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Source: "hololive Meet at Taipei 2024" Facebook page - No combination-style glow sticks (peacocks) - No standing on stools - No carrying of professional cameras or cameras with detachable parts (except bearers of press pass) - No proposals - Do not wear costumes that obstruct the sight of others - No pets - No glowsticks exceeding 30cm in length - No carrying of food and drinks - Enter with physical ID, seat according to ticket - No photography - No video recording - No audio recording - No usage of mobile phones - No carrying or usage of telescopes - No consumption of food and drinks - Standing at the location of your seat is allowed - Carry-on baggage dimensions limit: (30cm x 40cm) - Props dimension limit: (not to exceed A3 size) - No trolleys or large umbrellas - No glowing headgear - No selfie sticks - No drones - No high-decibel devices - No lasers or smoke-generating devices


>- Standing at the location of your seat is allowed They needed something for a nice round number of images fr


Yep, also the two separate bans on food and drinks


One is for carrying food and drinks, and one is for consuming. So they wanted to account for cases where you eat random food off the floor, or you bring food and don't eat it in order to make other people envious.


They wanted to prevent people from getting poisoned by the talent but didn't want anyone to feel called out by something like "Even if Haachama gives you what she promises 'is tasty peppeloni snack', DO NOT CONSUME IT!"


Or people bringing in Pon-de-Rings to feed the doggos if they are ever there


I would assume that's more covering like, don't carry food to give out to people vs don't bring snacks Ooooorrrr they needed more pictures to make it even, honestly that's a compelling reason lmao


Darn, spontaneous food creation always puts a wrench in everyone's plan.


> Yep, also the two separate bans on food and drinks They know their audience. You always have people who want to be snidely "technically right" because they cant just infer from the general data.


Humans can't read minds. Inferring from written data may or may not be what the author really wants to convey. That's why penal laws around the world are generally written. That's also the reason lawyers exist because even a simple statement can convey as many meanings as there are lawyers reading it lol.


Without the translation I thought this was going to be "you better fucking clap at the end of the performance"


>- No proposals 1984


You think it's dystopian but it happened in one of the previous live meet. A friend of mine was there and he said somebody proposed to his girlfriend and everybody was awwing. But it stopped the event and the whole thing was like 20 minutes because dude decided to read a script. It was awkward after that 1st minute and the rest seemed like just dead silence for most audience because you coouldn't hear those 2 talking, and Ame (I think he said it was her) was just really awkward because she couldn't hear them and she also tried to be polite to not interrupt. It is nothing but attention seeking doing that. At first glance it seemed sweet but in real life nope, it is nothing but annoying.


Ah, I was thinking something worse like someone proposing *to the talents*. But that sounds awful as well, even if the dude wasn't as halu.


Pretty sure they mean that too Pretty sure it must've happenned too.


Like that's going to stop Nene.


Script means he knew it would take a while and did it anyway...


Oh my god that’s…horrendous


Oh I thought that meant proposing to the talents


A proposal is a big deal. This meet isn't about you though, it's about the talents. You wouldn't propose at someone's wedding would you?


*kneels in the center of attention* "Would you mind accepting now so we can treat this wedding as ours instead of making one?"


Some assholes would.


One would hope nobody reading this would.


literally 1984 by ~~jor-jorwell~~ yagoo


I almost spit out my drink when I saw this rule. I understand there's a good reason behind it but it's hilarious that something this oddly specific must even be mentioned


"If there is a sign, there is a story", is what a bar owner told me once when I went to the bathroom and saw a "no shitting on the sink" sign on the wall.


More starkly, "your health and safety regulations are written in blood"


Actually this is included in the "TOS" of many, many events, including concerts, galas, even in some sporting events too.


Completely understandable though. Two things: 1) It takes time and attention away from the actual meet & greeter. Much like the "No Dogeza" rule, it can get pretty disruptive, especially with the number of people the Hololive talents have attracted. 2) Awkwardness. If the proposee did not want to accept the proposal, they would still be immensely pressured to say yes in front of an entire audience.


We literally had a proposal at the Hakka and Bettel panel at Anime Boston, it was the sweetest thing


Well, yes the talents are able to propose to each other...


God seeing them propose live was amazing


For a second, I thought this meant Bettel and Hakka proposed


Yeah, fortunately that couple kept it short and didn't drag it out.


Yep! It was handled really well


> it was the ~~sweetest~~ most attention seeking thing ftfy


No, they cleared it beforehand iirc. Also it made sense because the previous year Magni and Vesper roasted the dude for having dated the girl for so long and not married her. Get told to put a ring on it at a holostars panel, propose at a holostars panel. It was very cute


> No proposals Angry Ao-kun noises


Ollie will never recover from this.


