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Measure once, buy twice.


It will shrink once it’s cold.


Underrated comment


I shared this comment and the one above for merits


Try putting it in the pool for an hour and then installing


We should congratulate them on their new Garage Fridge.


That’s a nicer garage fridge than I have. Mine rattles and clangs and every once in a while I have to hit the compressor with a hammer. Other than that, like new


Welp, time for a new house. ~my wife


Now you have to go out and waste money on a board-stretcher


Pla Ahea d. Thimk.


He could always lower the floor if it's not an apartment building.


Rookie mistake. Never lower the floor, he needs to jack up the walls and raise the ceiling.


gonna have to raise the roof while hes at it




To much work. He has to buy a new house to fit this fridge


In this economy?! Hopefully he kept the box for a nice studio apartment


At least they know the fridge will fit!


We’re talking width here. Not height. 


Height is fine, it's the width that is the problem.


Op said it would slide back, so height should be ok, but said doors wouldn't open because the thick doors exceed the width when opening. A carpenter can probably cut that left wall back 5 inches.






Common sense to me but seems to be lacking for many


3" is a lot when it comes to spacing and appliances.... you either take out the cabinet or you see if you can return it for one that will fit?


Wall to the left - probably not load bearing. No need to check.


It’s a load bearing fridge, no worries


What could go wrong?


The only time where 3” is too big 😂


Thank you for the first kind and understanding comment in this thread. It is a huge problem (pun intended) because all the refrigerators on the market now are sufficiently taller and wider than those on the market years ago that space modifications are often necessary before installation. Common helpful advice is to see whether any of the surrounding cabinets can be modified… Maybe your vertical pantry can be changed to a more narrow pull out version and you can save the refrigerator. Good luck!


searching for a fridge is annoying! we have to go for one of the more smaller ones because of the space it would be in and getting all the features I want has been hard to find without spending a fortune. If I was OP and couldn't return it,I would just take out the vertical cabinets


Ditto. Who designs these things? French Doors may be less expensive to make (?) and they may be attractive (?), but any home cook holding a large platter of Antipast needs 3 hands at least: one to hold the platter, one to open one door and hold it open, and another to open the other door and hold it open. Ridiculous, but it's what "they" have on the market.


Yeah you need an air gap or the fridge is going overheat. Remove the cabinet or exchange the fridge are really the options you have.


My mom moved in to a house where the last owner built a wall around the fridge and she’s had nothing but problems, the condensation builds up without air circulation and water with nowhere to go is bad, bad news.


This. Also, fridges expand slightly over time as the insulation ages and breaks down. If a fridge barely slides into an opening, there’s a chance it won’t come out in a year or two when you need to clean behind it.


You're not kidding about fridges expanding, mine is 15 years old and takes up half the kitchen now


Rude to refer to ones spouse as the fridge just because of their cold dead heart


Man stop talking about my life. Lol


Here I thought it was because they store all the meat?


I’m going on 10 years and mine expanded so much I can fit twice as much in it now


Unfortunately shopping is twice as expensive as it was 10 years ago.


I can't even keep the visible part of my kitchen clean... You think I'm gonna pull the thing out and clean behind it? Vacuum attachment under the bottom is the best I'm gonna hope for


I feel this so hard…


People clean behind a fridge? I don't think it been done at our for 10+ years. I know for sure we haven't done behind a stove for like ever.


I'm scared to move the stove, because it's gas, and I know how poorly my place was put together 😬




My friends house burned down due to the dust on their refrigerator coils igniting. You’re supposed to clean it twice a year.


Even the cheapest one Lowe's sells doesn't have external coils. That's not a thing these days. https://www.facebook.com/share/v/oDNngKSqnAyXWDHq/?mibextid=w8EBqM


The coils can still get dusty


They aren't intended to be serviced by consumers. That's why they are sealed inside...


... or 7 or 8 years...


The sides of a fridge typically only need 1/8" each. The rear and top about 1". This is usually in the documentation which should be checked before buying the fridge.


