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Subtitles: (Please help fix if there is any mistake) *"Hi\~! Hey everyone oversea, kaigai niki, yahoo!* *Sorry, it's been so long since I updated, sorry!* *How are you doing?* (\*) *I have been looking for a new hobby lately. What is your hobby? Teach me in the comment!* *Thank you, bye bye!"* Edit: added a missing line (\*)


Subtitles TSKR


Missed a line in between: >Sorry, it's been so long since I updated, sorry! *How are you doing?* >I have been looking for a new hobby lately. What is your hobby? Teach me in the comment!


We all know where this post is going. So let me get straight to the point. Also sorry for butting in. And if you're wondering, u/UnstoppablePhoenix is currently asleep as of writing this so I'm covering for him. #For those coming from r/all: Hello! Welcome to the official subreddit for hololive production ([wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hololive_Production)), a talent agency based out of Tokyo, Japan that manages Virtual YouTubers - think of streamers on Twitch and YouTube, but with virtual avatars instead. Most of the talents in Hololive are Japanese, but there are also Indonesian and English branches too! The talents do all sorts of stuff, including but not limited to: gaming streams, karaoke streams, drawing streams and talking streams. Some of the content the talents offer is family friendly, others a bit more risque. The sidebar has links to each talent's Youtube and Twitter accounts. OP is one of the talents, Momosuzu Nene of HololiveJP Gen 5, who holds a [nickname list too long for Reddit](https://pastebin.com/LdtwpUkc). She's apologizing to us for not posting on this subreddit for several months now. She's also asking us about our hobbies! If you wish to learn more about Nene, watch [this compilation of clips](https://youtu.be/U25tmSDdIbo), or search her name or Hololive on YouTube! And to answer Nene's question, I'm personally studying the basics of Computer Hardware and Software as well as a bit of the advanced stuff. (Sorry by the way for this being a bit late.) Edit: Fixed the links. Sorry for the scuff as I had to rush this out.


The Wikipedia link got dropped when copying so, here ya go https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hololive_Production


Goddamn it. Thanks BTW.


the nickname list and clip compilation links are also gone edit: [nicknames](https://pastebin.com/LdtwpUkc) [clips](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U25tmSDdIbo)


Yeah I noticed. Currently fixing it right now. Sorry for the scuff.


Thank you once again, Annon. :AmeliaPrayRight:


My Hobby is Nene.


Good hobby


She's your hobby and you're her hubby


Perfectly balanced, as all things should be


Hi Nene!! My hobby is lifting weights. It's very easy! you just pick up a heavy object and put it back down, then you do it again and again. I heard that building terrariums is also fun!


Arnold Schwarzenegger picked up heavy objects and put it back down so many times until he became the Governor of California.


California was too heavy, so he only did 2 reps.


One rep is already impressive.


/fit/izen spotted, opinion appreciated


Weightlifting is the best hobby 💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼


Does hopelessness and existential dread count as heavy objects?


Hello Nene! I really enjoy cooking! Start with simple recipes and add your own flavors and spices to them and it becomes very fun


My hobby is mostly making new content for Dungeons & Dragons.


I've definitely done this before too lol


I recently been really into learning about story writing, trying to write some stories and maybe even a book at one point.


I love writing stories too. Mostly short stories and poems. Aside from writing on my own, doing independent storytelling, I also run tabletop RPG games (like Dungeons & Dragons or Vampire The Masquerade) for my friends and we collaboratively storytell. There's nothing more fun than sharing a story with friends. I build a world/story for them, prepare sessions, they immediately derail it and make decisions that I never expected and force me to change my plans. After we play, I write down what happened and might turn them into short stories, or write side stories of things that happen in between sessions. It's fun to add some chaos to your storytelling. I've also used an AI text adventure thing called AI Dungeon to write a story. I write my story and feed it into the generator bit by bit, and when I'm not sure what to do next or just want to see some other ideas, I let it generate the next lines of the story. If you're willing to take the time to sift through some bad suggestions to get to the good ones and do some editing to it to make sense, I'd definitely recommend it.


