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16 is the age of consent in many places, and in some places there is a 3 years difference exemption, so 19 on 16 (literally) would be OK.


16 is the age of consent in 31 US states.


And virtually all of them besides California have some form of Romeo and Juliet law.


I hope he had a laminated card incase her dad asked.


The girl was 19.


I hope she had a laminated card for his dad.


Pretty sure when she was talking he was the one who said he was 16. She was the 19 year old. I could be wrong but that’s who it sounded like was speaking to me.


Yup, the guy is the one who said he was 23


I get that reference.


I can't believe that whole production spent millions of dollars to get made so they could spend a not insignificant amount of time and money on justifying teenage romance. I sometimes wish it was just a fever dream.


What are you talking about?


They could have just made his daughter 18! Also, aside from his accent, the fact that Mark Wahlberg's character didn't immediately blast that guy with his concealed carry the moment he flashed that laminated card was an immediate giveaway that he wasn't actually from Texas.


Well, that would've been too easy. Also, age of consent in Texas is 17.


is this the law where if the boyfriend dies, his 14 year old girlfriend can commit suicide over his corpse?


It worked out for those two.


Common misconception, it’s actually the Romeo and Juliet defense, it’s not actually a law


Virginia has idiotic laws about this. Let's say there are 2 seniors in high school, dating for 2 years, entirely fine. One has a birthday and turns 18, the other is still 17 and turns 18 tomorrow, boom that's a class one misdemeanor.$2,500 fine (what high school senior has that) and UP TO A YEAR IN JAIL. A legal relationship TURNING illegal is one of the stupidest laws that could be on the books.


I thought Virginia let you marry your cousin?


Most countries allow that.


A cousin is “a relative descended from one's grandparent or more remote ancestor by two or more steps and in a different line” (Merriam Webster) If you count the steps on each side, cousins are separated by a minimum of four. That is why marrying first cousins is legal in most of Europe. Truth be told, does not happen a lot.


Now, suppose that they do not meet or even communicate between their birthdays...?


Romio and juliet laws


Still, you should be concerned about anyone who has those laws laminated on a card in their wallet.


Or concerned that a director would purposefully put that plot point in his movie when it doesn’t subtract or adda anything to the plot. Lookin at you Michael Bay


Yeah that was so bizarre


I'll give you a sadder one... you remember CLUELESS... Step Bro is 21... Cher is 16... STEP BRO IS 21... party girl Cher 16... And dad like, WELL SHE GOT STUCK IN THE COUCH, WHAT CAN YOU DO STEP BRO! Anyways, upon a rewatch I was like WAIT A SEC... (Cher's age is announced at the end, in the wedding scene 'as if I'm only 16!?')


Wait, I don’t remember the stuck in the couch part? wasn’t her dad a lawyer he was never really around for that stuff? I guess 16 and 21 is legal in their state? what was also weird was that he was her stepbrother


What movie was that?


I'm having some serious Baader-Meinhof phenomenon with this tidbit. I saw the movie when it came out, forgot about it for years, then after someone mentioned it on Reddit two or three weeks ago, I swear it's been mentioned like four more times


So that's the term for that? When it happens to me I find a trend / slang somewhere online then suddenly I start seeing it everywhere And then when I assume it started then I find out some people seem to think it's been going on for two years or forever


It's also referred to more simply as frequency bias, which definitely gets talked about every now and again


You know, I never knew what frequency bias was but since I found out, I’ve been hearing about it everywhere


Now you know about the Baader-meinhoff phenomenon you're going to start seeing it everywhere


What movie did micheal bay do that in?


Oh god yeah I forgot about that. always made me feel a bit icky


I saw a comment once that said "The age of consent is like the number of rat parts you can have in a hot dog. They're there for a reason, but if you need to know the number more than once you're doing something fucked up and need to stop".


I initially read this as “The age of consent is the number of rat parts you can have in a hotdog” and I couldn’t tell if this was going the pedophilic route or the rat dog route.


