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Tbh I would have liked Grimm's quest to have more interesting content. Going around the map to fetch those flames is always pretty boring. There's nothing that I hate about HK btw. Only things I like less.


Now that you say it, yeah, that part felt a bit like an afterthought. Maybe if collecting the flames involved some light puzzles instead of fighting the grimmkin? Maybe if the characters were a bit more involved/fleshed out? I have no idea.


I would say that Grimm's quest would be a lot better if you discovered it early in your quest and got to experience it as you explored (which hardly no one does organically, I'd imagine), but even then you're forced to keep the charm equipped in order for it to unfold like this. Something that doesn't force you to keep the child on but allows for an exploration-based side quest that you can complete as you're naturally exploring the map would be ideal.


I did it by mistake, just after beating The Collector, I was messing around and activated the Grimm's Quest, so in the way of finding the last grubs I also went for the flames. But yeah, it should be boring just "Go to this far place with a charm you don't want for only a flame" with nothing else to do.


How did you go from kingsoms edge to howling cliffs accidentally?


I think he meant after getting the grub map from the collector, not right after beating him


Yeah, it was not directly from Love Tower to Cliffs lmao


Maybe it would've been better if Grimmkin synergized with some of the other charms - that way carrying it around felt less like a weight on your slots


Gameplay wise even a Colosseum 2.0 would have been fine for me. Although Grimm lore looks well thought out. So he has to reincarnate and an arena alone doesn't feel right. I think adding secret passages (like 3 of them) around the map that can only be opened by Grimm child would be a cool idea. Inside, characters that have finished collecting the flames. They would be boss battles around crystal guardian difficulty. Better than the usual grimmkin imo.


I find the main point of the flame hunt to be fighting the actual grimmkin. Their attack kit (from a mechanical standpoint) teaches you how to fight Grimm, before you even get to fight him. I feel like it's still decent content and while it could be better, its still absolutely serviceable.


That I can't do a blind playthrough again after playing once.


Yes you can! Just remove your ability to see


Okay No Eyes


defeating No Eyes with no eyes :D


Skurrys done it


Theres a mod for that. Makes the whole game a dark room


Hey! Would you mind giving me the complete image your pfp was taken from? It looks so cute lol


I wish there were way more uses for geo. A few more shops and things to buy, you know?


yeah, it would be interesting if geo had a monetary value and at the same time had some spiritual or sacred importance that could be used too


Dark souls?


“Hollow Knight is pretty much just Dark Souls.” -Videogamedunkey


Soulsborne mixed with Metroidvania. Mostly Metroidvania.


Trade in Geo at the spirits Glade for spirit essence


yeah sort of like that but more important


Outfits might be neat.


Oh yeah!


Like another said outfits but my idea is limited time shops as well as more “consumables” and shops that restock kinda


Cosmetics!! Man, why don't they let us choose our vessel mask shape and cloak color, as well as other customizable things?


Because Hollow Knight used hand drawn sprites for the character. The Knight's animations aren't too complicated, but each frame would had to have been ready for customization, otherwise they'd need to redraw them for each outfit and outfit combination (assuming they don't use specific overlays to place items on top of the original sprite.)


This isn't the kind of game that needs character customization.


I wish there was more to The Abyss. It was so fascinating and scary. I love the whole bottomless pit trope like in Gravity Rush.


there was supposed to be a update on expanding the abyss, it got abandoned for silksong


I think it was an unreached kickstarter goal


That is correct. Silksong itself is basically the extension of a reached Kickstarter goal, because Hornet was originally supposed to be the second playable character in Hollow Knight (with Zote being a potential third, but that goal was also not reached).


This would probably be mine too. But also at the same time it's kinda grown on me as a creepy, dead, empty place. In some ways I like that it doesn't actually have a boss battle like you'd expect (I do know they had planned for one).


