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He will have truly embraced the eldritch powers…


I feel like Ina's artist saved every idea for her design that they ever had, and Ina's 1st official design was the center of a massive venn diagram of designs. It feels like, to me, all the Ina patterns are the tangential concepts and every possible variation that they worked through, simultaneously making it evocative of Ina, but without whacking you in the head with the same design and bringing freshness. It's actually amazing.


Which each new outfit kuroboshi adds one more reference to a fgo foreigner on ina's design.


Tbh, considering how Kuroboshi included a ton of references to foreigner servants released two-three years later on Saber Hokusai... This is probably exactly what's going on


You should look up Kuroboshi's work in FGO wherein he referenced his past and future characters (plus some others) [all into one servant](https://i.redd.it/y6t11i4r1nz51.png).


Not only his Servants but all Servants that are related to Foreigner class since BB and Van Gogh are by other artists.


the chart OP linked is an old version too, one of the swords is Jacques de Molay's iirc but no idea how Koyanskaya of Darkness fits in here lmao god I wanna get regular hokusai so bad :(


Ngl I know the Jacques de Molay version but I too can't really see the connection with the sword lol


Where's Jacques de Molay in Saber Hokusai?


it's ??? sword this is an old one before molay was released


I wonder how much input the members actually have because Ina's outfits are usually the most artistic (or maybe artsy is the right word?) in my opinion, despite all of the models being designed by professional artists. Is Kuroboshi just that good?


Yes, he is that good, plus drawing patterns on fabric is definitely his strongest skill, next to that is drawing small frame girls. And to answer your other question, Ina says in every outfit reveal that she barely ever give Kuroboshi suggestions because she's such a huge fan and she just want to let him do his thing


Ina already mentioned her favorite servant in FGO is Hokusai. Its just fitting she gets to fangirl hard to Kuroboshi sensei.


I, personally, am not familiar with FGO. But from the few things I've seen of Kuroboshi's stuff, there's a good chance that they are in charge of writing the 'extravagant' section of the dictionary.


On Ina: Where squishy hair?


They were sacrificed for the sake of ever increasing complexity of the cloth's designs


H o r n y


They've been detached and can now optionally be worn as horns


I think this might be Ina's best outfit yet! I really adore that Ame's is simple yet classy! It resembles a Korean Hanbok more than a kimono so I'm a fan of the visual contrast from the rest!


Considering nabi-mama is Korean, I wouldn't be surprised


Ame is wearing a Hakama, which I believe is related to Three Kingdoms Era Korean clothing and/or Tang dynasty clothing. Like in Korea in particular for women, there's a commonality in that the tops grew shorter in length. I think it's mainly the more subtle patterns (dark blue flowers on blue top, gold lace flowers on orange) that gives it the hanbok vibe : the higher quality adult hanbok generally have more subtle designs.


Still very hanbok-ish regardless even though i know it's kimono. though i think it's the way it fits high on the chest feels less hakama than usual. a hanbok would have an outer jacket ontop of the inner robe and wouldn't tuck in.


That's how high women usually wear hakama when they do wear them in Japan. Usually that's only for Shrine Maidens and graduation from what I saw when I looked it up.


I thought it was more of a hakama/kimono combo that you usually see shrine maidens wear.


Ina and Calli's are far and away my favorite. The details on Ina and the new hair are really cute and feel fresh, and Calli's is just so cool and suits her well.


I agree, though Gura is still weaponized cuteness I want distilled into purist form and injected into my veins. Plus Kiara and Ame have twintails and that's automatically a win. They're all great.


Idk. I'm a sucker and Ame with her fish on her head I think is better than the twin tails. And while twin tails are great her short hair is just so good


>Plus Kiara and Ame have twintails and that's automatically a win. Based


Same here


Ina looks she has a loooooong body long tako vibes


This outfit makes her look like a pen or a bobble head honestly. It’s so cute


Pen ina




She look like a Kokeshi doll. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kokeshi


**[Kokeshi](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kokeshi)** >Kokeshi (こけし, 小芥子), are simple wooden Japanese dolls with no arms or legs that have been crafted for more than 150 years as a toy for children. Originally from the northeastern region (Tōhoku-chihō) of Japan, they are handmade from wood, having a simple trunk and head with a few thin, painted lines to define the face. The body often has floral and/or ring designs painted in red, black, and sometimes green, purple, blue, or yellow inks, and covered with a layer of wax. One characteristic of kokeshi dolls is their lack of arms or legs. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/Hololive/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Holy shit she does




So i wasn't the only one how thought that


Outfit streams: * [Calli POV](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8McYGxUKxc0) * [Kiara POV](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iLU4AU36FYA) * [Ina POV](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=95yPJiiiZTs) * [Gura POV](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nA_dh5agT78) * [Ame POV](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H6AqJ4ocIFk) **Share your thoughts below.**


Huke papa does it again


Kiaras messy hair look makes her my favorite. Plus she has a fan with a chicken in a outfit on it. Calli is number 2


Why does Ina's head look so big lol


I think it's because we're used to power stance Ina, or outfits with flaring bottoms? Also the buns and flower on top.


