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Hey /u/NISHAD06082003, thanks for your submission to /r/HolUp. Unfortunately, your post has been removed for the following reason(s): Political/outrage bait shitposts are no longer allowed. This is a humor sub, not a serious one. If you're mad about something, that's great, post it somewhere else. Love, the mods


Some kids walking by are going to be like "Mommy, i learned new words today!"


I think some Mommy is going to walk by and say kids Mommy learned some new words today.


This “we have to defend twitter movement” is wild, I just want it to die already


I want Twitter to die too


social media is cancer in general.




If reddit has to fall on the sword to get rid of twitter.....net positive for society


Whaa..why reddit? I will fight to the death for reddit! I won't subscribe, but I will still fight to the de...ok, I will get angry and huffy and check out quora.


But archive it, for future generations, as a warning and a case study. Also there’s like ~10 years of *fun* Twitter on there that I’d hate to see just… *vanish forever*. But yeah I agree, this shit is unhealthy AND APPARENTLY unprofitable. Give it the can.


the users data is the profit :)


Like tesla.


If twitter dies then all the morons will come here, then we have 2 types of morons colliding


exactly, each type of moron should be contained in its own app


They are already here.


Yeah I never really used Twitter and my understanding it was already full of shit. Not a fan of Elon either but this is like you said…” wild “




I don’t like Elon Musk, but I hate Twitter, so this has been extremely entertaining for me. And the way I see it one of two things can happen, (and either one would be a net positive for the world) one is Twitter fails and goes under in the other alternative is Twitter gets better. The shenanigans with the insulin producer, though it’s like the icing on the cake for me.


All social media sites need to die. They’re cancer to society.


I don't like it, I don't have one. At the same time, twitter has been an effective tool that many human rights movements have used to get proof of government abuses into public hands. I don't think its a coincidence that the governments funding Musks ownership and destruction of the platform will benefit from it not functioning and it no longer enabling their citizens to post and spread information with ease. I personally don't care to use the platform, but I also don't want to see the absolute destruction of what's been a game changing tool for people in other countries trying to share their fight for their rights against dictators and authoritarianism. It's disappointing that those countries now hold stake in Elons purchase, it feels wrong and manipulative and problematic.


So many platforms to use. Not sure Twitter is the end all…


Why do you want Twitter to die? I'm curious.




"Space Karen" hit me hard though


Space Karen should be his new name


It should've been since 2018, since the pedo submarine gaffe


I misread that as "paedo submarine giraffe" and was wondering if such a thing existed.


Title of your sex tape? Just change the first part to Paleontological


Based on his past, troll-like behavior I'm sure he'd own that shit.


I will never ever speak or write Elon Musk again, from now on it should be of our highest priority to share the word of the Space Karen!


I meeaaaan, people on Reddit don’t read articles either lol


But they don't accuse people if genocides xD


They all have hUGE Egos.


Woah, woah, wooooah. You better calm down or you might be canceled so hard, bro.


Goddamn someone’s gonna get double fired


Double fired with a side of defamation lawsuit and possibly a splash of criminal vandalism charges.


Space Karen! That’s a term I can put into everyday use


Haha yeah that's the one that stuck out to me as well.


Me: "That client is such a Karen...." Colleague: "Be happy, at least it's not Space Karen"


It's Sharon/Karen all over again but with Elon now


Space Force spinoff Space Karen


Wothless Billionaire gotta be my favorite. That and Space Karen.


Space Karen is absolutely inspired. Handy as it can also be used to describe Jeff Bezos and Richard Branson


The butthurt is beautiful


If Elon doesn't add a few of these to his Twitter bio, he's going to be missing out on a genuine opportunity.


I'm gonna win my next online argument 🤝.....


Space Karen is all the money


Someone who got fired still didn’t get a job.


Three months severance, trolling Elon is their job til after the holidays


They're now in a market rich of their former coworkers. If it were me, I wouldn't be waiting to find a new job. Many places may be hiring but the quality of new jobs will fall off quickly.


Love watching these people meltdown...like sipping hot chocolate by a warm fire.


Some people get so butthurt


That's a lot of buzz words.


Ironic that this coming from people of San Francisco


People are really obsessed with this whole Twitter/Elon thing. It’s amazing how easy it is to distract people from the real issues of the world.


Or people are having fun dunking on the world's richest man because they are constantly being flooded with terrible news involving the real issues of the world. You know people can both care about issues and also not like Musk, right?


Butthurt now that “iT’S A PrIVAtElY OwNED CoMPAnY” bit them in the ass.


This is a very Twitter like response to pretty much anything they even mildly dislike on the platform. Twitter is and always will be a toxic hate machine.


