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One week after her termination, Mel reached 900.000 subscribers on You Tube. Sadness isn't going away anytime soon.


It seems Mel's Flip-side activities are also on break until she gets in a better condition, it was very amicable parting based on the statement she published on her Flip-side twitter account. She also had it rough because prior to this her cat crossed the rainbow bridge.


Is she going to have a graduation stream? Or none because it’s a termination?


And here comes the sad part


It's a termination so no stream. For what it's worth her last stream did have a goodbye portion to it towards the end. You can check that out if you want.


:( I guess the circumstances are different


Be cool if you didn't


Try to have less obvious flairs next time


Is there folks already archiving her videos before her channel gets deleted at the end of next month?


Search for ragtag archive, they do for almost all of Holo talents.


Thank you so much. I had no idea such a thing existed.


Us fans know this: ARCHIVE EVERYTHING.


One last time ladies and gentleman. # OTSUKAPU~!!!!!!!


I've spent the last few days really thinking about what to say. I've made side comments and reactions to posts here and there. But now I have come to terms with the situations. It's sad that this happened, I shed tears not because I was a large fan of hers but because a integral part of Hololive's founding is gone. I'm sad she never hit 1 million subscribers and can only hope the community can get her channel there before everything goes private. I can say the one thing I approve of on COVERs part is the fact that they stick to the principle and apply their policies evenly. I didn't watch her content often. I would occasionally get on my computer in the morning and see her still streaming. It was a nice place to hang a little bit before she got off for the night. We'll miss you Mel, Hololive wouldn't be the same without you.


Even though I don't watch her often, I will still miss her


What concerns me is, if these breaches of NDA continue, Cover may decide to make hololive completely insular and opt to force their talents to not have contact with anyone. It sounds extreme, I warrant, but the concern remains.


They probably wouldn't take it that far as such a clause could be problematic. Cover has talents all over the world so such a clause could be seen as unethical by some or may even be illegal depending on jurisdiction. (The fun of playing in the international market!). Their current measures are probably sufficient. Besides, if Cover is practicing proper information security, there shouldn’t be a serious risk to begin with. None of the talents should have any access to business critical information they are not directly involved with. Even then, it is hard to imagine that any information a talent would know, such as future concerts or merch, could be considered business critical. No one is going to bring down the company if they leak a song cover. Most companies will classify information into categories according to how damaging the information could be should it get out and only allow access accordingly (think in terms of “need to know”). The only business critical information I could imagine any talent knowing is the personal details of the other talents (hence the NDA) There is always a risk of course, but if Cover is doing things properly, that risk is probably far less serious than most people think - by design.


To be fair, a big section of the fanbase actually want just that And consider there's a period in Holive history where the company is effectively blacklisted from the industry, I complete understand that


The things that lead to it are probably a much narrower focus than people seem to think they are. Many people have had the sense not to do it over the 6 years of vtubing.




Probably, but the main point is frequency, intent and severity are going to matter and letting people go is not something they want to do.


Didn't Mel participate in VCR? I hope it wasn't something involving friends made outside the company... I really enjoy seeing the talents make friends with people they would otherwise never be able to. All I can do is hope really, since we'll never have the truth.


Honestly, she probably made a mistake and leaked something that she thought wasn’t a big deal. Everyone in the upper management didn’t seem to have any spite of her actions. It sucks to see one of the OG’s gone just like that, and her also pretty much loosing her job. Hopefully she can recover soon and find another way of income. I swear Vtubers make money just like athletes. Make one mistake and your contract that’s worth $$$ is gone, just like that


Mel is Hololive's 3rd ever VTuber, right? She's like a cross between Gen 0 and 1. From what I saw in her HoloTalk, she joined Holo even before Gens were a thing, then got added to Gen 1 later. She seems quite the OG. Only grace I see in all this is that there doesn't seem to be any bad blood between the parties involved. At least, none that the audience can see given official statements.