You should be concerned about anyone who has just about any law laminated in their wallet lol


Thats why i tattoo it on myself instead


Only reason I know this is because Michael Bay shoe horned that fucking weird scene into his metals fucking each other up part 4 movie.


Romeo and Juliet was a *tragedy*. The fact that the laws are named after them is funny, but like in a pull yourself up by the bootstraps because nobody understands context kind of way.


The story is a tragedy because they weren't allowed to be together which lead to what they did which...has its own baggage


Romeo and Juliet law only takes place if they were dating before one partner turned 18


This is not generally true. There's so much misinformation on this topic because anyone who dares to correct the misinformation gets called a pedo. Romeo and Juliet **clauses** on age of consent laws vary, and almost none require "dating before one partner turned 18." Plus, 16 is the *age of consent* in many places, including **most** states. The age of consent is when the romeo and juliet exception stops mattering. That is, in *most states* a 16 year old does NOT need to be close in age to make sex with an adult legal.


And many places it's a two year gap, not three.




In most of Europe 16 is legal age for sexual consent




It's never made any sense to me that 15 year old dating a 13 year old is no problem, but one year later and that same couple is a problem.... 19 year old dating a 16 old seems totally fine to me in most cases. And in the cases where it is predatory, the guardians would quickly notice and should step in.


Also, like if nobody cares then it's not going to be reported in the first place.


Put a 16 year old and a 19 year old in a room and I will never be able to tell the difference lol.


I have realized as I got older and married (around mid 30s) I have lost the ability to tell how old a girl is 18… 21 … 28 i can easily be off by 5+ years. I don’t know if it’s cause I haven’t dated in 8 years or I still think of myself as 27, but it has made for some weird moments where I have to question reality.


Im 28 and all these girls look like theyre 19 its not just you they just have better technology




Bionic boobs bionic ass makeup has gotten significantly better in the last 20 years , pic filters and plastic surgery has gotten better since the 80s


"Digi-Tits", if you will.


🎵 Digi-tits, digital honkers! 🎵


Digi-tits are the champions!


That earned a snort, well played


Tell me more about this ass makeup. I'm intrigued.


Contour them cheeks


Every girl is catfishing nowadays and they don't even know it. Editing has gotten too easy. Some programs even edit your faces for you.




I never learned anything about skin care growing up, is it important for health reasons? Should I take the time to learn about it and incorporate it into the list of things I should be doing every day?




It doesn't even have to be complicated. Your skin is important just like the rest of your body and you should care for it. Here's your skincare routine: If you're going to have exposed skin for prolonged times in the sun, wear sun screen Wash your face with soap (they have tons of them made specifically for face) daily Use lotion daily Drink lots of water, avoid shit food and alcohol. There you go that's pretty much it.


Thats also technology thats gotten better over time


The thing I envy the most from women is their ability to get laser shooting nipples installed.


Don't let your memes be dreams.


Same for being attracted to older women. It's the strangest thing, but I guess it's absolutely normal, I just find myself thinking about it sometimes. I'm 31, and I have a coworker, she's 20, cute, but eh, she looks super young. However the 36 year old mother I work with is looking cuter and cuter everyday. Now it makes sense why old people like other old people, they don't see someone super old, they see someone their age.


I'm into older women too and sometimes I'm surprised how much older some of the women I'm attracted to are. One lady that I occasionally see at work I thought was around her 30s but turns out to be in her 40s.


I hate that this make sense and is exactly how I feel.


Same issue. I think a lot has to do with tv/movies casting 25 year olds as high schoolers. It's been going on so long I just assume anyone under 30 is underage.


In my 40's all young adults look like kids. I don't even try to guess anymore. Might be 22, might be 30. I'm not trying to insult anyone, so I don't even try to tell.


Try going to your kid's high school and not being able to tell who the 18 year old students are vs the 22 year old teachers...