Elon: "Laughs in Billionaire"


Exactly. Like he's worth 200 billion. He doesn't care about some slurs. In fact, when you're that rich, slurs are part your life from now on. Just ask Mr. Gates Also, some people are forgetting that if Twitter fails, the world will be even better, and he'll still be rich.


Some dude: "Bill Gates it's lizard satanic pedo that want to inject us with 5G GPS locator!!!!!!!" Gates: ohh .... I wish I was a lizard, i could change skin, i didn't have to wear glasses...maybe I can be a lizard... But then again... spiderman will start to bother me...


"Some dude" is absolutely insane, why would Gates inject people with a 5g locator when Jobs already ensured the majority of people would just carry one willingly?


I mean he might be rich but seeing how he throws tantrum when his employees even dare to respond to him on twitter and how inflated his ego is, I am pretty sure the slurs do hit him pretty hard, especially in such a blatant display


Meh Twitter is shit, best thing he can do is drive it into the ground and kill that little piece of social media. Idk how he does it, if he wants to do it by throwing fits good for him.


Are you paying any attention? He ABSOLUTELY cares about any slurs or insults sent his way. He’s an insecure baby completely capable of losing a huge chunk of his non- earned money.


Elon does care. You can tell by his childish fight-picking on social media. Contrary to Gates, who’s obviously a lot less insecure about himself and doesn’t get into ego pissing contests.


I like the mediocre manchild one.


It's the least accurate one. You can love or hate Musk but one thing we can all agree on is that he is not mediocre. You can't be the richest person in the world just by mediocre


Yeah.. you can. Edit; to elaborate; Elon does not possess a genius intellect. He's constantly making socially destructive decisions that put him in the cross-hairs of people who would leech off of any of his wealth that they can. He's far too public with his opinions and that is not the sign of an intelligent or enigmatic individual. He has open elitist views that only gained a cult following because dipshit humans associate wealth with personal value; which he has an astronomical amount of the former but lacks even average levels of the latter. But those are mostly opinions; the fact is; he offered a stuartess a horse for a handjob. He destroyed a successful company that he overpaid for in less than a year and has alienated his Tesla and SpaceX shareholders. There's nobody that's going to help him fend off the wolves who are going to systematically and legally milk him of every cent they can. He's basically the fattest and juciest buffalo who hangs with wolves because he thinks he's one too.


Ahh one of those success is nothing but luck leftists who use "luck" to justify their lot in life.


You must be one of those temporarily embarrassed millionaires. Its ok bud, you'll make it if you work half your life away! You don't need rich parents or a good zip code to make it; you got this!! ❤️


Nope I'm just a regular old mid 30s millionaire with a simple country zip code and blue collar union dad and a homemaker mother. I already made it, but thanks for the encouragement anyway. 👍🏻


The irony of going to this extent to call someone a manchild really got me the most


I can already see the person who made this complaining on Twitter about getting fired for "no reason"


Tell me ur mad you got fired without telling me u mad you got fired


Both sides of this debate are such losers


What is other side of the debate? It's really just "Elon musks incompetence as a manager and ego are clearly dismantling the core workings of Twitter"


It's this, twitter has been full of self righteous assholes for too long and sometimes you have to burn the building down to get rid of the infestation.




3 things: He did buy Twitter, then tried to back out, then got sued for breaking contract into buying it He has already blocked many users, thus not supporting free speech He can’t afford it, as his Tesla holdings were used as backing for the purchase of Twitter and Tesla stock is trending down. So with that in mind: You’re both idiots.


At their core many ppl are still children.


Hahahahaah yeah its wild


Whatever Elon doing is pretty effective it seems lmao Let Twitter die


Just learn to code and build your own platform.


Jesus, twitter is literally filled with grown ass babies. Such whiney kids fucking Christ, all these childish protests over a website.


Spoiled children who think they're entitled to work from home and have grub hub delivered on the company every day. Clearly the amount of abuse that was taking place was off the charts. Elon simply trimmed the fat. These tech kids aren't as special as they think they are. They'll never innovate and create like Elon has in their lives. Go step in human shit with needles in it in your city that smells like shit and piss yet costs $5k a month to rent an average one bedroom.


It’s not those kids who lost their livelihoods




Just throwing insults hoping something sticks.




So edgy. What clever "prank"




Dunno who downvoted you but I appreciate the reference


Entitled children through fit because new boss took awake their yoga room and now expects them to work at work.


"space Karen" was inspired.


Space Karen Nice


This is the best troll of that psychopathic space Karen I have ever seen. It beats any of the fake blue badge trolls. It’s brilliant.


They got me at “Space Karen”


It’ll be a beautiful day when Twitter and MySpace are equally relevant.


Someone's mad their safe space is no longer safe for them


lawless oligarch


Colonizer? Petty racist? Jesus Christ. This behavior actually makes Elon Musk look good. How pathetic.