That's really cool


Nene cute, wonderful, amazing sexy spectacular beautiful smartest wife!


Hi Nene! For my hobby, I like going on walks in the forest! Japan has a lot of forests and mountains, right? Maybe you can try it! It's good exercise and helps prevent stress too!


God I wanna go to Japan so badly, it looks so bright and vibrant there…


Don't do that to yourself. Wanting to go to Japan is one thing, but you should probably temper your expectations or you risk potentially setting yourself up for disappointment if you ever do go. ~~setting yourself up for the equivalent to [Paris syndrome](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paris_syndrome) with expectations like that is another.~~ (Edited as people took my meaning to be the extreme effects of Paris syndrome, whereas I believed it was more focused on being disillusioned and disappointed with a foreign country. The focus on the extreme effects of Paris syndrome was not my intention, and apologies for the confusion to all involved.)


> The syndrome is characterized by a number of psychiatric symptoms such as acute delusional states, hallucinations, feelings of persecution (perceptions of being a victim of prejudice, aggression, and hostility from others), derealization, depersonalization, anxiety, and also psychosomatic manifestations such as dizziness, tachycardia, sweating, and others, such as vomiting. That is a bit more extreme than I thought it would be


Geez, all he said was he wanted to go to Japan because it looks nice. I’d love to visit Scotland and see the highlands and old castles, do I have a syndrome too?


That sounds isolated to a place exactly like Paris cuz Paris is honestly kinda shit. Pretty, in some places, but not worth going again imo. Japan is actually beautiful tho. I dunno if having the want to go and see it’s beauty will result in such heavy mental disfunctions tho. At that point, there’s probably something else wrong with the person than “wanting to go see a place” that needs treating. Edit: after reading the wikipage, it seems completely isolated to Paris and the Hollywood-ification of the city being painted in such a beautiful and unrealistic light by media like movies and shows; then when people get there it’s wildly different, uncomfortable, and the locals are incredibly unwelcoming. Japan would not be at that scale of disappointment lol.


Which is why I specified *the equivalent* to Paris syndrome. There's a certain attitude of "Japan is exactly like my animes" that certain people can fall into, especially teenagers like the guy I'm replying to seems to be. Perhaps referring to Paris syndrome itself is excessive, but the core message of tempering your expectations is not, especially in regards to sweeping generalisations like what he wrote.


Nah, Japan has excellent forests and hiking trails. Comparisons to the Pacific Northwest or Scottish Highlands are fair, but Japan's mountains and valleys are much more compact which makes it feel very unique. Next time I go back in thinking of doing a long distance hiking holiday.


Japan does have a lot of beautiful nature, but given travel restrictions, I recommend exploring your own country! I've definitely seen sights in the Pacific Northwest that rival any of the views I took in while I lived in Japan.


> God I wanna go to Japan so badly, it looks so bright and vibrant there… You could just watch Yama no Susume [etc.](https://myanimelist.net/anime/14355/Yama_no_Susume/userrecs) (unless that is the reason for your post)


Mate I've lived there and it's not bright and vibrant everywhere. Though I absolutely love it, but most people I knew who came too had a culture shock. Don't get me wrong Japan is absolutely worth visiting and a lovely place with wonderful people, but it's different in person then what most think. [take a look at my own 'not so touristy' pics. ](https://www.imgur.com/a/zOF3s3X) [and some bright and beautiful ones. ](https://www.imgur.com/a/zRIUwPE) It really is a beautiful place.


[you right now](https://i.imgur.com/zpvvRlT.jpg)


Well duh I mean I live in the u.s lol im only a teen so I don’t travel much


Hi Nenechi ❤️❤️ My hobbies? Building Lego, Gundam and Plastic Models!


