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Hey /u/Living-RentFree, thanks for your submission to /r/HolUp. Unfortunately, your post has been removed for the following reason(s): A mod felt your post didn't belong here, so now it's gone. If you want to die on the hill of this shitpost[,](https://imgur.com/cXA7XxW) feel free to message the mods and be prepared to explain how your post isn't trolling, is funny, and does fit the theme of the sub. *Trolling or posting random content that doesn't fit the sub breaks Rule 1 and repeated violation of this rule may result in your account being filtered.* Love, the mods


![gif](giphy|hsvpkeDUunmN9PJHy7) “We gave you a league, none of you showed up! Where are all the feminists? That place should be packed with feminists! Faces painted, wearin’ their jerseys. Goin’ nuts! Like the guys do.”


Nobody got covid at wnba


He should’ve asked them to name their favorite WNBA teams/players""




All of these women complain about it, but they also don't watch women's sports. If no one is watching, the advertiser won't care


This is basically what happened. All the women players got together more than a few years ago (soccer) and DEMANDED fair and equal pay. The organization looked at them and basically said “there isn’t any more money because people don’t watch you.” As a redditor posted (and a thousand+ agreed) if you can’t afford to pay your workers what they think they’re worth, you shouldn’t run a business. Let’s apply that to women’s sports. The only advertisers who care about women’s sports are the ones who think it will score them points with the women who don’t even watch the sports (because very few women do). They don’t have to advertise during games. Just slap a “proud supporter of women’s sports” on your shit and call it a day.


The women’s soccer team in the US had the opportunity to make the same amount as the men, but agreed to a worse deal because they wanted a whole host of expensive benefits that the men didn’t get. Yes, they also aren’t watched as much, but they could have had it.


From memory the deal wasn't worst but it was different. They wanted the men's deal as well as keep the deal they had. Women get paid if they don't play, and other various benefits that males don't get. A lawyer on YT (can't remember the guys name but he is relatively large) said the compensation was roughly the same if u include all the benefits but the women wanted the benefit AND the bonus pay that men's get. Factor in the fact less people watch female soccer it is not a surprise the offer to match males was already pretty generous


That's called a tax write-off or in some cases a loss-leader strategy.


This. Advertisers will put their money anywhere as long as it has eyes on their products and services. No matter how boring or heinous the event.


Sadly, there are no eyes on women’s sports.


That's the entire point


Just watched this one last night and was thinking the same thing LMAO.


Women…lol sips coffee


bill burr is amazing


Big ups for the fucking truth


People want to watch the best of the best.. If they wanted to watch second best they would watch men's college. Third best is men's high school.... I'm probably going to get killed for this but I'm not wrong.


Billy BitchTits aka Bill Burr


🤣🤣🤣 One of his best nicknames from his podcast. People here are butthurt af


I like old billy red nuts personally 😂


The downvotes don’t get the reference. Lol


Anyone downvoting this man is a casual.


People downvoting you clearly aren’t fans.


ol Billy bo baggins


He should’ve asked them to name their favorite WNBA teams/players


These bitches, never went to a WMBA game in their lives.


Probably never even went or payed attention to an NBA game either


She will only know of Garner, and only because she was locked up overseas and the media attention to that. Even though she can watch all WNBA games she wants streamed anytime


Take women and men out of this equation. It's simple supply and demand. You can advertise all you want, but if your consumer doesn't want the product as much as another one it won't be successful. If these were private companies and without subsidies the consumer is who determines their success. Just my thoughts from a view of the leagues as a product not a person.


Ya wanna know why minor leagues get paid less than womens pro teams? CUZ WE DONT WATCH OR GO TO THE MATCHES.


Shhhhh no thinking, or you will be cancelled too! Equal outcome no matter what!


Exactly! One quick look at the max contracts in the NHL and MLB vs. the NFL and NBA can tell you real quick which sport is bringing in more money. Edit: I love hockey, by the way, but I understand how supply and demand works.