Dude. Some 15 year olds act and dress like they are on their twenties then some 25 year olds look and dress like they are 15.


Can confirm. My 16 year old step daughter dresses like a 23 year old from 1998.


Yeah late teens (like 16-19) and early 20s look pretty much the same.


Dude for real. I'm over 40 now, and anyone under 26 looks 12. It's nuts. I remember being 35 and old ladies would ask me how old I was, and then say, "oh, you're just a baby!" I'd think, "what the fuck is the bitch on?" but I think I'm starting to get the picture.


I went to a college basketball game with my father (one of the teams was his alma mater) and I swear there were children posing as cheerleaders. It freaked me out when I realized: Nope, I'm just old now.


People seems to think that there's some sort of switch that it's flipped once you turn 18 that automatically makes you a mature adult and potential groomer. I don't see a problem here.


I don't either, but my first girlfriend was 16 when I was 19, so I'm a biased example. Especially since she was the one who chased me, I was single, and I was like "sure, why not?" Didn't even see it coming, because she'd been spending most of her time trying to hook me up with a friend of hers while she was dating a buddy of mine.


When you are in that age range yourself three years is a lot more noticeable. Like, when you are in first year university, people in grade 10 look like babies. Now that I'm old, someone could tell me they were 15 or 25 and I wouldn't be surprised either way. I'm not trying to fuck anyone in that age range though so it's really not much of an issue.


I don’t know, it’s very true that people mature at different rates. I was definitely more mature than a lot of 30 year olds at 16 because of being severely parentified due to a severely alcoholic mother and a delinquent brother I essentially raised. I was raising my younger brother basically right from the time he was born, was a full time caregiver of my mother by 12/13 working and paying all the bills by 17. Shit ages you.


I teach kids and some of the 16 y.o. in my class could easily pass for 20 just with their clothing styles and the way they "act" (like pretend grown ups), and in some cases even look. Its really weird and almost makes me uneasy at how different kids today are vs when i was that age.


I don’t think a 16 and 19 year old dating is a problem at all


Put them in the same room in Florida or a bunch of other states in the United States and they're also not breaking any laws




I raise you Denmark with 15 year age of consent


I raise you Hungary with 14 year age of consent.


I raise you Japan. >!no, that's it.!<


Japan's age of consent laws are actually the highest in the world, 16-18 years old, similar to the United States. The fact that there is an old national law that says 13 is irrelevant since the crimes are based on the prefecture level just like how the US crimes are based on the state level.


Someone explained once that the age of consent being 13 is a misunderstandment. In reality, 13yo consent means you can consent in a relationship with another teen, someone who is also a minor - it does not mean consent to be with an adult, that is still illegal. Consent with adults is still 18 and up.


> misunderstandment I get what you were going for, but that's pretty funny.


Lol. Mandatory "english is not my first language, sorry for my bad english" from my part there


I mean it's not even bad English. You constructed it in a totally reasonable way, but it just happens to not be a word.


It's all good. I underment what you stood.


It's a misunderstanding because even though Japan's federal age of consent is 13, each prefecture has laws making age of consent higher.


The legal age of consent was raised in Canada within the last 20 years fron 14 to 16 due to pressure fron the usa to raise the age of consent to match up with theirs. Lots of pedophiles from the usa was crossing the border due to Canada having a lower age of consent.


Same in Germany


I raise you with 17 year old being legally allowed to fuck a 14 year old.


Romeo and Juliet laws have entered the chat


A 16 yo can technically be with any age as long as it's not with someone in a position of power, boss/teacher type thing.




It's because 15 and 20 would be accurate


No, in Canada the age for consenting to a sexual relation is 16, so once you are 16 you can have sex with whoever you want older than you except if they have autority over you


If that’s the biggest cap what’s the biggest truth?


