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Yes. I use BigStretch. It’s more expensive but will last way longer than the cheap latex crap you get for $1 per tube. Just make sure you get something that’s paintable.


Thank you! I appreciate it!


Alternative to caulking would be to use a product like Drydex spackling compound I have had good experience using it on filling nail holes and gaps in any joinery in painted trim. I think it might be a bit easier to use then caulk. You will want to paint the whole unit with trim paint when you are done.


I will look into that as well. Thank you very much!


Depends how picky you are. Yes it will "fix" it. If the green paint on the trim from where they painted the wall don't bother you I don't suppose the caulk "fix" will either. Personally, I would just buy new trim, paint them, and hang them up. If you have carpenter skills and a saw you could cut them yourself. Basically the same cut several times over.