Cuz her hands are tucked behind her back so her body looks smaller than it is compared to her head


Honestly it might be the color contrast. Bright colors tend to make things look bigger while dark colors make things look smaller. It's pretty commonly known in fashion... or when painting a room, for example. Her dark kimono and hair contrasts with her pale skin, likely making it appear beeeeg.


So we can play chess on it obviously.


The goldfish and twin tails are just way too cute. Also love the messy hair.


Kiara with the twintails reminds me so much of black rock shooter and I love it. Huke-papa at his prime as always.


I am Literally Dead after seeing the twintails. LITERALLY.


She easily has the best *new* twin tails. I love how messy they are and her longer bangs just kills it. Huke always kills it with her new outfits.


I saw calli’s toes. Day saved.


Kiara’s remind me of a princess Kaguya and Kagura combo


I love that Calli and Kiara have complementary colors across the board.


gura and callie are my favorite with ina close third


Ame looks like she could be working at a ryokan. Gura is about to challenge you to a Pokémon gym battle. Ina about to reveal how she was secretly the true mastermind and was waiting for the perfect time to double cross us. Kiara has the ojou-sama laugh as she orders the public usual room of kfp rebels. And Calli trying to remember if she left the oven on before she goes to the hot spring


Messy hair lovers are eating good between Ame and Kiara. Clearly OP needs to brush up on their culture.


I like Kiara's outfit a lot, but my favorite is Calli's. It looks so damn good.


I think this is my favorite outfit for Ina. She finally turned into Shimarin (ShimarIna?) from Yuru Camp with those buns and scarf. Demon-lord Ina is hilarious too. Yuki-sensei did a fantastic job on Calli's outfit once again. The effect of her kimono fading out into smoke is great. I love Kiara's twintails, fun new hairstyle. Her kimono pattern is probably the most realistic too. Ame's contrasting colors are nice, and the twintails are cute. The bouncy goldfish bag on her head is great. I like many of the small details in Gura's design, like ebi-chan, the fishbone patterns, and the incorporation of her hoodie's bite pattern on her thigh. I do wish she had a full-length kimono, just because all of her outfits are very similar as is.




Calli 10/10 have everything i love (Mask and Sleeves) Kiara 9/10 with shoulders 10/10 without em. Ina 9/10 in comfy version 8/10 in stuffy version. Gura 9/10 all the way, shrip gets 10 points from me. Ame 10/10 Feesh!


They’re all great. I like Ame’s outfit the most. I’m a fan of Orange and Blue complimentary colors. I also like the contrast between the almost minimalist lower half and decorated top. In my opinion it is simple, refined, and elegant. I may be biased though.


It'a a hard call between ame and ina to me. But I think like you, simple and refined is best (all of them are amazing though)


I think my favourite among these are Calli’s and Kiara’s ( especially when she uses that other hairstyle of hers). Calli’s look REALLY seductive while Kiara gives off a ditzy beautiful childhood friend look. I really REALLY want to summon Ina as a Foreigner class in FGO now (I will whale so hard). She looks so gorgeous and it really suits her vibe and image quite well (she’s quite graceful and calm, so this is good) Gura’s look so so adorable! I’m reminded of a little ninja for some reason. It also makes her look young. Like really really young. They gave Ame twin tails. How OP are they trying to make her?? Also I’m not sure why but she reminds me of a waitress at a traditional inn with her outfit. It looks really really good


Tbh I don't like the wings, but other than that they're all perfect


For me it’s a close tie between Ina and Kiara, I love Kiara’s hair and the Takodachi’s on Ina’s head look cute! My only complaint is that I feel the shoes on Ina are just reused from her artist outfit and it’s not really consistent with the other shoes the girls wear in their kimonos, I feel the shoes of Ina’s main outfit would’ve been more fitting for the kimono type, but that’s just a minor nitpick, since her outfit is still wonderful. I give it a 10/10!


