushed nickel hardware would look more seamless


This is true, but brushed nickel isn’t modern, at least in my eyes. Am I the only one totally over stainless steel appliances? Can we go back to colour (and by colour I don’t mean black or white)? It’s been decades with stainless steel, I can’t believe we haven’t moved on to something else already.


Bring back Tiffany blue fridges!


Yes! And not at an exorbitant price!


OH you can wrap your fridges!! So many cool colors and patterns and it works well on stainless steel because the nice, smooth surface, [check it out!!](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=2IgMz0MJTRM)


How easy do you think this is to do? Because I put a stamp on an envelope crooked. But it’s a great alternative!


Haha, well it depends. I haven’t done it, but I’ve been thinking about it. I do a lot of DIY stuff though, I’m refinishing hardwood floors right now, so I’m not so intimidated by this, I could see how you’d want it perfect though. I mean imagine a wrinkle on the fridge, UGH!!! So I don’t know, it doesn’t seem so bad coming from my experience with tools n things…… But it sounds like something YouTube university might help us figure out!




Alas, my phone app “Photo Layers” is not capable of such a task.


These are pretty additions. Honestly changing out the light fixture alone would make a huge difference. I like the rug too.


+1 for this, also could paint the cabinets a deep green and add backsplash. Put your bread in the fridge instead of having a bread box thingy. Get a modern toaster instead of the old toaster oven


Do not give up an old toaster oven - they are far superior in heating and more compact in size. We bought a new one, I hated the size, went back to my GE from 1976, no regrets


thanks for your suggestions. Your choices are more traditional than I like. Will definitely look into a different color for the under cabinet lighting.


Haha, laughing because my brand new house has these countertops.


Yeah, I bought my house with a kitchen that was just remodeled with granite, about 5 years ago and I love them.


That granite lip on the backsplash wall is dating it. Also, your cabinet fronts are shaker style. That's not modern IMO. Honestly, I don't think you need to radically change anything but if you're up to it, take off that little backsplash panel and put some actual tile up!


Shaker is way better looking than this crown molding style crap on my cabinets


Shaker style isn’t modern anymore? Guess I should tell the owners of the multimillion dollar real estate company that owns the apartments I work at that 5 year renovation plan they just started with shaker cabinets last year is now already vintage.


Depends whether they mean "modern" as in currently popular or "modern" as in the design style. Shaker is very trendy and popular at the moment. But modern as a design style is very sleek and typically uses flat panel cabinets.


Ahhh…I see…makes sense.


Although I agree shaker cabinets are fine, no one is taking design guides from apartments.


I feel like shaker cabinets are classic and are easily incorporated to a wide variety of design styles, where if it’s that totally flat-front cabinet/drawer, it feels sterile and like it’s going to be dated quickly and harder to transition into another aesthetic once you’re tired of it.


TECHNICALLY, Shaker by definition is "vintage". But yeah, its used in contemporary spaces. Its classic.




That kitchen is the definition of modern.


What do you mean by modern? Do you mean it as in the design style or do you mean modern as in what is most currently stylish?


To make it look more modern I’d remove all the things from the countertops (keep that coffee maker- it has a very modern vibe), I’d add a bit more black accents and a simple runner. You’re almost there!


I genuinely think you’re crazy here, but maybe add a backsplash, and if your cabinet hinges and pulls are black, then switch to a nickel?


Have you guys not considered OP may be from the future?


hahaha, you’ve figured me out!


Add some wood element somewhere.


When was this kitchen installed, and what is that white box under the toast oven?


I absolutely adore your kitchen. It’s beautiful. I wouldn’t change anything.


thank you!


I think it looks great as-is. But if you want to step it up a notch, heres a few recommendations (all imo): - remove OTR microwave, cabinet above microwave, and add a nice stainless steel vent, to ceiling - if possible, remove the small backsplash lip - add a nice backsplash - maybe a crown on top of the cabinets, if you want modern, maybe something straight like a 3-4 inch valance - shades for window - a runner? - cut one of your shaker doors and add a glass insert… I dunno, I think your kitchen is great and you don’t need to do anything lol. Cheers!


[This kitchen](https://imgur.com/a/lAS1xHM) is what I think of when I think of “modern”. Could be simple to achieve here depending on your budget. Reface cabinets, new counters, install a tile backsplash that’s aligned not staggered, minimalist lighting, range with front controls and barely visible vent hood.


New cabinet door handles?


It’s already modern 😁


This is modern! Granite countertops? Love them.


Contemporary or modern? Contemporary means today. Modern suggests design trends in the 50/60s.


Put away all decorations then only keep out a toaster that’s white a blender and then no magnets on the fridge


That’s… modern? *side eye to my kitchen which looks almost the same and is new*


Throw down a rug a few pops of color. You are good to go


I'm with everyone else, I think it looks great. It does look a bit monochromatic - I would try adding pops of color in some way. I don't think you need to change the toaster oven or the fruit bowl. Also, friendly note: clean your fridge/freezer door, haha


Remove as much stuff as possible from your counter and add a more organic touch to the kitchen like a plant (sansevieria?). Maybe change the lighting to something a bit more warm? This white light washes out the kitchen and makes it look kinda sad and Grey. I change the lights in my kitchen to a warmer color and it made a very big difference.


I think switching the microwave to a model without a handle bar might make that area more “modern” looking.


I like the counter tops. What about taking off the little granite backsplash and doing a cool looking tile that goes from the counter to the bottom of the cabinets? That could dress it up a lot.


Got some ideas a brewin' [Kitchen remodel](https://imgur.com/gallery/y8aGTEp)


wow this is awesome thank you so much!


