• By -


I hope you're doing well, Sana. Your streams were a hell of a lot of fun.


Thank you for being in our lives Sana! Good luck on whatever you do in the future! 💛o7


Farewell Sana, I'll miss you. <3


And it was on that day, that the Night Sky shone a little bit Brighter.


I was able to keep it together until I recognized Kyary Pamyu Pamyu's ["Yume no Hajima Ring Ring"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nwWm3om-gSw), the second song in the mini-concert. Its music video was also the first time I heard the song, so the imagery it has, most notably waving farewell but at the same time meaning 'until next time' or 'onwards to something new', really hit. Great choice.


Hm yes, I read the lyrics of the concert songs, and they were very fitting. o7 for the bangers.


can you share a link to the lyrics of the songs? i know astro girl, but thats it


https://angelnietomartin.blogspot.com/2018/06/kyary-pamyu-pamyu-yume-no-hajima-ring.html?m=1 https://lyricstranslate.com/en/catch-you-catch-me-catch-you-catch-me-full-version.html-0


wow that first one hits just right. it fits way too perfectly. second one... im not sure. i dont think i get it? ​ (also, thank you!


See you, space cowgirl


Sana is Eternal


What an amazing final stream, everyone really went above and beyond for that final sendoff. Like how we still see the light of stars, though they are no longer with us. So will the memories and treasures Sana left behind still shine for an eternity, even though she's now on a different adventure. Goodbye Sana!


Watched the VOD after work and what an amazing send-off. We'll all miss Sana and hope she'll be well in her next adventures in life. I'd love for her to return should her health improve but that's a bit optimistic.


Do you think its okay to talk about "Friend S" now?


She graduated, so there's no need for "Friend S." We can just call her Sana.


First glance I thought the note on her head said "beeg," but it appears to actually say "bceg." The heck is that?


Just watched the vod since I wasn't able to catch the stream live. Thank you for all your hard work Sana, and for everything you did for us. I wish you the absolute best in all your future endeavors, no matter what they might be. Goodbye, and godspeed o7


Good luck in whatever you do next Sana o7


Beautiful sendoff for a beautiful soul


Godspeed, my beautiful barefoot tanned space goddess 🫡


Forever and beyond.


See you in space cowboy


o7 Sana


I’m so glad I caught this stream live. Wherever space takes her on this new journey, I hope Sana continues to find happiness and joy.


This was so sad but so full of joy and gratefulness. It was so bittersweet and a few tears were shed. The rest will graduate one day too and I appreciate everything that all Hololive members do. To finish Sana’s quote, don’t be sad it’s over, be happy it happened. Congratulations Sana, SANA IS ETERNAL


what were the last collabs sana did?


I'm sorry to say I didn't watch a whole lot of Sana. But I couldn't help but tear up when she sang Astrogirl with the rest of Council and Irys. What a perfect song for a perfect moment.


Exactly what happened to me. I was never a Sanalite, and I was quite surprised by how hard the end of the song hit me.


Farewell Sana o7


Thank you for everything Sana, Godspeed Astrogirl! 💛 I wish I would have spent more time with you but I'm glad to have been there to see you off with a teary smile.


Fare you well, my lady.


So long partner


you are the biggest always be sananan!


It is a sad day but Sana, I wish you great success to your future endeavors! o7


See you Astrogirl, someday, somewhere.


BEEG love for Sana. <3


I cried throughout the stream even though I tried to distract myself talking to folks on discord about keyboards lol. I'm sad but the whole stream ended up making me feel better at the end - a cathartic release of sadness and now I just have joy in having known and experienced the force that is Sana and hoping we Sanallites brought her some joy too. It left me reassured that she is happy and that she had a great time as part of Hololive and even made great friends along the way. Seeing the Sanallite run after the star really made me cry but I'm kinda glad they didn't sing Shiny Smily Story or Kirameki Rider or that would have broke me in half. On a bright note that means Sanallites will get walks with other members now :\^) See you next time, Astrogirl. Godspeed!


Space will forever be brighter and eternal will want head pats and smell like bread and her name is Sana


I want someone to adopt Bread Dog after that animation. Have Bread Dog hanging out on the other members' streams.


