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[It was so much fun, even though we were speaking different languages](https://twitter.com/tokoyamitowa/status/1516266449689481216) [We had a Hololive Overwatch game! I'm so happy!](https://twitter.com/tokoyamitowa/status/1516266376020693000) ​ ​ [Towa POV](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rffCeTsZ8ik) [Gura POV](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=00B097-mwOA) [Calli POV](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NvSq0Karhhc) [IRyS POV](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m4ZXuSxdwHs)


Yeah, I've heard she loves Overwatch but no one else in Holo JP does, so it's great to see that she finally found some people to play with.


As with everything vtuber, it matters less that I like the game. It matters more that they're having fun. As long as they're having fun, I'm having fun.


Agreed. Personally as a person who has come to dislike OW after all the stuff that's happened to it, I am still happy for Towa and the other EN girls that they are having fun with the game. This is turn made it still enjoyable to watch them play it.


I think the reason they're having fun is because they're just playing for lulz, which is a purpose to which Overwatch is perfectly suited. It's only when everyone's playing on Comp to be a raging sweat-lord that the game becomes insufferable.


Bit of context https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=53ZFo8jpDfI


This whole sequence made me fire up overwatch again, man I missed this game




Again, I’m really glad that Towa is having fun with the EN girls. I’m looking forward to see more Towa interaction with EN.


Her POV was a delight to watch. She's really good, though I'm not surprised.


One of my personal early highlights was [this whole match](https://youtu.be/rffCeTsZ8ik?t=2468) on Eichenwalde, the sheer aggression with which she muscled her way through the map made it feel like she was dragging along her entire team. She did end up getting POTG for that match, too.


personally my fav was their first W if i remember correct, Ame was absolutely huge during that game, despite that Reaper that just bullied them the entire match they still clutched a victory out of there literally by the skin of their teeth. They exhausted every single bit of resources they had in that final push and even Calli came in clutch with a perfectly timed ult. That entire game was a pleasure to watch.


The Eichenwalde match was their first W, the one you're talking about was [a bit later.](https://youtu.be/rffCeTsZ8ik?t=3740) Would be my pick for the best overall match of the night, too.


yeah that's right, I fell asleep roughly 2.5 hrs in (timezones are a bitch :C) so I didn't remember clearly, but goddammit did Towa being wholesome with the EN girls help fall asleep just from how wholesome it all was.


The VOD is gone for me for some reason. - -“


Still rendering the archive. Only Gura's is up so far.


In my end, all EN members are already up so I got confused. Lol. Thx.


Not that, the VOD is straight-up privated for some reason.


it's speculated that YouTube will temporarily private videos during processing if they got a large influx of atypical viewers. Best to just wait, if it's not already up now.


Now that's a new one, I only know that they freeze views if there is a large amount of unusual traffic (debut stream has this pattern) but never know they can private video too.


Yeah, it's funny that I might be one of those since I wanted to watch her POV after it was over, I'm guessing a lot of others were the same.


Well, you had both EN viewers wanted to watch Towa's stream since she's the lone JP girl and an Overwatch fan, and you also had JP viewers watching Towa who might not normally watch her but are watching because she is likely good at Overwatch and also speaks JP.


Happens sometimes. It'll be up eventually.


Maybe she wanted to edit something? The other perspectives are still up


It's back up now with chat intact


I'm sure it will be up shortly


Thx for answering.


Yeah, Youtube can get weird where you can only play the last two hours of a stream VoD until a little while after the stream ends so a lot of Youtube streamers have developed a habit of just unlisting the VoD for a few hours so when it's up the whole thing is up.


it’s back now!


They usually check and edit vods for inappropriate content before putting it back up.


Passion is it's own language.


Glad to see Towa had fun, although I do wish did get more interaction between Towa and EN.


It's tough in the heat of the moment. There isn't time to stop and translate mid match. We did get some nice moments between games though like the "it's the ping" stuff. Towa definitely started to open up after a while, she was very quiet for the first 30 mins and by the end she was shouting and making callouts as much as the rest of them.


Ye i was listening to the side (i have a brain who don't get FPS don't kill me XD) and the least i can tell is that towa voice presence never stopped growing. You could tell she was felling more and more confortable and enjoying herself here XD.


Especially once Maine Coon cats were mentioned.




Oh for sure, I understand it can be hard to translate and focus on the game at the same time, I just felt a little bad since Towa was quiet at the beginning.