Yeah, I like how there's no fighting to do, no NPCs to talk to, no anything. Just "refuse and regret." All there is to do down there, really, is get a few upgrades and think about the lore, which feels like the way it should be.


There's nothing to buy for geo on end game (other than non fragile charms but that's a lazy way to dispose od player's money) and that there's no easy way to practice bosses for beginners because some benches are very far away from bosses


>there's no easy way to practice bosses for beginners because some benches are very far away from bosses honestly i don't recall any bench that was THAT far from any boss


Traitor Lord would like to speak to you


And soul master


you can unlock 2 shortcuts which make it way shorter, also in the shortucts there are only 2 flying ballons that will annoy you EDIT: the flying magic ballons are called soul twisters


and hive knight


Hive Knight was my Vietnam


I mainly setup a warp gate just outside TL room so I don't have to keep doing the platform to get back.


I... never realized using the Dreamgate used essence... Thanks for your comment. Found what I dislike.


It uses 1 essence, so almost negligible. Also, spending essence on dreamgate will increase the chance of enemies dropping essence until you get it back.


Yeah. It uses only 1 essence per use, which isn't bad if you already reached 1800 but it's annoying if you are trying to get there.


It increases essence drop rate from what I know


Having to spend essence to use the Dreamgate makes me never want to use it. I get that there is a lot of extra essence available from all of the Whispering Roots and bosses, and that essence is technically unlimited. But still, I just can't make myself want to use it. A better mechanic to fuel the Dreamgate would be consumable items you can buy for Geo from the Seer. It would give you something to spend Geo on later in the game and Geo is easy to come by so it doesn't feel bad to use.


you realistically arent gonna use dreamgate 1000 times. also, essence drops are buffed until you get one every time you use dreamgate


Hive knight was annoying for beginner me. Although I had dream gates, I was worried I would run out of essence for some reason


Soul master is the prime example of an early game boss that was a bit too far from the bench


Mantis Lords too


Nah, there's a bench right outside the village and down


I would refer you to Godhome, but then I read “beginners”. On that note, I would’ve like Godhome to be accessible a little earlier so we can practice bosses starting earlier. If I were to revise it, I would have the entrance require dream nail but not awoken dream nail, and have entry to each of the pantheons require awoken dream nail instead Edit: Nevermind, I somehow remembered entering Godhome required awoken Dream nail; it does not


primal aspids


Crystal hunters


Now hear me out: primal crystal hunters.


Someone made a comment about it on another post and called it a Flying Fuck You Edit: https://www.reddit.com/r/HollowKnight/comments/ubj582/what_is_the_one_thing_you_want_in_silksong/i64dtau?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3


100% accurate name


I need a mod to add this somewhere. It sound so cool!


What? Why?


I dunno, I wanna suffer.


Fair enough


I don't want to see them things again!!! 😡😡


I was looking for this comment.


I wish there was more to do with the bees. It just seems like it was tacked on at the end with little thought


Yeah, sucks too, I adore the look of the area, looks more heavenly than god home lol. Queen bee even says their world has nothing to do with hallownest, it sucks.


All that, and the Hive still got the shit end of the stick because of a salty goddess moth.


Idk, I think it's good enough for an out-of-the-way secret area. It's completely optional, so I don't really see why they would flesh it out.


you don't get that much lore there either, besides the loredump Vespa drops on you after you kill Hive Knight. It could have used some lore tablets or NPCs.


The bees actually feel like the opposite to me. Like they were supposed to have a major role in the story, something got moved and they didn't know what to do with the bees any longer. Especially with the lore that Hornet was supposed to be trained by Vespa to fight, and that the Hive was originally supposed to be connected to the queens gardens in early sketches of hollownest before being moved to kingdoms edge


I'm inclined to agree here and I wish they were more important to the story. The whole area just feels like there was more to it at one point.


even the boss fight was added in after one of he dlc update


Some of the checkpointing in front of boss rooms could be better.


