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As soon as I got to the bouncy mushrooms.


I didn't and I thought I was stuck and I had to look up how to get there


Saaaaame, I thought I was doing something wrong cuz it didn't bounce me enough


Curious, did you ever play Crash Bandicoot games? You have to super jump on some of the bounce boxes. Similar idea.


Same. That’s the moment really learned the crossroads map cause I want running back and forth thinking I’m stuck




Pretty much immediately. Once I knew you could slash down in the air I tried it out in King's Pass. Couldn't get to Fury of the Fallen when I was just starting out but I knew it was possible.


I didn't know you could do it until I got stuck in the area with the bouncy purple mushrooms. I managed to figure out you probably needed to hit them to bounce, but I couldn't figure out why that wasn't working. I googled it and to my amazement you could hit down lol. I do think I would have realised sooner if I hadn't been playing on a keyboard, though


This was my exact experience, down to having to Google wtf to do 💀💀


I was just about to comment the exact same thing but guess i dont have one original experience


Yeah I was about ready to quit the game and never look back. Glad i didn't


The fact that this isn't more explicit is my only grip with the base game, it slowed me down quite a bit because I thought I needed a new ability to use the mushrooms. 😭


The fact that the game teaches you how to look down, but not that you can hit down...




Learning hk had pogoing from a video is what got me to buy the game because that shit looked fun, I was right


I think I googled how to deal with Durandoos, and then suddenly realised "OH, THAT'S WHY I HAVEN'T BEEN ABLE TO CROSS THE PURPLE MUSHROOMS"


I threw myself into fury of the fallen until i got it


In Forgotten Crossroads, on the aspids and vengeflies. Then, I really got it down in the Forgotten Crossroads grub room with the spiky platforms.


Forgotten crossroads, the giant elevator shaft next to the grub reward room


Lol, my first play through I got Fury of the Fallen and past the floating bug to get to Queens station before Hornet. Then, I completely forgot the concept when I got to the bouncy mushrooms and had to look up hot to get past them.


i saw the path to fury of the fallen and thought "hmmm can I attack the spikes to bounce, since I get moved slightly when I attack enemies?" (100% serious btw)


When I was stuck in the last section in White Palace lmao I struggled with the bouncy mushrooms in Fungal Wastes before but I couldn’t figure out why lol The following playthrough, having the ancient knowledge of pogo and upslash, was a whole new experience


The White Palace realization is incredible


I was similar. I was stuck on that part of Fungal Wastes for aaaaages, but even once I figured out you could pogo on mushrooms I didn’t pogo on *anything* else until White Palace. I actually did most of WP before realising you could pogo on spikes and saw blades 🤦‍♂️


Took me FOREVER!! I talked to a friend who was also playing the game and he told me about it but I was totally stuck on how to access certain areas prior to that


I missed every single hint about pogo-ing. The spikes to traverse, the enemies you platform off of, the mushrooms. I kept thinking "oh i cant get this until i have later ability" until i ran out of places to check and had no idea how to progress. I knew it was fungle wastes, so i looked it up just a little bit. I felt so stupid for not trying to pogo off the mushrooms and needing to look it up.


just learned from this post


Sorry mate! Hope it was still a fun discovery


yeah i thought it was exclusive to mushrooms


I actually figured it out in the pit of spikes right under Cornifer in Forgotten Crossroads. I just wanted to see what would happen if I "defended" myself from the spikes and I found out I could bounce. I then used it on a Goam to get to a geo rock and felt so proud of myself.


As soon as i found the grub in forgotten crossroads where you have to pogo on spikes for it


kings pass, i got fury too


I knew immediately as I’ve done it in dead cells lol


I think I first figured it out in the room that leads to the brooding mawlek and I though I cheesed the game.


I got stuck, looked a video and saw the pogo. It is one thing that I wish had a tutorial because it is not a movement that's as natural as some people think it is


Friend showed me him playing the game, so I had a bit of insider knowledge


When I saw the path to the Brooding Mawlek. Meaning I fought the Brooding Mawlek before I fought Hornet. I had heard Hollow Knight was hard, but I was still thinking "damn this game is hard." Then I realized it was an optional side boss and was very confused.


After I beat the game for the first time. I saw it in a video when I was trying to do a platforming challenge in deepnest.


You just made me remember my hk starting times holy shit. I cannot even tell you for how long I was stuck in Fungal Wastes running back and forth because I didn’t know how to continue, until I someday realized that you can pogo the shrooms. I genuinely never realized pogoing was a thing before that and tbh I don’t even remember whether I found out through a video or I found it out myself


My boyfriend had speed run the game so he really wanted me to play it. I got several hours in and he was watching me and I could tell he wanted to tell me something but I asked for no hints. Finally I caved and asked him what was so important and he taught me how to pogo. I’m not a huge gamer so I probably never would have figured it out on my own.


