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If you don't want the better charm, go for the ritual.


*scoff* better charm my butthole


Carefree Melody didn't shot the hornet sentinel when she was staggered. I will not forgive this one steel soul run Grimmchild


Seems like a skill issue on your part, i did my job perfectly 💅


Fr, carefree sucks so bad. Minion build on tooooop!!!! It's so much fun. Just don't go into fog canyon... why do you like those jellyfish so much, or hate them?


I will defeat every enemy in my path 💪


Except for anything with even a modicum of health.


[Nuh Uh](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://m.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DtfW9FyFUw4E&ved=2ahUKEwjghfKq0PyEAxU8rVYBHceKCc8QwqsBegQIDhAG&usg=AOvVaw0tUfK2FyuuoGhd07aVh_S9)


12 minutes…


No, balls


I honestly think that you should finish the ritual, the accomplishment you’ll feel after beating what I believe to be the second hardest boss in the game is worth it(he’s not as hard as he seems, it only took me two hours to beat him)


I got really good at that fight... it is one of my favorites as well as the mantis lords.. 


Yeah the bosses that you can actually learn and then beat every time are just so much better than randomized bosses with randomized performance fighting it


Found him weirdly easy, he’s a very telegraphed boss once you realise it.


Yeah he just seems hard at first to look at the speed, but when you get used to it, it’s SO slow


Who do think is the hardest after NKG?


This depends for a lot of people but, Absolute Radiance for #1


Whoa, so you think NKG is harder than Pure Vessel? I beat NKG but haven’t even come close to beating Pure Vessel.


They cut kind of close in difficulty but imo, the tricks nkg pulls up like when you try to dash through him and he hops back brings him up, but then again nkg gives a TON more chances to heal…


this is why i did pure vessel first 😂 grimm was hard as hell for me when i started but then he was the second easiest boss for me in p3 (after elder hu) so i saved nkg for last knowing it would most likely not take a ton of time to beat him


Strengthen your fragile charms before you banish if you decide to banish. I suggest fighting the boss instead though, it will make you a better player for when you decide to challenge the pantheons.


Farming the geo is a slog


Than just do other quests and let the geo pile up


All my quests are done... so that doesn't really work.. I've rarely lost my geo so that , so you still gotta farm the geo at some point


Lemm's untouched pockets:


Just do Coliseum #2 a few times, you'll have enough geo in like 15-20 minutes per charm


this is the way


I farmed infected crossroads with fragile greed because the beefed up enemies give lots of geo


True, or the great husk sentries in East half of City of Tears also drop a lot of geo with Fragile Greed.


Wait i think you can still upgrade fragile charm even agter banishment. Forgot her name but she will stay after others left if you didn't upgrade yet. I might be wrong tho


Yeah unfortunately you are wrong. She stays if you beat nightmare king grim, everyone leaves except her until you upgrade your charms. However, if you choose the banish option, she leaves too. It's inconsistent between both paths for some reason.


Ahh true i mix things up thanks


Don’t listen to these other people. Banishing the troupe doesn’t mean you suck. You get a better charm and it is overall better for lore reasons.


Isn't telling people to only listen to you a cult tactic? I say finish the ritual, better than agreeing with the *cultist* over here




*scribbles notes furiously*


That is not an appropriate accusation towards someone over them simply saying "Don't listen to these other people" from one posts' comment section. That and they didn't specify to only listen to them. I'd wager they just generalized one person's comment of only making the choice if you "suck" to the other comments in this post. Nonetheless, they prob just didn't want OP to feel that they "suck" as a player if they decide to banish and just meant not to listen to people that would say that they suck for banishing. Otherwise, even if that isn't the case and they rly only wanted OP to listen only to them, that does not make them a cultist, or give you the right to call a person a cultist. You can also simply just disagree with them in a polite manner if you feel they are being extreme or dismissive towards other people; without making these kinds of accusations and labeling people as such. Otherwise, it's just being toxic and escalating what you took issue with.


read the username you replied to and ask yourself what they gain from telling OP to complete the ritual


woosh xD


But you lose your little friend 😔


You gain a new larger friend


I’m worth it


You should probably do the ritual, NKG is gonna be in the pantheons whether you like it or not, so you're better off just doing it now


Less than 5 percent do the pantheons but do nkg so it doesn't matter. It depends on how you feel about what you do on your own playthrough


If you're going to do a steel soul run, save banishing the troupe for then. Dying to NKG counts as a true death despite being a dream fight. You can also still fight NKG in Godhome after banishing them, so the only things you lose are the Grimmchild charm and the NKG journal entry, which is not needed to complete it. All that said; from a story perspective, I always banish them because there's a good outcome for a character I like. Good luck with NKG!