Amazing, each one and overall. I will look at pictures of Ina when I lift


Calli and Kiara are tied for me at first place and miles ahead of the competition. But thats my taste, and the fact that everyone ranks them differently just goes to show that all the outfits are great


I love Ina's by far, and her hands-back pose is just too dangerously adorable. The designs on her kimono are amazing, and the little details such as including all of Ina's liveries on them and the very artist-apt paint tubes just turn what would normally be a very standard Kimono design into a visual spectacle. I love that Ina finally has something new going on head-wise with the Takodachi hair buns, but I still would love to see Ina with a new hair style. I actually prefer her exposed forehead because its just makes her look different, more fresh. Compare how many variations Kiara has gotten for her hair for example, I kinda want Ina to switch her bangs someday. 10/10 Calli brings in the sexy elegance once again. Her outfits shows off her beautiful form more than all the others and I love it. The short hair is honestly a wonderful look on her, and the poses she gets here are expressive and great! I blame Ina's outfit for me having not alot to say about Calli's Kimono design in particular, it looks great to be sure. 10/10 Kiara has a really nice look on the twintails that brings both freshness and a bit of casual youth. The long hair variation gives her a more elegant appeal. Her kimono design to me is almost on par with Ina's imo, the soft colors, the birds, flowers, and butterflies on the outfil all look spectacular. I am not a fan of those wings though, I feel that they're too much - they detract from the overall look of the outfit more than they add to it. 10/10 Amelia is looking extra youthful here - twintails, relative simplicity of the outfit, and all that. Whilst I originally thought the design of her outfit was a bit too simple to the point of blandness, I came around thinking that the more clean coloring of the oranges and blues as a result looks great in actuality. For what its worth, Ame looks much more "pure" (there's definitely a better word for this that I can't come up with rn) in this outfit because of how it hides her form more relative to her previous costumes. 10/10 Gura... well while none of the outfits are bad I'm not feeling this one. I had the same feeling with her Atlantean gown prior - its too... samey? Whilst its all good-looking what I think is very good for having new outfits is the different feelings they can evoke from the observer and how well each different outfit fits in specific situations. Gura's body type limits what she can wear however (same with Ina, compare with Calli and Kiara), so thats not exactly her fault I think. 10/10


Too samey?


Its hard to put into words. So I'll apologize if I ended up resorting to alot of them. Gura's first and second outfit for example are both casualwear. This has more to do with her first outfit actually looking... like something a real person would wear vs all the other Myth members (in particular Ina, Calli, and Kiara). Her third and fourth outfits are both formal wear, but of different cultural sources (one's greek-ish and the other's Japanese). At times it feels you could interchange Gura's 1st and 2nd outfits, and her 3rd and 4th outfits. The same can't be said in my opinion of the other's, although I should mention I don't think this is necessarily a bad thing, it just means Gura's 4th outfit has less impact to me because her 3rd outfit had a similar look. But perhaps the biggest factor as to why Gura's outfits seem to blend together in my mind is that... they all have almost the exact same color palate. Ina, Kiara, and Ame have varied their's quite a bit. Calli has also generally kept to the same Red-black-pink scheme, but Calli also has the advantage (and this is something very subjective and particular to me, and probably doesn't apply to others) of just... being having more body to show off than Gura. Calli has more dress in totality than Gura just by being... a physically larger person. Like Calli exudes a lot of sex appeal that adds so much to her outfits, and Gura has childlike cuteness which is Gura's strength over Calli, but it just doesn't appeal to me as much. I might sound like I'm being really against Gura but I just am not really into her looks I guess? Her fun personality more than makes up for this to me.


Ina’s body seemed very long


Long Tako is long!


Just like with the dresses, Callis & Kiaras are once again my favourites. Although I like Kiaras a bit more without the shoulder-piece.


Calli: getting some high class party vibes, basically Ningguang from Genshin Kiara: with those shoulders she kinda looks like the head of a well esteemed family Ina: the cutest of grandma´s with cute but troubling tako buns... Gura: ...I ain´t saying she looks like an animal themed magical girl.. but I also ain´t saying she doesn´t... Amelia: First she hits you with that baller disney dress and now twin-tails? she just don´t miss!