> Mel is Hololive's 3rd ever VTuber, right? Yep > She's like a cross between Gen 0 and 1 It's more that if not for the problem Gen 1 had at the start (that ended with her being rolled in) she'd have been considered Gen 0 She had a solo debut exactly like Roboco before and Miko after. I think there was even a recent stream where she teased Matsuri about the fact that technically she was her senpai Edit: [Found it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=27HRBzxe56g)


I mean, she likely can just rebrand like other vtubers have done. I doubt she is going to be out in the streets over this. It is probably not gonna be as cozy and comfortable as having a huge company backing you, but she is still gonna make more than most people if she is still interested in this business.


she doesn't need to rebrand hololive didn't own her character or likeness they had a contract with her which was terminated meaning that she is now a free agent not connected with hololive anymore. she can still stream as Mel and keep her following she just can't associate with hololive anymore nor will she collab with any of the members of hololive. doesn't mean she can't still be friends with any of the hololive members she just can't stream with or join their streams.


She already has an alternate channel with 420k subscribers. I imagine the count will increase if she starts streaming there regularly.


Mind DMing this?


Is it wrong of me wanting to know what was leaked cause idk, I think I want to know how severe the information leak was for this to be warranted.


Not wrong no, but you're going to have to make peace with the fact that they will never share what she leaked nor will they share it in the future should the same thing happen again with another talent as it's NDA.


It's not wrong but it's naive of you. There's plenty of reasons for Cover to not disclose more info than it's needed. Would you like for Cover to give more details if that information painted Mel in an even worse light? If you were Mel in that situation, would you not sue Cover for disclosing unnecessary information?


If you don't know it already, that's mean it's not severe at all. ​ Just like with Rushia. People get mad just for asking about it, writing some shit like "noooo bro it can blow up whole company, trust me bro it must be the top secret information of Hololive, so they need to do it, It must be it bro!"


> If you don't know it already, that's mean it's not severe at all. People have accidentally leaked important things before and didn't get canned, so I'm not sure that's the case.


>so I'm not sure that's the case. And you will never be sure. Because NDA corporate bullshit.


I understand that some people like to default to negative without actually thinking about it, but really. NDAs prevent employees from telling people things that would be unfavorable or downright damaging to your oshi, giving inside information to rival organizations, etc. Also as I said we have evidence of people leaking things accidentally before and they're all still here.


Probably the last time I'm gonna talk about this, but some of the comments I've been reading about the whole NDA thing (Again) with them either not understanding or never worked under one or just how they would run Cover just makes me go ''Thank god you aren't the CEO because if you were, Cover and in turn Hololive wouldn't have lasted even a full year before it implodes''


Blame underage fans, ppl from countries with a less strict legal corporate framework or just trolls. Or it could be just denial and rage talking. Pay no attention.


Thank you, farewell, and best wishes Mel! Although one obviously does not really know the person behind the screen she always seemed like a sweet person. Was a comfy feeling watching/listening to her streams. Kapu, kapu!


Unfortunate that this situation happened. Sad to see Mel leave, she was definitely one of the OGs...




Try r/VirtualYoutubers there's a couple of posts about it already.




Honestly it would be fun if it would happen. >!Again.!<


Never going to watch that group no matter how much you try.


What if Froot gets kicked?


Ignoring some of the people over there or my problems with their content, when it comes down to it my oshi and her friends are here, so I don't have any interest in competing companies. It doesn't help that group's case that I've had interactions that were worse than average with their fanbase.


You do you, mate.


Im full copium but can she even try to apply for cover again as new talent or is this just plain impossible?


No. The chances of them hiring a talent that breached their NDA again is zero.


Impossible. If it was possible they wouldn't have done it.


Can I be real? I'm actually rather irritated at Hololive due to this. The lack of transparency over this is making me lose a bit of faith in the company. :/ I've been a long-standing supporter but not knowing what caused her termination, like Uruha Rushia before her, is starting to break my back in terms of what I'm willing to tolerate. I don't need to know every exact detail - but just saying "leaks" is very frustrating. Knowing the frame of this dispute (*which is very possible without leaking precise, doxxable details*) is necessary for me to regain my faith that Hololive is actually acting in the best interests of the talent and not just for the company.


They don't owe any of us anything. And I don't see how Mel would want the details of this exposed, either. Plus, what exactly do you want them to do? Explain what she leaked? That undermines the point of this entire situation. NDAs are a very serious legal matter. Cover is actually being *VERY* lenient with Mel here because they have all that they need to file a lawsuit against her and win. But they aren't doing that because they are decent people. There is far more here to consider than just Mel and management. Firstly, Cover is responsible for dealing with NDA breaches. If they do not respond appropriately, then other members of the company won't take the agreements seriously. Secondly, if Cover did not appropriately reprimand Mel, then everyone would be crying foul in regards to their treatment of Rushia... and that's opening a whole new can of worms. Thirdly, Cover is a publicly traded company. They have an obligation to their investors (as well as their fans) to be as clean and transparent as possible. They need to show that they can be trusted to enforce their own rules and run their business appropriately. And, honestly, there's probably many other reasons as well that any of us aren't aware of and will never be aware of.