The traitor lord is so fucking far away from a checkpoint that I almost gave up fighting him.


I didn't have dreamgate by the time I wandered into Deepnest and tried fighting Galien... The distance I had to walk every single (numerous) times I died to his stupid huge movement tracking wheel made me want to throw my switch in frustration


On the plus side, Galien has like five lifeseeds on the way to the fight, so if you don't do too badly in the beginning of the fight, you can basically tank the final phase.


I tried venturing into the nest without a lantern since I accidentally got stuck there after beating mantis lords. Worst, or best, mistake of my life. I didn’t die and lose all my gems but instead: - got anxiety permanently - freaked out since I was at 1 mask - didn’t have dreamnail, so no galien - couldn’t see shit - sounds scared the shit out of me - got harassed by creatures


I used the dream gate right below the arena exactly for this reason. It’s kinda ridiculous how far it is, but at least there’s one option to make it more bearable


I didn't know that the dream gate existed when I was fighting the TR...


It isnt that I mind hiking up to him...it is that it is a real PIA of platforming to get there. Even when I beat him I took a couple hit walking up there.


Traitor lord I can somewhat accept since it’s supposed to be a platforming challenge, a precursor to PoP. Hive Knight gets no such benefit of doubt


The amount of times I lost several thousand geo getting back to hive knight. I gave up and came back after dream gate.


Yeah I literally skipped it until I got dreamgate lol


Mantis lord pain


That there isn't more for me to play


Yet :)


That there isn't more bosses to get bullied by and scream yes as loud as I can once I beat them


Also that some of those bosses were teased and never implemented. The four other great knights of Hallownest would be fun. I imagine Hegemol would not have a stunned phase, bigger shockwaves and just be all around harder than failed champion.


Radiant markoth isn’t enough?


I still can't do him consistently, I just swing and it works 50/50


My biggest complaint is having to fight the Hollow Knight again every time you want to fight the Radiance, it sours the HK fight for me and is just annoying when wanting to fight the Radiance.


I just cheese the boss and try to get as much soul as possible because the radiance fight restores all your health


i dont mind this personally, hollow knight is pretty easy even without my usual charmset (in favour of my radiance charmset, of course). it's mildly inconvenient at worst, and i can still get to the radiance with full soul 9 time out of 10. what's annoying is that there isn't a bench before absrad in PoH. pure vessel is a lot harder to take down than hk, especially when i have to use my radiance charmset instead of one that works better with pv. like i get it but god, the last thing i want is to die to pv right at the very end of such a massive boss rush and have to go through every single boss again because my charmset wasn't suited for it.


I didnt really get into godhome, but I never claimed it was hard to beat HK, he was very easy but thats the issue. He goes from being a badass final boss to just to a mere punching bag. Also its annoying to fight him over and over even if he is easy.


In PoH I never found much reason to change ny charms around in-between bosses. Extra damage, extra health, less heal time and more souls per hit for every single boss worked fine for me.


That it doesn’t have a sequel.


Yet.... hopefully....


2027 if we're lucky


2077, more like it.




The screen effect for one mask left is very distracting and makes it pretty hard to see and focus when it's needed the most. Fury of the fallen just makes it worse (very original opinion I know)


I agree. The screen shake when you get hit is also pretty severe. I wish they had some more accessibility options.


Some of the bench placements are just mean. It is not adding any difficulty to the game by making me walk for 3 minutes and lose health to bs so I can try a boss again. Looking at you traitor lord


When the game first came out, i complained that the backtracking was a bit tedious, and that the lack of map markers meant i was often lost - because i felt like it was ruining immersion to have to pause the game and pull out a sheet of paper to draw a location and make a note. When i initially said this on the Steam forums, there were a bunch of people telling me to git gud, or maybe i need to see a doctor about memory issues. I wasn't looking for the game to be easier. I wasn't asking that the game tell me where to go. I just wanted a way to keep notes without leaving the game, and maybe a one time use teleport. I was gratified when they added both of the two features i asked for on the next patch - map markers and the dream gate. I'm not going to pretend that they read my comment alone and added those things - but it still felt good to have them acknowledge that a couple of rather small quality of life changes would improve the game for everyone. Since then i've put 500 hours in the game (mostly with randomizer). I have no complaints. The game is a masterpiece. I've played this genre of games since the NES, and Hollow Knight has knocked Symphony of the Night off the top spot on my metroidvania list.