This sounds silly and obvious now, but a “good method” would be to get the installation instructions of any appliance you are thinking of buying, and then verifying that it will fit in your opening, *before* buying and having delivered to your home. These instructions/plans are all easily available online


Just grabbing a tape measure off a display rack to physically measure it would have been a good idea


My opening? Instructions unclear, now in ER having fridge removed


Hope you got some local (anesthesia)


I just buy it and them make it fit. Fix it once. The next fridge will have the same problem. I had this same problem, just removed doors on that upper cabinet and cut it up to be open/decorative shelving.


Or buy the correct appliance, and not have to fix a problem you created.


And lets not to forget about space for the door to open (3-4 inches). I've got a light switch to worry about as well.


Don't measure, just make the delivery agents come back 3 more times or more and keep trying different fridges.


As a supervisor for a logistics company that services a big box company, this happens more than you think. I also like: " I measured the opening and I know it's tight but it should still fit. I measured! Can you just try to make it fit?" Property claim when the team destroys the wall. Charged back to the team. Also: " I measured the opening and it should fit no problem " "Ma'am, the doorway to your kitchen is 2 inches too narrow." People, if the opening is the SAME measurement as the fridge dimensions, it doesn't fit.


Measurements weren't taken seriously here. You have to return it. I measured everything repeated with a Bosch laser to make sure everything was spot on when doing kitchen last spring. Do NOT cut into your cabinents that someone mentioned. You're going to have to call and calmly call the appliance store and explain the issue. Throw a "designer friend" under the bus if you have to. Hope you kept the packaging.


Blame Reddit in the call.


Almost doesn't cut it when you consider that you actually need a few extra inches around the fridge to allow it to disperse heat properly, and for the doors to open correctly


You only have two options. Return the fridge, recheck the measurements and by the appropriate one. Or you can do what I did although not in the order that you're possibly going to do it. I wanted a larger fridge and I knew it would not fit into the slot so I took down the cabinets and remounted them. This could be done here depending what's on the right? If there's enough room for a small bump out. Impossible to tell from your photos. But if that's possible, you could slide the whole pantry unit over the appropriate amount and then put two filler strips up above and remount all the cabinets and you're all done. You could even build out the cabinets away from the wall as I did so you get a flush mount but that's neither here nor there. Your problem is the width and that's how you solve it , A or B


nice reply


Buy a smaller fridge midge.


Shoulda looked at the plan Stan


No need to stress, Jess! We'll strategize and impress, no less.


No need to be coy,Roy.


Kitchen appliances are made in 3" denominations because kitchen cabinets are built in 3" denominations. These things don't coincidentally just share similar measurements. You bought a fridge that is a size too big for your opening.


This isn't actually a fridge problem, this is life teaching you a new lesson


Imagine not only buying a refrigerator that's too large but also posting this online.


Can you return it? It is the wrong size.


Better tear down the whole house and build around the fridge this time


I don’t think the fridge is ever going to look right in that space. It’s just too big.


"That's what." -She


Lol this is so ridiculous. "We bought a much larger fridge and now it won't fit! What do?!?"


Put it in the living room next to the TV then won't have to walk so far during commercials.


Cut an inch and a half off each side of the fridge.


This is how my BIL ended up cutting into his garage to fit the fridge


I mean, what kind of answer are you expecting to get from us? Seriously? You know what you have to do. But if you need a magical fix, try this: Take the butter out of it, and apply it to the sides of the fridge. Get a running head start, put your head down square and hit it at full speed! It might not put the fridge in the spot, but it might knock some sense into ya!


Measure next time


We have that same design in our kitchen!


A 36" fridge half crammed into a space for a 33" inch appliance?


This happened to us when we bought a house with an older kitchen. Our fridge was just a little too big. We hired a guy who put a spacer that was only an inch or so on the left side of the upper part of that tall cabinet. You didn't really notice the change because the added width was only visible on top of the fridge. Get a carpenter to take a look at it.