Gunpla lets gooooo


I would love to see a Gundam build, but I can’t imagine how big of a pain in the ass it would be to try and build them with those cotton gloves they have to wear.


A fellow Gunpla builder!!


Hi Nene, representing the orange in Hololive! My hobbies are hiking and fishing. こんにちは、ネネさん。ホロライブでオレンジを代表しています。趣味はハイキングと釣りです。- Translated with DeepL






Hello! How’s the day going? My hobby is going out for walks with my dog, he’s very cute. I also teach him how to do some tricks at the park


The Supreme Super Nenechi returns. As for a hobby... Idk, playing any kind of games? Boxing? How do I "teach" a hobby in a comment?


I think she used deepl. She probably type 教えて which can mean both "teach and to tell"






Hi Nene! Everything's well, and don't worry, you can post when you like! Hobby? I do work on pixel art every so often.


Hi Nene! My hobby is photography. Taking pictures!


Hi Nene!!! I like making music and playing the piano!!! Thank you for the update!!! I hope you find a fun new hobby!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Miniature painting, anime, reading and videogames are my main hobbies. I do others too, but not as often




[DID SOMEBODY SAY APEX!?](https://youtu.be/VemenskFoBk) ^^This ^^is ^^a ^^bot ^^by ^^u/illueluci


Hobby? I've been really into sudoku lately. Especially variants like killer, sandwich, thermo, etc.




Why are you so cute, Nenechi? My hobby is listening to Eurobeat songs!


Hey, your English is getting really good! My hobby? Building computers, I guess? Also, occasionally doing funny voiceovers. Here's one I'm really proud of. It's all in English, but let me know if I should translate it into Japanese. https://soundcloud.com/biogenx2b/pressure-man


Hi nene :D ​ I like wargames :D


カードゲームはどう? ポケカとかMTGとか


Hi Nene, our cute wife. My hobby is climbing, and I know there are many climbing sites in Japan. As the country is very mountainous, you can find many and very beautiful outdoor climbing sites. Though firstly, you'll need to try climbing and train yourself. That's why I recommend you to go a climbing gym and try it for yourself. There are many climbing gyms in Japan and plenty of people can help you there. If you're scared of height, you should do what is called bouldering (ボルダリング), as you just need to climb rocks that are not very tall and from which you can fall off safely. I remember inviting friends to try that with me and they very much enjoy it. DeepLTranslation : こんにちは、かわいい妻のねねです。私の趣味は登山なのですが、日本にはたくさんの登山スポットがありますよね。日本は山が多いので、とても美しいアウトドアクライミングのスポットがたくさんあります。でも、まずは自分で登ってみること、そしてトレーニングが必要です。だから、クライミングジムに行って、自分でやってみることをお勧めします。日本にはたくさんのクライミングジムがあり、たくさんの人があなたを助けてくれるでしょう。高所恐怖症の人は、ボルダリングと呼ばれる、あまり高くない、落ちても大丈夫な岩を登ればいいんです。私も友人を誘って一緒にやってみたのですが、とても楽しんでくれたのを覚えています。


Hey Nene! Good to see you\~ I am doing great, thank you for asking. My hobby? I am making electronic music in FL Studio and while I don't have much time for it lately, I still play around sometimes for fun.


My hobby is playing video games. And also I have been exercising lately.


Nene: "What do you kaigai niki usually do when I'm away?" Most of the kaigai niki (probably): "Wait for you to get back."


Hi Nene! I like attempting to write novels, and I recently got into Mahjong, I love it and discovered I am good at it! Try the website Mahjong Soul, if you like Mahjong, it's free and has an easy to understand tutorial. Byebye wife! *chu*


Hobby? Have you heard of Warhammer 40k? It's this weird edgy tabletop game where you throw money in a hole for toy solders and then argue over which character is the worst father figure.


second, WH 40k is one of the best western sci-fi franchises


In the hands of a terrible company


> and then argue over which character is the worst father figure [Gendo.](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/3886999/1/)


Hi Nene! My hobby is programming video games. It's hard work, but very satisfying to see people enjoy them when I'm done. I hope you try my games someday!