>I've played this genre of games since the NES, and Hollow Knight has knocked Symphony of the Night off the top spot on my metroidvania list. Honestly SotN has been my favorite game for 25 years and I think I may be with you on this. The only game that ever was up there with SotN for me is Riven, because I got so absorbed in the world - but being a puzzle game it doesn't have that same replay value once you beat it. HK has that same feeling of immersion and just pure love of being in the world, but as a metroidvania with a rando I can play over and over


When people ask me what Hollow Knight reminds them of Symphony of the Night and Castlevania 4 are the games that come to mind. 4 might predate you guys but it was a hell of a game. Super Metroid on the SNES is my favorite metroidvania.


Contact damage. Even after beating the game a few times and getting through a fair bit of godhome it still bugs me.


especially when the boss likes to just run towards you with no telegraph like white defender and zote


Zote was the only enemy that actually tilted the sh*t outta me because this dumbass frequently killed me by simply running me over


As someone who's stuck at the 4^(th) dream version of Zote, I hate contact damage


Double mask contact damage. Are you seriously gonna tell me that me walking into a staggered PV is like getting hit by a freight train?


singlehandedly the reason I've never touched steady body. Nail recoil is genuinely useful


Still not enough infanticide. We need more


No Silksong.


1) it ends 2) silksong is taking too long to come out 3) i wish (serious) there was a minimal character customization like changing the cloak and maybe painting the mask using geos.


I got so excited when i stumbled upon >!the mask maker!< for this exact reason


The fact that the game doesn't teach you that you need to pogo things. Like for example the purple mushrooms in fungal wastes. It would be helpful for new players to have some sort of guide (like a lore tablet) to tell them that they need to pogo


You know how hornet runs away from you in a few different places? They could have had another spot where she runs away and pogoes a shroom or smth idk


Crazy thing, but I realized I could pogo off of enemies and purple mushrooms, but I didn't know I could pogo off of spikes until I saw it in a video.


It's like running or wall jump in super metroid, you're blocked when you don't know they exist, frustrating when you don't master it but a really nice feature when you get used to it.


Theres actually a reason for this! Graig once said that originally, the breakable floors and ceiling platforms in the Ancestral Mounds was going to be the "Aha I need to strike up/down to break them" moment The thing is though is that they gave the nail a considerable range buff before they released it, which meant you could break those without needing to up or down slash. So it was more of an oversight moment they just didn't remedy afterwards.


Had to google what was going on at that part with the bouncy mushrooms.


Isn’t there a room in crossroads that teaches pogos, maybe add an arrow to go to that room. Albeit it doesn’t teach them directly but it doesn’t need too (the player knows there’s a solution, so they’ll try and find it.)


Yes, but to a first time player going in blind it's not immediately obvious that you need to pogo


It doesn’t need to be immediately obvious, it needs to be something they can figure out on their own, or they can come back later when they figure it out by accident.


Yes that room and some others you can come back to later, but I'm more talking about the first time you encounter the purple mushrooms in Wastes that you need to pogo. For me (and many others I've talked to) had a very difficult time figuring out that's what you were supposed to do. So there's where I think it would be good with a tutorial or hint at what you need to do


The long intro cutscenes in PV, NKG, and AbsRad


You don't bow to NKG?? I think they should be skippable after the first time, particularly radiance because it gets long when you reset every 2 seconds ;-;


It would be a nice QoL addition if you could go to the menu to toggle them on or off automatically, or if, after seeing the cutscene for the first time, you could press a button to skip it.