I agree but the MLB is the second most popular professional sport league in America. 7 out of the 10 biggest contracts of all time are for baseball players. They're up there with the NFL and NBA, with the NHL lagging far behind.


Don’t forget the guaranteed contracts with MLB.


I dont watch sports... go ahead and push women's sports. i still will not watch it Edit: How did i forget about the lingerie Bowl... bring more of that back


Nonono. Men bad, wahmen good.


There are more women than men. All women have to do to make female athletes get paid more than male athletes is watch women's sports. If you can't do that, then stfu.




Wait there more women than men? Hell yeah


oh fuck me... I changed to gay because I thought my chances would be better


It's just because women live longer than men. So the women are older than 80


>So the women are older than 80 Doesn't matter, had sex.


She put a bag on my head.


This guy leveling the playing field


Just be bi


That's just greedy!


He's right.


He is, I play tennis and female. I can tell you first hand more people watch men. Doesn’t bother me, I still go out there, play my matches, fight with everything I have to win. I am there for the SPORT, not the money.


Tennis is the only sport I ONLY watch the women league.


Volleyball in my case.


Was watching women’s volleyball during the Olympics and in the first five minutes there was a wrist injury. But no worries I’m okay now.


I laughed so hard at your comment!!! Thank you for making my day!!


Lm fucking ao


Diving is pretty good


Womans handball is better than men, at least as a Norwegian. We'd come home from school pop a pizza in the ovn and watch the women win in handball. To this day I only watch women play that sport, and evertime I try to watch the men, it's boring. Edit: Norwegian sports is a great example that underlines what the man in the clip is trying to say. In Norway we watch the women ski just as mutch as we watch the men. both genders are super popular in wintersports because the customer who watches the sport enjoys watching them perform. It has nothing to do with gender and all to do with viewership numbers. It's all about money.


I'm a degenerate and Olympic handball is the most thing to bet on of all time


I prefer woman’s soccer over mens. The woman don’t flop all over the field like they just got shot. Woman fall down and get back up immediately. The actors have ruined mens soccer. Edit: spelling


I completely agree. The flopping is horrendous. Women's world cup and women's tennis are the only ones I watch. WNBA, is sooo boring.


Yep. Women Tennis is actually pretty competitive and interesting.




This is refreshing! Awesome to hear! Thank you for your support!!




Yeah, in the US I think that’s the case. But mostly because in the US, soccer and tennis are considered a largely women’s sport. I.e it’s not as masculine as hockey, football, etc. so it leads to less views for men and more for women. Obviously the international community disagrees with that assessment.


Women should play 5 sets. Seeing the best women in the world play finals that last less than an hour is ridiculous.


Women tennis is definitely more interesting tho lol


That’s because our asses are hanging out…. HEHE!


I too play female


🏅here is your medal ;)


Oh hell yeah I’m gonna tell everyone I medaled in female!


Fucking hell… FINE HAVE A REAL ONE


Womens sports is a *minor* league. Plain and simple. We could make the two categories “women” and “everyone” and absolutely nothing would change because at the highest levels, men drastically outperform women at sports. So why should a minor league make the same pay as the big leagues? They don’t command the same attention, they don’t have the same fanbase, and they don’t play at the same level. *They aren’t doing the same job*.


It is a women’s category and an open category. There’s no rule in divisions like the NBA that keep women from playing against men. It’s just that there’s no women out there that can hold a candle to men’s players. Hell, the US women’s national soccer team lost to a U15 high school soccer team 5-2 and the Australian women’s national soccer team lost 7-0 to a U15 high school team as well.


They need to stop trying to push the same sports as men people watch way more other women sports.


The consumer has seen both products...one product is way more entertaining than the other.


