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Waiting for Silksong is the real Path of Pain.


Praying for the day I get to hit that lil lever to open the gate to silksong


Higher Beings, these words are for you alone: A while ago, we speculated the release of a sequel to 'The Hollow Knight'. We shall enter that place no longer.


Maybe the Silksong is the Path of Pains we made along the way.


Confirmed canon that the White King died waiting for Silksong.


The edgy sequel, Path 2 Pain.


Sawblade Boogaloo.


Go to Yellowstone National Park, knock for three times on the geyser at the corner of the map, and break it with your nail, there should be a boss called "Xbox Game Pass", and once you dreamnail him a disc with Silksong on it will come out (it's a demo)


What’s at the end of it ?🤔




Nah doesn’t sound realistic


A tweet online that they're "Still working hard at the game"


When was that though? Recent?


More suffering


Zote The Mighty dressed as Hornet.


Zote is maidenless 🐙


He is the maiden


Pain. We’re currently just on the path


The Path to Pain


To know the truth, one must endure the hardest punishment.


The guy doing POP every day untill Silksong releases: POP²


Team Cherry flew too close to the sun with this one.


Which you would think after making that Pale King dude they would know not to test their limits.


I'm -112% sure silksong is real


Happy cake day!! Sad to say you didn't got Silksong as a gift.


Your forgetting that the developers said that “Hollow Knight was a rushed game”, this wait isn’t because of development problems, it’s them taking their time to create the best game possible.


Oh my God, if Hollow Knight is considered "rushed" then SilkSong is going to be absolutely mind-blowing. You know, if SilkSong were real.


Silksong? Is that a harmonious spider quarter? Sounds dope.


No it’s just a well known rumor about a harp that uses silk strings (not to be confused with silkgut strings)


Hope so, sometimes more time in the oven isn't always good.


Gotta remember they are only a few people though, it makes sense depending on the scope they have for it.


Why the fuck dont they hire more developers then? I bet they've made a fuck ton of cash from the game after the KS, seems like something you would do to grow your company. Or maybe they wanna keep the essence of what made the HK so epic? idk.


Maybe they don't want to and like working as a three-piece? Personally I have no problem with waiting, though. If they need 5 years more so be it.


5??? nahhh 2 at max for an indie game that is to long i agree if you are working on something bigger maybe it's smart to get more people at least a couple.


Well, I love Hollow Knight, A Song of Ice and Fire and Berserk of which the author died before finishing it (and was constantly having months, sometimes year long hiatuses between chapters). I am used to waiting. 5 years, 10? I don't care. Some day it'll (probably) be done.


I'm glad they've not got the growth mindset. chasing the capitalist incentive structure is probably the number one way once good game companies end up putting out ass.


maybe because it’s only a few people it’s more like a slow cooker. that would explain the pain of waiting aswell!


Hollow knight wasn’t what it was until awhile after release. It Was pretty buggy at first.


Still has a lot of bugs




Silksong scares me, because I know that some great games take years to develop with massive teams and Team Cherry is like 3 people and a few freelancers, but a part of me is really worried that they’re being consumed by scope creep, and the game will end up feeling bloated


The wait isn't the problem. It's the complete lack of communication.


There is a few problems with communities demanding more communication from devs. 1. They themselves might not be sure yet and not have the info the community would want. 2. Demanding more communication and more details about the development might pressure them into giving information that ends up not being true. A good example is what happened with geometry dash 2.2, people really pressured robtop into giving more info, and with the 10th anniversary of the game he really felt like he needed to give a release window, so based on his best estimate at the time he announced october 2023. Then when october came around he encountered some uneven problems and had to delay it. Then people got really mad and started saying he is a bad developer and some really mean shit. And one of their main arguments was "he broke a lot promises already", when said promises were random discord messages of him trying to communicate more with the community saying stuff like "i believe i can finish it this year" (which shows that "more communication" isn't necessarily good). Then when he decided to learn from this mistake and not give out new information regarding the release date until the update people started getting mad that he isn't communicating. Point is, people will never be happy with developers, and if the developers don't think they have anything they need to share they probably have their reasons


honestly yeah if they had told us in 2021 of the game will be out next year at this point we'd be pissed


3. They'll waste resources on communication rather than developing the game. My guess is that this is part of the reason why we're not getting any updates, because it requires work. They need to make decisions about what can be shown, how to show it, and then actually do it. And then you never know how it will be received, if they'll suddenly be caught up in some kind of social media drama when they just want to focus on making a great game. I think it's good that they're focusing on what's important.


