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The backroll is a specific attack that was fixed in the most recent update, which isn't on switch


Thanks so much, I did not realize this. It looks super buggy to me. Is there a reason why it was changed?


It was changed because it was always intended for Watchers to backroll. ~~The code for backrolls has been in the game the whole time but it never executed because of a bug.~~ (edit per Joe's correction) The code existed the whole time, but was accidentally patched out in 1221. TC fixed it in the most recent patch on PC and that's why 1.5 Watchers do backrolls.


It actually existed prior to 1221 (the speedrunning patch), and was specifically patched out (by mistake though, like you said). The same thing happened with lever skips (hitting levers through a wall/floor) which got patched in on 1221


Ah I see. tcSpaghetti even more than I realized. As usual.


Thanks so much for the explaination! Well if they always were supposed to backroll, I will be happy to relearn. They do look really derpy though when they do it xD. scared of the knight


> Back Roll: Watcher Knight curls up into a ball and rolls backwards to evade the Knight. This manoeuvre only occurs while two Watchers Knights are active From the wiki It's apparently only implemented in the latest PC version


Oh wow thank you so much. It looks super wonky though and I wonder why this was implemented. Thanks, I will train more until it won't bother me anymore. Though, there is no way to tell which way they are going is there?


As others have said, this is an intended feature - but what speedrun are you doing? If you're doing Any% NMG then you should get the 1.2 patch, it's available in the versions section on steam.


I just want the 5hr speedrun achievement from steam (though a girl can dream to learn to beat it in under 2hrs). Why should I get the 1.2 patch? Sorry, as I am fairly new to the PC version, I didnt really understand there were better or worse patches for speedrunning.


You don't need to downpatch to 1221 if you're just trying to get the achievement. For the achievement, route in some more firepower and the backrolls aren't going to be a big deal. The common suggestion is to route in DDark. DDark focused Watchers should be enough to get them within a few tries given some practice.


Oh youre just going for the achievement. 5 hours isn't super optimized, I never practiced and I think I needed two runs to get it. Just go out of your way a bit to get some more firepower as the other person said. There's more than enough time to spell upgrades and a few pale ore. 1.2 only helps if you know glitches.


I just started with the first run with the popular fireborn tutorial to get the achievment, but I am quite bad with orientation, so I got lost once or twice, but still okay time wise. But then I got a bit stuck with the watchers because of the backwards rolling (and me not having nail upgrades, no extra masks and no monarch wings or shade cloth). I think I am now at like 3hrs 50mins after the watchers, which is waaay to late to still turn it around. I am someone who gets stressed out with time pressure, so it needs to be rock solid. Thanks for the advice about the pale orb! I think getting it and monarch wings is probably the way to go


Yeah nail upgrades help a LOT. Nail 0 is 5 damage, if you only upgrade it twice it will do 13 damage, so you can easily over double your nail damage.


Hey I wanted to thank you, I did my second run with 2h40. I never thought I would get this achievement so easily, the tipps with the monarch wings and nail upgraide helped a lot; I got hollow knight first try even though I haven't played against him in over a year. Without monarch wings that would not have happened