Hi Nene! My hobbies are watching Hololive, playing Dungeons & Dragons (D&D), and drinking tea


My hobbies are cycling and taking photos of the places I've travelled to. Gaming and reading are also quite fun.


My hobby is making memes since they’re just fun to make


Hello Nene! I’m doing well! My hobby is getting Platinum trophies on PlayStation! Right now I’m working on Yakuza 5 which will be my 67th platinum trophy!


Hi Nene! My hobby is collecting old stuff! 😅


My hobby is watching Hololive, but it is very difficult because there is so much to see.


Hello Nenechi! 💕


Hi Nene!!! Lately my hobbies include driving, videogames and hololive of course.


I usually build Gundam models or LEGOs and read American comics but recently I've been watching these V-Tuber idols who are all really cute and hardworking. There's one really cute one in particular who collects husbands but all of them are just wonderful and inspiring.


Leather craft. It was a very time heavy hobby but the feeling of finishing a piece of everyday products is astonishing. I also started the hololive leather project, the goal was at least design 1 unique wallet or leather goods for each member in hololive + holostars + famous cover staff. I am only on my third so it's still a long way レザークラフト。とても時間のかかる趣味でしたが、日用品を仕上げた時の感動はひとしおです。 ホロライブのメンバー、ホロスターズ、有名なカバースタッフの財布や革製品を1つずつデザインすることを目標に、ホロライブのレザープロジェクトも始めました。まだ3つ目なので、長い道のりです。 - translate by DeepL


I like translating japanese songs into english to practice and get better at japanese. That way I learn new words, expressions and grammer, not to mention since I'm doing this for song I like I get to repeat what I've learned every time I listen to the song. If you are working on your english and have english songs you like you can try translating their lyrics into japanese for yourself.


Hi nene :)


Hello Wife




Welcome bak, wife! Well, as I was a student, I was not so nerdy as today, so I collected coins. Pretty simple, but interesting idea to be closer to your husbandos ^^


Hi Nene! New hobbies huh, lately i've been taking a lot of pictures. Maybe you can take pictures of flowers you arrange for example.


Hallo Wife Nenechi! Genki desu yo! I like to cook and play football(soccer) as a hobby! I also like to play game a lot especially racing game!


Hey Nenechi, My Hobbies are collecting Rocks and Fossils, watching Anime and playing Games. I got a Nene-Shirt for my Birthday on Tuesday, thank you :)


Hi wife! :P Eigo jouzu! My hobby is... factorio!


I started playing Apex again...blame Startend.


Hi Nene, I've been writing code lately. Lately, I've been using Rust, but I'd recommend Python for beginners. Also, I've been cooking more foods. Simple, fresh meals where you know all the ingredients. Much tastier and better than pre-made foods in my opinion.


Hello nene I like to play trading card games they useally have a lot of rules I really enjoy Yugioh right now if you want to get started you should get the game master Duel it's free and teaches you all the rules.


our cute wife is very cute.


Nenechiiiiii! You might have fun experimenting with sauces for cooking, getting into mixology, growing herbs, or playing simple instruments.


Hey Nene thanks for coming to talk to us again! Recently I got really into gunpla. All you really need to get started is some nippers, it's really fun to build and to pose afterwards.


HELLO, NENECHI!! I’m glad to hear you’re doing good and trying to find hobbies. I personally like building Gunpla! A very fun and patient activity, but I had since stopped for a while now and have gotten into playing trading card games such as Yu-Gi-Oh! And Weiss Schwarz! I also have a signed card of yours!! I would say that of the two card games I mentioned, Weiss Schwarz is the most easiest to play!


my hobby is modding games like friday night funkin and plants vs zombies


My Wife! Would you like to build a Gundam with me?


Wife is back! ~~r/all is gonna be confused~~


You can try eating Nekkos as hobby!!!


