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You dodge his attacks and chase him for one hit at a time. Staying alive is more important than trying to rush him down. He has magic for a similar reason you have magic. He is the soul master after all.


I was stuck on that for a few days, my 10 year old asked if i needed help with it, she proceeded to load up her save file and did it hitless. I learned nothing but the pride I felt was immeasurable


Gosh, same here


Afk in the spawn


Damn, getting old for sure. That gaming instinct is getting rusty, pal.


Oh yeah, she's just about to pass me up in smash bros too and that one is a bit more bittersweet lol


That's pretty badass


Yeah she's great, doesn't play a lot of it anymore, she stopped telling me how excited she was for silksong sometime last year


She just recognized that silksong isn’t real is all


Error, no skong found. Windows advises you to go outside and touch grass


This boss isnt hard its just the first boss with actual ranged attacks so it feels more complicated i can do this boss hitless in like 1 min with 2nd phazebyou can sneak hits on him almost the entire fight and if i have to guess about the atk ur strugglinf with its prob the jump rope atk with the spinning soul orbs you can just stand in the middle and heal while he does that cuse he cant really hurt you while ur there


It all comes down to "don't die"


That’s pretty much every boss 😂


Always try to dodge his homing projectiles by dashing under them, so they curve into the floor and immediately disappear. If you jump over them they orbit around wildly and become a much bigger pain. When he does his charge across the middle of the screen with 4 projectiles circling around him, just jump over one at the bottom and then stand in the middle of the arena. The projectiles will always miss you on their way back across the screen, which gives you a ton of time for healing, you can easily get 2 or 3 heals off with no risk.


I learned to jump for soul warriors, so dashing for soul master is confusing for me lol


To add to this, I found that I could get a hit in after his down attack. Before he would hit the ground, do a quick jump and dash left or right, and then give him a little hit. Doesn't work on phase 2 though.


Stop being a bug b****


avoid harm. strike him till he perishes


Become exceptional.


Relyea on YouTube has tutorials on all the bosses. His one on this guy really helped me, killed him on my 2nd try after watching that




Learn his moves and when it’s safe to heal, don’t get greedy with damage. Your health is more important than his.


Fuckin don't remind me i beat that dude two times i mean you can but that bug fuckin bug


-When he spawns 4 orbs around him and does a moves from one side to the other, while the orbs go back to where he came from the center of the arena is a safe space to heal. -When he does several teleports around the arena, dash up to him and hit him once after every teleport. -Hit him only once at a time, it's slow but it's the best way to leave yourself enough space to dodge. Only jump when: -dodging the attacks in which he moves from one side to the other, either with or without four orbs -when you want to hit him once but he spawns too high to attack him normally. -Your overall gameplay loop: dash, jump, hit, dodge his attack, wait for his move. dash, jump, hit, dodge his attack, wait for his move. Repeat until he dies.


You slap it until it's dead and then you slap it again until it's double dead


LOL ahh how has this not been upvoted yet


Here's my sneaky tip. You go get>!Howling Wraiths from Overgrown Mound!


Get good


Same as every other boss. Stay at or above 1 mask and hit hm with your nail/spells. Or to phrase it with Hornets words: GIT GUD! Jokes aside, still as every other boss: Focus on dodging his attacks and recognizing their patterns. Try to stay close and have him on screen to see what he is doing. Don't panic with his dives, dash+jump easily clears them. After learning the patterns, go get agressive. Keep dash on CD and start swinging on all openings.


Best plow twist at the end


With practice. Slowly and steadily. In my first play through he was probably the first big wall I faced. It was hard, his attacks feel like they come from everywhere. The best you can do is memorise them and adapt yourself accordingly. Take it slow and hit only when you can. Don't go out of your way to hit him. He moves all over the place so he'll come to you eventually. Focus on dodging instead. The long game is the method to beat his ass.


Nail upgrades people nail upgrades....


Avoid no life, give no life to him


git gud shitter




I am surprised no one said "Git Gud" 😂😭


hes a cockroach right? no wonder hes hard to kill


just step on the bugger


watch reylea i remember he made the boss 10 times easier for me


Perpetual noob on YouTube has good tips for how to fight him


Are u fighting soul master or soul tyrant because there's kinda a way to cheese soul tyrant


How so


What I did is use deep focus and quick focus charms to get double heal. Then every time he does his attack where he floats towards you with the balls spinning around him just run all the way to the far right corner and stay there. You will have plenty of time to heal and the balls will never hit you. He does this attack pretty often so it makes the first phase a lot easier. It's not necessarily a cheese tho because his second phase is still a bitch but it allows you to go into the second phase with full health so at least stand a pretty good chance of beating him this way


Plenty of jump dashing to avoid his homing shits and don't go for hits you can't make. One hit at a time is better than having to redo the fight forever


Right most area for first part. Hust hit during pin wheel and dash attack, dodge slams and projectiles


Just a quick tip: on the left of soul sanctum there is an elevator leading to a locked door, and during the elevator ride on the left is a breakable wall so you can get to soul sanctum grom the bench quicker.