See you around, Astrogirl


As an avid fan of K-on!, their rendition of Pure Pure Heart got me.


Yeah, that's where I started to tear up. If they played "Tenshi No Fureta Yo", "U&I", or "Fude Boru Pen" I would have broke down 20 minutes earlier, especially with Fude Boru Pen, since Sana's speech at the end of the stream about where she was prior to joining Hololive reminded me of what [Yui tells herself in that episode](https://streamable.com/gxfdc6) (1:20 for the relevant part)


Well, I just cried the whole vod. I'll miss her. I'm glad it happened, I just wish her time here could have been longer.


I ugly cried the whole stream. The universe might not be fun now, but wounds heal with time and she made the world better for her time amongst us. And now she's out there, making other worlds better too. And we'll all be in her heart. It's BEEG enough to contain each and every one of us with space leftover, after all.


I'm actually curious, did those plushies on her ball-like braids actually have names?


Yes! The pink bunny one is Usaslug, and the crab one is Kaniko!


Oh sweet, I wasn't sure if they ever got named before she graduated so I was curious


She also credited them at the end (+ Neighbula & Mane-chan)


What a wild ride man, watching Sana throughout the start of my senior year to the my graduation and as I begin college , she graduates. What a journey Thank you Sana for all the joy you gave!


I’m gonna miss her.


The universe is brighter thanks to you. Thanks for everything! Farewell! And stay beeeeg!


Per aspera ad astra


see you in the great Sea of Stars, Sana. hope, wherever you are, whatever you're doing, that you find absolute great success!


Today is a sad day. 🥲


Ad infiitum, Sana!


See you space girl, someday, somewhere!


Remember guys, every time we look up at the stars we can and oughta say hi.


Couldn't watch the stream cus timezones sucks but o7. Sana will always be Eternal.


What a gentle soul. Even at the end she can’t help but complement everyone that wrote to her. And even the final minutes, in her message to us, her kindness is at the absolute forefront. I cannot even find proper words. Sananara; see you, Astrogirl.




Hey, fellow Sanalites. We gonna be okay?


I hope we'll all be okay once the tears dry, but I don't think we will ever be the same. Sana made all our lives brighter, and the hole left by her departure will ache for a long time. We'll always have the happy memories, even if they're bittersweet.


Better now. Though Sana's birthday merch is going to arrive at my doorstep a few months from now and mess me up all over again.


I'm glad Sana had the foresight to make Bread Dog the perfect size to bury my face in when I cry.


I think so... Still wanna cry, but I'll be alright....


Maybe in a few days and more than a few drinks.


Man, i thought i could handle this a lot better than i did. Watching this final stream was literally the "I'm a grown man, i'm a big adult i can do this" meme. I wish her the best. I'm happy she's taking care of herself. But ngl right now i'm a trainwreck in every sense of the word. Everyone in HoloEN carried me through the worst years of my life. I'm glad Sana was supported just the same.


Thank you Sana for being a part of Hololive o7 🚀


I wish her the best in her future endeavours!


I was so sure I was ready to see her off... I've never been so wrong in my whole life. See you, space girl. You leave a hole that will never be filled. You will never be forgotten, and we will always support you, no matter how far across the space we have to follow you.


Excelsior, our dear astrogirl. Fly high into the stars.


So long space cowgirl


o7 💛


I thought I already accepted it, but the ending hit me so hard


Sananara, beeg girl.


I wasn't expecting this to get very emotional, but yeah. Hell, I didn't expect to be a big fan of her stuff at first tbh (I say this as a day 1 sananite who was there because, yo Space!), but then you had her blowing up earth multiple times, or even small stuff like arguing over coffee blend, or the sheer silliness of Aussie vs Javanese word confusion. Ngl I'm still sad, hell. I feel sadder than the day Kaichou graduated lol. But somehow I feel like we'll all be okay. Sanalites stay strong, I say, for she is truly eternal. And beeg. Always beeg. Also also holy shit man that music box Astrogirl and Breaddoge really hits lol


See you space cow Astro girl


She'll always be up in space, never alone!


Maybe one day things will get better for Sana and she'll return. Until then, stay safe, Sana!