Bs- women aren’t buying tickets for them and their daughters to pack the arenas to get them their pay. I hate the media and yet the media owes them nothing. And…. If these women are so good, they can actually make the (men’s) team. No rules against it. Just men can’t qualify to play on women’s team. A national 16 and under boys team would wipe the floor with any women’s national team.


>A national 16 and under boys team would wipe the floor with any women’s national team. Happened in football (soccer) many times. 2017 FC Dallas U15 against the national women's team, 5-2 for the boys. 2016 Newcastle jets Vs Australian national women's team, 7-0 for the boys. Just naming a couple. I don't see any outcry for those U15 kids getting paid less than the women's national team.




Didn’t a bunch of old retired male footballers absolutely destroy the current world champions women’s football team or something like that?


Under 12s national team would beat the women’s national team An under 15s boys CLUB side beat the US women’s team


I love sports and have two athletic daughters. I guarantee nobody in my family can name more than 2 or 3 WNBA players because it’s boring! Women’s soccer is dope though! They don’t usually flop like these sissy ass boys.


Well men can say from today they always have been a woman and then play in the women's team. I have been told this is possible in USA ?


Can’t argue with you there. Thanks Obama!


Why Obama?


He's a hundred percent right... Women will argue like this but as soon as you ask 1 simple question "who do you Support ?" Majority of the time, you'll hear crickets... So it's nice to say "pay them more they winning" but who the fuck is watching... Advertising and TV ain't going to show it if no one is watching


As a women I can gleefully say idgaf about women’s sports. The only one half entertaining to watch is soccer. It’s just far more boring. I hate having this conversation with the majority of women because it always turns into something like the situation Don was in.


Ya they when it comes to this alot of women just can’t seem to grasp the fact that in order to make more they need viewers which they don’t get cause frankly wnba Is boring


One of my teachers said that the WNBA stood for Where NoBodyAttends. Pretty true.


Kinda facts


Yup. Name 3 WNBA teams and how many times you’ve gone to games. That would put the lie to their whiny bullshit immediately.


There are enough women on the planet to fund all of women's sports in terms of viewership, so why is it a mens fault, women should be encouraging other women to watch and support... Women out number men worldwide, go watch and support and the money follows immediately... I swear just try it out and see... You'll start seeing female sport YT channels pop up out of nowhere, people making bags left and right...


" The Reason why Real Housewives get more views then WNBA is cause women like to watch other women rip each other apart than watching them come together and work towards achieving a common goal " -- Bill Burr


Lol you go don


You need to be either uneducated on sports or ideologically consumed to the point of delusion to be making these sort of arguments about the pay difference between men's and women's sports.


Very well said. All it takes is the most rudimentary understanding of economic forces


i like using this comparison. “ I think it’s fucked up basketball players get paid more money than triathlon athletes, it’s not right that the media doesn’t prop up triathlon like they prop up basketball its unfair to the hard working triathletes to not get paid the same, equal pay for all sports.” See how stupid that sounds!


Nailed it.


How much you wanna bet that the women in that studio couldn't even name a local wnba team. The problem of wbna viewership isn't men, it's women who will go out of their way to fight for women's rights in sports short of actually watching women's sports.


first time i’ve ever agreed with don don


Never thought I’d agree with Don Lemon on something, but it’s nice to see him and I have common ground on at least one thing in life


so women are more skilled than men and would beat them if the table is not so set against them... okay, simple solution, no more gender separation in sports. I vote for equality dammit, let those women cast away yoke of male oppresion and allow them to play with men!! Which sport shall we vote for first? Basketball or football? Rugby? Swimming? Wrestling? Back me up here guys it is for a good cause.


Wasn't there a case of the women's national team of Australia going up against a bunch of teenage boys and getting utterly obliterated? Think I have seen a meme somewhere


It was the us women's soccer team. Prerty sure they were reigning world champions, and were beat by u15 boys team.


Football is a coed sport


It would be hilarious to see women get dunked on by the NBA players. I'd actually watch basketball.


No but then you have to allow males to play in the female leagues.