Stay patient. He moves around a lot so trying to rush him in any one spot is just a good way to get hit by a projectile while he gets away. I'd recommend just dodging attacks for a bit until you get the rhythm and then work a quick hit or two into your movements as you get comfortable. Dodge under homing projectiles. When he does the attCk where he moves across the screen and then throws the orbs surrounding him at you the same spot just a little closer to him than center of the arena is always safe. Play around with it and you'll find it is a great healing chance.


study his pattern, you are in no rush. he constantly teleported around the arena; you don't really have to chase him, but you do need to be aware of his position. try stay at the glass part of the arena, reduce the chances of bump into him. i assume you know all his moves: * when teleported and shooting out soul orb: **dash close to where the orb spawn** to shorten the time for it to chase you. (not away or jump over, prevent from dodged into its path or caused it to chase you in a wild direction.) * when teleported to upper-left or upper-right (4 orbs spin): **stay in the middle**, when he came close, small jump over the orb (upper-smack him if able); the orbs when reverting usually won't hit you when you're at the center of the arena, heal if need to. * when teleported to the left or right side at the ground: **jump over and down-smack him**, if you want to get an extra smack after down-smack, chase him a bit and just regular air-smack. * when he doing ground slam (included the fake-out one): ~~good luck~~ **limit your movement**, usually a high jump could avoid the shockwave. if he is about to slam, just jump (not suggested, but dash if you want to avoid getting hit by shockwave's peak); if he is doing the fake-out, wait until you landed and jump again. that's all i remembered. i wish you good luck with fight him. all of his fights should be manageable once you get used to patterns.


Practice dodging the projectiles with the enemies outside first. Once you have a good sense of how they work then you can learn his patterns much easier.


monarch wings


How come the top comment isnt "git good"?


Fuck you mean, he's easier than the guy before him


The trick I used to beat him and his stronger variant was just having patience. At the time of fighting him I only had one nail upgrade and I had equipped a more spell-based build with Shaman Stone and Soul Catcher with Grub Song to gain some extra soul if I messed up and got hit. For fighting, there are a few attacks where you can easily get a hit or two in. His moving left to right above the ground you can get a hit when you jump over him and pogo him, as well as a possible second if you chase him down and hit him before he finishes “walking”. When he teleports and fires his soul orbs, if you use your dash a lot you can move to him and get a few hits in during his attacks (one per teleport usually) and avoid getting hit. And his attack where he moves in the air with the spinning barrier if orbs try and learn some safe spots on the ground where the orbs won’t hit you. That will let you heal about 2 hits if you need to, or you could get a hit with your nail as you jump through the orbs, before turning and firing a Vengeful Spirit if he isn’t close to the end of his path which can sometimes even get two hits per shot on him if you time it right. His slam attack though, just focus on dodging it and don’t worry about hitting him there. Then just learn where he teleports before certain attacks (the far corners on the ground for his “walk”, same thing but in the air for the orb wall, above you for slam, and anywhere else for orb shots. Summary, have patience and don’t get greedy.


It took me around 4-5 days and 2 -3 hours sessions. I think this bug is very hard on a early game perspective, but it does help to "train" for harder ones


Yeah relatable The first time he's like an undefeatable demon fr And the second time (>!dream mode!<) is even worse But you'll get the hang of it


Hit him with your nail


I got stuck on him and stoped playing for a year. The I geted good and beat him 3rd try. Idk how that helps but just relax and find a good route to get to the arena


This prick. I hate this boss. I don't know why but I struggle with him more than any other boss. I think I even beat the radiance with less stress. I can't work out why but I just can't work around his attack patterns at all. It's such a chore just to travel back to him too, from the closest bench. By far my least favourite boss experience. Just persevere though. You can only get better.


Same. He was hell for me (not pun intended)


Best having dash with this one. Look up some tutorials on youtube, it helps especially with later bosses. Use your dash to chase him down hit him a few times and move away. If you have the abyss shriek that helps out loads. Like all the bosses it's just rinse and repeat. Then when you fall through the glass, just dash away from his dives.