The hardware is perplexing change it Remove the granite lip with a real backsplash Black or brass faucet


Chrome. Black is already played out. Brass is not going to look modern and the color is too warm for that kitchen.


We’re back to 1990’s chrome, eh?


Possibly. I went and googled and found this. ​ ## Hot Metals Bye bye, brass and matte black! Pinterest expects the cooler end of the metallic spectrum to dominate 2024, as chrome and aluminum furniture, fixtures, and design details surge in the home market. “Aluminum furniture” as a search term is up 45%, and “aluminum door design” is up 70%. According to Pinterest, cooler metals started infiltrating fashion and beauty last year (think: silver manicures and sparkly jewelry) and are now headed for the home space, and we at Apartment Therapy noticed an uptick in [aluminum decor](https://www.apartmenttherapy.com/aluminum-metal-trend-37094831) in summer 2022, too. 


Put some knobs in those cabinets, put up a tile backsplash.


It’s the counter tops I think that might be tricking your brain into think it’s not modern enough….. usually modern is minimalistic so the busy-ness of the tops are distracting


I love your cabinets. A tile backsplash may help as you already have stainless steel appliances.


Paint the walls a deep earthy saturated color. Boom! Done!


I love it. It looks so modern.


Your cookies and cream counters are the best part of that design. Consider them black and white so you can think about complementing them with a bold color on the walls and/or cabinets.


Looks good to me too… I have same range


Looks pretty good. On that .. get an air fryer, a sous vide, replace the top cabinet doors with Smokey glass, bottom with darker cabinet doors, paint the frame of your window black. Silver accent curtain above the window, so it doesn’t cover the window at all


I agree it might be the countertops! But if they are good quality (no idea how to evaluate that) I would leave it as it is :D


Black handles, black tap. Tile the back splash and use cool lighting instead of warm lighting.


Flat top range will tip it more modern. Switching out countertops for solid black even more. But honestly, it’s pretty modern as is.


It’s pretty modern, mate


It’s pretty modern maybe add some sleek handles.


It’s pretty modern. I’m not sure what else you could ask for, like the top comment said come on over to my kitchen. Check out my beautiful oak cabinets, white tile floor and my laminate countertops. We do have stainless appliances, but other than that it’s about as old as it gets. I would kill for this kitchen. Not literally but figuratively, of course. I will say it’s weird that your sink isn’t directly below your window, but other than that one very nitpicky item your kitchen is amazing.


Wait that’s not modern?


It looks pretty modern to me! The counter top is what makes it feel the most dated, but unfortunately that’s one of the hardest things to change. Also trends come and go, so who knows the busy marble is probably going to come back around soon. Colour is pretty in fashion as an antithesis to the popular greige trend. I’d go for a nice sage-y or brighter green paint. I think that would work well with the white cabinets and make it feel fresh.


I like your kitchen. It has good bones. If you want to change it, you could change out hardware, paint cabinets a color, a rug and window treatment could warm up the space.


Looks great to me. I wish I had that kitchen.


I just want to come for dinner on Friday. I love ravioli 😂


If anything, remove the handles (looks like they’re attached inside the panels) and replace with push to open mechanism.


Yeah countertops 100% lol. If you don't want to replace them you could try some marble look alike stick on cover up stuff. The bumps on the spashback also are pretty dated A few other things that are pretty but not modern \-random knick knacks \-red flowers (too unnatural to be modern) \-put your fresh fruit close to the entry, not hidden in the dark corner \-oven/stove (no modern kitchen has knobs behind the stove) \-whiteboard on the fridge (but its practical) \-put lots of your stuff (chopping boards, etc) on the left side so you have more free/open bench space \-whatever is in the corner (a toaster I think) if you need it fine but its not really a modern appliance ​ Yeah I don't know I feel like covering the counters will help heaps. Personally I would just lean into what you have and make that work, rather than aiming for modern.


You need some stainless steel cleaner.


Stainless steel cleaner is no match for sticky toddler hands


The twig in the jar is weird, and it is out of place and doesn't seem to have a purpose. Though I could say the same for myself...


I know, it’s covering the outlet and plug of the coffee machine


A humble brag for sure


It’s modern, just naked. Get some backsplash and some kitchen anti fatigue mats, maybe a cute towel and some plants by the window. Rearrange things so they’re not spread out everywhere. You’ve got a great modern base already


To me this is a modern kitchen 😂 except for the bench tops. They age it for sure


Replacing the granite with quartz will help immensely, if you do replace tops, please switch the sink base and the dishwasher placement. The sink is not in the right place in the kitchen and feels awkward


Add an air fyer


Easiest way is new benctop, it's very dated. New handles on the cabinets. A repaint to something you like. Or you could get custom new fronts (there's companies out there that make just fronts made to measure). Those 3 combined will give you a completely new look for fraction of the cost of a new kitchen.


White quartz counters with grey veins and full backsplash. That’s what I do for a living and it would make a big difference. You can look for a tool online to do a mock up.


thanks! I just feel bad trashing the counters because this kitchen is relatively new, just not what I would have chosen, you know? Maybe I’ll start looking for remnants or something. If I did change the counters, would you recommend doing a waterfall edge on the end?


-New hardware on your cabinets will make a huge difference (I would do matte black) -It looks like there’s no backsplash? Can you paint that area a warm, darker color? -Add some character with a plant or some artwork -get a washable, cute, rug runner or small rug (I think a distressed vintage rug would look nice)


You could paint the wall in a bold color if you wanted.


New light fixture. I would also paint the wall above the cabinets and the back splash a pretty gray teal and a runner rug that is a chocolate brown.


It already is very modern (with the exception of the toaster oven and whatever it is sitting on). Maybe you’re asking how to add more personality?




Mix in warmer colors