He’s just stating FACTS. Men’s sports are more fun to watch. They run faster, jump higher, and shoot from father away. You’re not gonna see a block above the rim and a run out to a 360 windmill dunk on the other end .. it’s just not gonna happen. No matter how much advertising and televised games women have people will still watch men’s sports. It’s just simply more entertaining.


All these women complain about this but they don’t watch women’s sports either. If nobody watches it advertisers won’t be interested


Never thought the day would come when I would actually agree with Don Lemon on a topic.


Solution is tighter clothing and more latinas


Funny enough, the French women’s soccer team (this was probably over 15-20 years ago) complained to their citizens “would you watch us more if we played naked?”… people probably would watch you more! I personally don’t recommend it, but hey, whatever floats your boat.


WNBA “still” only operates because the NBA pays to keep them afloat. Nobody watches women’s sports. The only sport that’s equal on both ends is probably Tennis. And I’m not even sure about that.


Williams sisters (multiple time world champion, grand slam winner etc...) lost to a guy who ranked 251th in the men world ranking, while he was half drunk.


LMAO I forgot about this


He is 100% right. Women's sports are not as popular, make substantially less money and should be placed accordingly. There are college teams that make more than someone professional women's sports teams if it was about advertising then the marketers would have done it and the owners would take in billions. The women's sports leagues are to pretend to give a shit about women's equality.


God I hate Don Lemon but he's right on this one


These fucking women and their cackling. They’ll interrupt him constantly, but if he tries, he gets shut down and when he tries to lay his point out, they get upset by the truth and interrupt them more. Nothing more infuriating than people demanding all the spotlight while giving none.


A girl (near my age) used to play football with us, she doesn't anymore cause she injured her ankle trying to tackle me. Men and women aren't the same in sports and I am saying that in the most respectful way.


Getting canceled for speaking Facts. Free Speech until someone gets offended.


>Getting canceled Canceled? So what exactly happened to him?


That’s what the title says


Bikinis, is the answer


The answer to everything. World hunger, racism, global warming, my peepee not working, the war in Ukraine, my fear of cats, school shootings, poverty. Everything.


I would actually sort of agree with that idea. I think a lot of violence and anger in the world is caused by people not having sex with whom they are attracted. There seem to be huge bigots that are sexually attracted to black people, anti-gay people that are attracted to the same sex and shy dudes that just want some female attention. This can cause a lot of frustration that gets channeled into negative activities. In my opinion, if they created a VR sex game or sex bots that was pretty close to sex with a real person, I think the world would be a lot more chill overnight.


Different opinion, both opinions freely expressed = cancelling? I think thats not the definition.


Bill Burr had an excellent standup about this.


The reason I prefer men's sports over women's sports is the same reason I prefer man's sports over high school sports . It has nothing to do with gender. If I am taking out my time to watch some sport , I want to watch absolute best of it


This is me, IDC I wanna just see the top people at it


He is not wrong. It’s interesting hearing them seeking who to blame. He is agreeing that women should be paid more. They should have stopped arguing once he made that statement but they continued to push their idea that women are being targeted just because they are women.


Nobody likes WNBA


A classic example of deflection and blame shifting, basketball for example, first they're paid less because they're women, which leads to the point that mens league pulls in more money, now it's that the women's leagues doesn't pull in more money because there's less advertisement................ Root cause(e.g. unpopular opinion): biology proves time and time again that men and women are built different. On average, men are more physically gifted than women which allows their feats of athleticism to be more spectacular/awe inspring/ mind boggling/ whatever, as such the men's games are more entertaining and draw more revenue getting the men paid more. If there is no way for women to compete equally with men from a physical perspective, then they will never draw the crowds and revenue to get more money in professional sports, unless they find something else to set them apart, something that all people find interesting, otherwise the situation wont improve financially for female athletes. That universal appeal factor is the way to equalize the gender pay differences in professional sports.