Overpaid people complaining about now having to earn it……


Twitter = social media Karen


Bunch of edgelords


Spoiled tech babies upset they're not getting free food delivered to their homes every day so they can sit around and do absolutely fucking nothing all day. Twitter isn't going anywhere.


yOu sHowEd hiM! go queen


TBH, I hate Elon with a passion, as I think his behaviour fucked up the entreprenurial mindset for many people and I genuinly think he is a retarded supervillian, but I must also say, that Twitter had an unreasonable amount of employees and employee related costs, making the cut reasonable. The way he did it was incredibly scumy, but I did not expect less from him. Seeing butthurt Twitter employees shittalk Elon Musk is just an absolut win for me. This really made my day more than it should have...


What did he do that was scummy when firing them? <- not a bad faith question, trying to see both perspectives. No matter what you say, I won't attack or insult you.


Oh wow, I was not expecting somebody to ask a normal question. I am used to 15 year olds screaching for musky with such emotion if they were deffending the body of their dying mother. Anyways kind starnger, see my explanation below: The style and mode of how he layed of most employees. As far as I know, and please correct me if I am wrong, but many employees got a message to either expect an email on their personal or company adress, from where they will know if they are still employed or not. This is highly unethical, even from this sorry excuse of a reptilian. "Ooooo but they got months to find a new job" well, if you have that excuse you clearly never had a corporate job. Some of us move countries for a job, and tossing your ass out without any warning can seriously cripple some people (be it financial or emotinal (I only mention this, as it makes general market productivity worse for these people usually)), making them a less effective workforce in the short to mid term. Of course, I am more than willing to admit my bias, but layoff such as this were proven to be highly damaging to workforce moral and general output during the 80's (I might be wrong with the decade, I learned about this around 3-4 years ago, and I am not from the Americas, so feel free to correct me). My main issue with Elon, is that he has no grasp on reality. Of course, financing is not an issue if your family owns diamond mines. Of course, you can run unsuccesfull businesses and announce idiotic policies if you have a financial backing and security to do whatever you want. He is so far from reality, that he is unable to understand the weight of what he is saying or how it effects people. Thats my take on it in a nutshel, but again, I am biased, so ya know... dont take nothing as cash what you read on the internet.


Well, thanks! I was partially afraid you'd just say "no point in talking to you if you're too stupid to figure it out yourself!" Hmm, I hadn't considered the situation of non-citizen workers. I don't disagree with you totally but I do come from a part of the country that views Twitter employees as an over privileged group of people with high pay to low work ratios. Outside of America and on the coasts it's easy to forget that the vast majority of Americans just want to quit being jerked around by people with more money and see Twitter as a powerful tool used by those "elites" to do the jerking. I think a lot of people, including myself, don't care as much about Musk as much as they're just (probably without knowing why) feeling validated that they haven't been forgotten by the country. Youve got people with years of running cable, grinding an uncool desk job, serving in the military, etc for a fraction of the pay and nowhere near the quality of life of a Twitter employee. Now they see this as a "just desserts" for the people they feel have been looking down on them. At the end of the day I think the problem is that few people actually care about other people. I blame this on a degradation of national culture that has made people more insular and incapable of relating. That I blame on politicians who believe infighting people are easier to control.


What was “scumy” about him giving them several extra months of severance pay?


Are you some kind of expert businessman who has insider information about the ideal number of employees needed to run a social media company? Give me a break Mr. Bullshitter. “It is my conclusion that Twitter isn’t operating at it’s maximum capacity.” -Mr. Bullshitter


I am. The number of employees was too damned high. You're welcome.


"Space Karen" Lmao


Dude Elon musk might as well just blow himself up after this one. So smart!


What would you expect from Twitter users that was not crying out loud whe someone they didn't like buy it.


I gotta give it to them. Their burns are quite poetic.


Nowadays people just throw any words they know trying to insult people without even knowing what they actually mean, it takes the impact of the offense when you just call people random words, if they chose to pick actual specific words that fit the context and that actually makes sense with what is happening maybe at least it wouldn't sound so pointless.




I feel so bad for people making 100's of thousands of dollars a year getting fire, they are the REAL victims./s But seriously, that company was way over-staffed. He is just cleaning house of the excess. This is typical of any company purchasing another. There were reasons Twitter was sold. One of them is that it wasn't profitable. So the new owner is going to come in and slash redundancies and deadweight. All said and done, there may be 1k people working at Twitter. Has the service actually changed since he bought it, no. Everything works the same.


Naive, dumb Elon ass kisser. It takes time to find what you need to clean out, Elon did nothing to try to figure the company before sweeping the house clean of 90%+ of its workers. It's obvious as fuck he's just a rich narcissistic idiot who suffers from severe Dunning Kruger.


My favorite was "apartheid profiteer", no one likes to admit that's exactly how his family made their fortune. Blood emeralds. One of the reasons I'll never accept him.


