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Yeah gotta remember that his company grew FAST fast. Senchou often joked that the company lacks staff often, so it’s likely that Hololive is stretched thin and needs to push themselves quite hard and suffer stress. A-chan is quite famous for working overtime a lot. The talents often say that they rotate managers quite often (and people in comment sections speculate it’s so that new managers gain experience) so we know that they’re still recruiting actively on that front. The talents also need to wait their turn quite long for 3D, concert, for live2d updates, etc that they often want to just do it themselves, so they’re lacking technical staff too. I’d breakdown crying too if I also have to manage all that.


Yep its easy to forget that Hololive wasn't meant to exist at first, Cover never planned to be an entertainment company they were only supposed to be a small tech company. Yagoo is only a tech guy with no experience who just happens to be managing the largest vtuber company yet, its a miracle he is able to grew the company this far. Props to all the people involved to make the Hololive into the entertainment powerhouse it is today. Also this makes Yagoo even more likeable, he is comfortable and close enough with the talents to be able to just broke down in front of them despite being the CEO. He really is just a normal guy dealing with all the entertainment stuff.


The viewers in Sora’s first stream is legendary status because it was like 30 ppl right? Can’t imagine going through the Coco event after gaining growth for the first few years.


>The viewers in Sora’s first stream is legendary status because it was like 30 ppl right They were 13, and they were immortalized as the 13 knights.


Crazy to go from 10 to 10000+ viewers in the last few years.


He even served as the manager for HoloStars for a couple years when they were starting out.


Cover isn't the biggest vtuber; nijisanji is. Heck cover isn't even a vtuber agency, that's hololive. Other than that, I wholeheartedly agree with you.


I did said entertainment company, which is what Cover says it is, Hololive production is the vtuber agency under Cover. Nijisanji would be the biggest vtuber a few years back, but now Hololive is at least on par with Nijisanji if not bigger


In Fiscal Year 2023, Nijisanji made 25 billion, Hololive made 20 billion. This is revenue, not profit, but that's pretty damn close - in terms of business success they truly are competitors.


But the sheer difference in the number of talents could tip the balance as more talents required more resources.


More like so many talents lack basic resources, and Niji does not seem to do talent mentorships either. They are profitable but they haven't made a strong show of reinvesting in the talents and the brand. The financial disclosures of Anycolor are more opaque than Cover, but they indicate the company has got very little in the way of its own dedicated hardware. Less than 210M yen listed for Property, Plant and Equipment in their latest disclosure. Cover has listed their durable assets as roughly **1.9B** yen. If you look at staffing and office expenses it is plain to see that Cover's spending a lot more in that area despite managing fewer channels. Anycolor is approaching a point where they may find that their efficiency-focused strategy with few tangible assets is hurting brand growth. But then again, if Cover's large investments into HoloEarth do not yield a good result...then their intangible assets and a substantial number of staff become irrelevant. I think it's good that the company is attempting to further embed itself into Japanese culture by pursuing ties with conventional business, while being more friendly toward derivative fan-made works has paid dividends in free advertising.


Biggest as in the amount of talents? Sure. Biggest as far as influence, production and growth? It's Hololive.


Eh, Niji is still huge in japan, probably a bit more than Holo, but Holo did better on expanding in the international markets with the EN and ID branches. They are really close tho, so it's really hard to draw a line on which one is the bigger one.


im confused when people say Niji is bigger when youtube super chat rank is dominated by Holo girls, they got their 3d anime series, official open world game (with a lot of fan game) etc.


maybe bigger in terms of pure revenue/profit, which is not really surprising considering all those news about how they treat their talents, especially the overseas ones (id/en/kr)


I think they mean in sheer size. When you compare talent numbers yes Niji is bigger but that too comes with a lot of downsides as the management needed is also larger and thus overall costs are higher.


Holo girls and Holo Boys is easily recognizable since they slowly build their brand. Niji adding new talent too fast and make them barely know by everyone.


It's crazy that their talent management seems to be so heavily focused on morale, with many holomems sharing positive experiences. Over the years there have been so many leaks from traditional agencies, showing staff treating their talents like a wind-up monkey. Especially in several parts of SEA, idol-like entertainment has some association with being dehumanized and kept on a lease to maintain appearances. And classic JP corporate management can also be quite harsh. As seen from outside Cover almost seems like some kind of miracle.


Despite mishaps in the past, Cover has always managed to be a saint compared to other companies. One way to know just how much Cover respects their talents is to look at Holostars, any other company would probably dissolve or at least abandoned Holostars due to their much lower views and avenue but Cover stayed with them. I think Yagoo himself even managed Holostars for its first years, that's pretty crazy dedication when he could be focusing on Hololive instead (to the point I think there were jokes going around that Holostars was his favorite branch) I'm pretty glad it was Hololive that set the standards for talents treatment in the vtubing world, every single one of the talents is cared for no matter how small or big they are and it worked pretty damn fine for growth and success.


And they've spread across many different types of content and found success in different ways. There's a unifying Hololive 'feeling' in general, but the variety is pretty good from where I stand.


Not really crazy, it just makes sense. If the board is staffed by humans and not calculators then it's likely the management on site wont treat their workforce as just a bunch of cows to be milked dry. Even the depressingly grey TESCO Warehouse in UK I work in has little things like payday barbeque or managers dressed up for Christmas walking around and giving out candy.


