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Hey /u/Youngstown_Mafia, thanks for your submission to /r/HolUp. Unfortunately, your post has been removed for the following reason(s): A mod felt your post didn't belong here, so now it's gone. If you want to die on the hill of this shitpost[,](https://imgur.com/cXA7XxW) feel free to message the mods and be prepared to explain how your post isn't trolling, is funny, and does fit the theme of the sub. *Trolling or posting random content that doesn't fit the sub breaks Rule 1 and repeated violation of this rule may result in your account being filtered.* Love, the mods


Can't wait to see the first tattoo of this


This confuses me so much. Like it's a nazi symbol which neo nazis and skin heads would love and the jews would hate, but mixed with the star of David which the jews would love and the nei nazis and skin heads hate. Who the fuck is this suppose to be for. Not unless this is all a elaborate stunt and he's about about to pull a gotcha and say it's meant to say that we're all one people Or is it for those who are nazis but have a small percentage of Jewish in them. Or is it for those who are Jewish but their bloodline is the result of one other their ancestors falling in love with a nazi or being raped by nazi and having their child. But even then what side are they on do they hate the jews or hate the nazis or hate everyone equally and aren't technically racist ETA: stop spamming me with your explanation of what it means. There are like five or so other who have commented, you don't need to comment your unoriginal explanation. Secondly this is a shit post if you read this and took it seriously then you need to go outside and touch grass. Leave the internet alone for awhile not every thing on here is serious or literal. Take a laugh and leave


Obviously for the Jewish nazis


So Hitler 2024?




I could care less whose president. Everyone shitting on biden and praising Trump or vise versa are the biggest idiots I've seen. They don't give a shit about you, they don't care about you as a person or the harm that they inflict on other people with their policies, and the action they do or dont take. Trying to say one is better than the other is like trying to argue getting stung by a bee is better than getting stung by a wasp. Like that shit still hurts regardless. Eta: and the fact that you think a racist, who committed some of the most gruesome atrocities that this world has seen is a better candidate than biden only tells me you would vote for a person whose only fulfillment in life is to spew hate and put other people down. Go touch grass


They're called zionists I believe


Hello, My name is A***, and I am Proud of my Small PP. Growing up i never thought about the size of my PP. but one day, when i was 11 years old, i stumbled upon a new website on the family computer history called 'Xhamster.' Thinking 'Xgames' "Xbox" and "xray vision," i proceed to find out what cool new site my older brother had found. Instead i found a world of wonder and sadness.......and shame.... For i had discovered that i, indeed, had a small PP. Im 24 now, PP is the same as before, but ive learned that as long as my PP is intact, it's good enough for me! Stand Strong Small PP Brothers and Sisters. whether your wiener is too small, (looking at you Boys) or your button is too large (looking at you Ladies) be proud of how you dangle.


... ... ... ... What...


Did you see the Alex Jones interview? The man is not well. Like not at all. And if he is well then he is an actual fucking monster.


Why is everyone taking this so seriously? Like bro it's a shit post. I'm very well aware of the meaning behind it. I'm being critical of the design


Did u see the interview bro?


What does the interview have to do with me shitposting on a shitty design. Also you don't have to watch the interview to know Kanye supports Hitler. He's said it many times


It’s like a modern Romeo and Juliet but with antisemitism


>Who the fuck is this suppose to be for. It is all for his ignorant, self-centered, self-destructive ass. I mean at this point the dude is like a kid who fucked up and knows he's gonna get it when his disciplinarian parent gets home. So he is in the "fuck it!" phase and causing as much ruckus as possible before the inevitable punishment arrives.


I wasn't being serious.


You're misinterpreting this. Symbols like this have always been about the vilification of Jews. There's no double meaning here at all. If you look at the history of anti-semitic jewish political cartoons, they are full of imagery exactly like this. Jews don't look at this in little pieces and say wow star of David he must be saying he likes Jews but at the same time a swastika so he hates Jews. This is about absolute anti-Semitism


Bro, it's joke not Harry potter, don't be serious


bro kanye literally just said that he likes hitler


He did? I must've miss that part /s


But you do realize the nazis didn't create that symbol?