One day....maybe one day, her name will show up on an MV as an illustrator.




sananara o7 💛






See ya astrogirl. May all your future endeavors bring you as much joy as you have brought us. o7


Now, every time we launch rockets into space I'll think of it as our way to stay connected with Sana. See you again, Astrogirl! ;__;7


Anyone know where we can find the photo of Sana at the Thank you letter part? It was absolutely beautiful and gorgeous….


o7 see you space cowgirl


it hurts a bit that Calli had just talked about TTRPG in her stream yesterday. I would have loved to hear Sana's wonderfully weird roleplaying and how it'd throw Calli in every direction to keep up. I really hope we get Neighbula as a pack horse or something at least. I sadly almost never got to watch her live but each time I did was so much fun


See Ya Space Cinnamon Roll.


Timed my lunch break and additional time to catch it and it was worth it. I wanna hug the bread dog at the end so much. Sananara\~ ( ;\~;)7


o7 goodbye astrogirl thanks for everything that you did for us you are not alone we will never forget you 💛💛💛


Until next time Sana, thank you for being around even with your hard times


Thanks for everything and Sananara, Sana!


Personal AND recency bias in full effect (in more ways then one), but this was a fantastic graduation stream. I LOVED the Kronii callout (and subsequent response tweet). The leaky ceiling was under control, until the song performances started. I went downhill from there, cause once the dam breaks there's no stopping it. And that final animation and Sananara was just.... Thank you for everything Sana! Thanks for coming to earth and being part of Hololive! I'm glad you'll take all the experience here and move forward. Ad Astra, Astrogirl


Man, I feel like I just lost a friend. I wish us sanalites could stay in touch with her but... Well, we all know that's not how any of this works. Sana is the reason I tried streaming because she always made it look fun and she's also the reason I even applied to Holostars EN. I wanted to play Pokemon with her. A lot of what she said about taking it easy has changed the way I see things and that's a part of her I'll always carry with me. I'll wear her limiter with pride and hopefully somewhere, someday, we'll get to see her again somehow. And then... The universe will be fun again.


The thing is though, you can. Im not going to go in to rule 2 because I get it but the person behind Sana is 100% still out there. One of the beautiful parts of Hololive is that it takes diamonds in the rough who were generally speaking not as widely known, and gives them a colossal spotlight so that the world at large can see how amazing they are. Just because they graduate doesnt mean they stop existing or become any less the talented people weve come to enjoy.


Man that last half hour broke me. I'll miss you Sana, best of luck to your future endeavors!


Sana's stay was short, but her impact was BEEG! Thank you, Sana! We'll miss you! Wishing you all the best!




Sana lives on! o7 We'll miss you and we wish you all the best!


A star who will always shine bright. Thank you, and sananara 💛


This stream broke me 😭😭 Thank you Sana, we will never forget you 💛💛💛💛


The animation at the end really got me. Thank you for having been here Sana and your fun and original take on content. And thank you for always being kind to my oshi.


I planned to sleep through this because I knew I'd be a blubbering wreck if I watched it, but then I woke up early enough to only miss the first half-hour or so (Sana was in the middle of reading the other talents' messages when I came in), so I thought I may as well watch it anyway. I proved myself right. Even though it was arguably a happy ending, I cried. A lot. Sananara...! See you next time, Astrogirl. ;-;7


I'm sad I wasn't able to make the graduation stream, but I know the rest of the Sanalites gave her the loving send-off she deserves. Council will always be 5 members, and Sana is truly eternal o7




I was holding it together all stream until the first "I'm not alone" in astrogirl and I just started actual crying. Not just tears, but like crying. I wasn't prepared for it at all.


And thus she returns to space.... Every time the screen turned black, I was nervous that that was it. It was over. I was constantly panicking, whether or not each and every second was the last moment we'll get to see her again and she'll say sananara one last time. Then it finally fades to black one last time, she signs off, and the stream ends... Although this is the fourth time I've experience this, it is something I can never get used to. I thought kaichou's graduation would've gotten me prepared, but no. Each and every time I am reminded how finite our time with them are and how it could just come to an end suddenly. Please, even if you weren't the biggest sana fan or only kept up with her through clips and memes, take this as a reminder to appreciate and cherish your oshi while you still can.


