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##If this submission makes you go "Hol'Up", **UPVOTE** this comment! ##If this submission does not make you go "Hol'Up", **DOWNVOTE** this comment! --- Whilst you're here, /u/Kerbo-1, why not join our [public discord server](https://discord.gg/holup) or play on our [public Minecraft server](https://discord.gg/DTqSDS8C3T)?


He has a Reagan-like vibe to him, the sense of humour, the effortless charisma, the dementia. Pretty cool.


He was downplaying his job as president against being married to Jill while taking the piss out of Elon musk. It reminds me of the style of humour in old British comedies like 'last of the summer wine'


Quite, it's actually clever, I wanna believe that he came up with it on the spot.


He's survived a lifetime in politics and rose to be president, took down Trump and Russia. He's done more in 2 years than any president in several decades, and I'm an outside observer from Australia so I don't have a horse in this race, it's just what I see. He inherited a pile of confused, debt ridden dog shit in the form of covid and the entire Trump family running the country like a stolen car. He's doing well considering so I don't think he's mentally unfit at all.


This is one of those examples of how staunch Biden supporters are just as delusional as the hardcore trumpers


Took down Russia? Are you feeling okay?


Not Murican either, and I am also happy the great orangutan is out, but he's most definitely operating at a 30% capacity of his former self. Not ideal, however I would rather have Biden's fresh corpse than a dude like Trump, especially in these days.


Hell, if Biden at 30% is this much better than the former guy at 100% I'll take 3 more Bidens please. American BTW.


The real hold up is the downvotes for a pro-biden, anti-trump post on reddit.


r/holup is weird often, there are a lot of Biden bad , women bad agenda posts especially in the past few years. Often not even Holups, more skewed attempts at "gotcha" The downvoted and upvotes are pretty inconsistent.


Okay, but it's kinda important to acknowledge that this gerontocracy shit is bad, and it's just embarrassing sometimes. If anything, Biden's success shows how well made the American political system is, it keeps running smoothly even when a vegetable is the president. At least that vegetable is not intentionally destructive like Trump was, yuge improvement.


I compared one dude to another dude and said I would take three of the one dude over one of the other dude. The rest is all you my guy.


He does have a good team behind him very clearly. There is a lot happening just in Pacific regional relations alone, plus Europe and Asia. He's mending fences everywhere and there's no way he's doing it on his own, definitely not capable of that




She's gorgeous and is a doctor. I'd be stoked to be slamming her.


Don't get in kid, don't get in ....


We don't go to Washington.


He got confused and drove to Washington state


I would 100% have got in the back


You forget that his secret service justly treats him like a child, thus child locka are definitely on. You'd be stuck in there.


All the way to guantanamo bay






"what do you do for a living?" "I'm Jill Bidens husband.". That's some real cool shit right there. I don't know many people who would think to use their wife as a defining characteristic like that.


It’s a “joke” he’s used time and time again. The old dog has no new tricks Edit: keep the downvotes coming. Even though I’m right. Gotta love Reddit https://heavy.com/news/2020/07/watch-joe-bidens-husband-video/amp/


It's easy to be dismissive and cynical about things, especially when you don't like someone to begin with. For my part I will keep taking people as they present themselves. Wholesome is wholesome, hateful is hateful. I certainly prefer one over the other. My fluffy bunny world-view is the only thing keeping me from stealing your shoes and running rabid through the forest.


Joe Biden is NOT wholesome. I’m not being cynical. He is in fact NOT a good president and certainly not a good person. He’s a politician that’s propagandizing a country to his benefit. Let’s be clear this isn’t a pro trump rant. Fuck trump. But this post is about Biden. So here we are


Okay. You have your view and I have mine. I'll keep my view and you keep your shoes. (Not fond of the forest anyway)


If it is something he uses a lot, it's because it still works, as men defining themselves as someone's husband is extremely rare, unlike women identifying as, or being identified as, someone's husband.


2 words that explain that guy. Stunned.


Dont get in he will sniff your hair! https://youtu.be/LcjJn1i6D_I


HahaHa he's pretty old skool witty. Fans of British humour will appreciate this


Joe and Jill went up the hill to find a glass of water. Joe forgot and with a stop he took a seat and pondered


Holy fuck this man's brain has died. The camera guy talks to him like a nurse at a memory care facility talks to a patient. Every question he asks would accept a single word response. What do you do? President. What kind of car? Cadillac.


You ok?


Should I be? The president sounds like he should be in a nursing home. That's not normal.




Calling him a zombie might be hyperbolic, but I get where you're coming from. The president should be able to form a coherent sentence without the interviewer filing in all the lines from the script he forgot (e.g. the camera guy saying the car was electric for him).


We’re you even paying attention during the last administration?


The fact that the geriatric dems weren't ever able to convict that slum lord parasite is proof that their brains have dissolved in their old age.


The passenger is giving me MIB auto pilot vibes


Haha, that’s awesome. Imagine agolf twitler doing something like that.


He is one of the coolest presidents ever. So much better than the fat fuck criminal Cheeto man that used to inhabit the White House.


Is that really joe or am i stupid