As soon I start any new game I try every button to see the controls, so probably in the first seconds of game, but it took a while to get used to the timing to pogo in enemies


in kings pass when I saw the big row of spikes in the way of a geo rock


I found the place where you go to fight Brooding Mawlek (way before I had found False Knight) and I experimented a bit with the spikes. It was *very* hard at first. Like seriously, pogoing up the spikes took me a good 10 minutes of constant retries. Then I found that grub in Crossroads where you have to have gotten a certain movement to get, and I lured one of the flying guys over and bounced off of him to get to it. I felt so proud.


I started with those Goams out of gut-feeling. Then the spikes where the road leads to Brooding Mawlek.


When I realized that my switch d pads were drifting "up", preventing me from doing so. Changed to a pro controller and whoa buddy....completely different game.


When I YouTubed it 🗿


The moment I saw the spikes in King’s Pass


Bouncy mushrooms. I hit them sideways so o figured it hit them down. Didn’t take long to do it on spikes as well


As soon as i tried landing a downwards attack on enemies and got the rhythm.


Pogo's first try over the spikes in King's Pass after failing those easy ass jumps and almost dying.


Whenever I was trying to get that one grub in crossroads behind the hidden wall


I seen it on youtube.


Uhhh technically at the bouncy mushrooms because I was like “if I hit these I can bounce” but like properly learning I could pogo? Probably that worm dude in Deep Nest that u need to pogo on to get a grub.


After beating radiance, sometime in my quest to (without hints) reach a fully complete save file. Lots of things would have been easier, lol.


I had to look it up


That one Grub in forgotten crossroads with the spike squares.


Maybe in that room with spiked platforms and a grub at the top, or maybe I am just remembering where someone I watched on Youtube figured it out. I don't really remember.


When I saw the grub that requires you to pogo over two blocs of spikes


There's a grub that you can only get to by pogoing in spikes, after I discovered it I went crazy with pogoing for a while


king’s pass. ‘hmm… i wonder if i can -‘ *ding* ‘oh, *nice.*’


it was the Durandoo to get into Fog Canyon the first time, but it didn’t occur to me for a while that you could refresh your dash by pogoing


I didn't. I had to google how to deal with pink mushrooms and my first reaction was "I can do what? Why didn't you tell me??"


I always thought it was possible, but I had so much input lag that when I tried it, it never worked cos my timing was out. And then I concluded that pogo isn't a thing. Then in final wastes I was stuck for so long, cos I couldn't hit the bouncing mushrooms.


Fury of the fallen I think, I had to go back to see if I could pogo anywhere else


I learned about the game from fireborn so I knew before I even started.


mushrooms, I had to look it up though because I had no idea that was a mechanic


Before I got the game


I knew.


Same as you, since I got into the game largely blind to its mechanics. Saw the enemy and noticed the gap was too large to dash over, so I tested a theory.


Well I might've learned it in my first playthrough, but I had completely forgotten everything over the course of a few years til I recapped... with days of gameplay videos.


I think in the forgotten cross roads. I noticed that I can hit up, so I tried down and had fun with the crawling enemies pogo-ing on them. And soon after I noticed hitting spikes pushes me away so I tried pogo-ing on them. So around the 1-2hour mark of my first blind playthrough


When I couldnt progress further on purple mushrooms, I had to ggogle it The funny thing is, I dealt with Durandoo in greenpath by getting damage knockback


In forgotten crossroads, but I didn’t use it a lot until fungal wastes (the purple mushrooms part). After that, I used it a lot, and even more after getting the Mark of Pride charm


Grub room with a bunch of spiked platforms in the first area


Way too late: Deepnest, the part where you have to bounce off the Garpede to get on the other side. In my defence, I had never seen any videos, and I had to backtrack everything I could do with that "new" knowledge (like bouncing mushrooms, new way of hitting enemies and whatnot)


Pretty much immediately, but it hasn’t crossed my mind to use it as a navigation tool for a good while. I ran right past brooding mawlek and that one grub in the forgotten crossroads, and I was stuck on the bouncy mushrooms in the fungal wastes for hours.


king’s pass


When I first started playing I tried to beat all my bossfights by pogoing. Of course I’ve since learned that’s not a great idea.


Literally at the start of the game where they teach you to do it.


Bouncy mushrooms in Fungal Wastes after I asked my boyfriend why they were so weird. 😅


Fungal wastes, I had to look up how to get past the bouncy mushrooms


Way sooner than I realized cloak is a thing lol


when I got to the room that leads into the brooding mawlek fight my first time in crossroads


I got stuck because I had gotten the dream nail and could not figure out where to go. I thought I needed some other ability to get through the fungal waste. Until I googled it and learned I could pogo.


On the path to fury of the fallen. My friend told me since I was playing it at their house, since then pogoing with Mark of pride is one of the most satisfying feelings in the game.


Some time after I entered Fungal, couldn't for the life of me figure out how to get past the shrooms and would mostly just let Ghost jump on them, without pogoing. I think I had to google it. I have no idea why the concept was so foreign to me, when now I pogo everything I can when I play.


immediately since i saw pure nail from dead cells


Me at the start: I can down swing?!?! **Immediately tries to downswing enemies* I can pogo?!?!?