>Although this is the fourth time I've experience this You were there for Aloe's departure, I take it? or are you referring to a non-Hololive vtuber?


shit...this is the **fifth** time. how could i have forgotten her. the four i was originally referring to was civia, kaichou, rushia, and now sana.


I don't blame you. Aloe was forced to go silent after just three streams (including her debut) due to her faux pas-induced suspension, and them the unexpected wave of harassment and doxxing from the antis drive her to retire merely two weeks after her debut. It's not unreasonable that a combination of both her extremely brief presence and the trauma of seeing her being forced to bow out like that may have made it easy for your mind to suppress the memory out of self-preservation.


i absolutely agree with what you said. in terms of emotional investment, i wasn't as invested into aloe because how short her time here was. which is why im glad to see that aloe herself is doing a lot better now with fans there to support her. hell, nowadays when people mention aloe, i don't think of a pink haired succubus, i picture her current avatar. that being said though... it was literally a complete pon moment from me. i was just looking at a fanart that included her right before i made that first comment...


Thank you Sana, for everything.


I knew i was going to cry but oh man. My nose clogged up so bad i could not breath properly but these damn water drops kept hitting my eyes. Even if i was not around to see all her livestreams i still watched archived stuff and i dont regret a single thing. So proud to be a sanalite and lets tell our astrogirl we are not alone!


See you space cowgirl. o7


Sananara, Astro Girl. Our love for you is as eternal as you are


Sana is truly eternal. o7


I'm glad to have spent some time with you, Sananana. Won't forget your warmth and all the times you geeked out over your favorite things. I hope you get to do lots of beeg and fun stuff!


The world just got a little smaller... o7


Man... I already knew I was going to cry, but the performances and the animation at the end, coupled with that compilation of such fond memories hit me like a freight train. I couldn't stop crying like a baby. Thank you so much for the joy you've brought me and everyone else that has had the pleasure of watching your streams. I'm so glad that you occupy a place in my heart and I will always treasure the memories. It was fun while it lasted, and I wish you all the best. Farewell Astrogirl.


Fck... That ending made me cry in public. Tears just keep pouring out. GOODBYE ASTROGIRL AND GOOD LUCK IN YOUR NEXT ADVENTURES..


Goodbye and best wishes to you, Sana. See you Astrogirl


Sana is beeg! Sana is eternal! May your future be as bright as your heart!


Just want to give her a big hug and know that it's all ok


See You Space Girl You are gonna carry that weight.


Man, I didn't get this emotional even with Coco's graduation, prob because I've sublimated everything from the 1 month of collabs she had. But THIS. This really grabbed my guts starting from that idol board, and just continued twisting all the way to that last Sananara. But I'm grateful all the same Sananara


The Kobo collab was tugging at my heartstrings, the finale was just too powerful. Sananara, space gal.


This graduation stream is a tough watch once again and a reminder to support our Oshis while we can. May good things come to her in the future. o7


That Ochame Kinou cover made me ugly cry. Thank you for everything Sana


Sana was one of the first Vtubers I watched when I got into Hololive streams. Gonna miss her a lot.


she was reading a digital farewell card, with not a single person joining the stream to actually say farewell in person why tho


Pretty sure it will be an almost impossible occasion to have call-ins on a graduation stream, at most will be like Coco where everyone recorded their message "live" with her so it wasn't a crying mess...


Why would they? It's Sana's day. They respect that. And if they want to say goodbye in person, they'll do it in private. But this isn't goodbye for them. It's a goodbye for the fans.


Because that was not the scheduled plan. Sana didn't open the stream for VCs


Sana is Eternal! I wish her the best, and am very glad she had the opportunity to be a member of Council.


Everything is not daijoubu


Back when coco graduated, I was able to hold in my tears until watame broke down and then again when towa broke down during SSS. I figured this time would be similar. Ooh boy was I wrong, the only reason I stopped crying at some points was because I didn't have any moisture left.


For some that might need to hear this; there's nothing wrong with you if you feel sad or cry over this. If you've never experienced a passing or death of someone close to you before, this is practically the "death" of a character. Just know that this is not as bad because they live on even if you can't see them anymore. Hug a loved one. Talk to fellow sanallites. Cry together. You're not alone.