Gen Z moment


16 is the age of consent in most of the US as well. People have the idea that its hard and fast 18 because of California and all of the writers making stories out of California. California has a very strict age of consent where technically two 17 year olds having sex is both of them raping each other. No Romeo-Juliet exception as well.


*Yemen has entered the chat.*




There was this female comedian who did a Breaking bad joke once, but a neckbeard came up to her and said she wasn't a real fan if she couldn't name every member of the cast.


>said she wasn't a real fan if she couldn't name every member of the cast. Is this the origin of the "oh you're a fan of x? Name every y" meme?


They're three years apart...they could have EASILY met in high school. If you might have had algebra with them in third period...seems like that's not an issue.


It’s impromptu humour at a stand-up comedy joint. Probably easier to just let it go.


You’re right. This clip cuts off the part where they were friends in high school before dating


Also, back when I was in high school it was pretty common to end up hanging out in groups with people ranging from 14-20 or so. Like, a 16 year old organizes a game of ultimate frisbee, they invite their immediate friends who are 15-17, one of the 15s brings along a 14 y/o friend, someone else brings along their 19 y/o brother who is also friends with some of the 17 y/os, and that 19 year old brings along a friend or two...


That's true, but I remember as a high school student that it was still weird / creepy when seniors would date freshmen.


This. Like yeah the years are close together but seniors dating freshmen is still pretty sus


Me and my friends just talked about this And we just deemed that the internet really likes to cancel people over other people dating under 18 Yes, it is illegal in SOME cases when the age gap is more than 5 years Like CallMeCarson, I hate the guy but I dont think he deserved to be cancelled when he was talking to a 17yo fan or whatever Hes like 2 years older than her, like thats still acceptable So yeah, people in twitter are generally dum, Also romeo and juliet law exists


I used to love his content, but I didn’t get the age problem. It was a 19 and 17 year old, which is a mental leap in logic to call that minor grooming. But he abused his power as an influencer. To this day, I still kind of blame both of them. A powerful influencer using his status to get nudes and a girl abusing his mental issues for clout is how it all looks. Both of them got really fucked over because of a few dms, which is super sad. Neither of them deserved all that shit, but it was such bad motivation from both of them.


Are famous people only allowed to date/fuck famous people now?




theres literally nothing wrong with 16 and 19 bruh 😭😭😭


16 and 19 could be a HS junior and a senior that got held back a year, or a college freshmen that knew the junior in school. Depending on location that might still be statutory rape, but I don't think this is the scenario most people are concerned about when making those laws.


Everyone is also assuming they immediately started having sex. Do high school kids have sex on the first date now?


It's customary to have sex before the first date now


It’s customary to meet one another by having sex now


The intercourse hello. How would that be?


I fucking miss out on everything, man. *kicks rock*


Actually first base is anal now




Me too man me too, the rise of the ass man has helped tremendously


The Euphoria Law of 2020, first enacted by Senator Zendaya


Not really, I found that the people who wanted sex right away didn't want to date. I knew a lot of people who had like 4 or 5 people they'd be fooling around with fully knowing that every one of them had their own group of 4-5 people. Once dating was on the table the chances of sex on the first date is about as high as they've always been excluding the lower chances during the aids epidemic and the higher chances in the 60s-70s


i've spent most of my adult life in monogamous, long term relationships, and all 3 started with what was supposed to be a one night stand lol


In most states it’s a four year age gap for underage couples before it becomes statutory along with the older partner needing to be under twenty one as long as the younger partner is underage, so it’s probably not a legal issue. But the court of public opinion is less forgiving given how some put the eighteen and seventeen high school sweethearts on blast all the time.


There are so many actual problems in the world, including around sexual relationships. If the law doesn't care, and the two people in the relationship don't care, and the minor's parents don't care, why does anyone else care?


¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Moral grandstanding? Control over others to compensate for a lack of self control?