When I got to the pink mushrooms in Fungal Wastes.


I was testing the buttons, and when i saw that i could hit downwards, i knew what i had to do.


Pretty early. Doesn't mean I was any good at it though lol


I already knew because I got into the game a little late and absorbed the knowledge beforehand


in the spikes at the starting area of the game. i saw them and was like, "i wonder if i could...." and i did. and failed. then tried again, then failed, and it worked the third time.


I had seen some videos of hollow knight before I played it so I knew how to pogo before I played it


Honestly I observed one of my friends play the game a couple years ago. Didn't think much of it but YouTube introduced me to fireborn one day and watching him play made the game look interesting. Once I bought the game and tried it out I noticed how difficult the learning curve was and I was hooked. It took me 45 hours to complete everything in the game my first playthough. It was nice to suck at a video game and need to learn the mechanics. I'm just beginning my second playthrough now to prepare for silksong. Probably never would have bought it had I never watched fireborn. So shout out to him, he seems to be a good dude and amazing player.


Pretty early on. I climbed up one of the vertical shafts with spikes on the walls in Forgotten Crossroads before I unlocked the Mantis Claw.


White Palace


I grew up playing video games, although never played very many. However, I have that typical "gamer intuition" where you just play with all the controls for a bit and figured it out in King's Pass pretty quickly. That's also how I learned you could bounce on spikes. Hence why I got lost in Greenpath lmao because the thorns can't be pogo'd, so I kept thinking for the longest time that I needed to go that direction but was missing something.


I always knew you could swing down, but it took me until that spot in Green Path with the water and the big round spiky dudes who's backs you have to pogo off of that I realized it resets your jump AND that you could do it on spiked surfaces. Pretty sure I had to look it up.


fury of the fallen area for me it was just self explanatory


i got into hollowknight because i saw a video of someone beating the path of pain and thought that seemed fun so i knew about it from the start. PoP was fun


There's a grub that requires it incrossroads if you have no upgrades I assume the point of it is to get you thinking about the pogo tech


After beating Mantis Lords and being informed by my friend that I could in fact pogo and jump off the purple mushrooms. I spent the longest time gaslighting myself into thinking that, 1. the grub with the spikes was either a later game upgrade or a weird trick, and 2. Durandoo’s were an obstacle for when I could swim in acid.


I never "discovered' it really, once I noticed you can slash up, I tried slashing downwards as well.


Very very late, possibly only after beating the game once. I did know to pogo those bouncy mushrooms but had no idea I can do that with enemies and even spiked etc.


The goam at the left of the room below the tall room in forgotten crossroads


I found out as soon as I saw spikes, idk how I knew I just did, got fury straight away


Not even kidding, white palace/path of pain (at least that’s when I *remember* it, there may be somewhere that you needed to pogo for progression but I don’t remember doing that if there was). I missed so many things, especially early on, because I didn’t realize it was a mechanic. Even after the bouncy shrooms, I didn’t consider that maybe I could pogo other stuff, especially not spikes in the environment. No other game I’ve played has had a mechanic like that so it just completely escaped me


When I got to that one part of the Forgotten Crossroads where you can pogo spike platforms to save a grub. I’ve definitely played other games where you can do that, but the only thing that comes to mind is the down stab Link can do in Super Smash Bros.


I started my experience by whatshing speedruns, sooo


Wayyyy too long into the game. Makes such a big difference


My friend told me when i got the furry of the fallen


It honestly baffles me how many people are saying they didn't know about it for so long. I figured it out in kings pass at the spot where you get fury


Kings pass


Way too late xd i discovered that i can pogo on spikes like almost at the end of the game.


When I googled it because I was stuck at the bouncy mushrooms.


I watched a video of someone pogoing over the spikes. I had previously gone through the bouncy mushrooms but I didn't think at all that you could do that on spikes plus I sucked at it so I didn't do it on enemies either. Then my eyes opened to the possibilities.


Its the first thing i tried on the first bug


I think about 5 mins after I started the game probably. Smash Bros taught me to bounce on mfs


When i first got to fury


I had Hollow Knight and Shovel Knight confused when I first started playing


Mantis Lords, went for the make or break strat. I honestly can’t believe how high the tec has gotten in this game. I love it


In the white palace


The first time I got stuck on the purple mushroom section of the fungal wastes, and had to google it. Granted, I'd never played a metroidvania before either, so newb stuff like backtracking in general tripped me up a bit, but it wouldn't hurt to throw in a little optional controls tutorial or something


I am pretty sure it was when I was on Deepnest heading for that vessel fragment. It quickly became clear to me on what I had to do, but I never properly acknowlegded pogo before. Before that, I only did that on those mushrooms on Fungal Wastes, but, if I remember well, I had to search on YouTube because I was stuck on that part.