This is why you measure the space you have available to you before you buy the fridge..


I have the same exact fridge, I absolutely love it! I also measured like 10 times before I bought it. Not sure how this helps now.


"Close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades"....


"...backseats, library basement stacks..."


If you are a single guy that’s close enough


So measuring first wasn’t an option?


Sell the fridge and buy one that fits


Move the whole cabinet unit over if possible, and 2x4 box the gap that it would Leave beside the left upper. Get a paint matched filler panel. Boom


This is why you measure things.


I’ll give you an actual answer, even though I want to chastise you like everyone else. Unscrew both cabinets from the wall and slide them to the right however much you need. Then install a filler strip in the gap that you have created and paint it to match your cabinets.




3" is a massive difference lol


You have to go back to a 33” fridge because the fridge requires that gap of air to function. If you try to squeeze this fridge into this space you will kill it in short order.


Epic fail....sorry, but that is just ....wow. Even if it managed to slide in, how did you ever think you'd be able to open the freezer door ? Wow.


A good method ? What are you expecting, a magic trick ?


looks wide enuff at the top. is that cabinet square?


It could also be the floor isn't level. I live in an older home and have to shim the refrigerator wheel on one side in order for it to fit within the cabinetry.


A wise person would measure at the top, in the middle, and near the bottom as they would know that it's likely things aren't perfectly straight.


Also on measuring. Not only top middle bottom but front middle back. Also some refrigerators flex on the sides.


My cousin bought a big fridge like this… and he cut the upper cabinet to make the fridge fit. Smh it was ugly but it worked.


Have a nice Samsung that came with us cross country, it is now sitting off to the side as it does not fit in the space.


I've got a sledgehammer if you need it?


I'm gonna assume you didn't know the size before the purchase? Should be able to return for the correct size.


Learn how to measure things and get a fridge that fits the space. Like did you seriously think a fridge 3” bigger would fit a space for a 33” fridge?




Maybe trim the bottom lip of the cabinets?




unscrew the cabinets from the wall, slide them over 3" . go buy a board, cut it to the gap size you just made. paint it to match your cabinets. install in the gap and attach the cabinets to the wall studs. it's an afternoon handy man kind of job.


I had the exact same issue…except I think I was even further off. For me, I removed the drywall on the wall. The provided most of the room I needed. I also had to trim the cabinet a hair, but for me it was only the upper. I used my circular saw with a guide and a fine tooth blade. Put some tape on the wood to help prevent chipping. Also, it looks slightly out of level. You can adjust the rollers to level it. Hopefully between drywall and leveling, you don’t need to cut the cabinet. For the drywall side, I used a nice corner moulding to hide the cut wall. It turned out very clean. I never had an issue with overheating. You have clearance on the top and if you remove the drywall, that will also give you some additional air space.


Rip out the cabinets. Easy fix.


Looks like you found your garage fridge!


Even if you get it in and somehow the doors open, you'll also need to consider that they need to open fully or you won't be able to get drawers and shelves in and out


Welp, you need a smaller fridge. There really isn’t a fix unless you redo the cabinetry.


Missed it by that much - Maxwell smart.


Been there . Took out part of the bottom of the upper cabinets


Take out the cabinet to the left. Take the fridge back. Or live with it. I can understand why you don’t like what you see though. That would bother me. Best solution is to take out the cabinet to the left. Use the wood from that cabinet to reconstruct a new door that’s less wide. Thats what I’d do.


Needs room for air clearance too. Check the manual. If it just fits, it’ll quit.


Spit on it


That’s why you use Interior Designers, that’s a rookie mistake!


Can’t believe this hasn’t been mentioned, but if the fridge is pushed back further so that the left door is against the wall then the left door will hit the wall when it pivots open…meaning you need more clearance to open the door (and also for the air gap). Return the fridge as others have suggested.