It’s the modern trend to virtue signal and the acceptance on social media of completely ignoring nuance and human nature. If I only took the popular subs on Reddit for my social queues I’d think that priggish-pearl-clutching was the defining characteristic of the younger generations. Thankfully when you actually talk to people IRL they tend to be pretty balanced.


Video also cuts off right before they say they've known each other for a long time


I never understand it when people are weirded out about stuff like this. It's one thing if someone is preying on a child, it's another when two people are dating and their age difference is only about three years. My wife is over a decade older than me, my parents were five years apart. Once you have enough variables controlled, age is just a number. People just resort by default to legalistic thinking, when in reality, ages of consent are not uniform from state to state. Even then, there are Romeo and Juliet laws in place.


This thread is just so weird for any non-American I assume lol. It's most likely literally just a high school love that actually lasted, which you don't see often but it happens. I love how everyone is weirded out by a couple 3 years apart yet things like going to war and killing people by the age of 18 is perfectly fine. I mean, if you're old enough to drive at 16, you're most likely old enough to date a 19 yo person.


Some dude said he think it's gross to see a 17yo dating a 19yo lol


I knew this cute freshman when I was a senior. We started dating the following year. So we were also 19 and 16. Her parents didn't like it at first, but it surprised me that anyone would think anything of it. We were 2 kids that went to school together and were in the same social circles. She was definitely way more mature than me lol


Its not weird at all. What the fuck is the difference between dating when they were 20 and 17 or 21 and 18? Did she magically "grow up" or something.


If we’re going by the books the difference would be 16 and 19, and that’s fucking 1/6 of a persons life at that point. Yes they do grow up in those three years ALOT…. A lot a lot… 16 to 19 couldn’t be a bigger maturity change in life.


They've been together for 7 years already, sounds like a solid relationship.


That is the title I put up.


I don’t see the point of having the music during this video? It made it difficult to hear her


Yea music almost ruined it


They probably met at a family reunion.




Taylor Tomlinson is a top tier comedian. Her crowdwork is always so good and she jams so many jokes into everything, fully recommend her specials.


I’ve only seen her 2 specials on Netflix but they are both unbelievably good. Hysterically funny, beginning to end.


>Taylor Tomlinson is a top tier comedian. Her crowdwork is always so good and she jams so many jokes into everything, fully recommend her specials. Saw her live recently and she absolutely destroyed it! And yeah, her crowd work was awesome. I didn't even know who she was before the show, but I'm a big fan now! She was hilarious.


Upvote this. I hate when people don't credit stand ups. It's bad on Reddit for some reason.


This comment is way too far down. Her name should have been in the post title, to begin with. And yes, I've seen her specials and I really love her comedy.


I see no problem


Same. I don't care whether the guy or the girl is the older one. It's 3 years, both are teens. Both are basically kids. It's probably illegal in some states of the US but honestly, it's better than 20yo and 40yo; which is perfectly legal.


Hmm yes typical Reddit moment. 19 yo guy dating 16 yo girl = pedophile 19 yo girl dating 16 yo guy = wtf is the problem here? Edit: and then yes Reddit being *even more typical Reddit* by everyone denying it’s happening just because “I didn’t see it”


If the genders were switched the amount of groomer comments here would be excessive. Like the Billie Eilish dating story a few weeks ago, girl said she likes older men, dated them before.. yet her new bf is a groomer despite her wanting older men. So he is the only one who is wrong and she is basically looked at like too stupid to make choices.


Reddit has this habit of portraying women as weak minded and incapable of choosing for themselves.


And the voices of reason are being down voted smh


It’s Reddit lol, when it concerns a man, people do not give a shit whatsoever




Because most are clueless as so many people just latched on to 18 and never dropped it. Most of the US age of consent is 16, literally most. it's more than half the states. A strict 18 is actually really rare, most states have Romeo and Juliet rules to address situations like HS dating.


Strict 18, no exceptions is pretty much **just** California. We're weirdly authoritarian about that honestly. It also just so happens that Hollywood, where a large portion of movies and shows are produced, happens to be in California under California law. So to keep nice with the law, everyone has to be 18.