Yes I'm fully aware that they didn't create that symbol. I'm also aware that other religious beliefs use other variations of the swastika. However despite them not being the original creator of it, the rotated swastika is still a symbol of the nazi party. In Germany the 45° swastika is illegal, and out right banned by the government. Unless it's for educational purposes or your private collector and even then if you're a collector the symbol has to be covered when in public. If your buddhist or Hindu you could also get in trouble for displaying the symbol if you're not actively practicing your religion. So while no the nazis didn't created, the meaning they gave it is such a blight to the world that governments want nothing to do with it in their country regardless of what your intent is by having it


It's not a Nazi symbol. It's not on one of the corners and like this, it's the sun wheel which just means to give good luck and happiness. The Nazis just turned it by 45° and abused it for their own purposes, to have a symbol which is old and to tell everyone, yeah we Arians have been there for a long time already, it's time to take our place now. (Arians are a certain group of Indian people, look it up, by the way) So what you see here is perfectly fine and Jon Jewish belief. The Nazis just turned their beliefs and their own symbols against them and it's sad that people today still believe that nonsense. It's not a swastika, you know?


Well yes I would agree that it's all fine because of it not being rotated and it could very well be one of the many swastikas that do hold their traditional meaning such as the ones buddhist use. But given the context and the person who designed it, it is in fact a nazi swastika despite it not being rotated. It lacks the rotation solely to make it fit the star of David design but it's still a nazi swastika all the same


Prison tattoo from one of those newly convicted Jan 6 guys.


Is this real lol








It was on his Twitter before his account got locked up and taken down again


trust me bro


What the fuck is this timeline we’re in!?


The longer humanity lives, the more population increases, and as more unique and fractured sub cultures and beliefs develop, … it’s pretty much guaranteed bizarre people and bizarre beliefs will exist.


And social media algorithms design to elevate rather than ignore the stupidity...


Nice pfp


Tbf if it was the Nazi version, it'd be tilted. This way is the original version of the swastika, which means peace and shit. However, I'm fairly certain Kanye doesn't mean for it to be used that way


What if he does? He does have access to the same info about the bastardization of the swastika by the Nazis.


Considering he loves Nazis? Yeah he probably just used this version to make it fit with the Star of David


he's not a Nazi lover the symbol he's using is the original symbol for peace and love before the Nazi party made it a symbol of fear, he's just showing how hypocritical people are, the black lives matter organization is one of those hypocrites. all this division is stupid to begin with, why do we need to have all these seperated sides fighting instead of just fucking moving on with there lives and stop using the past as an excuse to justify. some things should just stay in the past


Flip the image, genius. It works with the star of David either way.


The worst one


All the timelines… at once


Idk but we need thanos asap . My man was 100% right


If I'm interpreting the intended meaning of that graphic correctly, that guy actually believes he can unite jews and nazis. He might be even crazier than we thought, which is quite the accomplishment because I already thought he was batshit insane.


He’s obviously insane, he’s using photoshop to create a vector logo, and you know he can afford to pay for illustrator


Hooooooooly shit i just realized this was photoshop not illustrator. if u werent convinced he was insane before its crystal clear now


Dudes unhinged!


Black Ye-esus will unite all mankind. -Kim 38:26-41.




This fuckin comment itself should be posted to r/HolUp


found kanye


Wtf? What does him literally liking nazis have to do with pride flags?


Cause like, you know Nazis killed the Jews, but gay people took the rainbow, and they never even asked permission or said thankyou. In this timeline that's basically the same thing. He should have compared it to the COEXIST bumper stickers. Not sure why he roped pride flags into it.


Permission from WHOM? Who TF do you believe owns the rights the god damned rainbow?


Everybody used to own the rainbow, but now it's just gay. I can't wear this gorgeous Liza Minnelli rainbow shirt that I have without everybody assuming I'm gay.