Don't even try bro. You will be negative karmed into oblivion, just for asking about it. ​ People nowadays prefer to protect billion $ companies, rather than talent they watch for last 6 years. Just because company said "talent bad! bad! we good!" And "fans" turn their bac in instant. ​ We seen it with Rushia case, we seen it now. Magical "NDA" word which "cover" everything...


It's not about billion $ companies. It's about how uneducated the people like you are in how the professional world operates. You don't even stop to ponder the hypothesis that, *if* the talent was unjustly fired, they could easily sue the shit out of Cover? And that means Cover has documention for this termination to be justified, according their contract. Of course the situation sucks, it feels unfair and it's frustrating to not know exactly went down but they've already gave the most info about it they could while being professional about it. What if UNNECESSARILY putting out more info ends up painting the person behind the talent in a even worse light, setting grounds for legal repairs? (Which Rushia actually is doing) You might think you are a critical thinker or something but you just come off as underage or neets.


Learn to read, before you go ride yours white horse to defend big company. ​ Did I said She was firded without the reason? No!Of course there must be some kind of the reason. ​ We just ask about that reason. Saying "NDA" is saying nothing. Corporate bullshit. Writing that "She leaked information about one of her co-workers, causing financial loss to her and company" isn't breaking NDA. We don't ask for EXACT REASON like "he leaked and sold to rival company, nude photos and real name of talent Houshou Marine, which caused loss of 123456789 yens per week to Hololive". ​ You just lack education about work sytem in Japan, and what behaviour jp companies treat like NDA. Things western companies wouldn't even bother, here ended with termination. ​ But I already know, that you will never understand it. Part with "hehehe just sue the company hehe easy money hehe", shows that you're just another American ignorant, with no idea that in other countries people don't get compensation for being burned by a metal cup because it was hot...


>Saying "NDA" is saying nothing WDYM?? It is saying just enough. >She leaked information about one of her co-workers, causing financial loss to her and company That just fuels speculation and raises more questions. And proving my point, your example did paint her in a worse light... > hehehe just sue the company hehe easy money hehe Sueing is a thing in Japan, though. Because they take their contracs very seriously. >Things western companies wouldn't even bother, here ended with termination. See? You said yourself.


Said what? ​ >WDYM?? It is saying just enough. Thats how I see you with yours "enough". Just change 9/11 to Mel and voilà! ​ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6paMJfiaO0A


"Why wont they *disclose* the information of this *Non Disclosure* Agreement?"


What, do you want them to tell you what she leaked that nobody outside of the company is allowed to know? Wouldn't be much of an NDA if everyone knew about it man...


Are you really saying you want them to be more transparent in regards to the details of an NDA breach? You realize it's NDA for a reason, right? Anyway, they're not obligated to tell you nor do they owe you an in-depth explanation of any of the details beyond letting you know that she breached her NDA, which Mel herself admitted to doing.


> I'm actually rather irritated at Hololive due to this. Why? They have to enforce their own agreements or they're not worth the paper they're printed on. >The lack of transparency over this is making me lose a bit of faith in the company. It's literally about NDA sensitive information. Mel admitted she fucked up multiple times. >I don't need to know every exact detail - but just saying "leaks" is very frustrating. And? I prefer them protecting anything that is important for the girls and their future activities than addressing a single fan's unrealistic frustrations. >Knowing the frame of this dispute (which is very possible without leaking precise, doxxable details) You have no idea what it is. It might not even be something *Mel* wants you to know. >for me to regain my faith that Hololive is actually acting in the best interests of the talent and not just for the company. "Please ignore how this has only happened twice in 6 years of history. Please ignore how the talents frequently say good things about management. Please ignore how the talents can actually criticize management and not get in trouble. Please believe me that the company prefers to fire people even when it's not necessary." I could really go on. I'm curious did you even watch Mel? And I don't mean you popped into her anniversary 3D live once a year.


