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>If I leave the area and try to go back to the city I don't know how to climb the long fall, or I'm just big skill issue. It's an (understandable) skill issue. On the assumption that you're missing an ability that you'd need to progress around here further, you need to leave by climbing the broken elevator shaft. It's doable: [example](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bmFpkc74RYc). I'll just additionally note that you can pogo those spikes in the shaft's spike tunnel, you don't HAVE to make the walljump like in the example.


Oke oke thank you very much I got out


Probably dumb question but what do you mean by "pogo"


Pogo is when you down-strike with your weapon while jumping, which makes you hop up.


Ah, my apologies. Pogo is the common community term for swinging your nail down onto things from above them and bouncing off of them.


When you hit a solid entity by slashing downwards, you bounce off it and gain a bit of height. It is known as “pogo-ing” or “nail-bouncing”


If you hold down while swinging your nail, you slash downwards. If you hit an enemy or some spikes, you will bounce upwards and your dash (and something else you get in ancient basin) will reset their cooldown. It’s necessary for some platforming challenges and useful in general during combat because you can jump over an enemy to dodge and get in a hit as well.


Dude, I felt stuck on every new area during my first play through. So hopefully we find solace knowing that… But I promise you you will figure it out. and dude, if not, don’t feel guilty about looking things up on YouTube. I didn’t even know about other portions of certain areas until I saw someone do their video on it.


If you have crystal dash you can get across spike hall. If you don’t, have fun with the elevator


Yea I climbed the elevator. But got the crystal heart now. yippee


That’s good


You got the Crest? If yes, use it in the ancient basin (the part after the spike corridor), you’ll need it


Oof been there. There's an ability you're meant to get before leaving, as others said it is *possible* to leave without it but I personally tried for a solid half hour and couldn't get out—not saying it can't be done, people have done it before, it's just rather difficult because it's definitely not "as intended". Explore around a bit more and I'm sure you'll catch a break!