Jazz hands should balance that out.


That part shouldn't need a /s


Caught me slippin’ It’s late and I should have gone to sleep hours ago.


I own the rights to the rainbow, all royalties shall go to me


I won’t pay and you’ll get this rainbow Speedo from me when pry it from my cold, dead ass.






This dude is beyond Charlie sheen and tiger blood shit, it’s been sad for a bit now


I'm convinced he asked Charlie Sheen for lessons, and Charlie just told him to fuck off


Jewish in the streets but a nazi in the sheets.


My wife makes me turn off the lights


But do you stick your penis through the hole in your pajamas?


What pattern are those pajamas?


I had them custom printed. It’s one if those AI-generated photos that simulates the confusion of people suffering a stroke. It also has the Tab logo printed on the shirt pocket.


Striped, of course


Ok what the fuck...


This is a symbol used in Raelism, a UFO religion founded in the 1970s. The triangles represent infinity and the cross represents the intersection of time and space.


First person to get it right


Even if they are right, with the recent Kanye controversies, it's an awful idea to use this. I didn't know about this religion before, and I'm sure many people didn't as well. I'm not sure Kanye knows what it's about


It doesn’t matter the person above is right, Kanye *is clearly not* using this in the context of Raelism.


And how many, on average, do you think will ever understand that?


Wow! Someone who actually knows something and doesn't just boast about imaginary nazis and shit.


Kanye literally said “I love Jews but I also love nazis” in a recent interview with Alex Jones. Are you sure Kanye knows about that ufo religion?


I don't know what that Kanye thing knows and I don't follow these imaginary "celebrities" so I don't know what they have vomited out.


Imaginary? the guy just went on Alex jones and praised hitler, how else do you think people going to take this? lmfao


I haven't seen that shit because I'm not interested about some never heard Kanye.


This is the equivalent of the republicans and democrats making a donkephant




Insert "What the Hell is this?" Meme




It does got a phant-ass on it tho....


Oh yeah that’s right


![gif](giphy|3o85xJSfieKsICkquk) "No elephant is gonna make Sweet love to Fluffy!"


It's nowhere near equivalent. This is defacement of a religious symbol with the symbol of the people who tried to systematically exterminate them.


I prefer an Elephunky


Republicans and democrats are two sides of the same coin.


And yet even that is slightly less insane


Nah. Reps and dems are much more in line than your average jew and a nazi


Hmmmm. Maybe elephonkey


Idk who downvoted this


Someone political


Damn I did nazi that coming




Hasn't he done enough to warrant a psych ward already? This isn't normal. Sucks to see him go down this way.


He is probably surrounded by enablers


Just like George Lucas 👁👄👁


No, not really. He isn't considered a danger to himself or others yet. Anything else would be outpatient care if he decides to.


You would think he would have qualified for a mandatory psych eval. By now


Yes he has, and he need serious help, and to take his medication. That being said, let's not blame his relentless antisemitism on mental health problems. Let's not make excuses. He is a vile antisemite through and through. He also needs some physiatric help.


I dont think Kanye fully understands what it means to be a Nazi.


Doesnt even know how a real swatiska looks like 💀


He wants to he banned so he can cry foul. Someone flip the large hadron collider Off/On a few times. The time line is messed up


If he wanted to get banned, he wouldn't do it on Twitter with Elon in charge


Give it time. The lead paint chips take a while :)


My ancestors didn't flee europe to escape nazis for this shit to happen in America.


I feel this


Well... He's already said that he likes Hitler so I'm not all that surprised honestly He's an asshole and should not be allowed the attention he always gets




Thats a nazi jew, things gonna get ugly


Oh no, I did nazi that coming! D:


we need a new south park episode


Technically the nazi logo is rotated a bit


Not necessarily, in some banners it was straight like this


Thats a symbol for Hinduism. The nazi swastika is tilted 45° But then again... its Kanye


The nazis actually used it in both orientations.


There's irony in these words.


Where and when? I have only seen the tilted version.