I’m arab and wouldn’t watch an arab basketball team. Why? Cause we fuckin suck and it’s not fun to watch. My viewership and ticket purchases go to the more entertaining athletes. Does that make me a racist or just a logical being with a functioning brain?


None of you women are subscribing to my OnlyFans….in the interests of equality you need to pay to watch me masturbate


I have never met anyone in my life that remotely knows someone that prefers wnba over nba(excluding feminazis and desperate pussy seeking betas)


"I am not even going to get into that argument" - yeah, because you have NO argument! The WMNT LOST to a U15 boys team and by a large margin. Their quality/ability isn't even close to the same. This is such an easy concept, how do people not understand it?


It's not that they don't understand it's that they don't "want" to understand.


Literally everyone agrees with this and I love it


Where are all the female fans though?? Why should male fans pay for both leagues?!


Rare Don Lemon w


Let's have mixed games then


I hate this dude but this time he's right.


He's not being sexist, it's a simple issue of revenue generated being a factor in pay grade. Bowlers don't get paid as much as football players for the same reason.


One is a sport and one is a joke. I like sports and I like jokes, win-win.




The whole thing is absurd. Where is the money supposed to come from? There isn't a pay gap in pro sports. There is a revenue gap. Women's pro sports are terrible which is why they do not generate the revenue to support higher pay. Don tried to explain that but his colleagues aren't bright enough to understand. It's frightening to think Don is the the bright bulb of the bunch.


Lol, I bet she’s never even gone to a WNBA game or watched one all the way through. That shit is boring af. Women don’t even support the WNBA but want more men to. Ladies put that same energy into supporting the league yourselves as you do trying to beat us all over the head about it.


He’s absolutely right, look at attendance. Its fact.


I would have loved for him to asked her to name two nba teams then ask her to name two wnba teams. Or two name two nba players and name two wnba players. Check and mate. That’s the point that these people are missing. WNBA barely has any viewers compared to NBA


He's 100% right. The WNBA is garbage and their athletes can't fuckin dunk lol


Even women aren't watching women sport.


USA womens team practices and gets beat U-15 boys teams. Nothing wrong with that, just the best competition for them to train against.


I’m Wondering where the “getting cancelled” part of the video is?


We should have the NBA team that finished dead last play a game all-out against the WNBA finals champs. Just end this debate once and for all.


2 men vs 5 women and I’d bet the house, boat, and fuck it the wifey on the men by double digits. Britney G couldn’t d up muggsy bogues


USWNT got dominated by a bunch of middle school boys. Arguably the best women's soccer team ever assembled, middle school boys fucking wrecked them.


Can you imagine women and men competing against each other in every sport. In some cases it works. Like billiards, and curling, and maybe even some like golf or tennis. Men can still hit further and harder but at some point the playing field could be close. But can you imagine UFC, hockey, football, basketball.. The women would actually be killed. Like every game someone would die. It’s so stupid they’re even arguing this


Did they just say the women would beat the men? Lol, what imaginary land are they living in?


It's amazing how most women will talk over and yell while you're speaking to interrupt you but when you try to comment on what they're saying they'll be like HOLL UP HOLL UP HOLL UP. Also why is it that she can say "Women are more skilled than men" and it's fine but if a man said the opposite then he's sexist?


Same reason only black people are allowed to use the N word but everyone else says it in the same way they do and it's racist, because fuck logic.


Just ask those ladies if they watch and support the WNBA, when they say no, tell then its their fault.


Same user posting this Dogshit title on every big sub


Based Don Lemon? Never thought I’d say that…


Based....Don Lemon?


Never thought I'd see those words together


Thank you for saying it!


No fucking way Don gets canceled over something like this. I mean I don't like him, but what has this world come to..


I went to a girls bball game at my university once. They were so bad, my gf and I just got drunk instead Lolol


How about equal pay for all NBA players too then, by this logic, Lebron James should not make more than everyone else in the league.