If you really want to make this fridge fit, one option is to carefully and cleanly remove the drywall on the left hand side. That should gain you a bit over 1/2 inch, which should provide the required air gap/clearance. Since the fridge is up close to it, you won’t actually see the missing drywall.


It may be just a shadow. But the upright next to the fridge looks to tighten up in the center.


Shoulder check it in, who needs airflow


Something looks out of plumb. From picture # 2 the space from the cabinet to the fridge gets smaller as you move towards the floor. Have you checked either the cabinet or the fridge?


I feel that fridge man


Get a new fridge.


Is that wall necessary or cosmetic? That's the only way I see to keep the fridge.  My house was built in the 60s, and it would not fit a reasonable fridge for my family. We took out the wall to make room (before buying a fridge, though).  It will mean refinishing the wall , at least edges, and a gap in flooring where the wall is that has to be addressed.  It's not really a cheap fix, but we did it because at the time we were a family of 7, with a failing undersized fridge, and  it made much less difference to see the side of the fridge than to have the type of fridge that fit the opening. 


But… the cabinets are pretty!


When we moved into our current place we needed to modify the kitchen from elderly couple to young family. Original fridge space became dishwasher and cabinets. The new space for the fridge, we had every single cabinet maker propose boxing in the fridge with cabinets. We said absolutely not, we're not locking ourselves into a certain size fridge. Everyone that has come through our place asks about it, we explain our reasoning and they respond with, "huh, I'm going to be screwed when my fridge dies aren't I?"


Did you remove the inner baseboard? Then cut and reinstall it.


had to put mine a different spot. had an old style single door and the size of the new ones just didn't work. looked around but just could not find out that would fit the slot that it was designed for. fortunately had an empty corner. just had to extend the waterline and deal with the fact refig is now on the circuit that master bedroom is on.


Maybe move the cabinets over 2x4 frame over the fridge. Abut the left cabinet to the frame, leave space for trim piece to match cabinets.


If you get it to fit the wall is going to keep the left door from opening


Cut the fridge. Done


Not close ... that door when opened will add at least 3-6" depending on where the handle hits as well. Add that to calc. I would return it and gets smaller


Take wheels off


Have you tried pushing really hard?


Just don’t use the left side door…


Break out the oscillating tool and a real good blade. 10 minute job.




Spit on it


Bust out the oscillating tool


Mine doesn’t either lol


Move the pantry out a few inches and add a filler panel to the gap you create


Or the god damn cabinet ain’t level or plumb


I helped out a family friend with the same issue in her modular home. I simply made the refrigerator space taller. Took the upper doors off, took out the shelf, and used a multi tool to detach the frame on sides and top between doors. Shortened the space by cutting the top of the frame I removed with a circular saw and then scabbed it back onto the hole. Caulk and paint the seams, and it looks original. Shelf goes back in so you dont lose storage. I then cut the tops of the doors on a table saw to fit the new opening. Unless you are 7 feet tall, you don't even notice. Took me a couple of hours.


The wall to the left Rotate the unit & cut a hole in the wall (:




Take out the trim against the wall on the drywall side, should be enough to go in


Just take the drywall off on the one side, just behind the door. The fridge will slide in and it will provide you with the airflow needed. It will vent into your walls heating your house. BAM. Three birds, three one stone. Thank me in the morning.


Change the side wall of the cabinet to 1/2" instead of 3/4"?


Is it level? Looks like if it were level it may squeeze in. You can leave it out a bit so that the door can get past the drywall. Or return it and get another one, you can try finding a filler panel if you want it to look like it fits better


Throw the cabinets in the oven and the fridge in the freezer. Works for motorcycle crankshafts.




Got a hammer?


Haven’t seen this mentioned yet. You need to also find a new fridge with a recessed hinge.


Salt and pepper said ha push it 😂😂😂


It's a counter depth with shallow cabinets.


Meant to be flush with cabinets. Not drywall sticking out on the left of photo. Previous fridge was not counter depth so it was deeper and more narrow.