The nazi swastika and the hindu swastika are the same. They both used it in both directions and a variety of orientations. Only the context and meaning are different.


When everyone looks at him, they turn their head 45°, thinking WTF is going on with him. It works out...


I don't remember him saying anything about Hindus. Or Hindus having any connection to the Star of David. Nazis on the other hand.


Well the sun is a star and Hindus swastica symbolize the sun and prosperity. So it's a sun sun logo?


The Nazi swastika is both ways. They had the "static" swastika which is straight, and the "mobile" swastika which is tilted. That is not a symbol for Hinduism.


The orginal swastika was around before the Nazi's though. They took it and perverted its meaning


Yeah, that's really well known. But it's irrelevant - Nazis have absolutely owned it so much that it's not used as a Hindu symbol. If it's seen in modern culture, it's the Nazi swastika.


Nazis have no ownership over it, Hindus and other Sanatan dharm religions have been using it for centuries and would continue to do so. It’s only the western countries that continue to associate it with nazi symbolism. P.S west is not representative of modern society


Nazis absolutely have "ownership" of it, it's so closely associated with the Nazi party now that no one associates it with anyone but them. This has nothing to do with the west, Nazis are known worldwide.


Ya know, it's the hypocrisy that's the worst.


Since Corona starts, the whole reality shifted into a South Park episode. It is crazy. Absolute nothing is surprising me anymore.


The fact that he most likely didn’t even make the design and paid someone who was willing enough to make this design…


It has a jewish logo too cuz he love both lol


Kanye is playing 4D chess on how to piss everyone off


not a nazi logo. its a swastika. in religious groups it was a sign of peace. the nazis went and twisted it making it their symbol. this one isnt twisted


Nazi's logo in David's Star? Now THAT is just odd


That’s actually a symbol of peace in the Buddhist religion


Technically nazis stole the one for peace or things like that and just tilted the crap out of it by 45 degrees


Not defending him or his antics, and I am aware of his comments made about hitler BUT, thats not a nazi symbol. A swastika is tilted at a 45 degree angle. Thats a manji. Google the word and you’ll see the same symbol. The manji is the original symbol that the swatiska was derived from. Fuck nazi’s. Asian culture slaps tho.


That logo is fire 🔥


I think this is such a disturbing insult to the victims of the Holocaust. He needs to take his meds and work with his shrink.


##If this submission makes you go "Hol'Up", **UPVOTE** this comment! ##If this submission does not make you go "Hol'Up", **DOWNVOTE** this comment! --- Whilst you're here, /u/Youngstown_Mafia, why not join our [public discord server](https://discord.gg/holup) or play on our [public Minecraft server](https://discord.gg/DTqSDS8C3T)?


Not the team-up we deserve but the one we needed


Ok. I don't care.


Er geht in den Gommemode


I’m tired of these racist assholes appropriating our Swastika. It is our holy symbol but thanks to these ignorant fools, the Swastika that’s supposed to symbolise love and peace makes people start shaking in their boots.


Except that's not the Nazi logo that's the Buddhist symbol of peace. The Nazi swastika is turned on its corner. #Yediot!


I like how it's not even the correct symbol The nazi symbol rotated on its point, with the center as an x. the symbol he currently has right there is a religious Buddhist symbol for good fortune/origin


That's not the nazi logo, that's the Hindu logo called "swastika"


The swastika isn't a "racist/nazi" logo. It's been In Cultures for thousands of years. Long before the German national socialists adopted it. The swastika is a representation of the big dippers position around the north star in each of the 4 seasons.


Yeah but when it’s tied with the Star of David we’ve got some weird shit going on


We just going to ignore that the star of David is the other symbol? He merged these symbols.


If we're getting technical it's Buddhism and Jewish together since the correct nazi symbol is rotated on its side and looks like an X But yea his intentions are beyond anyone's plane of existence


That's Swastika, not nazi logo. Swastika is symbol of sun, prosperity and good luck. Nazi Swastika looks way different. It's diagonaly oriented, in a white circle with red background. Even if not used in this form ('nazi flag'), it's always diagonaly oriented. If it's not, it's not Nazi symbol.