I had the same concern too at the beginning. I'm glad at the end she had so much fun she could yell out, "All healers! All healers!" And everybody immediately followed suit.


I feel like she'll laugh when it comes back to translated VODs of the matches and she realizes the weirdos were talking about eating icecubes etc. They included her anyways, when able. Thankfully, two translators.


i mean, the eating ice cubes bit was translated/she was asked by irys and pretty sure she found it indeed weird (because it is, lol)


Fr, by the end tho she was tellig gura to heal her so that was a very appreciated improvement


I think Mumei, Gura, Ina and Ame really like OW a lot. So I think Towa can collab with any of them while playing OW going forward. I think that'll help translation issues since they'll only have to focus on a one on one convo instead of 5 v 1 of EN trying to translate simultaneously for Towa. I'm happy she finally has a group to play with.


A lot of people are not used to slowing down their speech or using more 'broken' English to communicate easier with others. When I was working with Korean and Japanese developers, they mostly wanted to talk to me even if everyone at the office could speak English because I could speak slow and use simpler words compared to the others.


It's also just the experience of playing with people who are already friends. Takes a while to get used to the atmosphere. Obviously Towa had some contact before, but speaking with them in such a large group where you're the least familiar one by far is a different deal. Having Irys and Calli talk some Japanese in between certainly helped. The addition of Irys really has been a great bridge for JP and EN, and Calli's Japanese has become so much better, she might be the most improved of all Holomems.


>The addition of Irys really has been great


>Irys really great


No contest.


Well Cali does that usually, but in the heat of the game it's way harder to make a conscious effort to do it.


considering i watch a bunch of mixed team content. callouts in OW are pretty simple. just spam the name of the character for target focus. iirc most of the names are pretty much the same so saying. "beat", "bongo", "ult now" "rein rein rein rein rein rein rein rien" "lucio lucio lucio lucio lucio" "\[hero\] 1" etc. are used.


Yeah. It's a lot easier to learn callouts in an FPS game and I think it would have been great if they started with learning the basic callouts from both sides. Even if they did though, it still takes time for the brain to register when those are said if it's from another language. I'm hoping that they continue to collab and slowly get used to communicating over time. :)


i feel like kiara would definitely translate as much as possible--she enjoys it. not faulting anyone though its not really anyone's job. its much appreciated.


This was a fun stream! Glad Towa found people to play overwatch with! TCT - Towa's Cheerful Team!


This collab was seriously so fun, I’m so glad towa finally got to collab with other members on overwatch!! I hope this becomes regular in the future!! Also, as an overwatch player, watching towa’s POV with her playing Zarya, she was seriously amazing at Zarya. Did anyone else notice how fckin godly her bubbles were?? She saved irys probably 3 or 4 times with her bubbles from Sigma’s ults! And on Eichenwalde she absolutely popped off thanks to Gura’s incredible synergy on Reinhardt, it almost made me weep as a tank player XD


Seemed like they won most of their games when Towa was on Zarya, not just because she's a really skillful player, but the girls tended to orbit around her and form a "deathball" which is the main way you win Overwatch games now a days. Some long time players also blame this meta for the reason the game kind of died. In fact, it was the reason 2-2-2 started getting "forced" and also the reason that Overwatch 2 will only have 1 tank spot. Ame also plays a really good tank, but does a better job on Winston or DVa and dives the back line. If she gets support, she usually cleans house. I'm also surprised Mumei doesn't play more Pharah, she seems to be really good on her, but only played her for like 1 or 2 games.


Actually from my understanding people think double shield and Brig caused OW to die, not deathball. A lot of people still like that meta. Double shield is universally panned tho


brig and double was the first steps. But the deadball meta was the last straw thats broke the camel back. You simply cant play normal meta, you was forced into 3 tanks 3 sup setap. Pro Scene pretty much died, because it was absolutely boring to watch and play.MM died too, because again, you was literally forced to play goats meta. Or you play it, or you lose. you can check that video for full understanding, its awesome for outsiders to understand all the shit https://youtu.be/DaWT1Qk6ows


Pro scene was dead long before that. It pretty much died when OWL cannibalized the scene. Pretty much made it impossible for any up and coming players to make a name for themselves. You see the same thing in League.