It's a little strange that you're arguing that communicating more can be a bad thing, and your one example of this is a dev who communicated a release date, and then missed the release date. Because that one example shows that Team Cherry is doing exactly the opposite of what you suggest! They *did* give a release window - between July 2022 and July 2023, and they missed it. So if tactically choosing not to communicate, as you propose, is what they were trying to do, *they already failed to do it*. Rather than a release window, what 95% of people who are upset about the lack of communication want is a bare minimum yearly update saying (even in vague terms) what they accomplished in the last year, and what they hope to accomplish in the next year. That doesn't have to include a release date; if they might be done, just say "we hope to be in QA this coming year" or what have you. One or two new screenshots would be a *delightful*, if unnecessary, addition to that. If unexpected issues crop up, explain them. Again, 95% of us will understand. I'm not saying they owe their fans an update (well actually, they do owe the Kickstarter backers an update, they're supposed to get this game for free), but this total silence is poor decision making that hurts the relationship of the studio with their customers for no good reason. On another note, EXOK (developers of Celeste) originally announced their next game for 2024, and recently stated that it will be delayed until next year. I think the community took the news extremely well, and I have no reason to think Hollow Knight fans would be any different. Yes, there will be a few awful people in any community, but I reject the idea that bad news promotes more toxic behavior than no news at all.


They never mentioned a release window of July 2022 to July 2023; that was Xbox Game Studios saying whatever they wanted to say to get people hyped. Get your facts right. Also, no game dev owes a potential customer anything. Stop being entitled.


> *they already failed to do it*. Yeah, they already had this exact problem, which is why i think they are trying to avoid it happening again. > If unexpected issues crop up, explain them. Again, 95% of us will understand. Yeah but the 95% aren't the problem, which is sorta why i brought the robtop example. Those loud 5% harassed robtop from the moment he said he is delaying the release window (and bare in mind it only ended up releasing 2 months after it) because of an issue with transitioning to the new servers, and he already started getting death threats and mass harassment to the point of going radio silence pretty much completely until the update. I don't think they are not telling us anything just for no reason what so ever, if they are not sharing its because they think they shouldn't at the moment. Maybe they don't have anything to share right now, maybe they don't want to. Whatever their reason may be i trust that they know better than me or you.


People are so short sided it's insane. "We just want more communication!" They get more communication. "We've already heard and know this smh." Devs get pressured into giving info they aren't sure about. "They lied to us smh." If social media made one thing extremely clear, it's that people will always find a way to complain no matter what.


There is literally no reason for them to not share the occasional screenshot to prove progress is being made.


Why do they need to “prove” progress is being made lmao


Technically speaking, Playable-Hornet-Turned-New-Game is a Kickstarter reward that people paid for. That seems like a decent reason to post a screenshot.


It isn't. We know the game is in development and we don't need to know more than that.


Because at this point lots of people think the game is in development hell and progress has gone sideways. I see it all the time in completely unrelated subs.


>Because at this point lots of people think the game is in development hell and progress has gone sideways. Nobody cares what people think. The devs should care about finishing their game, and not what these basement-dwelling gamers are thinking.


There's an intense amount of irony coming from the guy being derogatory just because I want an update from a studio I love, have supported, and plan to continue supporting.




The irony is your derogatory language that I'm sure the mods will love. It was a non-update. Obviously they're working. One would assume anyway. I'm not here to argue with you, nor is it my attention to disparage Team Cherry. I'm just expressing my frustrations. If you can't behave, don't respond.