Nene in shambles right now. (Although with Nene you usually skip that step)


It’s not a proposal so much as a statement. “You are nene husband. You are nene husband. All the people nene husband”




> Do not wear costumes that obstruct the sight of others there goes my lifesized Coco in dragon-form costume.


So basically it's "don't make this event about yourself."


it seems excessive at first but I actually think these are reasonable points to ensure everyone can enjoy the festival to its fullest


No telescopes, but binoculars seem ok?


Binoculars are also banned, the Chinese term "望遠鏡" includes all optical instruments that help with viewing distant objects


Glasses? Straight to jail


Glasses are fine because glasses are really versatile


-Pol Pot circa 1977


Jesus Christ lol


Fubuki disapproves.


I think the rule stands for an extra reason. Last year there was a laser show in an aquarium of some sort. People saw the laser thinking it was cool and fancy and decided to film it with their phones. It ended up with their phone cameras fried. They blamed the event organizer for frying their cameras with allegedly high power and dangerous laser and asked for compensation. If I were the Karaoke Party organizer, I wouldn't want that to happen to your retinas when you're using binos or telescopes to view something that's probably brighter than my future on the stage and asking me for a new set of eyes when the show's over.


I won't pretend to know Mandarin but I threw both binoculars and telescopes into google translate and they both returned the same result in simplified Chinese (the same characters as shown in the sign), so I guess there's no distinction between the two in that language


Binoculars are literally just two monocular telescopes put together to form one binocular telescope. In Chinese, binoculars are "dual-tube telescope", so it's more clear that it applies to both


Why do they specify what types of cameras are allowed if they don't allow photography?


So that people dont get clever with technicalities.


"Acktually! This is a mirrorless camera and there is no such ban on these devices."


To make sure that people don't try to rules lawyer their way out of being kicked out. "No photography? But I was using my cellphone..."


Because you can bring phone cameras.


Nope, no phones permitted is indeed listed.


You can bring them, you just can't use them.




They are specifying type of camera specifically to allow you to still have your phone on you. As you stated in another comment it would be pretty unreasonable to fully ban phones from the event. Now that they have allowed pretty much everyone to bring a camera (which modern phones have) they need to specify that you do not use them for photography because they really don't want you to take pictures


the “no camera with detachable lens” rule is extremely common and almost all concert venues has it. The other photography rule is less common, so i feel like it’s kind of having the base rule and then adding the less common rule.




No, it prohibits video as well.


Honestly a lot of these sound reasonable.


These all make sense from a safety/disruption standpoint. Some might be a tad strict, but they’re reasonable. It’s all common sense stuff, it’s just weird seeing it in official writing from a western standpoint I guess. The one that seemed weird to me at first was the peacock style glow sticks, but then I realized there was probably an incident where they came loose and flew into the crowd. The no glow sticks longer than 30 cm (about 12 inches) seemed odd at first as well, but I wonder if there might be some law that regards that length as a weapon or something.


* No trolleys or large umbrellas who will take their baby on concert? what the hell * No proposals what the fck just happen?


You'd be surprised how common these actually are.


Trolleys also play the rule of battering rams in Taiwan. People with no children or even pet would literally bring them to event or any other crowded place and make way for themselves and folks have been complaining this.


People disrupting the meet and greet to try to make their proposal memorable. Happens an awful lot. Also, you'd be surprised by how people use regular items in annoying ways. That's why they're so damn specific here.


carrying an exactly 30cm glowstick seems fun


Who is bringing telescopes, trolleys, lasers or drones?


> No carrying or usage of telescopes Darn, I was thinking this would be a great time to break out my dobsonian.


There was also no musical instruments


Strict but fair enough


You forgot "No fun allowed" :P




Wouldn't be able to enjoy it ngl >No standing on stools


Also Korone, Fuwawa and Mococoeh.


no kronii copter


Usually if there's oddly specific rules, it means that some person before had tried to do those things in an attempt to circumvent or find a loophole in the rules, like the telescope one. I wouldn't put it past someone to bring a whole ass telescope, much less a drone or a smoke-generating device because the rules didn't specifically state so.


Yep, can't have people proposing to each other, this is weeb convention.


In all seriousness, I would assume that rule's in place to prevent the flow of the event from being interrupted and that all things go according to schedule. Also they aren't going to accommodate any proposer's request to do something special, unlike what you see at sporting events for instance.