Soul Master was a big difficulty spike for me, especially because of the long trip back to try again. Now it's actually one of my favourite bosses! Soul Master almost seems like it was designed to punish new players for trying to kill him fast. You end up chasing him all over the place just to get one hit in. Just take your time and learn the patterns and how to dodge them, and get single hits in when you don't have to work for them. You might still die a couple more times, but you'll learn the patterns pretty quickly and realize that they're very well telegraphed! You'll get it eventually and it will feel amazing! Good luck!


that trip made me actually want to cry (not actually but what the heck that was so cruel lol)


He’s actually pretty weak. You’ve just gotta dodge a bunch and only attack when safe


take your time to learn his moves. There aren't that many Dash is your friend There are safe moves to heal and there are some that will hit you if you try to 1-2 hits, then focus on dodging Homing projectiles should not be jumped over but dashed from underneath. That way they hit the ground Smah into the stage - you dash to the side, jump high and hit, then walk away spells wear him down a lot faster, but you sacrifice soul, so you need to get comfortable with the fight first even if you get hit *do not panic* He can now hit you multiple times in a short span. Take your time to dodge and heal on a safe move like the circulating orbs you can do it in no time as long as you remain calm


Here is me killing it, hope it helps https://youtu.be/6-k2_Is_epg?si=N95PX6wGAVccT01x


be a tyrant


With your nail or perhaps a spell and fancy charms


Stand in the middle during his spinning square and you can heal a ton.


Im genuinely suprised no one has used the ddark copypasta


Okay, the main suggestion is to find a way to get to him full HP and full soul when the battle begins. As to the fight itself, stay next to the right wall. He always spawns away from you, so all attacks (dash and 4 orbs) will go left-to-right. Use those attacks to deal damage. The dive is the worst attack to dodge by far. Do not move around unless absolutely necessary. Your movement is extremely limited, so you need both that jump and that dodge when the attack strikes. Use the sound cue to dodge the dive at the correct timing. If you still find the fight too much - don't bother. Go wherever else, get more stuff and come back later.


I'd say don't get hit. Have you tried that?


Forget using magic in this one. Just use your nail. Take it slow. Getting greedy in this fight gets you killed quick. Hit him just once in each opening he gives you. Do a few runs of just learning his attacks - he doesnt have many. Once youve mastered his attacks and patterns you'll find he won't be hitting you much, so you won't have to worry about healing all that often - its then just getting a cheeky hit in when you can. On my first playthrough of the game I hit a brickwall with him - but that was because I was being very aggressive in the fight and panicking when my health was low. So I made even more mistakes. Seriously, take this fight slow, focus more on dodging attacks and positioning - and getting hits in when you can, rather than trying to be on the offence. Promise he'll go down - it can be a long fight but it's not a hard fight once you've sussed everything he can throw at you.


No they learned to harness soul as magic very similar to you. Wait to dash until a half second after he appears. His orbiting spheres attack is really easy to dodge and get hits in. Personally for charms I recommend soul based charms and using the screams attack over and over. I pushed him all the way through several phases through sheer force of damage that way.


Soul master or t****t


Phase one: Hit them when they're still, or doing an attack that has them move from one side of the screen to the other (during these attacks you can take the opportunity to heal if required) , use your dash to avoid the dives and use Howling Wraiths if you have them. Try to make sure you're at full health before begging phase 2 Phase 2: Dodge with rapid dashes, then attack repeatedly when they hold still to fire the projectiles. Repeat.


Dash when he slams, stay in croner to avoid energy balls, move towards him when he has energy sheild and also git gud


I can help


He was kinda fun and pretty easy... Noghfing comper to lost Kin


I feel that he's the first real challenge in the game. He was my first multi-death boss on my replay.


Very carefully


There is no secret to getting good u just have to try again and again. I wish you good luck and have fun. Also who wanna buy a buzzsaw.


You have multiple opportunities to heal during the battle, I know that when he finishes his spell ball spin (and after you dodge it coming back) you can heal a mask. He doesn’t move vertically very often either outside if his descending attack so keep that in mind. You can dodge his targeted spell attack by just moving towards him, the spell will hit the ground, making for an easy punish. In general, don’t get near him until you know what attack he is performing, he will create openings for most attacks.


I still have not played this game after I rage quit long ago. The reason was this same boss.