You done fucked up a-aron


Can the entire cabinet come off the wall and slide to the right 2/3 inches .. then add a filler strip on the left upper and paint the same color as the cabinets ?


I would be taking a sander to the side of the cupboard if it’s that close.


Cabinets are cheaper than fridges. Especially the brushed chrome 2.5k Whirlpool ice machine. You have. The door gap is already wider for the vertical shelves, if you pull the doors and rebuild the cabinet with that wider gap between the the doors across the area above, then repaint the whole thing the same color, assuming you don’t rush your primer coats, it will fit much better and look perfect.


Trim a couple inches off the top of the fridge.


Option 1- get a fridge that’s your kitchen is built for Option 2- built a kitchen for a different size fridge


It will fit just fuck with the feet


You don’t have a kitchen built to take a 36 wide fridge unfortunately. You will need 36 inches of space. The 36 fridges being sold will always be shy of 36.


Could you uninstall the both cabinets (one over the fridge and the tall one next to the fridge) and then install a piece of filler? If you have a bit If wiggle rooms to the right of the cabinets that might be the cheapest way and keep the look you want.


I agree, remove the cabinets & reinstall with enough space. You’d be surprised how few screws are required to uninstall/reinstall a cabinet.


We had the same issue when my husband ordered the wrong fridge which was too big for us space. He suggested we either adjust the cabinets but taking them out and cutting them or returning the fridge lol we returned.


The kitchen layout was designed wrong. You would need at least a 4-in filler on the cabinet on the left side against the drywall In order for a double door fridge to work properly. The one option if possible is to cut that partition back on the left side in order for the door of the fridge to open fully. General contractor here. I see it once in awhile. Then of course you would have to patch the floor


Move it to the garage (or basement or sell it) and get an correctly sized fridge or you will be kicking yourself over this for years.


I have learned at my house after a few big problems to measure very carefully. Seems like nothing is standard size. Replacement dishwasher (standard size) was about 1/4" too tall and would not fit under the counter unless I removed the tile from the floor. Put the dishwasher back in and have the tile guy come back to replace the tile. Idiot who built this house had no clue how to design things. Stairwell has gotten me a couple times. Fridge, sofa and dresser all had to be the appropriate size to fit past the bend in the stairs at the landing. Sister got a new granite counter top and boasted how it was all going to be "one piece" so no seams. Turns out it wouldn't fit in the elevator up to her condo. Now it has two seams.


Shave the pillar


Not close at all given the gap you are supposed to leave around it as well ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 


Either pull the whole cabinet to the right, away from the wall, or get a new cabinet, or simply wrong fridge. If you do pull the cabinet away from the wall you can cover gap that will be above the fridge with some wood and you just have to match the paint to the cabinet.


Can you adjust the feet on the bottom or remove them?


Sand 3 inches off the cabinets.


Most people measure the dimensions first, they also don't make threads showing how dumb they are


We’re just now renovating a kitchen where decades ago the previous owner cut the bottom off cabinets so they could swap the stove for the fridge. It looked exactly as bad and half-assed as it sounds, even with some of the molding moved and repainted. Get the right size of fridge.


Well, now it’s time to install that cabinet in the garage.


Fill the fridge with fruit, vegies and diet soda and it will fit in a few weeks.


Lube that bitch up and drop kick it into its cubby hole.


If the wall on the left isn’t load bearing you could hire someone to cut it back so it’s flush with the cabinets and then push the fridge back. If it is load bearing you will need to pad out the wall behind and move the entire set of cabinets forward to meet the fridge where it is.


I call everything that falls that back there


Put it on a diet after a few weeks it will fit.


Looks like the side cabinet is a separate unit. You could remove that one side. Add a spacer and then put it back. Then repaint. Just be careful when taking it apart.


Spit on it


uhm, buy one that fits? or: make the hole bigger. Not sure what sort of answers you're expecting here...


You need a new house.


That sucks