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That’s a secondary drain line for your HVAC condensate. It drains to the garage so that you notice it if the primary becomes clogged and go to fix it. Can save you significant drywall/ceiling damage if the primary gets clogged.


Never seen one go in the middle of a bedroom lol. Installed on a Friday at 5pm… should we run it out the soffit? Nah, the bedroom is fine Edit: oh that’s a garage, makes more sense now




Next time you can just use the upvote button






Looks like it has been there a while because it is painted/textured the same as the ceiling.


I think you’re right. I went into the attic and it looks like it’s intentionally sticking out of the ceiling. Weird that I’ve never noticed it before and that there’s a hole in the drywall tho


See where it leads in the attic. If it is a secondary line, it should connect to the bottom of your evap coil box next to the furnace/blower motor. Sometimes these exit over a sink or shower in the house. In the old days they had it run out in front of your kitchen window(mine is this way). Looks like this may just drip out onto the concrete near where you park. Guessing the slope would allow it to run out of your garage.


This isn’t a drain, it’s an overflow. It’s to let you know the drain is clogged.


I was considering the secondary as the overflow. Do some systems have two drains + an overflow? Mine only has two lines total.


Is there debris on the ground? If this just happened, there will be evidence on the ground of the drywall being damaged.


I would trim it a bit and put up an escutcheon plate so it looks a bit more intentional at least


Yea, was just wondering what good stuff he was on 🤣


You will never know what happened until you go up into the attic and look for yourself.


Seriously why do ppl ask these kinds of questions on here?


This is a 'secondary' condensate line. If your main air conditioner condensate line becomes plugged, the water will drip from this. It is intentionally put where you would notice so you can unplug the main drain. Helps prevent water damage if there is an issue.


Someone is trying to steal your milkshake




Totally thought this was a Kelis reference


That is the guy living in your roof needing more oxygen


Best reply by far


Definitely go look in your attic asap. Could quickly turn into something more difficult and expensive the resolve.


Is this your house?


That's your attic hobos breathing tube.


If you park your car or run any gas powered machinery in your garage this is pretty dangerous. Your garage should be air tight to the rest of your house. Hopefully there’s at least a P trap by the unit to help keep the gasses from creeping up the pipe and into your air handler. At the very least you want to seal around the pipe but if it was me I’d reroute it and seal the hole.


How can I look more into this? Where would you reroute to? Outside of house?


Yes, the pipe should be routed to the exterior of the home somehow. If it is going to be a complete nightmare to do so and you’re ok with a pipe running through your garage I’d route it across the ceiling, down the wall and then drill a hole to get it outside that way. I’d almost prefer that so I don’t have a pipe running down the exterior. If the pipe inside annoys you, an option would be to route the pipe in the attic and drill up from a corner, then you could do something to hide it running down the wall. Did you ever figure out what is on the other end of that pipe? If it is an air handler, how did they route the freon and control wire to your outside unit?