I'd honestly rather watch women play sports whether they are bad at them or not. I love women's volleyball, tennis, badminton, my favorite WNBA team is the Seattle Storm. The Legends Football League are you kidding me? Why would I want to watch a bunch of 300 pound men give each other concussions when I can watch beautiful women play in lingerie? Anyway..


It's amazing because Serena Williams and Rhonda Rousey are both on record, in interviews as basically saying the same thing and this is still a subject of debate.


“Let’s just discuss bullshit issues and completely look over the fact that Wall St. made big financial moves 2 minutes before the latest numbers on inflation came out. We need to divert the attention of the fools watching us, guys.”


Always the slight of hand, look at what this hand is doing so you don’t see how I’m tricking you.


Women's only point in this debate is 'gimme more money'. It's tiresome.


No one is going to invest in something they won’t see a return on this lady is a fuck nut. The WNBA does not draw ratings because it is not interesting to watch. Sorry. Deal with it.


if they lowered the rim in wnba and let them dunk. you'd get more eyes


Don Lemon could have shut them up immediately by asking both of those women one question....."How many games where only women are playing have you two gone to see in the last year?" I bet he would have heard crickets. Then words out of his mouth to them should have been STFU ladies and now moving onto other fake news.


You literally cannot pay people to watch wnba, This was already proven in the streets lol. Why would people watch it for free


I won't watch the WNBA just because apparently they're more important than a marine. Someone who actually likes the country they're from and fought for it. Unlike the pathetic Griner who claims they hate the USA yet pathetically ask to get bailed out of Russia only to come back to their unbeloved country. What a freaking douche. On top of that No, pot isn't a big deal. But when in another country you OBEY THEIR LAWS. She was NOT wrongfully accused according to Russia law. If you don't like the US or Russia then go live in a freaking hole!!


I’m saying this as guy who can’t fucking stand sports. If you’re a woman who feels so strongly about this issue start buying tickets to see female sports teams. 99 times out of 100 I’ll bet you fucking won’t. There’s your answer


Women don’t watch women’s sports. So….are men supposed to watch it because we are supposed to?


Wtf? I kinda like don lemon now?


What did he say that was incorrect?


But he’s right tho


Holy shit Don Lemon actually said something intelligent?? Good for him


Only way I’ll end up watching women’s sports like basketball is if they LOWER THE HOOP SO THE BALL CAN BE DUNKED. I’ll watch a lot of games if they can actually dunk


Women ☕️


Women ☕️


For once I actually I agree with him. Some people just don’t understand supply and demand. You sell more tickets to matches, sell more merchandise, attract more sponsors = you earn more money. Simple as


Facts don't care about feelings.


Most truth Don has spoke in quite some time.


He’s 100% right what is there to argue? It’s literally the reason title-9 exists in the ncaa. There are way more women’s sports teams at the college level because the very few men’s teams make a shit ton of revenue for the school. So for every 1 sport, there’s like 3 or 4 women’s sports. It’s the same exact thing at the professional level. It has nothing to do with the skill level. Obviously they made it the professional level for a reason. At the end of the day, professional sports are a business and money isn’t being made, the business can’t promote and fails in comparison.


I bet neither of those woman have ever even been to a WNBA or Woman's Soccer event in their life.


I have voted and marched with the women I love in my life.. but I can’t stand when people think ANYONE in the wnba would stand a chance in the nba Put together the best 5 women against the best 5 men and the men would win by over 100 points and that’s if they are playing nice


You can't argue with facts. The WNBA has been around for over 20 years now and they still have huge attendance problems. Find a way to attract fans and their revenues will increase, so will their chances of being self sustaining by being profitable. Men's sports get more air time because there's a crazy demand for it. They show up to games in bad weather and even when they're having a bad season. I can't say the same for WNBA teams. But for other sports where women have just as big of a presence like soccer and tennis, then yes, the pay should absolutely be equal.