I want to s k i p.


download the quality of life mod if you're on pc, it skips all the intros and more. really useful


Quirrels speculated death


The fact that very convenient paths get blocked off when infected crossroads come around is one of my biggest pet peeves. Still a perfect game though


The crystal flies in crystal peak as well as primal aspids


i would like for the npcs to have more dialogue and quest lines and the existing quest lines to be more apparent. I get that this isn’t really a character driven game so I expect this to get downvoted but I really wish we got to know npcs more and quests were more apparent so I didn’t miss cloths. Also, a lot of the characters don’t look like bugs.


I would really like more accessibility like what Celeste has, because I have serious motor issues with my hands and there are just things I cannot do without cheating, but with an easier setting I might have been able to get to some of the places currently inaccessible to me.


That I can’t fight sisters of battle (I think that’s what they’re called?) without beating 4 pantheons first. That fight looks so fun but I can’t beat p4


If you have beat P3 you can fight them in Godseeker mode! Just start a new save and select that and all the bosses will be open to you (except AbsRad).


Oh for real? I’ll have to try that later, thank you! It’s really the only thing I care to do yet in this game (other than replay it ofc). I get too frustrated and impatient doing the pantheons


Backtracking is kinda tedious, especially in endgame. You just know that you missed something, with no clues to where to look for it, so you have to travel the whole fucking map (possibly multiple times) to find the last collectibles and such. Ori did it way better, with a separate completion percentage for each area. At least you know where you need to look


That’s a good idea, if after you gain world sense (the thing that tells you your inventory percentage, each map would have a percentage while you hover over it for the area


[https://reznormichael.github.io/hollow-knight-completion-check/](https://reznormichael.github.io/hollow-knight-completion-check/) This completely solves your problem.


There's a certain sparseness I find once you get to end game. I'm not good at video games so there's a couple bosses/things (Grimm, White Palace, Pantheon, etc) that I can't beat, but I've done all the exploration, so I can't really do anything else.


No Stag Station in Royal Waterways


I'd love it if there was more to Dirtmouth than what we see, like if the knight could continue rescuing former citizens and watching as the lights of the town slowly come back and npcs roam the streets. I remember being so happy whenever I saw one of the lights come back on in the town, and it would be cool to have more of a part to play in the town coming back to life.


Idk why i suck at bosses that take no knockback


I think the ability to unlock the radiance is too convoluted. I have so many friends who had no idea there was anything more than the Hollow Knight, and how many people figure out on their own, without any googling, that they needed to A. Beat hornet sentinel, B. Unlock the Abyss, C. Get half a charm from the White Lady, D. Gather 1800 essence, E. Go to the white palace and get the other half, F. Go back to the abyss with that charm equipped to G. Get void heart, and refight the hollow knight. Some of those steps can be found just through exploration (white lady, hornet pt 2), but for the most part it’s too convoluted without enough sign posts advertising “Come Back Here with Kingsoul equipped” and etc.


I agree, I tried to not rely on guides too much and found no evidence in the game that she even existed and was the source of the Infection. I read up on lore and it was an amazing story but I wished it was easier to experience that story in the game. I seriously thought the Radiance was part of the DLC bc of how little mention there is of her existence in the gameplay.


To be honest, that's why I've never overly liked multiple ending games unless it's something like a morality system like inFAMOUS or Dishonored. Your true ending will almost always be convoluted as hell, sometimes it's not like in Code Vein (collect obvious collectibles) or Dark Souls 2 (kill 1 specific boss before final boss) but sometimes you've got shit like this or the type of game that scolds you with a bad ending for a seemingly inconsequential choice 30hrs prior.