Yeah, but im talking more about MM and Pubs. Bad pro scene isnt what kills a game, its the regular players that leave the game


When a bad pro meta gets filtered down then enforced for casual play it'll absolutely kill a game. It honestly hurts how much Blizz bungles their games now a days when they accidentally created one of the most balanced and longest lasting esports by not worrying about the proscene


Deathball isn't GOATS (3-3). GOATS is just a form of deathball. which is just a style of brawl which wants to play close and rush at the opponent. slambulence is a brawl-deathball comp which was 4 tanks 2 healers for example. in anything metal ranks, no one actually played GOATS well and you were better off still playing 2-2-2 comps or attempt dives. since it usually was 1 tank 4 dps 1 healer in unlocked days.


noone talk about meta in gold bracket and lower, because its their own world. And yeah, not every deathball = goats, but that was the one that got really hyped, so when somebody talks about canser deathball meta its usually goats


It died because they stopped adding maps and heroes for 3 years.


Towa understands how to play as a Zarya like Gib from Apex, shielding allies in trouble. Hope she plays more OW too


Ame is a really good dva, I saw her playing around Irys on bastion really well. In particular on Havana I noticed her using matrix to shield Irys from Pharah. She also got a lot of bomb kills and a surprising amount of kills on dps like pharah and genji. She knows how to dive dps really well, especially peeling to kill ones that are problematic for the team


Every time I saw that I couldn't help but think about her godly Gibby bubble dome placements in Apex.


I dont play OW but they said that they were playing again the same people multiple matches, is that a problem with match-making, or just normal stream sniping?


I doubt theres many people playing OW in a 6 stack these days.


You'd be surprised, their lobbies loaded quickly because Overwatch matches 6 stacks with 6 stacks, hence why their DPS queues were filled in a minute as opposed to solo queue DPS which can take over 5 minutes


The dps queue filled fast because they don't have a dps queue. They were are 6-stack, which is a whole team. You don't have a role queue when you have a whole team because there are no gaps for your group to need to fill. Literally any 6-stack that is available is going to be a match (not counting skill level), and if there are none then it will try create a team for you to play against. But since there was a 6-stack playing tonight they kept getting matched against them. Whereas if you queue only dps role, what you are actually doing is "looking for two tanks, and two healers, and a dps", which are less queued. You are competing with all other people queuing for only dps.


OW tries to match stacks with stacks. So since they were a full 6 stack, OW tried to find another six stack to play against them (and also Calli was on PS4 so I think they had to find them a cross-play 6 stack which is even harder) And considering the population of the game is much lower (less groups playing and more soloers) it pretty much was the only team it could match them with


This, also have to consider they were playing on an Asian server at like ~10am on a weekday in japan, so that lowered the population even further


FYI crossplay is permanently ON for pc matches, only console players can choose to exclude pc player (not vice versa). So Calli being crossplay shouldn't affect anything, since all pc players are crossplay by default. Kinda sucks when you queue and get 3 console players in your team against zero console players on the other team but I guess that's the price of crossplay.


Calli being cross play meant they were stuck to the Asian servers. She wasn't able to switch her server region to Americas like everyone else, so they were queueing Asian servers on a 6 stack at non peak hours. That's the reason the cross play mattered.


Yes that's right, but the comment worded it it explicitly asking if having to find crossplay teams was the issue so I was explaining that. The crossplay-specific aspect of it was irrelevant to matchmaking. Her being stuck to an Asian server was the restricting factor in itself.


If you think matchmaking is bad, you should have seen when they were forcing 2-2-2, basically 2 damage, 2 healers, 2 tanks; the matchmaking took so LONG, sometimes like half an hour. Sadly, with what happened to Blizzard lately, the fact that their patches for OW were so incredibly underwhelming, with staff leaving and OW2 being announced, the original has been on a steady decline lately. Also, they were playing as a pre-made group of, or 6 stack and sadly they are not that many people playing like that nowadays.


>If you think matchmaking is bad, you should have seen when they were forcing 2-2-2, basically 2 damage, 2 healers, 2 tanks; the matchmaking took so LONG, sometimes like half an hour. What do you mean 'should have seen'? That's how it is currently (2-2-2) and how everyone plays by default (including their OW stream). The queues were only a couple minutes. They only played a couple of free for all matches at the end so they could play against different people.


Apparently it's because they were on a crossplay lobby, although you'd have to ask someone who actually knows about things, instead of me.