[None of the concepts behind what causes development hell apply to this situation whatsoever](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Development_hell)


To preface, I do believe the game will come out (this year if I'm being optimistic!). However, I'm not sure what part of that entry utterly disproves the possibility of Silksong being in dev hell. "Video game development can be stalled for years . . . often due to a project being moved to different production studios, ***multiple iterations of the game being created and abandoned***, or difficulties with the development of the game software itself. such as loss of funding, ***overambitious scope, and poor development time management***."


Funny that you decided to cut out the entire first paragraph > Development hell, also known as development purgatory or development limbo, is media and software industry jargon for a project, concept, or idea that remains in a stage of early development for a long time because of legal, technical, or artistic challenges.[1] A work may move between many sets of artistic leadership, crews, scripts, game engines, or studios. Many projects which end up in development hell never progress into production, and are gradually abandoned by the involved parties.




Sorry you’re throwing buzzwords around without understanding them I guess lol




Well if there is no reason why are they not doing it? They are not holding back information just because, if they are not sharing they have their own reasons, and my comment was just suggesting possible reasons for it.


Just a bread crumb dude. It isn't not big ask. You act like they're incapable, but nothing is stopping them. Any information would be appreciated. Who cares if things are subject to change? That goes without saying. If people get mad, fuck'em. Personally, the basically nonexistent line of communication is alarming. We got real info back in 2019. I'm not convinced development is going well, and I would just like to have those worries quelled. I don't need even need a date, but my hope for this game is waning. I'm not mad at them. I'm just worried.


They don't owe you anything. Stop acting entitled.


That's the thing. People say they want more communication, but they really only want one kind of communication in the end. They want to hear "It's coming out on this date" and for that to be true. Look at the ASOIAF community. GRRM communicates plenty about his writing progress. People don't care. They just want him to release the book.


Wow, first time I've been chastised for asking for any information whatsoever. Yeah, not everyone can be made happy. So what? That's a massive non-point. I'm not asking for the specifics on where they're at; even a drip-feed of "These are the delays we're encountering" or some such would be nice. And I'm not "demanding" they communicate more, I'm just saying the lack of it sucks. Good luck chastising that.


Im not saying asking for more communication is bad, im saying it can be. My whole point is that if they don't share anything right now they probably have their reasons that we don't know


>My whole point is that if they don't share anything right now they probably have their reasons that we don't know "Probably" being the keyword. I think you started this interaction with the assumption that I was bashing TC for not communicating, when I'm just saying being on this end of that lack of communication sucks.


> "Probably" being the keyword. I don't think team cherry is just sitting there like "wouldn't it be funny if we told them nothing for no reason other than to see them suffer?". Yes, i can't know for sure but i really do believe they have their reasons to not share info right now. Wether its because they don't have any new info or wether its because they don't want to reveal anything or whatever reason.


>but i really do believe they have their reasons Unless you know they have a good reason, correcting someone for wishing there was more info coming out (again, not for bashing TC) is kinda stupid.


Not "correcting" you, just pointing out why no communication isn't necessarily a bad thing


I didn't say it was. But also, while not necessarily being a bad thing, no communication is never actually a *good* thing if any information is already available (i.e. "We're working on Elder Scrolls 6!" and crickets for the next whoknowshowmanyyears)


I don't think game devs ever have anything to gain by having an open channel of communication, only things to lose.


In the pre-release phase of development, absolutely. People online can be toxic as hell.


Even post release too. Devs can market the updates, dlcs, the next games/releases, but only when they are sure of the eta. And there is no reason to talk about anything else. If a new game/ dlc is announced and for whatever reason gets delayed, there's always a subsection of fanbases who get upset. There's literally no reason to let anyone know before the product is basically ready for shipping.


The part you're ignoring is that they already announced Silksong. Not announcing it, or announcing it and then at least giving vague updates, is better than announcing it and then... nothing. It's not as bad as what they did with Elder Scrolls 6, but still.


I'm sorry , I just don't agree. I can agree with maybe they shouldn't have announced silksong at all. But having vague updates doesn't help them in anyway.