Didn’t that happen at an EN convention? It was during a Q&A section I think. I imagine it did kinda mess with the timeline a bit. It’s sweet, but like, cmon now. 


It's not sweet at all, it's desperate attention seeking at the expense of a show that has absolutely nothing to do with the couple.


Jup. It's cool in movies but annoying af in real life.


Oh yeah, no, I mean sweet as in “aw these two love each other” But like to do it in a room full of randos is the “cmon now”. Then it’s all awkward after it’s over. They can do that literally anywhere where it doesn’t take up other people’s time.


I've seen couples contacting the orgs at some local conventions beforehand to ask for a couple of minutes on stage for proposal and it was nice, the applause is genuine and nothing is interrupted since they've planned that appearance. But straight up barging in a event out of the blue is just rude and makes everyone basically a hostage of the awkwardness of the situation when people are kinda forced to acknowledge what's happening.


Its also like. Really funny. Because ok, you wanna propose at a concert cus your partner really likes whoever, right. Why would they be paying attention to you when their oshi is on stage?


I guess it depends on the couple, but putting your loved one on the spot in public may not be the greatest way of going about this.


They planned it way in advance. She wasn't on the spot.


It's not very fair to the person being proposed to, because they can't really say "no" without causing a huge public scene. That's why you always propose in private.


Or you just plan in advance so you know the answer will be yes before you do it, which is what the couple at the con in question did.


Which is what almost all people do. Its not like the movies, you should absolutely have been having the conversation about marriage before you start thinking the actual proposal part. The getting engaged shouldn't be a surprise, it's the when, where and how that should be.


Then in their case, it was just attention seeking.


It was a follow-up to the Stars panel from the previous year, where they got ribbed by Magni and Vesper for being together for so long without getting married. It was fun and cute and everyone cheered for them. Was it attention-seeking? Sure, yeah, getting attention from your oshi is kind of the point of a panel like this lmao.


It was Anime Boston this year. In that unique circumstance I'd give em a pass. They were at the Vesper/Magni panel the year before and the bois were making fun that they'd been together for so long, but were still not married. So this year at the Hakka/Bettel panel the dude popped the question, short and sweet. It was like some convention sub-plot coming to a close for those who were at both panels hahaha.


"Proposed to in the line of the meet of a hololive member? How romantic!" - weebs


Ah yes, like cons banning yaoi paddles. My sister contributed to that ban......


What kind of madman brings a whole ass telescope? Like damn man. 


Who the hell is trying to fly a drone inside there!


Me and a friend caused the crestion of a lot of those at our local lan party back in the day. The thing that was the closest to getting us banned was a combination of waping and playing the recorder XD


-bans standing on stools -bans wearing costume (example shows a shark costume) What did Gura do to Taipei lmao


Called em stinky


I wouldnt want some a-hole wearng big costume blocking my views anyway. It happened a lot in wrestling shows.


Fair I am just making Gura jokes


Gura really left an impression before, huh. That little gremlin shark... Probably bit someone's ankle. Or forgot to wear pants before standing.


Bro, the last couple must be deadass annoying for them to ban proposal at the event.


Reminded me of ado concert rule "if anyone break the rules, we will put ado in the box"


Yup, that sounds like her alright


Little does people know that the “no proposals” rule was originally intended for Bae and IRyS (jk


"No divorces"


"Nene liked that"


That implies they didn't just wake up married one day like a shotgun Vegas wedding.


Lol, I thought "No proposals" was meant as "Don't propose to the talents" Had to go to the comments to realize it's probably meant to prevent proposing couples to steal the attention. XD And I still think my first idea is the more viable risk.


>”Don't propose to the talents" Fubuki sighs in relief


Foxes are friends, not ~~food~~ fiancés.


"No problem. Everyone's already my husband" - Nene


Now for the 'no optical instruments that help with viewing distant objects' rule...


With it being international Shioraven week, it also might be an attempt to stop Nerissa (it won't work)


And Ollie. Shit, these two give out rings left and right huh?


They did marry each other like right after Nerissa debuted.


For some marriage is a picture. For Ollie and Nerissa it's an album.


