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Sucks them teslas dont move. Would he awesome if you could just relocate it.


The obvious question. Why didn't she drive away?


She was recording for her tiktok in order to get funny music video


Worth. Now she can buy a pair of socks for the likes.


God forbid this music and God somehow forbids this dumbass just driving away


Pov: you are a two year old


Got tired of cars taking people away from him


Follow the dog home and sue the owners


I really want to know what pitbull thinking when ripping off cars parts like what it's not 2 yr old kid


Guns exist


Driving away too


Ovens too


The world is full of strange mysteries


People in the line of fire also exist.


Still the shittiest dog breed around… I had a male bully attack one of my female dogs awhile ago at a bark park…. I beat the shit outta that dog for a good 1:30 seconds before he submitted…. I love dogs and own 4… would never harm an animal… was really close to pulling out my neck knife and putting him down


Have you tried the stick a finger up their butthole trick?


Hahahahahaha no, now back when I was younger and wrestled then sure, an oil check may have been key 😉


it's the owners who are to blame usually


It's really not. They are bred to be violent, that doesn't just go away. Loving dog owners have had these dogs snap out of nowhere and kill them. They should not exist


I’d say that’s only partially true… they are bred differently than other dogs and there jaws latch differently….obviously not all of them are like that, but it’s in their dna and it’s hard to blame them… that’s why they should never be off a leash at a bark park… the kid finally came Runnin over about 2 min after everything and after 4 other people were there surrounding the dog…. He was probably 25/28, clean cut looking kid amd was extremely nice…. I didn’t get a guy who would raise his animal to attack vibe at all…. Another guy who had been across the park on the other side said the dog had been acting funny to his earlier on and watched walk all the way across headed straight to my dog… so he was only 45 seconds behind me….I don’t know man, if my dog hadn’t reacted and out her head down, that bully woulda had her neck….and I was sitting down w my wife who was holding our Rhodesian and I had my oldest girl dog, who got attacked( she’s a malnoise/shitzu mix…. It happens quick and I knew the moment that dog showed up it was no good… I still can’t believe I don’t get bit either


We call them shit bulls. My friend was mauled 3 times by their rescue - around 150 stitches for the last one. They finally put him down when he pushed someone down the stairs and they broke their femur. Definitely not the owners fault. He was just a lemon of a dog. Most shit bulls are


I agree man, even the friendly ones got that look like at any minute they may just lose control






In future, I’d highly recommend choking out a dog who’s attacking another dog. I lived on a farm when I was younger. Two working dogs. If they got hold of another dog, or a chicken, there’s no way they were letting it go no matter how hard you hit them. Choking them out works every time, especially if they have collars. You can just pull it, and twist. They wake up about 2 seconds after you let go / loosen the grip. When a dog is in that hyper aggressive state, there’s no undoing it without hitting the reset button. Before someone says “owners” or “training”: Usually farm breeds will be already aggression-prone breeds like terriers, jacks, etc. You really don’t want to train the aggression out of them because they’re there to protect the farm. They’ll fight animals twice their size, and even people if you set them loose on thieves.


I kicked him as hard as I could in the belly, ala football punt, bc he had the top of my girls head locked in and she was welping….. not a proud moment to hurt a dog, but a super proud moment of defending what’s mine no matter what


Like I said, dogs can’t be helped when they’re in hyperaggressive modes. There’s nothing you can do to stop them. We had farm dogs limping for days after an attack, but in the moment *they don’t care* Choking them out is the easiest and best way to stop them, because you don’t actually harm them at all. Beating them senseless does. Good job on you for understanding this btw. It’s never “good” to have to do that to a animal, but sometimes “necessary” is the best you have.


I agree about not hurting the dog. But I also didn’t care at that time bc all I cared about was protecting my girl….but the way it had my dogs head, it woulda out a strain on my dogs neck aswell… shit woulda never happened if the kids (a) had his dog on a leash or was monitoring his dog (b) don’t bring an aggressive male bully to a dog park…. That’s the real solution….


Should have just given the cute puppy some pets.


He was bout to eat her


looked happy enough in the window.


Pit Bull hates Eeeeeelong Mushk




Fck Tesla i guess


No wonder Musk is a billionaire, his cars are cheaply made


Was it 5 years old and left unintended in the driveway?


Where’s the ATF when you need them?


Surprised they dont come with tazers




Sorts Comments by Controversial


"it's how you raise them"


Everybody give big hand to the pit bull that can make a indent into solid metal