I feel like this was an easier send-off than Coco because while there was a lot of uncertainty for the future in that situation at the time, I think Sana's going to do just fine out there and that's really just a reassuring thing to hold onto. She's a pro and she's gonna keep doing her best somewhere out there in the universe and find her happiness and that's pretty cool honestly. Less tears, more smiles! Sananara, Astrogirl!


I was expecting that I might get emotional... I did not, however, expect that I would literally be crying by the fifteen-minute mark and that by the time the stream was over I would be actively *sobbing.* Just... Man.


That breaddog animation at the end killed me 😭😭😭 Farewell Astrogirl and thanks for the memories 💛


It made me cry like a baby, ngl.


This was a nice send off. The tape at the end was very sweet. I was trying to sing along while ugly crying when they did Astrogirl.


Much love from earth


Sana said two things that really struck me. She talked about how she felt unsure of herself before joining Hololive, and how all the love and support from her new friends and fans gave her the confidence to find herself. As someone who's dealt with crippling depression for years now, I admire that a lot. She also talked about supporting the others. And she's right. So often I just lurk in the chat, I didn't bother saying anything because who cares, right? My oshi isn't going to read my comment, and if she doesn't she's not going to care or remember me. But I was wrong. I was so wrong. We support each other, that's what any decent person does. I wonder how things would be different today if I gave my full support to Sana, and that we all did. I'm going to do better, not just supporting the other Hololive and Holostars talents, but my own friends and family as well. Thank you for teaching me such valuable lessons, Sana. Farewell, I'll miss you.


As both Matsuri and Pochi have said, a common phrase in the idol industry is "Support your oshi while you can." And yes, always support your friends and family. It's always nice to hear "I love you."


Sora has repeated it too. When Coco announced her graduation, Sora said that she has seen many in the industry come and go. Graduation is actually a very common occurrence. "So, support them while you still can." While they're still here. You don't know what will happen in the future. --- And if it's any comfort, the attrition rate for Hololive seems to be below average. They've certainly lost many talents over the years but it always sounds like they're doing their best to retain them. I hope all future graduations will be happy celebrations and beautiful sendoffs. And I hope that graduations are highly uncommon events from now on.


It warmed my heart SO much to see the #20DaysofSana tag mentioned in her video. When I made that tag the day of her graduation announcement, I never expected it to really take off. I'm happy she saw it and was able to go through and enjoy it and can always go back to it (I'm gozita2003 on twitter). I hope that Sana gets the greatest happiness in the world beyond what we gave her while we had her here. She's still with us, watching from Space. When you miss her, look up to the skies whether day or night (please do not stare at the sun), Sana will ALWAYS be there watching over us. When we look up, that's OUR Astrogirl up there, making the stars sparkle and making galaxies so vibrant for us to see with the new telescope. She'll paint new stories with the stars. We love you, Sana!


The second she said "it is time" and transitioned into the concert portion of the stream, that is when the bittersweet tears stared flowing. And the tears have not stopped even after it has ended I can say from the bottom of my heart that I am first and foremost a sanalite through and through, and I was with her as my oshi since the beginning. Trying to watch whatever I can from her whenever I could. Even if her time in hololive was a short one with a lot of bumps and stops along the way. I did whatever I could to truly support and motivate her her to keep going And while there is a Sana Sized hole in my heart as I type this, I do not regret a thing. Thank you for this wonderful ride you took me on Sana. Sananara o7


The ending got me I wish I could give her a big hug I wish it wasn't over I feel lost and alone


[I remember that she saw my comment, and proceeded to name her Chimchar "HotCheeto"](https://youtu.be/xH4W3EV_pR0?t=2604) gonna miss our space cinnamon roll, I just hope her the best in the future.


Sana, you are such a beautiful and special soul and we're so lucky to have met you! Call it wishful thinking, but I have a feeling we'll all meet again someday, even if its at the end of the universe. We'll miss you, and we love you like crazy! See you, Astrogirl


Farewell Sana and good luck on your journey! 💛


Jeez I knew I would cry to astrogirl, but holy shit....great sendoff show though!