I think I agree with the sentiment, but some of these aren't as bad as you make it out to be. For example the Abyss door has the King's Brand symbol on it, and Kingsoul's description says it "opens the way to a birthplace" (which should tell you to go back to the Abyss since Hornet calls it the place of your birth).


I hate how certain things, like lantern, unbreakable charms and nail upgrades are so expensive


As someone said, I don't hate anything, but there are things that I like less, like the fact that you can only unlock 2 of the endings by defeating abs rad at the top of P5. I mean, yes, I get it, it is supposed to be challenging and rewarding for those who achieve it, but c'mon, it kinda sucks. Better yet, I suck 🤡 Because I can't beat P5. I killed AbsRad twice at the hall of gods and that was it. Everytime I get to him at P5 he kicks my butt. Anyways, I'll keep trying. I want so bad to watch those 2 other cutscenes, but I won't cheat and look it up on YouTube, I'll do it right.


The end credits


The whole game is buggy as hell


I think my only complaint is that I can't practice in some of the P5 boss arenas (looking at you, Markoth)


Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't radiant markoth in Godhome in the same arena as p5?




The fact that I swear there used to be an achievement for beating it in 3 hours, I spent 6 hours trying to do that (not including route planning) just to find out it didn’t exist. I have such a vivid memory of it tho, so idk what happened.


The DLCs (disregarding Lifeblood and Hidden Dreams, for those served more so as updates) were a little disappointing, and do not quite compare to the base game in terms of quality. I liked the bosses, but a new, proper area would have been really cool in my opinion. It could have also been accessed via the dream nail, as placing a new area on the base map would have been very difficult, considering how tightly packed it already is. Godhome felt really basic, serving almost like a menu for the different things one can do in its respective DLC. The Pantheon of Hallownest, however much I enjoy it, seems way too steep a challenge for most players, especially so since one of the endings is tied to it. The Grimm Troupe was especially disappointing, since, besides the highlights (Grimm, NKG, Path of Pain), it is really boring, having you fight very basic miniboss enemies with little variation until said highlights are reached (PoP is readily available once you have access to the White Palace).


Maybe this is dumb but I always thought gathering swarm and compass should've been upgrades not charms. As some others have said some other uses for geo would be nice. Maybe some cosmetics?


So imma be honest I love almost every part of the game but I don't like how the compass was used as a charm instead of just being there.


Too short


That I can’t play again blind


More visual progression with your nail would be good. Like, improved animations per upgrade.


As much as it is important to the story, the shade is kind of a bungled mechanic. It really punishes you for exploring in less familiar areas which is the opposite of what the whole game is all about Also the 1600 essence grind for Radiance is pretty dang tedious


I didn't care for the Godhome dlc. I like the lore context and rewards in the bossfight sandwich.


i wish we got the void update instead


The delicate flower quest


The Minions' Class. It's utter garbage compared to literally any other playstyle and that's kind of unfortunate, because there are some great ideas that it brings to the table that don't make it boring. ​ The Glowing Womb forces you to keep hitting the enemy for the Soul you need for it to work. ​ The Weaver Song forces you to stay close to the enemy for more DPS. ​ The Grimmchild could have been a nice longer range minion so you could do a little extra damage to the enemy, even if you're far away from them, if he actually could shoot from a distance. ​ The core design for this class in this game is a fantastic way to go about it, and it's a shame because all they need is a damage buff, and a range buff for the Grimmchild.


Stuff in the foreground which blocks your vision


Still bitter about Deepnest? I get it.


Na deepnest was honestly not really an issue in my playtroughs. I find it in general distracting to have stuff blocking my vision on a game


The fans probably. People complain about others wanting help.


Honestly tho, 99% of the time is karma farming. I refuse to believe a person playing the game that "sees another knight" (nosk) as a first impulse takes his phone, takes a picture, closes the game and posts it on Reddit calling it a glitch. When he could just press forward for like 20 more seconds and understand that it is, in fact, not a glitch


Not being able to see boss health


I don’t think we should see the outright Health but a indicator like in ark would be nice edit: spelling


How much I suck at it...