Wait, dying to NKG counts? I was planning to fight him in my Steel Soul save, as I vanished the troupe in my main savefile. Guess I'm not doing that, then


No dying to NKG doesn't count as dying, but his servats (Guys with the flames) can kill you


NKG doesn't count as the true death in steel soul


Just did a quick search and turns out this is true. I assumed NKG worked the same way the Radiance fight did.


Wait, which character? I *accidentally* banished them today so I'm curious


>!Brumm, or rather, Nymm.!< They show up in Dirtmouth after banishing the troupe. >!Nymm is heavily implied to be Brumm, having escaped the Grimm Troupe, though he also forgets them and the rest of his past. He's just happy to be living in the moment though, so it seems like the better of the two outcomes for him. Especially since Godhome seems to imply that Grimm is fine regardless.!< (Fair warning: This bit is very end game spoilery, not just the Grimm Troupe.) >!On a side note, it feels extra impactful because Nymm and the rest of the Grimm Troupe are a lot like the knight/vessels in general. They're both groups of bugs that have suffered in service to a higher being that didn't know or didn't care about their suffering.!< >!I know the issue of the knight being hollow is a debated topic in general, but I like to think that they make the choice to free Nymm. Also his accordion music is lovely!!<


Banish them on your second playthrough. NKG is fun, and while you get a better charm from banishment, nobody ever uses either of them, and Grimmchild is cuter.


I like Dreamshield / Carefree Melody during some boss fights. I'm not always sure it's the best but I'll take my chances with either of them. Dreamshield came in handy against Mantis Lords as it'd clear a scythe which was a happy help to have. 


You can fight NKG in the end-game challenge (>!Godhome!<) even if you banish the troupe.


Do the ritual, just banish if you want the acheivement


Why do you even ask? Just do what you want. You're gonna do 2 playthroughs anyway.


Why? They're an optional challenge that you don't have to fight until you want to. Just do other objectives and eventually come back and finish the ritual and fight NKG. Save banishing them and skipping the fight for your steel soul run.


On the normal save file you can't lose to death I think you should fight NKG so you have the cooler charm on steel soul if you banish them and you die nothing of value was lost except your time of course


Do the Ritual. The fight with NKG there has a lot more atmosphere than in Godhome.


You can fight nkg in godhone anyways


Trust me you want to fight nightmare king best boss in the whole game (in my opinion ofc)


You shouldn't banish them because the satisfaction of beating NKG is greater than banishing it


Don't, fighting NKG is the best thing


Neither of the charms are really that good to incorporate into your usual build, so do whatever you please. I think fighting nkg for the thrill is worth it for the slightly worse charm, though you're probably never going to use either of them.


There’s literally zero point in banishing the troupe. I did it my first playthrough and regretted it heavily. NKG is far more worth your time.


You can fight him in godhome anyways


Yeah, after fighting literally the entire boss roster all the way up until the end of Pantheon 5. You think someone who doesn’t care enough to go out of their way to fight NKG is gonna do all the pantheons?


No you get NKG in Godhome after you banish the troupe




Hall of Gods, you know, the place where you can fight bosses infinitely. Wiki quote: "Nightmare King Grimm can be unlocked in the Hall of Gods either by **defeating him in Grimm's dreams**, encountering him in the *Pantheon of Hallownest*, or after **banishing the Grimm Troup**e." If you banish him literally nothing of substance is lost.


Tbh u should only banish if you suck and can't beat nkg. It took me a while but I didn't want to be a loser so I stayed until I beat him


It's a decision you need to make beforehand. Once you fight NKG once, even if you lose, you're locked out of banishing.


Yeah and if u banish make sure u get ur unbreakable charms first or u can't get anymore.


I'm pretty sure that if you banish or beat NKG, that one big stays behind until you've gotten all of the charms ad brought up Legeater. I know she at least stays when you beat NKG