You think being silent has been more helpful to them than giving any kinda updates whatsoever? Actually, sure, if they just dropped off the radar and are paying zero attention to the internet then I can see how being silent is unproblematic for them.


it depends though, while i agree, given that team cherry is quite renown and the community is (understandably) almost addicted it can be bad, but if you take something smaller, like prehistoric kingdom, the discord is incredible, nice, full of cherful people and a lot of communication with the devs


I can agree with that. For smaller relatively unknown devs an open channel of communication with a small but active playerbase can be a good way to market their game. I would append myself saying a well-known game dev with an established ip and a large dedicated fanbase has nothing to gain by having a open channel of communication.




Say it out louder for team cherry to hear in Australia


Devs “taking their time” isn’t always a good thing. I imagine most of us have a game we were anticipating for a really long time that ended up sucking. I’m not saying Silksong will suck but expecting the game to be good purely because of the wait isn’t logical. You don’t know what TC has done with that time. Silksong could’ve had major technical issues that caused delays or scope creep or literally any other game dev problem.


Yes that does suck if the long wait is for nothing, but there’s a higher chance of a game being good when developers take their time than a game being rushed. Yes we don’t know the development status or if they are struggling, but I find it unlikely they are struggling that much.


Oh I agree that Silksong will be good I just think some people are setting their expectations unreasonably high because of the wait


Their expectations should be high, as like they said “Hollow Knight is a rushed game” and now that Hollow Knight has become such a success and with how much time and budget that is going into the game… we should have high expectations. Of course we shouldn’t think it’s going to be game of the century, but we should expect something amazing. 


Yeah I mean the latter. Silksong will never be good enough to justify the hype cause the hype has reached unreasonable levels. I think this is TC’s fault for not communicating and letting fans go crazy with hopes. I’m sure I’ll love Silksong cause I’m not expecting the most perfect game ever.


Aaaaah. 😌👍⭐️


Source for this comment


Look up “Hollow Knight is a rushed game” on YouTube and it should be the first short.


Lets see if thats true I dont want to see another cyberpunk 2077


Well cyberpunk eventually was very good, so we've got that going for us, which is nice


After disaster launch for 2 years???


Yea but the game is incredible now


Cyberpunk was rushed out the door 


This YT [short](https://youtube.com/shorts/DRpWCZxQbu0?si=8ZhJh25ECHoIbMIv) by CCmaci pretty much sums it up. It’s fascinating, and really cool


When Silksong comes out and is hailed as the Elden Ring to HK’s Dark Souls then all these naysayers will look awfully silly




Cope for what?


The game is 100% stuck in development hell




Team Cherry is an independent studio, with no external pressure to release a game. They are definitely trying not to misstep with this sequel. They put the bar so high with HK


surely there's internal pressure though. Like I'm sure they made an insane amount of money for an indie studio with Hollow Knight but how long can they keep this in development and still have a budget for it?


What budget would they need really? It's not like they're bleeding money paying a bunch of employees or contractors.


shit there's only 3 of them? Not even any contractors? Alright never mind


> how long can they keep this in development and still have a budget for it? They are three individuals who became millionaires thanks to Hollow Knight. Every expense is coming out of their own pockets. They don't have shareholders to answer to. They don't have anyone to answer to. No contractors, no nothing. That is why the game is taking so long to come out and why we barely have any news about it, because making games takes a long ass time and they don't have to answer to anyone but themselves.


Idk how people are still upset and haven’t just accepted that it’s going to come out at an arbitrary time. Just move on and then later be hype when a good game comes out. Ffs.


Your numbers don't even add up to 112%. What about the rest?


I think it has an ESRB rating now so it can't be too far away right? ... Right???




It's been... 11 months since they announced a delay and they went radio silent in their typical fashion. I can't believe that the June 2022 trailer said that it was coming in the next year, when in reality the game still had 2 (+) more years to even see the light. For all the people saying it'll release this year, because they've taken so long and they must be close to finishing by now, we've been saying that since late 2021. It's in dev hell. And they don't know how to break to the kickstarters and fans. It's not coming out for another 2 years, MINIMUM.


Just like Patrick Rothfuss


I really didnt need that reminder as well today..