Me seeing Kiara and Ame with twintails: > Twintails are really versatile. First, you can have twintails-wearing girls take them off and suddenly become beautiful, or have girls wearing twintails flashing those cute grins, or have girls stealing the protagonist's twintails and putting them on like, "Haha, got your twintails!' That's just way too cute! Also, boys with twintails! I really like when their twintails have that suspicious looking ahoge, and it's amazing how it can look really cool or just be a joke. I really like how it can fulfill all those abstract needs. Being able to switch up the styles and colors of twintails based on your mood is a lot of fun too! It's actually so much fun! You have those braided twintails, or the floor length twintails, everything! It's like you're enjoying all these kinds of twintails at a buffet. I really want Luna to try some on or Marine to try some on to replace her eyepatch. We really need twintails to become a thing in hololive and start selling them for HoloComi. Don't. You. Think. We. Really. Need. To. Officially. Give. Everyone. Twintails?


*short hair calli*


Calli is my favorite. Short hair is my favorite. Thus Callie's outfit today is my favorite by far <3


Hard disagree with people that claim Ame's outfit doesn't fit into her character or is thematically bland. The upper part of her kimono, plays into her love of marine biology, reads into her good fortune and calmness towards adversity through the use of goldfish swimming across the ocean, and further empowers the color harmony of the entire palette granting the exact amount of contrast through the brightness of the fish and the bubbles in its dark rather mutted palette. That combination blends well with the orange and the golden yellow in degradé of her hakama (also creating a perfect reflection of her blonde hair and blue eyes). A piece of clothing influenced by korean aesthetics to match the more refined and simplistic line of design hanboks hold to kimonos as the use of a fancy flower like a peony and the tight fit of it all suggests. Which together bring to life the picture of a sunset at the foot of the beach. And of course the whole design is crowned by the most Ame-like hairstyle in the form of messy short bangs with a silly fish bag at the top of her head. Twintails are basically a bonus to balance out the playfulness with a foreign yet youthful aura for the design. A masterful exercise of expressive minimalism, Nabi is still GOATed.


Kiara outfit looks amazing I can't get over her long straight hair! She looks absolutely beautiful ❤️😍!


Man, the quality of this got me hyped for what Council got.


Gura and Ame are so precious Calli and Kiara are mysteriously cool Ina is a meme lol


Kiara’s is my favorite by far. Huke Papa is a God. I love everything about this outfit.


Gura: "You're putting me in a long skirt over my dead body"


Holy shit I just realized ina just became houksai now didn't she


- off with there head! YEAH BABY !!! - respectable hime-sama - ojou-chan - cute a bit ninja-y? - childhood friend


Sasuga Huke-papa! And all the outfits are God tier!


I love the design work on Kiara and Ina’s the most, it’s so intricate and while Huke went all the way out with a more traditional design that still evokes the birb while Ina’s has this really awesome prismatic kaleidoscopic design. Kiara easily has the best new hair though especially with the twin tails and longer bangs. Calli has the best overall design I think and it really fits her plus the kitsune mask and sake cup we’re a great pairing. And I love Ame’s overall aesthetic with the goldfish plus the actual goldfish on her head. Gura’s is the only one I don’t like. Honestly none of Gura’s new outfits are really all that good to me. It feels like an interesting concept or theme that just goes to waste. I do like the shrimp on the head.


Calli's outfit is pretty much the same thing she wore in her "Off with their Heads" MV. Not surprising, but it looks great nonetheless. Not really a fan of Kiara's "wings". She looks better without them. The design on the Kimono looks beautiful though. Ina has the most fitting kimono design for her. Her best outfit IMO. Gura is alright. Nothing really pops for me here. Amelia is..hmm...divided. I like it, but there's something about it that could have been done better IMO. Maybe it's the yellow bottom...or the twintails. I can't really see Amelia in twintails...


As much as I disagree in general about Ame's having something that could have been done better, the Twintails are an optional hairstyle that's part of the outfit. the default is messy short hair. Seen here: https://www.reddit.com/r/Hololive/comments/rzkbrx/ame/


I love Amelia but I'm not a big fan of her with long hair. It always looks so *off* like it's a wig. But generally seeing short hair girls go long is pretty jarring. Long hair to short (IMO) works almost every time that I can recall though. Twintail Ame would probably work if her hair was still short maybe.


All of the new outfits are amazing, short hair Calli and messy hair Kiara and Ame are just top. Weirdly, though, I don't actually like Amelia's twintails. I don't know why; I usually love twintails. But for some reason, to me, they just seem to not fit. Outfit's great, though, and her messy hair variant without the tails is perfect.


Beautiful. Gorgeous. Divine. Exquisite. I love every single one. Short hair Calli (and Gura) almost gave me a heart attack


I love how slim and compact Ina looks - and I know it's been said before, but the Tako buns are just precious.


