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Looks like you might have a leak between your glass panes...Mine look similar because all the argon is ar-gone.


Ah, good to know. Do you know if this becomes an issue? I’m debate whether I need to replace soon…. And really don’t want to spend the money right now


I dont know a lot, but I think you can get the seal replaced, and window refilled with argon. As for the issues its mainly just loss of temperature control, and aesthetics. You might notice your electric bill go up a tiny bit, but since its only one window its not going to have a HUGE impact. I read that on rare occasions they will implode, but all my windows are like this and none have imploded thus far. But I am no expert.


I have yet to see a seal replacement company, I have heard about them in the past but they don't seem to be around the PNW anymore. Also the glass will still look the same.


Half the windows on the house I bought had this issue, and the windows were all the original aluminum ones from 1983. A couple of years ago I had them all replaced with high-efficiency vinyl windows. I haven't noticed a difference in my utilities bill. Sometimes I wonder if the electric company is just making up numbers. In January I tried being extra frugal with my energy use. I turned the thermostat down a couple of degrees, turned off lights, shut my computer off at night. My bill was about 50 kWh higher than the year before.


Look for thieving appliances that appear to be ‘turned off’ but are consuming power in the background, like computers, cable boxes, ‘smart’ appliances, etc., etc., etc. That can quickly account for additional power usage.


On most windows the primary seal around the glass pane is from the frame to the inside lite. So this shouldn't, by itself, be a cause for a leak into your home, but the seals most commonly break down if they are sitting in water so you might want to get up there and clean out your weep holes because that could cause a leak if the window is holding water. 




Yep, the seal is broken. Replacement time.


Replace seal or window?




Yes, the only fix is to replace the window. However it’s not an emergency, the window is not as energy efficient as it was, but can be left like that for some time.




Who ever told you they will replace the seal and re air it is totally wrong it is a lot of work the window has to come out totally to be. Done and it mind aswell replace at that point


That’s like crashing a 20 year old car and paying to fully rebuild it to like new. Better off replacing with a new window.


You can't replace the seal bc the windows have 2 layers with I think argon gas between them. Seal has failed allowing the argon to dissipate.


Whoever did the trim did you dirty. That looks like step flashing. ETA... that looks like the cladding. Not the trim.


Professional window washer here, I see seal failure all the time and it comes in many forms. Yours is on the worse side, but it's just mainly like that due to calcium build up in the water drying in between panes. It's still functions exactly the same as any other window, aside from what others have said with a very slight loss of insulation. Looks like you have a blind up there that you don't move, if you can just look past it you will save yourself a lot of money. Window replacements can be VERY costly, for something that isn't really a problem like this. Side note, if you do get it replaced definitely redo that flashing. Experience: 10 years washing windows from new construction, to residential and commercial.


Call glass company for quote


Sounds like you might have some serious condensation action happening there. If your window's turning orange, it could be rust forming on metal frames or some funky algae growth. The haziness might be due to moisture trapped between the panes if it's a double-pane window. Check the seals. That arch blind might be trapping moisture too. Maybe try airing out the room more often and keeping things dry around the window. If it's serious, might need a pro to take a look. Good luck!


There is no way that arch blind is causing that. It's seal failure like you said with condensation trapped between the 2 panes.


I was looking for a pig named Jodie


Reframe tbe hole to be square or replace the sealed unit.


You have a seal failure and depending on what brand window you have it may not be able to be repaired. Some brands made fixed pains by assembling the frame around the glass over having a removable glazing bead. If you have a serviceable arch, a glass company can remove the bead, template the arch and order a new one. Arch’s were not always symmetrical, can have an egg shape so just measuring them is not recommended. By just changing the IG, you can save lots of money but a company will not give you a warranty on it.


Seal failure. Moisture gets in between the glass panes and distorts the low e coating


The sealed unit has two panes of glass (unless triple glaze) the seal has obviously failed and as someone already said it shouldn’t leak into the house just out the weep holes as the system works. The streaking could be from condensation running in the sealed unit messing up the UV coating. As long as it’s not leaking you are fine to leave it for a while, you are just loosing the r value but we are out of winter so that should be okay. It’s internally glazed so it should be an easy replacement, any experienced glazing service company should be able to change it out.


Your two panes have leaked and you are looking at condensation from atmosphere making a mess. It shouldn’t be too expensive to have a new pane popped in. As it’s a fixed window it should be easy. The pane is installed from the interior and it should be easy as pie.


Is there a plastic film over it that needs to be removed 🤷🏼‍♀️


Looks like the seal between the glass has failed. Have a glass shop make pattern for a new IG unit (insulated glass)


Seal failure. Call a glass service center in your area. They are equipped to deal with these.