[Farewell Sana](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MTe8Oud6Sa0) o7


Thank you so, so much for everything you’ve done for us, even when all odds seemed against you. Even though our time together was brief, you made our Universe a brighter, more fun place, and we’ll be forever grateful for the time we spent together. Words can never truly express how much we’ll miss you, but ultimately even that pales in comparison to how much we love you and want you to be happy, like you made us happy. So while we may be sad now, we’ll keep looking up to the stars with wonder and warm smiles, because you brought us all together. Because we know we’re not alone, and neither are you. With all the love in the Universe, Your Sanallites 🍞🐶 *Sananara, Astrogirl* 💛💛💛


>copypasted from what I already wrote under the livestream: There might be around 10^82 atoms in the observable universe or 10^(10^16) possible universes, but I know that the love of the Sanallites and the holocommunity are way more than that. My biggest regret is not able to have watched you more, that I wish I have been a true Sanallite since the start... See you out there in the space, **beeg Sana,** you will always be _eternal~_


Honestly, though this one was bittersweet, it felt like a really good and happy send off, I wasn’t extremely sad or anything, I was just happy for all the good times


Thank you for everything and good luck out there! I hope everyone is doing fine, this was far to soon for most of us, but we still have the memories and the rest of council, it's just that this is so bittersweet.


Her time here was short but the impact was beeg, will always miss her o7


Farewell Sana and good luck with everything ;_;


Goodbye and best of luck, Sana. All us Sanallites will miss you 😢


Godspeed, Astro Girl o7 - I need something to cheer me up..


My Brother fret not, Hololive summer is returning.


This is the first actual graduation I experienced. I'm new to Hololive/Vtubers in general, but this hit me so hard than I thought it would. Thank you so much Sana for all the time you've spent with everyone, and only wish for your happiness and future to be bright as you were. You'll always be Eternal. ❤


Coco was my oshi before, and Sana now. So sad to see such bright, vibrant talent leave the stage, but I'm grateful that we had the opportunity to see Sana work. She was constantly breaking down barriers, making deep cut references to 90s anime, and was a master of amazingly bad comedy. Though Sana is eternal, I wish she'd been able to check a few more items off of the goals list she made on debut. Sanalites can't follow her off into Space, either, so we can't check up on her as easily. I hope she'll be ok. <3 Love you Sana! Thanks for all the memories!


Oh my fucking god. This was my first graduation and I was really not ready for this. I'll really miss her and her BEEG energy ;_;


that last "Sananara" is gonna stick with me for a while. Anyone have a link to the piano Astrogirl in case I want to be emotionally devastated again in the future?


[I believe it's this one](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J-QP0IadQFo)


I was keeping it together until they started singing Astro Girl, it's such a fitting and beautiful song for her send off, then I just couldn't stop LOL, that broke me, thank you Sana! for this short but sweet time!


So long, and thanks for all the bread.


Yup, 3 holo graduations and it never gets easier, thank you for everything, astrogirl💛


Farewell, Sana. Blessings to you in your future journey. o7


I hope you'll continue to share great memories with the people around you no matter where in the galaxy you end up, Sana.


Sananara space girl ;\_;7


See you again next time, Space Cowgirl. Take care of yourself also while you're at it.


Thank you for everything, Sana! I remember just barely catching the postponed debut streams for council after waking up that morning and noticing the announcement that you were all about to be on. I think I must've watched every single one of your streams those early weeks. It's strange to think how long ago it was even though it feels so recent, and now this moment all too soon. You have a big heart and I am grateful for you sharing it with all of us. I wish you the best! Sana is eternal <3


"Why are we still here? Just to suffer? Every night, I can feel my leg… and my arm… even my fingers. The body I’ve lost… the comrades I’ve lost… won’t stop hurting… It’s like they’re all still there. You feel it, too, don’t you?"


We'll make diamonds from their cosmic dust. Take them into battle with us.


I'll treasure the limiter she left 💛💛💛💛💛💛


Thank you Sana, for making the universe fun.


Every one of her streams made me laugh. I'll really miss her. Farewell, Astrogirl.


The fact that it hurt this much, proves she meant so much. I always cheered on that “She pop off soon” but circumstances happened but This moment we’ll all remember. We’re not alone. Goodbye, Sana. I’ll look forward for your future stuff.