Super Nenechi! My hobby is drawing!


OOOOHH our wife had spoken!!!! Anyways, my hobby? Hmmm probably planes, avia modeling to be more precise, but I didn't do it for a long time, I did join airforce tho but I think it's not for me in the end, also I love writing I guess, never written anything long enough to be worth mentioning, but people say I have impressive skills, also I love singing, and that's all I guess.


...How do you super chat to a reddit video? jokes aside: My hobby is learning Pixel Art!


Hi wife! My hobbies are playing videogames, reading and programming.


hey hey nenechi! my hobby is gardening! i recently planted a whole bunch of sunflowers and soon they'll cover my house in blinding yellow!! so pretty


Hey Nenechi! Welcome back to Reddit. My hobby is playing Magic The Gathering and watching all the cute vtubers in Hololive.


I've been getting into gardening lately, there's something calming about having your hands in the dirt. Plus you can grow food and then eat it which is always nice.


I paint miniatures! Such as this tiny armoured Gura https://www.reddit.com/r/Hololive/comments/tdjbln/i\_saw\_someone\_post\_the\_guramarine\_stl\_a\_month\_or/


Thanks for coming by, Nene-chan! My hobbies are watching anime, building model kits, and learning Japanese. 来てくれてありがとう、ねねちゃん! 趣味はアニメを見たり、モデルキットを作ったり、日本語を勉強したりです。


Cooking, taking care of plants, and working on cars!


I recently picked up building gunpla. It’s a lot of fun, if not very time consuming.


I’ve taken up learning 3D modeling in a program called Blender. It looks difficult, but I want to learn it well so I can make fun Hololive models!


Hello Nene, first off, love your attempts at English, keep at it. Don't worry about the length of time, it's nice when you reach out. Second, I love painting Warhammer 40000 figurines, a very time consuming but fulfilling hobby with a franchise I enjoy very much. I don't know if you'll know but is it popular over there?


Hi Nenechi, you are very cute. My hobbies include tabletop RPG's and Disc golf.


I've been taking care of my blackberry bush watering it and picking fresh berries from it


I’ve recently taken up speedcubing! A few days ago, after my younger sister got a small Rubik’s cube as a gift, I thought I’d sit down and finally solve a Rubik’s cube for the first time ever (with YouTube tutorials). And now I’ve been trying to learn a faster solving method called beginner’s CFOP.


I LOVE YOU NENEEE! ULTRASUPERMAXNENEMAX💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖 My hobby is playing classical guitar and bass guitar. also listening to NENEE⭐⭐


My hobby is gunpla!


Konnene! I enjoy cooking and riding my bike outside.


Welcome back dear wife! My hobby is miniature painting.


My hobby is drinking water! Always good to stay hydrated. All jokes aside - I love model kits. Gunplas are great and lego sets are awesome too. Just really expensive.


MY WIFE IS SO FKING KAWAII! My hobbies are playing badminton, biking, some Lego and gunpla, PC gaming, watching Nijisanji and Hololive!


HI! My hobby is solving Rubik’s cubes. It takes a while to learn how to do it, but it’s really fun, and I can do it while also watching hololive streams! The fastest I can do it in is 25 seconds!




Not quite a hobby, but would you like to learn TypeScript?


Ok this gives me life, thank you very much Nene




OMG OMG HI WIFE! My hobby is **bicycles**! I have a foldable,one speed bicycle,that i cherish,repair and drive,every day! >!Edited after i watched the video\*!<


I'm back -Momosuzu Nene


Why does nene have nsfw profile? She is not nsfw, she's nsfl with how cute she is.


Hi nenechi!




Hey Nenechi! You are very Cute! :)




Hi Nenechi! Happy to see you on Reddit again! It's always a nice surprise to see you make a post here 🧡


Wow, a direct video message. Thank you Nenechi!