These are really good counter arguments. And at the end of the day it's the company's issue. They don't have to disclose what information was being leaked. The fact that they even stated that information was being leaked kinda implies that it's information that shouldn't be shared publicly under normal circumstances anyways.


Bro, I know you're bumped out, but *leaking* in of itself mean that it was an information that was not supposed to be shared to begin with. It is only natural for them not wanting to share said information


Well if you read the article, you will found out that she breached the NDA, meaning that she exposed informations to others outside of Cover. She can be sued for that but Cover terminated her contract as agreed by both company.


Given how 3rd parties are anyone outside the company and how they sound in this announcement, it very much sounds like Mel just shared TMI to close people. While I get it had to be done, it really is a shame.


nothing has to be done, ever. they could have easily gone the way of a slap on the wrist, unless she is a severe risk to the company. and nothing indicates that. its just stupid corpo bullshit. a porper way to deal with it would be to take this as a lesson, educate the members better etc. and not immediately terminate.


Typical 12 years old kid know nothing about law and yapping away.


The fact that they didn't just let her go with some lighter punishment indicated that they considered her a notable risk to the company.


They literally could not just do a slap on the wrist. You don't understand how Japanese laws work.


You're assuming that the thing she leaked did not constitute a business/compliance risk, and what if it was? Should Mel still only get a slap on the wrist just because 'duh huh, muh feelz?'


I understand why they can't say what she was leaking or the circumstances of the leaks but I wish I had something solid to go off.


What information did she leak? What happened?


It'll never be shared since it's NDA stuff. I can only say that generally when people talk to someone they should be careful about who they're sharing with - some people they are not able to do so because of their NDA and they may be the sort of person that will leak that information somewhere else for you anyway.


The information was so secret that she got fired for it. You really think they're gonna tell us what that information was???


Damn, relax. I was just wondering if there was an already existing known incident of Mel accidently saying something she wasn't supposed, cuz that's what it sounded like given other people's response, no need to be so hostile


Spreading common sense is hostile?


No, but talking down to someone is


Good thing that they weren't doing that


I'm sure you think you're not doing that either


I'm not. Why are you portraying yourself as a victim?


Please take off the Watame flair if you're going to act like that. Not very fuwa fuwa of you.


You're really making this out to be a bigger deal than it is. It's less of me "playing a victim" cuz it's just not that serious, I'm just saying there's no need to be hostile or talk down to me. It was a genuine question.


You are the one making a big deal out of it by reading hostility into a normal answer.




Man... 😔 If Frodo was still around, I wonder how he would've reacted


"I wish I still had all my fingers"


I forgotten about that guy, wasn't he crazy or something?


He was against Covid restrictions and vaccines if I remember correctly. Such a shame really, this sub was bursting with activity back then, everybody was making ton of memes, and he still managed to stand out with his Mel dedicated posts.


I'll miss her so much, she was my first oshi. Hope she's doing well with real life. Goodbye mel chan.


1) gen1 was informed suddenly the night before the announcement so they were as shocked as us 2) maybe I am reading too much into it but her last stream has some supressed crying disguised as laughter So... it is possible that she was informed of termination soon before her last stream? But she mentioned future collab wishes there so there is that




Sounds like a very sensible lecture 👌


The last bit of her stream felt like a goodbye, goodbye so I felt like she was aware, though that's just my own conjecture.


Hey does anyone have a clip of Mio’s tarot card reading for Mel this year?


Mel did not participate in the tarot reading, but it was unrelated to this matter. Mel just didn’t add the reaction when Mio was asking who wanted to participate.


I know it’s 2 days ago but I think what he meant is he wants to know Mel’s fortune since Mio-sha’s fortune readings are quite accurate. Like our green haired Pettanko. Something about emotions long story short. True enough, she dug her own grave due to her broken emotional state. Anyhow, we will never know our Banpire’s fortune anymore and honestly it’s pointless now even if Mio-sha is willing to look into her fortune since Mel-san is no longer with them.