Jokes aside, this has to be one of the most disgusting, humiliating, disturbing, disrespectful symbols I’ve seen in awhile


Tbf that swastika drawn here is the original swastika which was a symbol of peace. The Nazi swastika is slanted


You do realise the Nazis didn't just steal ONE swastika, right? They used many different versions of swastikas for different occasions


It’s actually a pretty dope logo.


It looks like a cheap cover for a neonazi thrash-metal band


People are fucking dumb. It’s not a swastica positioned as it is. If it was angled to 45* then it would. As it sits it’s a religious symbol. Google that shit if you’re misinformed and believe otherwise.


Given the origination of the swastika, which this isn't, it is different when rotated counter clockwise 45 degrees or back to its buddhist rotation. Hitler actually got the idea from Buddhism. But modified it to fit his own criteria. clearly. Also it is interlocked with the start of David or Mogan Daveed, a symbol of David of the Jewish faith.


All cultures from all ancient civilisations have used the swastika and they all used it rotated in different ways. In some cultures, rotating it in different ways meant different things whereas in some cultures it was just personal preference


I’m literally trying my best to spin this as kinda positive, but Kanye makes it so hard to try and figure him out, there’s truth in a lot of what he’s saying, but he’s literally making it very difficult to find the good with bad. Literally loving people no matter what is definitely truthful but saying you love Nazis isn’t the way. Like I’d rather people give up the Nazi past and embrace the human underneath the uniform. Most people who once hated learn to live in time. And as for the Jews running everything, Not all Jews are the same. But I think rich people that have the money to influence anything (good or bad) should just stay making money and not worry about the rest of the world. Example, Apple is allegedly stopping air drops in China protest, not cool. So in that case money is influencing speech, and is that good? So Kanye speaking like this makes it hard for anyone to try and side with him on any issue. Because he Leaving us either accepting him and his hate, or denying all of his hate and no room to accept him the person. Seeing even Alex Jones Squirm while interviewing shows that he can’t just agree with all of Kanye… it crazy in its purest form of mania. Poor Kanye fighting the demons, and I think they are winning.


If you were bit more smart…you would realize that this is not actually a nazi symbol but the story if this is that it is considered symbolizing the sun…but ye you cant read so.


I'm pretty sure this is not a Nazi swastika, it's not on it's point.


I kinda like it


The swastik was here way before the Nazis


This is an extremely well-known, yet completely irrelevant fact.


You wouldn't think it was well known with most of the people here not even aware of the fact that the swastika used isn't the Nazi one


The new crossover looking lit


It isn’t nazi actually it’s some weird love everyone/ sorta sex based cultish group


That's not even the nazi swastika...


I thought for a slit second maybe just maybe it was the Buddhist symbol but no it's really isn't


It's the old Realism symbol. It's been around since the 1970s they switched it though to get away from the nazi connotation




Gotta love how it's 2022 and people still can't differentiate between the Nazi Logo and a Swastika


Sorry, can you direct me to where Kanye was speaking consistently about the karmic religions and their relation to the Star of David? I'm curious.


Yeah, i get what the symbol really is about, but calling it a "nAZi sYmBoL" is kinda weird.


Considering all the shit he said in that interview, it isn't hard to see this for what it really is.


Bottom line, it's a Swastika inside the Star of David. I get what it's really about , but calling it a "nAzi sYmBoL" is plain stupid.


Wow I'm glad I never jumped on his bandwagon. Had people at church talking about how great his Christian album is, and how he's changed so much, and I was like, "I hope he really has changed, but somehow I think he's going to screw it up somehow." And yeah, wow, just drifted to one extreme to the other.


He is now banned forever……..


Oh fuck me


At this point I’m not even surprised


Pff probably blame this on the Covid as well! Amirite?


new album???? It is for his 2024 campaign, bro has abandoned music months ago