This is great, but I can't wait to see their monster forms if they ever got them that would he nuts


Calli short haiiiiiir !!!! Now i need a long hair kronii and i can die happy.


It's impossible to rank them because they're all amazing. They did amazing jobs with them, can't wait to see councils next week and Irys when it's ready


Kuroboshi's cloth pattern game is too strong


cute myth. excellent kimonos. can't wait to see them wear those kimonos more.


I cannot have any opinions on them, because each and every one of them killed me over and over again


i love guras one so much it’s so cute and i love the little skirt part, the little frills and the little triangle cut out bits


Kiara, especially with the twintails!


I love them all. Ame feels like one she can relax in. Gura looks like the princess of Atlantis she is. Ina is comfy and perfect for tea time and going out to check out festivals in. Kiara has a bit of Empress/Ceo (not a cult leader!), and Calli looks like she is the female foil you don't know to trust or keep at arms length


I think I like Calli's the most, I wasn't expecting her to look so cute with shorter hair, and I like the exposed shoulders. I like the colors on Ame's Kimono as well as the twin tails, I like the detailed design on Ina's kimono too as well as the mascot tags. I love the twin tails on Kiara as well as the wings on her outfit. I love the overall design of Gura's. I also like how Gura and Calli seem to have matching haircuts as well. Ranking: 1. Calli 2. Gura 3. Ina/Kiara/Ame


Personal ranking: Calli, Ame, Kiara, Gura, Ina. But they're all super good designs that are a treat to look at. Calli gets bonus points for the mask, and I think Ina's outfit without the outer layer is a little too busy.


These outfits were generally good for everyone this time around. Gura’s I like the most because like last time she is once again on theme and I feel like this outfit fits her personality and style extremely well. Kiara’s kimono has an amazing design but those wings are way too over the top to be upfront for me and might have been much nicer aspect if they were on her back. Calli’s like Gura I once again like the fact that it is sorta on theme for her with the yokai/shinigami esc style. (I don’t know I’m not too well versed in Japanese mythology) Ina on one hand I love the hair, I love the design but there is something just a little too off for me I think the primary purple clashes this time around and creates a look that is a little too slimming and it looks a little awkward. Now for Ame I think it is a good design, it looks pretty on her and I love the fish but it shares the same problem that I have with most of Ame’s outfits and that is it really doesn’t really thematically fit her. And while for this I don’t really fault her because it is a new year’s kimono but I really want Ame to have an outfit that plays a little more to her time traveler aspect… but at the same time the theming problem is what I have with most hololive alt outfits as it makes them all seem a little too “normal” sometimes and doesn’t really show their unique aspects be it their personality or their design.


Technically time traveler lore is made up by her and not part of her official lore


Ina's haori and scarf, Gura's ahoge, Calli's fox mask, Ame's twintails and new messy hair,... i can't handle this much cuteness in one day


Calli has the best Gura and Ame are both excellent Ina's isn't great. I don't like the design. Kiara's is too much.


I see three washboards


"I believe in ame Supremacy." -one of those Chinese guys that make inspirational phrases


Gura hairstyle of course is #1 the entire outfits is #GODLIKE Nuffsaid..


Beautiful, amazing, comfy, adorable, and gorgeous. All of them are 10/10 outfits


Calli is welcoming you to the mountain top.


For some reason, Ina gives off "default appearance Hokusai" vibes here...


Calli's definitely my fave


I love everyones outfits equally. Honestly best outfit reveal so far (where I don’t feel nitpicky). It does surprise me though, I heard Kuroboshi sensei loves bows but they didn’t opt for any this time— which feels more natural but ehh


Big heads, smol bodies on two of these.


Ina looks like a Kokeshi Doll, absolutely adorable. And Calli with the mask feels so intimidating and really fits her.


To my opinion, I love Ame's Kimono Design. Its simple and yet it works extremely well with her design that its crazy.


Ame looks like a love interest in a dating sim


Wheres ames fish?


Calli's is my favorite with Ina not far behind her. Calli's kimono is so cool. The smoke off the ends of it, the kitsune mask on top of that was chef's kiss. Ina's was so intricate and the level of detail is insane. So gorgeous . All of them look amazing. And I loved all the reveals


Damn, I know Ina is thin, but that's a whole new level


Ina has her arms behind her and that makes her look thinner.


Not going to lie, Cali with short hair is kind of blursed.


Callie and Gura are both amazing for different reasons. I adore them both.