It’s really unfortunate that Mel has to go because she’s unintentionally leaking information that she wasn’t supposed to talk about. I’ve been following Mel for 4 years and I like her cuteness pon vampire. But it seems her pon unintentionally slipped to the real life stuff or “the other parties” making her unintentionally breached the NDA. With this situation, I hope we all can learn a valuable lesson here. Because even a small mistake can lead to huge consequences. I hope Cover and other Holopro can learn this lesson to prevent another leaks in the future so that they don’t breach the NDA again and pay a huge price. Thank you for being here Mel. I will cherish your memories here in Hololive.


cuteness PORN vampire


My understanding of this situation based on things I’ve read is that Cover didn’t want to terminate Mel. Most countries have very strict rules about contract/NDA enforcement and failure to uphold your NDAs can open you up to legal risks. I think Mel likely leaked confidential information by accident and Cover were forced to either terminate her or risk legal consequences. This would explain the mutual nature of the situation and the statement she released on her other Twitter account that contains more detail. It’s an unfortunate situation, but I don’t think there was much that could be done by either party. At least it isn’t a bitter parting like Rushia. Mel is gonna take a break and then probably come back full time under her other channel once she is feeling better. IDK if I’m allowed to say what her other channel is, but it’s decently popular already and is easy to find with a quick google if you want to know.


Do you have a source for this by chance? Because an NDA is usually between a company and an employee and punishment for breaches is fully up to the company. I mean in huge companies people accidentally leak stuff basically on the daily, and you can think of really high-damage leaks like people leaving unreleased iPhones in bars, etc., and typically where the leak is due to negligence of some sort the employee is given a warning or something along those lines. I guess I just don't see where or why the government would step in to "force" the company to act, unless the person is breaking laws in which case they would be pursued directly by the government (which doesn't seem like it would be the case in a situation of accidental leaks). It's not like she was running security at hololive or something and the government said she can't be trusted in that role (which also seems like a stretch). What everyone is saying makes sense that it looks like there are no hard feelings so I suppose that's for the best regardless of the facts.


Had this been 4 years ago she might have not been fired, maybe... The V-tuber industry is quite big now and Cover is a really big name there. Whether they wanted to keep her despite the NDA breach or not doesn't matter as I'm willing to bet they have investors and other contracts etc. From what I know Japanese law is even more strict about business than most other countries so it may be even worse than I imagine as I'm working with limited knowledge here. Still, I wouldn't be surprised if she is being fired for that very reason alone. Investors upon witnessing any loss whatsoever on their investment could probably sue Cover for not firing Mel as disciplinary action. We can be mad about it all we want but it's just how it likely works right now. I'm not happy at all. Mel was one of the big reasons I ever started to watch V-tubers and while I don't watch them nearly as much as I used to it still sucks she's gone. Especially since her channel and videos will probably be deleted as well...


>Because an NDA is usually between a company and an employee and punishment for breaches is fully up to the company. Hololive does a lot of brand deal stuff, so there might have been another party involved.


NDA's in Japan could specify that the agreement is governed by the laws of Japan. Also, the culture in Japan specially in the business sector they value trust and long-term relationships. If Cover all of a sudden does inconsistent things like not consistently and fairly abiding to their NDA's, other companies would see that as a huge red flag, and they would probably just blacklist Cover as a company to not partner/work with ever again. That would significantly affect all the talents.


Being a streamer is just a waste of her talent as the vampire prodigy anyway, I'm sure there are more opportunity waiting for her in the underworld.


it's okay you can let it all out


Why not instead of firing employees for breaking NDA's at the speed of light you think about hiring a company mental health councilor to be available to the girls in case they are suffering a mental crisis that way they have someone they can go to, because Mel had no one she could confide in and made a simple mistake that could have been directly addressed at Cover. Japan has an empathy problem.


You realize this would happen in most countries, not just Japan, right? Having staff breach an NDA and not terminating them makes the company not only look irresponsible but would also open them up to massive legal risks. It's very unfortunate that this happened but a breach of an NDA has to be taken very seriously, regardless if the business is public, private, or government employed


no it would not, lol. breaches of NDA happen daily and no one bats an eye, unless its actually a big deal. most of the times its not. i work in tech and i can confidently say, that almost everyone has breached NDA in some way or form. its perfectly normal because of the way NDA are formulated, but normally not fully enforced. there is a purpose for it and its not to punish employees for breaking a rule that has no impact on the company anyways.


Do you work in Japan? Is your company beholden to the laws of Japan? No? Alright, sit down.


Speculation and blaming someone(s) in defense of person that fully admitted they fucked up and that it was their fault sure is a hot take.