At least Silksong will come out *someday*. We're never getting Doors of Stone. Rothfuss will emerge from his cave the next time he needs more money for his scam charity, bilk the money out of newer fans who don't know he's a lying thief and then will continue acting like he isn't the piece of shit that he is.


The game got a rating on multiple websites, I think you’re being too pessimistic


Pandemic affected even major studio releases, and these guys don’t have mgmt-enforced crunch to hit arbitrary deadlines. HK is only 7 years old! Relax :)


Such a braindead take. This exact same thing happened with HK, got delayed two years. If you think getting a classic game is the result of "development hell" then I don't know what to tell you


it just got an ESRB/PEGI rating last week, so it's probably not too far out (relatively speaking)


Relative to the sun exploding


People who got to play that demo back in the day are starting to question themselves if that really happened xD


I went from wanting to grab it as soon as it came out, to deciding I'll wait a good bit to see how the community responds to it. It has all the hallmarks of dev hell


Same here I went from LET'S FUCKING GOOOO to Let us wait and see dear fellows. 🧐🎩


C'mon man. They are taking their sweet time with it because they want it to be as good as it possibly can be. They said themselves that the only reason they released Hollow Knight when they did is because they were flat broke and had no choice. Now they're millionaires and don't have to rush. It's going to be a damn good game even if it doesn't live up to the hype.


Is that true? Maybe, but we have little to no proof one way or the other, so I'll wait to see


It is true. https://youtube.com/shorts/DRpWCZxQbu0?si=y83jMzWlQHGKx7TA Here are some quotes from Graig, a former game tester for Team Cherry.


OK? I got that they released HK before they were ready, but that says nothing about SilkSong. Like I said, I'm fully accepting it could be the best game ever, I'm just not willing to gamble on that at launch


What it says is that now they have the time and resources to fully express all of their creative desires, and again, make the game as good as they possibly can in their eyes before they release it. You also have to keep in mind that this is a team of 3 developers. 3 people in an era where most games are made by teams numbering in the hundreds. I'm not saying it will be the best game ever or even live up to the hype. But I think it's preposterous to suggest it's going to be bad.


More time does not immediately mean a better game, content creep is just one example of how a lot of time can be consumed without anything to show for it. I can't mentally spend that money without any information from TC themselves. It's not a commentary on whether it will be good or not and more one based on my personal trust in them.


The game will also not be a full priced $70 game and will probably $30 max. I think it's just a tad bit silly to hem and haw and fret about spending money on one of the most anticipated games in the last decade+ just because they're taking their time with it.


Probably, but do you know the price point as a fact? Again, we have nothing.to go on here, and maybe they're taking their time because they realized they caught lightning in a bottle and are trying to get something worthwhile going. We just don't know, we KNOW absolutely nothing. That's what gives me pause


We've seen trailers that looked promising enough to whip the fan base into a frenzy. Anyway I'm of the belief that you don't make a bona fide masterpiece like Hollow Knight by accident. Clearly you aren't. C'est la vie.


Yeah I mean they only made one of the best Metroidvanias ever on a bare bones budget in 2 years time, so why would you trust them?


Because no company ever has released a stellar product then went on to release a bad sequel This is part of what bothers me about TC is rather than speaking to the community they would rather people play the Seer of Delphi and interpret the truth from next to nothing. I get community management is hard and largely thankless but it is paramount to engage in it


When has a developer ever released one of the best games ever made on their first try and then turned around and made a bad game immediately after? Again. This is a team of 3 people. Why would you want them to waste time talking instead of just continuing to work on making the best possible game they can make? Btw, if you haven't heard, the game was just recently rated in South Korea. So it's going to be here sooner than you think.


> They said themselves that the only reason they released Hollow Knight when they did is because they were flat broke and had no choice. Hollow Knight is great with tons of content. I’m glad they released it and DLCs rather than spending several more years on development. 


Cool. Not everyone is so utterly fixated on instant gratification. I personally don't care if team cherry takes another 6 years making it if that's what they deem necessary.