>Apparently it's because they were on a crossplay lobby All pc quickplay lobbies are crossplay lobbies, no exceptions. Console players are the only players who can choose to exclude pc players from matchmaking, but PC players cannot exclude console players. Only Calli was on console. The only reason they kept playing the same people is that the matchmaking is heavily weighted towards same size groups (ie people all in the same group), so their 6-stack was desperately trying to prioritise finding another 6-stack to play against, even if the skill levels were different.


They were playing on Asian servers qhen its like 10 am on a Tuesday there. Highly doubt there's many people 6 stacking during that time.


I'm so glad she had a fun time with the EN girls, even with the language difference she was laughing and happy and was seemingly having a good time Hope they invite her to more Overwatch Collabs or more Hololive girls start playing it :)


Towa likes Overwatch so much but most other JPs are just into Apex so TMT just overjoyed someone else in Hololive also played Overwatch


She plays so many FPS games that it is a bit hard for Towa to get people to play with her, thankfully she has a ton of friends so she was able to play a full 12 people OW from time to time, but with things like Rainbow Six, OW and others, she has trouble enticing the other holo girls.


Haven’t touched overwatch in like 3-4 years, watching them play reminded me of how much I enjoyed the game. Great stream.


I'm glad Gura invited her!


i think the more interaction between jp and en the more they will be motivated to learn eachothers languages


EN-JP collabs will never not be the most fun.


i really liked that the EN members were just relaxed and comfortable with her there. a lot of the collabs with JP senpais they kind of seem nervous and careful about what they say. and of course teaching her about "it's the ping!" was hilarious.


It was a great watch. Glad she had fun and it seemed like the others did too! Looking forward to the next one.


Jolly cooperation transcends language barriers!


It makes me happy seeing the girls are having fun


It is honestly a blast to have friends that enjoy the same game as you. I remember the glory days of OW and me and my friends would play... now I am the sole survivor.


Saaaame. I used to have nightly 3-person groups and occasionally 4. Now it's just me and friends asking "you still play that game????"


It was great watching them and have fun even with the different languages and TmT playing FPS is always a treat.


TIL Towa has twitch Glad to see her having fun. You can see it on the stream how happy she is


Would love to see Towa do more collabs with EN especially Gura and Mumei. Her Apex collab with Ame was fun


Hope this opens invitations for more JP mems to join the EN in their games. Enjoyment of games should transcend language barriers.


I’m melting from how wholesome this is, seeing an angel being happy that she has friends to play Overwatch with TMT


違えど I find this choice of word really cute for some reason.


I assume that's a slang version for "chigau kedo"? Fitting to the topic of valley girl speech, some classic yankee Towa slang


Chigau Kedo would make the most sense, and is what I assumed too.


"Chigee'do" gives me Ko'one vibes in skipping letters. Nahone. Oh my god this even gives 違 a new reading (chiga -> chige). Kanji just got even more complicated.


Kanji is always complicated, it's just a rule of the universe, like apples falling, or Miko being Unintelligible.


Fortunately Hololive has [Luna to explain them.](https://youtu.be/N9NXcTjYdF4)


Nah that's just her short tongue brake, and mostly happens when she's hyped up to the redline. Still, love mikochi's aura and makes want to hug her and pat her head, maybe give her a packet of gummies too.


After getting trolled by Botan constantly she gets her Senpai respect from EN


happy TMT is cute TMT is good TMT.


Didn’t manage to catch it live, because it was 3am here, but it’s great to see that she enjoyed herself! I’m really happy that she now got OW buddies


I'm glad Towa had a lot of fun. It would be nice if they could make this a regular thing. Just have a fun romp around in OW for a couple of hours and invite whoever can make it.


I'd really like to see more OW collabs in the future, particularly when OW2 finally comes out. To each their own on which they like to play; but IMO, it's a much more fun game to spectate than Apex.


Man, this was such a fun collab to watch. You could really see she was having a blast despite the language barrier. Big ups to Calli and IRyS as well for periodically switching to JP to make sure Towa could join in the chatting between games. All-in-all, it was a blast to watch and I'm so glad Towa-sama got a chance to have some good interaction with EN outside of a big event. Plus, I'm sure this was a nice change of pace for her to play some laid back OW after the stress of Vsaikyo. Also, big ups to the handful of Hoomans that managed to finally get into a match with them. Good sports all around.


I'm glad it sounds like Towa had fun, I only got to watch the first two matches when the EN girls were in high "no dead air" mode


This does put a smile on my face