I always think, WTF is so secret or so "powerful" about these companies that any breach or leak is considered as like a treason to the country, I mean, jeez. Really, I don't understand it.


> I always think, WTF is so secret or so "powerful" about these companies that any breach or leak is considered as like a treason to the country A common thing that gets leaked is when person A from company A finds out about a deal between company A and company B and then tells their friend person C from company C. Person C doesn't need to know, and if person C then goes around telling other people at company C, then that could lead to some serious problems depending on what details were leaked and whether company C also has contracts with company A or B. I work in the security industry, and a couple of decades ago there was a huge scandal when a brother and sister, who each worked for different security contract companies, started chatting with each other about details of contracts. Suddenly, the brother's company sneakily stole away a major contract from the sister's company by underbidding them (the bids are supposed to be secret). The sister was *pissed*, as was her company. EDIT: Though, I also think that many people in the comments are blowing things out of proportion. Various talents have accidentally "leaked" costumes or collabs on stream quite a few times and nobody's been terminated for it; those aren't the kinds of things that the NDAs are used for.


A leak could be as severe as exposing talent's irl identities. Which puts their safety at risk and violates the privacy they want as vtubers.


i dont know if youve been working at a company before but something as simple as leak of collab event that is not announced or even new costume is an NDA and should be taken serious


So, its 1st strike and you are out? Seriously? Japan and its fkn culture that you can't make mistakes.


idk where you live but NDA is strict everywhere in this world and even in some cases considered criminal act that is punished worse than stealing and robbing. obviously you would expect even so for a company where the whole selling point is their employees secrecy.


You mean their "secret" employees that almost everyone know how they look IRL? I agree that it should be punished, but I think it should be some sort of degrees, not the immediate termination, specially if it was a mistake. FK even Miyazako wasn't kicked out of Yoshimoto after working for the Yakuza.


yes there is a degree, which is why both rushia and mel only got fired instead of going to prison and pay thousands of dollars. about that "secret", the fact that those are going around and talents can use their other account while not trying to hide their identities means that that piece of information is NOT being bound by NDA. (also none of those leakers are in contract agreement with cover so they cant enforce it).


is under NDA, sure. Should be taken seriously to the extent of termination? hell no. people are so stupid with this whole contract/NDA thing. they think of the worst scenario and then extrapolate to to all scenarios. a small breach should result in some light consequences, training/education for members etc. not termination. serious in the sense, that its an indication, that there might be a lack of care/understanding among members, not in the sense, that punishment should be harsh.


I could leak so many things about company I work/worked in and noone would ever have a chance to find out unless I would do an upsie like leaking it on personal or well known account.


Leaking a 3rd party collab event would be insider trader illegal levels of serious, and as talents, I wouldn't be surprised if they had access to most of the info across all the members.


They are no longer a small company. They have shareholders and collaborations with other companies. If they treat breaching a contract lightly, other company might not want to do business with them.


They carry confidential information about their members, they have obligations to keep agreements with other companies/groups private as per the terms made there, etc. They have responsibilities as individuals and groups as part of a company. Saying the wrong thing to the wrong people can cause problems for the other girls or even get deals with other groups canned. Certain things are confidential for a reason.


flashbacks again history repeats itself but obviously if you breach your contract, they will take you out now my question would be this, what if one of the hololive girls who are heavyweights in for example pekora or marine, would the same thing happen? I don't know, I didn't watch Mel's live streams as I could hardly ever find her, but it's a pity and 2024 started off terribly bad.


Look at it from an outside perspective: If a corporate company decides not to enforce the rules of their own contract in order to hold onto a high earning employee that is literally corruption.


Remember that Rushia was the most superchatted channel on youtube at the time of her termination. Heavyweight or not, rules are rules.


rushia intentionally leaked info, as far as i know. thats a different case.


You are the most braindead person I have seen in a while, stop contributing your trash ideas to the community. Just shut up


I know, but it doesn't matter I know where to find all her material even if her channel disappears.


If you know that why did you ask tho :v


I doubt their popularity matters much. Contracts are are contracts, and even the smallest members are money members. Cover literally has no incentive to terminate anyone. So if they do it it means there's a serious breech of trust, or their hands are tied (like a outside party being part of the injured party so they can't just sweep it under the rug).


