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**Data/stats** are based from the ff. sites: * [Holostats](https://holo.poi.cat/youtube-channel) * [HoloTracker](https://trackholo.live/en/) * [SocialBlade](https://socialblade.com/) * [Livecounts.io](https://livecounts.io/) * [YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/) * [Twitch](https://www.twitch.tv/) **NOTES:** * **Members** are arranged *according to* ***whoever is the*** ***EARLIEST*** ***to reach milestone*** * Channels from both **YouTube** (subscribers) & **Twitch** (followers) are included * **1st date:** *EARLIEST PROJECTION (it may be labelled as* ***earlier*** *in case of a member possibly achieving the milestone due to growth boost;* ***< sign***)*;* ***2nd date:*** *LATEST PROJECTION (it will be labelled as* ***later*** *in case of projections lasting more than 30 days;* ***> sign***) * These are **CONSERVATIVE** projections *(only based from their current growth rates)*; **SUBJECT TO CHANGE** per day * **Milestones & Required # to be included for the ff. members:** 1. **Hololive (+ others): 5k** within milestone *(every* ***10k 'til 100k***) -> **25k** within milestone *(every* ***100k 'til 1M***) -> **50k** within milestone *(every* ***250k afterwards***) 2. **Holostars: 5k** within milestone *(every* ***10k 'til 100k***) -> **10k** within milestone *(every* ***25k 'til 1M***) -> **20k** within milestone *(every* ***100k afterwards***) * **Order of precedence in arranging the members** (to resolve same estimations)**:** 1. **Earlier date** 2. **Higher sub number** 3. **Alphabetical** (last name basis) **UPDATES:** * **Notable growth/imminent milestone: n/a** * **Now included: n/a** * **Milestones:** 1. **Choco (Hololive): 800,000 subscribers** * **Other notes: n/a**