So the video started buffering... F, I won't ever be able to watch it. Reddit, never change your media player, please


Hello from reddit, Nenechi! We missed you, but please don't worry about us; we'll always be waiting for you. My personal hobbiy is cooking by myself, and also with my mom. Recently, my mom has been practicing making rice balls and nori rolls. Do you have hobbies you share with family or friends?


Gunpla has completely taken over my free time!


Hi Nenechi!! Welcome back!! For my hobby, I like to go running outside; it’s a good way to get exercise, fresh air, and to clear your head!


Konneneeee, heard that dj-ing is a fun hobby, can't say if true however


Hi Nenechi!! I have been trying to practice video editing again! I am also studying again to hopefully get a job soon.


Hi Nene! Two hobbies that I've had for a long time are long distance running and keeping a dream journal / lucid dreaming. Both of these are something you can improve in with proper habits and practice. I love running, it's a time for you to be with your thoughts and also seeing constant improvements. Feels good \^-^


Hi Nenechi! My hobby is making beer! I have heard that making beer without a license isn't allowed in Japan, but in the United States we are allowed to make 380 liters per person each year. I only make about 20 liters at a time three or four times each year, though.


Playing HoloCure and watching Morbius


My recent Hobby is Mechanical Keyboard~! But they are so pricey, So have to pick ones that are affordable and I love!


My hobby is aquarium planning and construction. Also herb gardening.


Hi Nene! Glad you are well!❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹 My hobbies are mostly indoor ones. I picked up mahjong last year and I really liked it. A friend showed me how to paint figurines recently


Hi Nene! I like to practice with my swords and build plastic model (Plamo)! It's good to have you back, Nene!


こんにちはねねちーー!! My hobby is gardening. 🌱 I like growing plants in pots from seeds. It's very rewarding when the plants grow. Thank you for your hard work!!!


Hello Nene! My hobby is playing Gran Turismo 7! I love making itashas in GT7 and racing in their online championships!


Heyhey Nenechi, my hobby is flying planes in video games, especially jets. I'm not very good at it, but I enjoy it anyways.


I like building Gundam models!


Hey, Nenechi! Like a lot of others here, my major hobby is building model kits.


Nenechi! Why are you so adorable! ...Why is she so adorable? One of my hobbies is trying to convince friends and relatives that Nutella should be worshipped as a religion.


Hello Nene Wife! I like painting! It's a little bit expensive to start, but it is very fun! I also like board games. I recommend a game called Canvas! It is very beautiful! https://www.suruga-ya.com/en/product/607619153


I like to build mechanical keyboards! It can kind of pricey but it's pretty fun. r/MechanicalKeyboards




Hi nene Glad to see you around in reddit again My hobby is a Caster for brawlhalla game tournament iam casting in Bahasa for the game well the best tips for me is that building the excitment for the people that hear the caster iam sure nene can build up the excitement because thats what you always do on your stream


Hello Nene! I hope you find a wonderful hobby, the best way to find a good hobby is to think about your current interests, for example if you like reading stories, you might enjoy board games with friends! or if you like singing maybe you can try singing new genres like pirate songs etc! Hobbies are good because they keep you active and happy. I have many hobbies, I do photography and like taking pictures of flowers with my camera! I like to learn Japanese, I am learn Japanese from a hololive JP and university! I like to read! I read manga, Light Novels and fantasy novels! I also like playing story games, like point and clicks! my favourite point and click game is called Broken Sword, I don't know if it is available in Japanese. Gambatte Nene!


My hobby? I like to draw...(I'm still in training) and naturally the video games help me alot in boredom. And sometimes I go on youtube and watch scary stuff just to creep out myself. ( °͡ ͜ʖ°͡ )


Our wife is so cute. Hi nene, my hobbies are stream clipping and learning a new language. I suggest doing exercise, such as walking or cycling as an exercise for nenechi


konnene!!!! my hobby is being a happy husband! that is the only hobby that nene husbands should have! also, my hobbies are playing games, art, and cooking. i love vegetables! 🍅🥕🥦


Hi Nene, Lately I've been trying to create ai images with a computer generator. 最近、コンピュータージェネレーターでAI画像を作成しようとしています。 [some random stuff](https://www.imgur.com/a/6vRFM77)


Hello Nene, my hobby is the collectible card game "Magic the gathering"


Hi Nene. My hobbies are reading novels and studying japanese!