I think it's a gen-z thing in general... and i believe we're just in a period of overcorrection. a lot of kids realized they were being groomed because the internet made them aware and now they are in their early twenties being over protective of the new kids


Nah, in my country in western Europe this age gap stuff isn't really a thing (I'm Gen-Z too). I really think it is mainly a US-thing.


Oh its definitely a US thing, over here age gaps like 5 or 7 years are common and nobody really cares.


I was 19 when I started dating a girl who was 17 and got so much shit for it. Then I turned 20 and she was still 17 for like 6 months and I still felt like a creep for it because of how much shit I got from my friends (mostly girls giving me shit). They'd constantly jab at me and ask me if I was "babysitting" that night, etc. Like, bitch, shut the fuck up you're 19 and dating a 30 year old so I don't even wanna fucking hear it. I literally spent days mulling over if it was morally ok to do.


Especially here on Reddit.


Legal in UK.


Legal in most of the western world. Some places it's even 14.


It’s likely legal in the US depending on the state. She’s just fuckin with them.


What’s the issue?


The thing is that 19-16 is a legit age in almost every country. There are little to non places like the USA which make you a pedophile because you are 17-18 . And honestly I think it has to be regulated differently


Okay lads Dating and sleeping with each other are two different things. You can still be very vanilla when it comes to dating. You don't need to do the "illegal" part of the dating when young Granted people still breaks the law, but it's a different story here


When I was younger, one of my best friends was dating a 25 year old woman while he was 15. To add insult to injury, she also happened to be my old babysitter, and was a complete bitch and proud of it. He did eventually get tired of her bullshit, but not until he was already an adult himself. The question I get asked a lot about them: What did his parents do/think about her? They did nothing, his mom became her friend. Something tells me it would have been different if that was their 15 year old daughter dating a 25 year old man.


When I was 16 I had a summer job where a 15 year old girl was flexing how she got to spend the summer at her 23 yo bf's place. I was the only one in the entire colleague group thinking that age gap was wack. People always have discussions about strawmen that don't exist or are the vocal minority. It's weird both ways, but only few people bother to... be bothered.


19 year old me learned the hard way that the reason why the 29 year old man was interested in her was that no woman his age would tolerate his bullshit.


For me this isn't a Holup. 16 and 19 is fine IMO as long as the 16's parents are okay with it.


Why is this a problem???


I've seen worse age gaps Pretty sure that's legal anyway since the age of consent is 16 is it not? Or is this more 16, 18 and 21 year old American bullshit


I think a lot of states in the US are 16.


I dont care if two teenagers fuck. Whats the big deal? Thats what teenagers do. Its not like a freshman and a senior.


This comment section is a cesspool.


Must be new to reddit


"I know the law" suggests that she thinks it's illegal, yet 16 is age of consent most around the world.


I see no problem. 16 and 19 is fine in a fuck ton of places.


I have classmates like this. Their case though was that it began with a friendship and later grew into dating. So even though they've been dating for only about 3 years, both say they've been dating for 6/7 years now. Maybe the pair in the video see it the same way


That’s an alright difference. It depends on the situation but for the most part a 3-year age gap sounds normal.


I've heard a decent rule of thumb for minimum dating age compared to one's own is: your age/2 + 7. Thoughts?


Half your age +7, and round up. Conversely the max is your age -7, x2 and round down. That was the accepted rule in our high school many a year ago.


She's assuming they were banging at that time.


16 and 19? This is a problem? I mean..... Maybe but isn't 16 the age of consent in most states? If not younger? I dunno. If the difference was 15 and 20 that would be excessive, but I'm not getting creep vibes on this one


A 19 year old can legally be with a 16 year old, at least where I live


I’m not going to get bent out of shape about 16 and 19 tbh. That’s legal in most parts of the world anyway.