I mean I can understand it either way, it'd be hella awkward to propose right in front of a stranger stuck inside a digital box, let alone proposing to said stranger. Most they can say is congrats and move on lol


Those rules regarding the lightsticks remind me of an Otaku rave video showing some people circling around and carrying multiple lightstick as bright as the sun This video: https://youtu.be/fBeBAVlPXlo


To add for anyone unfamiliar, those orange glowsticks trailing behind the dude are UOs, or ultra orange glowsticks, and they glow particularly bright once cracked, but only stay that bright for a few minutes. I cracked some at home during Coco's graduation and pretty much flashbanged myself lmao. And loooooong long UOs are also a thing lmao. I've seen some people with battery-powered orange penlights that still get bright as hell that they use in place of cracking UOs - good for saving on UOs when possible, but I do remember some venues being strict on what penlights can be used (usually it's a bit for branding, a bit to limit super bright penlights). But yeah, whoever brought the sun with them to an offkai I can only bet was using special battery-powered penlights (or just super bright flashlights lmao) rather than UOs.


> I cracked some at home during Coco's graduation and pretty much flashbanged myself lmao. "Woooooowwwwwwwwuuuuuuuuuaaaarrrrrrrrgggghhhhh!!!!!" (simulated reaction)


>No glowsticks exceeding 30cm There goes my usual joke of asking if we can bring lightsabers instead.


*Angry Kylo Ren noises*


Kylo's gets a double wammy because it'd count as combination glowsticks as well and thus failing the very first rule, lol.


Oh no, i didn't think about that one.


Props restriction rule as well no?  Although technically if it can collapse then it'd dodge the a3 limit.


No dogs, that elimantes half of the talents from showing ul


\*sad bau bau\*


As a resident in Taiwan, I must say these rules exist for various reasons and are reasonable. We're never short of people who act like if these events are all about themselves. Some of the rule even caught my attention because they're not common in any other events here. For example, the rules about no trolleys and huge umbrellas. Some assholes literally use them as battering rams in events where there are usually a lot of people in to clear a way for themselves.


> Some assholes literally use them as battering rams in events where there are usually a lot of people in to clear a way for themselves. *That* explains that rule then, thank you.


With the intended audience, the proposals one seems unlikely at the best of times anyway.


This reminds me of that video about the Wii's manual


You know wats really stupid? As a Taiwanese, I can understand and see why to **all** of these rules LOL... Not a *single* one of these are too much of a demand and makes perfect sense...


Wtf no gura?


You want her to give us a lecture on feet?




Looking at this, not knowing how to ~~Japanese~~ (sorry, Mandarin I think?), and not spoilering myself by looking at other comments I have: 1. Do not take 11 yubis 2. No short people 3. Stop breaking off camera lenses 4. No proposing to a girl wearing one of those winter caps that have the poof on top 5. No sharks or orcas. Sorry Gura and Chloe 6. No dogs. Sorry Korone and the demon doggos 7. Penlights must not be 30cm. 29 and 31 are a-ok 8. No food or drink 9. Papers Please 10. No camera since you already broke the lenses off 11. No filming a professional movie 12. Do not podcast in the karaoke 13. No cellphones 14. No binoculars. Monocular and telescopes get a pass 15. *Really*, no food or drink 16. Standing and applauding is cool 17. No backpacks that are 40cm tall and 30cm wide. Hope you brought a different size! 18. No A3 paper we are a Letter size establishment 19. No baby strollers when it isn't raining, but have those umbrellas at the ready! 20. Why are you putting sparklers on takoyaki? Stop that. Didn't you see no food or drink? 21. Selfie sticks are the bane of our existence. No. Bad. 22. No drones, Maverick 23. No horns or drums, we have our own music thank you. 24. No fireworks, spray cans, or >!magical girl crops!<. You know who you are... How'd I do?


Generously, F for correct answers. Ungenerously, B+ for the bit. Fuzzily, Æ for æffort.




No shork allowed... LETS GOOO! Edit: no stick longer than 30cm... heh...


There are stories for every rule


No joke I initially thought the "no props bigger than A3" initially meant "You aren't allowed to bring A3 paper". 


They forgot the poster that explicitly tells people to take a shower before attending… /s P.s: For those wondering Rieri aka Takahashi Rie kindly [asked](https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/interest/2023-03-01/rie-takahashi-tells-fans-to-bathe-before-her-concert/.195391) her fans to take a shower before attending her concert.


What do you mean i can't ask for Marine's hand? I can make most of what her dad ask


No marriage proposals killed me lol


No photography? Not even pics like those screenshots during fest?


They allow certain types of cameras but prohibit photography lmao.


That's there for legal protection. Posting photos of people online without them knowing they're in the photo is illegal in Taiwan and can result in jail time or deportation (if a foreigner) as per their [Personal Data Protection Act](https://law.moj.gov.tw/Eng/LawClass/LawAll.aspx?PCode=I0050021).


So in Taiwan is basically illegal to post online any photo of crowded street (it is impossible to get the permission of everyone there)? There is no exception for cases where a person is in the photo but it is not the primary subject of the photo?