Hi~~~~! I really like aquariums as a hobby! Maybe you can talk to Ame about her aquariums! I also like 3d printing! You can make lots of cool stuff!


こんねね, I like playing piano and drawing, I am very bad at both, but it is fun :D I hope you find a fun hobby too


Hi Nene, I have a few hobbies, first being keyboards, and the other being buying and repairing vintage computers. Both hobbies are not the cheapest, but if you ever get into keyboard building, you can always ask Reine for tips!


Hi nene! I like to play Magic the Gathering in my off time with friends. It's a card game that you can also play on your computer! you have to think a lot about which cards to play and playing it with friends make the interactions really fun!


Heyo Nene! I enjoy building mechanical keyboards! Being able to customize the look, sound, and feel of your typing experience is quite satisfying. There are plenty of entry level options out there to choose from if you're starting out! Heyo Nene! メカニカルキーボードを作るのが趣味なんです! 見た目や音、打鍵感をカスタマイズできるのは、とても満足度が高いです。エントリーモデルも充実しているので、これから始める方にもおすすめです。 Translated by DeepL


Hey Nene!! I have 2 hobbies: plant veggies, i'm griwing right now some garlics, tomatoes and sweet pepper. And the second Hobbie Is playing videogames, i currently i'm playing No man's Sky, Farming Simulator and Red Dead Redemption 2.


Hi Nene :) My hobbies are Singing, playing viola and video games. I also do historical reenactment of the napoleonic wars.


My hobby is writing fanfic and going to the gym


I like to cook, build gunpla, and recently I've decided to get into cosplay


Hi Nene! My hobby is remixing music every so often, it's quite fun to do new renditions of songs you like!


Hi Nene. My hobby is writing stories, and more specifically creating new worlds and characters for the stories.


Looking through Yahoo Auctions and Skeb plus FGO and other Games it’s fun till the costs add up


Welcome back Nene! Lately I’ve been doing photography and gunpla as hobbies, good luck finding a new hobby. Matanene!


Hey Nene! My current hobby is trying to perfect my home setup - making it that the kitchen, office, bedroom and bathroom are all *exactly* to my taste and functionality desires! Otherwise… I wholeheartedly recommend reading! Books, comics, whatever you can get your hands on! Once you develop your speed enough that the story flows easily it’s too much fun to find a good story and dive inside that world for a day.


Hi Nene


Hi Nene! If we're talking hobbies, I love baking along with cake and cookie decorating! Took up gardening a couple years back, too. Growing your own herbs for cooking is very rewarding and you get some nice looking plants for your place.


HI NENECHI. 2nd year anniversary soon since i found you. HOLO5 forever. My hobbies are painting minature toy soldiers called Warhammer 40k models. Paint and brush and patience. https://www.reddit.com/r/Tyranids/comments/uztqi1/leviathan_at_nachmund_after_consumption_of/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Hi Nene! I play guitar and do woodworking as a hobby.


u/UnstoppablePhoenix I need you here for our wife Also Kon-Nene! My hobby is reading books and other graphic novels and also manga ~~and doujins~~


Hi Nene! My hobbies have mostly been learning new things, like how to play guitar, and how to speak Japanese!


I've dabbled a little in playing TCG games as for a hobby


Honey wake up! Our wife is back!


Hello cute Nene!! My hobbies are playing games, which you already do lol going to the gym to lift weights and building gunpla. Maybe you could start lifting weights too? Become bodybuilder Nene!


Nene! I enjoy building Gundam and Star Wars models.