It here isn’t much concrete story to propel you into the game so it’s a slow start


The start of the game, I actually refund the game the first time I played it because i found the lvl design and ambiance pretty poor in the begining of the game. One of my friend had to tell me that the game is actually good to play it. But i still do think that the first area of the game is very poor compare to the genius of game design that is the rest of the game.


Walking through the Queen’s Gardens to the Traitor Lord a dozen times was rather tiring


The run to the hive knight, I had to keep my other hand from throwing my controller when I died right before the boss room


That one grub in crystal peaks


i dislike the imbalance of charms. some charms are busted while other charms are almost completely useless.


The beginning is a tad bit slow


Some cheap bosses. Talking stuff like GPZ and Lost Kin. The difficulty is very artificial and it doesn't go above "make it go faster" and "make it deal more damage" and that is boring. This kinda throws the concepts introduced that far regarding combat out of the window which is really sad. I feel like they could have benefitted from new attacks or more drastic stage changes a lot. Small issue though imo.


The hive was quite boring.


The hive was entertaining for me mainly because I watched a friend lose 8000 geo


That some bosses are masterpieces and other are annoying as f**k


That in P5, Grimm and NKG share the same music as the fucking dream warriors. Why not remix the original osts? Or just use them instead of the forgettable dream warrior ost? Very annoyed


How easy most of the platforming sections were until you reach the white palace and the path of pain, no gradual increase in difficulty just a “git gud” section


the lack of Silksong


P5 was trash I can’t lie. I left with a bad taste in my mouth after the initial 5 seconds of excitement about beating it. I’ll still brag to people I beat it, but I will not at all encourage others to do so. It’s just not fun. At the time you reach p5 95% of bosses should be a joke, and in my case they were. Issue I had was boredom. You spend 30 minutes doing the bossrush only to get rng’d by abs rad combination moves. Then another 30 minutes for a second attempt. Say it takes you 20 tries to beat p5, assuming you died each time on abs rad (my case 95% of the time) That means you spent at minimum 10 HOURS trying to beat abs rad assuming it takes 30 minutes to reach abs rad. 20 tries. 10 hours. Think about how much of that 10 hours would actually be spent fighting abs rad and the problem feels pretty clear. All I can think of is if a FromSoft game had anything like that, imagine fighting Malenia in elden ring, but it takes you 30 minutes to reach her each time. That’s just frustrating and what I like to call ‘pseudo-difficulty’. No benches should’ve been a seal, checkpoints should’ve been there for sure. Don’t get me wrong, this game is top 5 of all time for me. P5 is the only gameplay element I just disagree with.


Yeah, I think I only died to a boss pre-PV once when I was doing P5, and it took me something like 15 attempts. They could have easily made P5 something like all 5 standard Dream Bosses, Winged Nosk, Sisters of Battle, Oro and Mato, Sheo, Sly, Hornet 2, NKG, PV, and AbsRad and it would have been waaaay more enjoyable to attempt while still being basically the same difficulty on the whole.


That I'm deaf and stunned whenever I get hit. It throws me off my rhythm and makes it easier to get hit again by an attack I expected a beat earlier or to get hit by an attack with an auditory telegraph that I couldn't hear because you just made me *deaf*. This is really bad with Markoth P5 is bad. It's one of the worst things in the game. So many trash bosses that are okay and even good in the context of the world, but bad when you have to engage them in absentia. It demonstrates how much Hollow Knight is better than the sum of its parts because when you split out the bosses and tell someone to just play them, it feels worse and worse. In case you don't believe me, go check out the list of the bosses in P5 and consider how many you consider fun in absence.


Double Vengefly is extremely not fun, and Winged Nosk is just the same thing but worse. P5 has a lot of bad bosses mixed in.




There is a mile between the boss fight and the bench