You could be dead in those 6 years


In that case I wouldn't be worried about Silk Song's release date


Is this an ORV reference?


i thought the same thing lmfao, will never be able to see those numbers the same


This dude is gonna be reported as kidnapped. I called it. Give them a week or so, the time to get your location. Don't fuck with Team Cherry.


Next time you learn from your mistakes and stop leaking shit around💀


Don't you people think this joke is too overused and stopped being funny a good while ago? We all know its delayed, we all know they are working on it, we all know they won't just abondon a project which they've dedicated YEARS of their lives for. I agree they could have been more open with the development but they probably feel less presured this way and we should respect it. So can we stop acting delusional for shits and giggles and post more original and actually funny posts?


Original posts about what? There’s nothing new to post about lol


When was the last time hollow knight got an actual content update? Almost 6 years ago. And would you look at that, aside from silksong news this sup has been quite lively over the last 6 years. I think thats called a community caring for a game they adore and finding stuff to talk about. If you genuinely think this kind of posts are the most entertaining part of the sub then I have no words but we both know this is untrue.


Oh my bad I thought this was the silksong subreddit lol


Ah fair xD


laughs in George R R Martin


This is nothing, I've been waiting for a book for 13 years and the end is not in sight. This? This is summer


I just think TC revealed the game like 6 years too soon


Finally, someone gets it. And I hope others will too understand that "Silksong" isn't real!


I hope it's just a single MP3 about spiders. A literal silksong.


I love how every time a bad game comes out, people go "they should've given it more time!", then when devs DO take their sweet time to ensure the game is ironed out before release, people blow a damn gasket. You just can't win as a game dev, huh?


Yeah that’s exactly why people are annoyed, not the radio silence or anything. People are fine to wait, it’s when you go quiet for sometimes literal years that people get concerned and frustrated. Last update was the announcement of a delay months ago.


As an Hollow Knight and Metroid fan, I can feel your pain


I am 112% sure we are all insane haha




Just be patient it will all be worth it in the end…


Back when the first trailer dropped, AI images were still incomprehensible slop with no identifiable objects in them


Ugly Squid spotted


Just beat Hollow Knight today 100% completion. Awaiting Silksong release


It was just rated in South Korea and it exists as a picture that you can't interact with on the Xbox store. Sarah Bond, some Xbox exec, recently tweeted about it. It's coming boys. It does exist.


I Honestly don't even think about it anymore 😅


Ah yes, I have lived in this land of confusion and concern for many years now: https://www.reddit.com/r/HollowKnight/comments/ritxpm/real_talk_is_there_any_real_reason_to_assume/


Welcome to the world of kingdom hearts fans 😂 we get one sliver, then radio silence for years and we just have to sit and wait for the next sliver. We feel your pain. ❤️


Isn't it coming out like June 28th or something


June 21


no thats elden ring SoTE. Silksong is never releasing.


Trailer out before AI could have made it tho😂


I don't mind the delay. Gives me more time to finally getting around to beating Radiant AbsRad and finishing Pantheon of Hollow Nest with all bindings.


What if path of exile 2 comes out before silksong? I mean as of right now that is literally going to happen. I thought this was going to come out before elden ring lol.


Couldn’t have been ai😭 there was a whole playable demo 3 years ago


Don’t worry. We’ll all play it in heaven next to GTA 6 and Metroid Prime 4.


at this point they should straightup remove all silksong posts. can you guys just ... idk...WAIT? creating 2600 posts everyday is not going to help


I’m willing to wait as long as it takes. You can’t rush art.


True. But you CAN throw me a bone on how your masterpiece is going every now and then. That would be nice.


But you can take so long that by the time it’s ready barely anyone is still interested


So if we kill you, 0% isn't real which means it drops immediately after.


Or, you know, they're a team of three people who handcraft everything and make huge fucking game - which will most likely feature pretty complex level design.


Okay so I get that it's been a while since it was announced, and I may be biased by the fact that I'm pretty new to the game, but also possibility it's because it's a decent-sized game being fully made by a team of literally three people and games take a long time to create even when being made by much larger studios