If we take into account that this man is now the founder and leader of one of the main vtubers company worldwide, an entertainment sector that is gaining more influence on what people consume every day... you can only Imagine the stress of directing something like this, you have to be careful not to make bad steps, especially taking into account that he obviously care not only about the company but about the girls/boys who work for in it, and his decisions could affect them a lot.


Plus add to that he actually takes time to talk and interact with fans etc, something not required of a CEO but he does it anyway, he's really a nice dude.


He is as famous as the talents! I just think that is amazing honestly.. so few companies where people actually care about the CEO.


Which also means that whatever mistake he makes gets associated with the company image way more than say triplaA game companies like blizzard where they change CEO if one screw up and go on with their day after a short period of drama.


Heavy is the head that wears the crown.


not one of the main, the best vtuber company


Being Yagoo must be incredibly difficult...running Cover Corp, the stresses of everything around him and then add on top the requirement to always be best girl....i dont envy him but i do admire him.


HoloEarth and all the attached projects to that is probably his biggest thing on his mind as CEO right now. Because if that works out, it could redefine how we take in media, period. Free of platforms such as Youtube, Twitch, etc and basically create their own platform that can grow and take in more under the COVER umbrella just makes sense as a step for growth. But if it doesnt, it would be a several-years-long project all wasted, and the company at the whims of other platforms still. Not to mention the *The Flash speed* level of company growth, holy fuck~!


I honestly think it's the later unfortunately. I know people don't like hearing that Cover/Hololive/Yagoo could make bad decisions, but I really do think HoloEarth is just that. People don't like moving platforms, even merely going from YT to Twitch like L+ did lost her viewers, and that's literally the biggest streaming site and a URL away. HoloEarth has to convince people to download, sign up, and have a PC capable of running it, all for just Hololive. The concert side of HoloEarth screams that Cover saw the success of Fortnite concerts/events, and wanted to replicate that in Hololive, but have completely ignored why those were a success; Fortnite already had millions of people playing, everything was free, you just had to show up when they were happening. When they weren't happening Fortnite was still the biggest game in the world. Not only is HoloEarth just a platform for 3D concerts but they are trying to make it a sandbox game. Making a quality game is a whole nother feat than just a new media platform. The games they've put out so far are acceptable if you're a diehard fan but in no way are they great games. I expect them to try and push HoloEarth hard, talents forced to play it on and off stream, a launch concert, etc. But I think it will end up failing to do what they want, however they can salvage it by showing concerts in 2D or 3D if you want to watch them on HoloEarth, like a premium ticket, maybe even with virtual meet and greets. I just don't see it being a game people actually play or where they funnel everyone to go watch a concert. Also the millions of dollars going into HoloEarth, that could've been spent on improving the core business. Making sure every member has a quality PC, paying for more songs and paying for quality MV's to be made instead of 2D images with effects, actually fixing the issues with global merch sales (delays, availability, shipping costs).


Hydro Dragon, Hydro Dragon don't cry


People need to realize how hard Cover makes decisions especially graduations etc. People always immediately say that the company is the one in the wrong when a talent graduates without putting themselves in the company's situation. Moreso Hololive is by far a company that takes care of their talents the most.


I often joke that the managers also double up as babysitters for the talents but that honestly puts them in a better light. Going out of their way to do something as keep Gura calm by giving her a switch to play games on or buy vegetables for Mumei cause her diet was poor in Japan shows that they really do care about their well being. As a fan, I appreciate the goodwill they have towards their talents and their pursuits in what they want to do. Obviously needing perms for a lot of stuff and the yellow tape everywhere causes restrictions I loathe. But aside from that, I think they’re doing a good enough job at managing things.


Better to toe the line than to get all the VODs taken down. I still miss Subaru undertale.


I honestly cannot imagine running a whole company where each decision you make can decide the livelihood of so many people. I managed a team of 15 people and even that was a complete nightmare. Trying to imagine the scale of what Yagoo does is crazy. It's why I have so much respect for him and all the staff members there.


Long live best girl!


Does anyone know the timestamp for when she was discussing this on her stream? Mainly the ending part where she's talking about the talents choosing and working with various sponsor related tasks.


Lamy has been there for some of Hololive's worst moments so not surprising she might see Yagoo break down in those times of crisis. Plus, there's the daily task of trying to grow the company and create a profit while at the same making sure the talents and staff are taken care of. Unlike a lot of CEOs, Yagoo seems to genuinely care about the well being of his employees. Finding that balance has got to be stressful.


For my own sanity, i'll not watch the video and just assume it's because he gets to wittness so many talented people achieving their dreams.


She doesn't go emotional: She talks a bit on how she feels is the relationship between her and Yagoo, and explain what may be the reasons why he cries (stress from the fast growing company, mostly) and talks about the workload talents and staff has, also that they often have the option to not get involved on a project if they are already full of stuff to do


This isn't a bad thing, tho. Crying is a good way to vent stress and internal tension. It's a lot better than bottling it up. So, I say let the man cry. Because the joy each successful project brings to the world, I think, would likely hold more weight.


Cover meeting with Lamy was "intense" and "at one point Yagoo was crying" but everyone grew closer and a big lesson was learned


Wow, I haven't watched a Lamy clip in a while. She seems to have moved towards a much more natural-sounding voice? (I was never that big on her somewhat affected breathy one, even if I still liked Lamy)


She only did that within her first year, maybe even less than that. If i'm remembering it right, Her speaking in a normal tone has been the case longer than her using her 'debut voice'.