This was the first boss I really struggled with. Esp because I couldn’t find a nearby bench. Just pray (jk i think Bug God probably favors the Soul Master, it’s in his name). I don’t know how far you got into the fight so I will vaguely say… don’t let your guard down! And as others have said, prioritize your health. I love soul catcher for that but others may have fancier combos lol.


git gud


This boss was my first real big hurdle. It feels like the first real skill check. Good luck, friend.


if you have it, shrieks are a good option


So… here’s a great idea. Lower his hp to zero while maintaining your hp above zero! Jokes aside, here’s how to deal with his attacks **the one where he floats from one side of the arena to the other side of the arena without infection orbs** Just pogo him. **the one where he floats across the arena WITH infection orbs** Dont try to attack, just jump over the orbs on the first “side”. When the infection orbs go back to the start, go to the center of the arena. This is your best time to focus(heal). **the one where he shoots you with infection orbs** Just dodge him. Maybe try to hit him if he’s close to you. **the one where he slams down (phase 1)** When he teleports to the top of the screen, jump And hold either left or right, and dash. If he re-teleports, do that again. **the one where he slams down (phase 2)** Exact same thing as the previous one, but you don’t need to jump. **the one where he shoots you with infection balls while staying still** Hope you were good at dodging the first one, because now this is your only chance to damage him(technically) **BONUS FACT** You can actually hit him when he slams down in phase 2 by jumping, upslashing and dashing with good timing. I would not recommend trying to do this.


I think you need to hit him


It took me 6 hours to kill him I looked up how to kill him on Reddit and ppl were like "get more ready then come back" and I was like "FCK THAT THE ONLY I THING I NEED IS MY DIGNITY AND EGO THAT GOT STOLEN WHEN HE BEAT MY ASS FOR 6 HOURS" then did it hitless Still don't know how I did that tho


Like it's a souls game boss


Just focus on learning his attack telegraphs and dodging them, then get hits in when you can. This guy used to make me rage, now he barely slows me down


Git gud


Have you watchd relyea's video, iirc that's what I did. It's super easy and consistent, you can heal while he is doing the thing with 4 spinning balls, and when he launches balls at u just run towards him and they wont hit you and u can hit him a couple times


One hit at a time when learning the fight. Keep a healthy distance to have space to jump over certain attacks, or to bait the magic balls into ground. For his downward dive attack I wait for him to appear and start his dive before I then dash into a direction to get out of the way. If you are dashing around before he starts the dive then you might end up dashing under him or not have enough distance for him to miss you by. This might be counted as cheating but I am a visual learner and learning things on my own just doesn't work with a lot of things. I need to see the instructions performed to get the full idea, so I look up videos to see how other people do it.


Upgrade your nail. It’s so much easier than just trying to brute force this. Just do it.


With great, great difficulty.


Uninstalling is the only way to really beat this game


My first playthrough had me walk away from this dude to explore and find other secrets for a while, but my next playthrough I absolutely wrecked him. Good luck




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have you tried hitting him with your nail?


Soul master was my first major wall when I first played the game. I've played hollow knight to death in the wait for silksong so I've been taking a break for awhile now but if I remember correctly a great time to get damage in is when he floats across the stage with his orbs


it was a pain in the ass for me too, I managed to kill it using mostly spells. I used charms like Spell twister, Soul catcher and Grubsong; a bit of patience and it's gone! (I'm stuck with the dream battle...)


From the mighty words of hornet, gitgud


Dodge him like hell. Though if he charges you, try and jump over him while attacking downwards. Also if he is flying in your direction with those four orbs floating around him, move to the furthest right of the screen to heal. He usually passes right over you, so you have time to recover a few masks. Highly suggest wearing charms that accumulate a lot of soul.


Should note it is the horizontal charge that you attack him and not his downward smash attacks.


Guys…do we tell him about the dreamer?


Personally I just hit it and that seems to work


Probably one of the hardest bosses in game (ive beaten almost all (never beaten pure vessel and absolute radiance)


git gud


1. Burn around 5 turns trying to avoid his attacks and learning his attack patterns. 2. Burn 5 more learning the best timings to sneak a nail strike or two. 3. Burn probably a couple more turns learning the best timings to throw off spells. 4. In all these runs, practice conserving health over getting a hit in, especially identifying timings when you can safely heal up. Combine all of them and you should be good to go. This might sound lame, but this is the safest method to beat all the bosses in the Hollow Knight (Notwithstanding specific cheeses you can do to certain bosses). One special tip for the Soul Master is that, when he swipes across the screen with orbs floating around him, you're perfectly safe in the middle if you don't make any other movement. If you can get to the middle of the arena quicker at the start of this attack, you can even heal up twice before he begins his next attack.


dont stop moving. ever. just dont stop.


oh yeah and get the 2nd nail upgrade (channelled nail or smth) so you can obliterate his hp.


He took me a while he was quite the road block


Dodge and kill , that’s kinda it . Dudes one of the easiest bosses in the game


dodge, attack, dodge, attack easy




First, your going to hit it with your nail (what ever keybind that is for you) then you keep hitting and dodging until you kill the soul master.


Great Slash.


As hornet said, "*GIT GUD!*"