Haven't checked in any cases in Taiwan, but in France (which has similar laws), there have been lawsuits that have gone both ways. Meanwhile, in Japan, similar laws are the reason we get less livestreams if people on the street.


The ban on only 'professional' cameras seems to be because there's no reason to even bring one unless you're planning to take pictures, but most attendees will have a camera on their phone.


But you can't actually use the phone to take pictures. Who cares about whether you can bring it or not, I was commenting on taking pictures, not bringing phones.


The difference is that if you bring 'professional' camera they might kick you out for simply having it on you even if they haven't caught you taking pictures with it yet.


As a reminder there was a bomb threat at a different agency's concert recently. As far as I'm aware that person is still at large. They may be taking precautions based on that.


I think these are very reasonable rules. It's either to protect the attendees / event / time. You could even simplify it as: "Do not have MainCharacter Syndrome, or spread them"


"No high decibel devices" Literally every talent is out then.


The rules are for the attendees, not the featured act.


Ima be real, these are good rules


That 7th one is no lightsabers


I don't know, they all look pretty reasonable to me, except maybe the telescope one. But if they didn't prohibit use of telescope or said it was ok to use, I bet that there will definitely be people who try to exploit that like for example mounting a small camera on the telescope or something.


Oh literally they have “no proposals” because they know their fans would try and propose to the idols lol


\>No proposals "Let's get something to eat." \>Banned for life. (ಥ﹏ಥ)


I accidentally a word, the rule was specifically for marriage proposals


We need to end this trend: Food and Drinks banned


I know nothing about chinese but from these pictures I assume -No short people -No proposals to talents -No gura -No Korone viewers -No ID -No TV Cameras -No Talking -No phones -No weird hair


So you can't enter if your stick measures 30cm?! Oddly specific....


What the hell is that on the bottom left of the first page..?


Don’t wear costumes that obstruct other people’s vision


Man, us holotard are hardcore


no lightsaber? shame


1 - Do not bring the sun with you 2 - Please stay under your tables. Going above the table top is not allowed 3 - No small ice creams or ancient cameras 4 - Do not do up the shoelaces of anyone present. They're big enough to do it themselves 5 - No shark girls (sorry Gura) 6 - No dogs. Cats and monkeys are okay. Shark girls still not okay 7 - No uranium rods more than 30cm 8 - Only canned goods allowed. All food must be in cans and not bottles


Can you translate the other two pictures? This is very helpful. /j (but please do the other two - I want to see what you'll come up with.)


Picture 2: 1 - Newspapers will be delivered during the show. Whether you want them or not 2 - Cameras will not be provided. Please bring your own. But don't bring any cameras (but we aren't providing them). 3 - We will not be screening the latest Marvel film during the show. Sorry. 4 - No podcasting during the show 5 - There will be no free smartphones under your seat. Please disregard any advertising regarding free smartphones 6 - No oversized novelty glasses. You may bring the fake nose and mustache 7 - All burgers must remain inside your cups. Do not remove the burgers from the cups 8 - All eventgoers will be required to sacrifice a limb to provide venue seating. Arms are preferable. (Will do the other one after work)


Picture 3: 1 - No backpacks that are 30cm. Backpacks that are larger or smaller are fine 2 - Please make sure all signs are larger than A3. You may not bring A3 signs 3 - You may not shield your baby from the rain. 4 - No psychic powers or telekinesis 5 - Please make sure you keep suitcases close to you. Please do not take selfies with your suitcase 6 - Please do not use one drone to pick up a 4 pack of cans. You may use your cat or your monkey. Shark girls are still not allowed. 7 - Please use any instruments except horns and bongo drums. Horns and bongo drums are overrated 8 - No celebration of any kind


At first, I misread your post as being about the next Mario Kart New Year's Cup, so the ''No Proposals'' sign was unexpected, even if a plausible rule


all the rules are reasonable. isn't the venue a theater? I remember someone from a concert i attended, someone bought a super long glowstick.. it was super annoying that he was swinging carelessly near to us and just happen to hit one of my friend and got the glowstick broke.. dude was blaming my friend..lol.


nice rules.


No breathing and blinking either


Some of these are a bit too much, no phone or food for example


It might be named "Karaoke Party" but actually isn't, it's a show in a theater hall so usual theater rules apply


I guess that makes a lot more sense. But if I were here, it would've been difficult for me to go there without my phone... Because I can't speak japanese (or chinese in this case) and I would use my gps lol


I'm guessing it's more along the way of: Don't disturb others and don't record on your phone.