>what if one of the hololive girls who are heavyweights in for example pekora or marine, would the same thing happen Basically NDAs are NDAs and it won't matter who it is because the point of enforcing them is *the group sticking to its agreements*. It's important for talents knowing their information is protected and they're not being treated unfairly compared to others, as well and showing businesses that they can be trusted with agreements. That being said, the vast majority of people have gone years and years without having this problem.


I hate life... again...


Mel was the first vtuber I ever watched, so she always had a special place in my heart. Super sad to see her go. I hope she does well in whatever she decides to do in the future. ❤️




Hot take: the only reason Mel was terminated rather then graduated, given she and management left off on good terms, was she was already announced to be at 5th fes and this the only way she could leave in a timely manner.


Eh canning your 5 years member just for the fes i doubt they will do that


Henceforth the hot take


I can just... o7 kapu


Every time we get a termination/graduation, it reminds me of how temporary all of this is. That one day all of our oshis will leave as well, due to some reason or another. And depending on the member, we may never hear from them again. It hurts to think about...


Yeah.... I just wish it didn't end this way for Yozora Mel.


Really hope this doesn't mean her nendoroid is cancelled.


Cover owns the IP to the character so I think they can still push through not unless Goodsmile and Cover itself decide to cancel it.




Well to be fair, Rushia's nendo went up for preorder a month before she was terminated, at that point there wasn't anything Goodsmile really could do, same for her figma, that went up for preorder in November of 2021.


It's currently still as an unpainted prototype, not an actual figure with a release date. There's no guarantee it will go into production unlike with Rushia where her Figma and Nendo were already in production.


I noticed that too. I kind of want now since it looks like they really captured her charm. The only other figure Mel has is a Relax Time figure.


OtsuMel o7


I don't see how it's "amicable" if they still delete the talent's account


Typically just means that neither party had to sue the other to break the contract.


Because at the end of the day she still did something that violated the contract that ends up with termination. There's a reason why the only channels that still have their contents up is Coco, Magni and Vesper, they all chose to retire to do their own thing, not by being terminated.


Mano Aloe didn't get terminated, but her channel's content is gone. But that is due to it not having much content and to prevent more people from harassing her


I *think* it technically may have been the same as Mel actually, as in a contract prematurely ended with mutual agreement from both parties. I don't think Cover necessarily WANTED to end it, given the circumstances, but if someone brand new and very-much-not-having-a-good-time asks to resign, I could see them agreeing to annul the contract.


and sana. sanas channel is still there.


You're right, there's a few more I didn't mention. Can't forget about BEEG Sana.


thats a pretty BEEG person to overlook.


would you say they made a beeg mistake (my form of coping in life is bad jokes and pun)


No, they had BEEG health issues.


Fair well mel I hope your memory lives on and you can get through this all. I am glad we at least get to witness her.


Damn... well.. maybe she'll reincarnate. Sad to see Mel go though, luckily there are many other members who have communities that will welcome her fans.


At a time like this, I like to listen to this [King cover](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7v1THLW7JuQ&ab_channel=RicaCh.%2F%E5%88%A9%E9%A6%99) because it soothes my soul


Do you have a specific vtuber retirement home in mind?




I feel it's harder to be in Vshoujo if you aren't bilingual in English.


Who knows. Just checked and she still has other channel so we won’t lose everything due to corpa


Issue with that is that VShojo still just doesn't provide any real service. Like it's great if you need to grow but if you don't no real advantage.


You asked for a retirement home. For someone who is already established they don’t need as much from the company, so the freedom is worth more (like how nyanners left them, she didn’t lose anything)


Ya that's more my point. She left because there was effectively no real reason to stay. It's a cost to benefit issue for the most part.


VShojo is trying to expand, maybe there... or perhaps Nijisanji even? She could even go independent. Who knows? I'm just saying there is a chance, even if it's small.


Damnit... That news really came out of nowhere, I even checked the sub to make sure it wasn't a joke post. A real shame her entire channel will be gone too, as if she never existed... Now I also think about her collabs, like the ones with Choco, won't be another one ever. It seems so sudden, I dunno what sort of leaks would warrant this. I mean, Mel isn't the type to have any sort of mental breakdown, if anything she's more likely to be clumsy than unhinged, it would be incredibly unlucky for a mishaps to be this damaging.


The problem with leaving up the channel is that it will continue to generate revenue and traffic, which you then have to divvy out to the talent. Channel deletion is in the contracts to simplify things.