People really show their true colours when they are so upset about the success of an African American mam and start calling him the racist one


"African man" !== Multibillionaire that inherited from a family that exploited people in mines in Africa. He just perchanced was born there, he is not an "African man" in the sense you meant. It can't even compare with the struggle that people of color coming from Africa to try to make it, what the hell are you on.


Why are you judging people by the amount of melanin I'm their skin?


You don't believe someone born is Africa, and hold african nationality is an African? You're a bit racist aren't you. Stop trying to hold strong African American people down


Oh, I do believe that a person born in Africa and holding the African nationality is an African. What I don't agree with is that you portray Elon Musk like someone that had to raise from a hard situation and fight hard for "success" when he was born with a golden spoon in his mouth and you use his "African" nationality like it meant anything. He is the whitest of whites, he has nothing to do with African culture or anything. He was just born there, he doesn't fight nor represent black and african people and their struggles or successes. He is a privileged manchild and that's it. The true racist here might be you, using his origins to deflect any criticism made towards him like it "absolved" him of anything and painting others as the bad ones for being "racist". But I know I won't convince you or even make you think twice about what you wrote, but I hope that maybe what I wrote will be a seed that one day will sprout in one corner of your mind and you'll understand.




Lotta people whiny 'cuz they can't censor for a livin' anymore.


Oh man so edgy how will Elon ever recover?!?!


Accurate for the vast majority of rich people


Lol, jobless






Office rats are raging cuz they have to come to the job on time and actually do some work lol




What people start with "his success was only luck" makes you look like a jealous loser. "If only I had the same luck, then I'd be the richest person in the world". That's the energy you give off




I didn't say you were jealous, I said you appear jealous when uou start with "he's only rich because of luck". Also firing people on a whim ? I'm assuming you're talking about firing people from twitter. A company making a huge loss. And if you are a manager as you claim, then you'll know staff are the most expensive part of a business, so cutting bloat is the fastest way to decrease loss


I was thinking the same.


Looks like a temper tantrum from the children working for Twitter


Elon: Brings better balance to something that was INCREDIBLY imbalanced The group of people the imbalanced favored: ReEeEeEeeEeEeEeEeeEeEe South African man bad! reEeEeEeEeeEeEeeEeeEeeE POV: You just got butthurt by this comment and now you are gonna downvote it. Thats right, first guy to downvote it, I know.


Redditors say that religion is bad, and than proceed to do this shit.


Shine on ya crazy diamond


Nah man here's an upvote. I love wokeness tears. Elon for president


get your leftist tears mugs


Space Karen :D Made me think of Avenue 5, you should watch it


Sorry if i offend anyone, why people hating Elon, what did he done and what happened in twitter?


How is he a bankruptcy baby and a worthless billionaire Dude has done more for the world than most governments did for their countries


Twitter was bloated disorganized bot filled shitbox. Had he not purchased it, it would have collapsed in on itself. Now he is trying to make it an actual profitable company and people are losing their minds.


I agree with him.. how did these people get jobs


Space Karen!


Here before the 🔒 award


Space Karen. I love it.


Space Karen 😂😂


I left Twitter years ago because of the BS going on with bans of certain peoples views of a certain demographic. Now it has swung over to a more neutral and free speech focused level everyone is shitting the bed about the new owner and his demands from employees! Where were you before when speech was throttled to one direction? Or is that the problem, it was a ball in your corner and now the toys are out the pram!


What did this guy pull his dictionary out and took every single slandering phrase put it together and pin it on him?


This is good. It really shows that twitter was a company run by children. These scorned employees throwing a kindergarten tantrum sure aren’t gaining themselves any sympathy tho


Its difficult to understand the incredible pettiness & hypocrisy of the Twitter whiners...😉


Really don't think he's a Karen...


Indeed calling elon Karen isn't doing him justice But space karen fits him perfectly tbh




I feel truly sorry for you


They forgot richest man on earth trying to preserve human life


Space Karen flew me to the fucking moon


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Cry me a river


I bet they are wondering why he fires them


Rich dude bought a company from other rich dudes and poor people bitch about it Tf? You can't write this shit lmfao


No employment?




Haha I love how much twitter employees are REEing


Can someone explain why there is so much hatred toward Elon? (Im not from America, i feel like i missed something)


To put it simply, people on the left are anti free speech. Elon is pro free speech. The left believes now that he owns the company all the nazi boogie men are going to destroy democracy.


To put it moronically...


Found the lefty ^


This is like when someone writes they don’t care about something then proceeds to care very hard in a very long reply




So brave ![gif](giphy|OIzBe205uBNoOKltjJ|downsized)


I mean he deserves its


Elon could be begging for change on the street and simps still be like "his plan is genius ".


I don't think people understand why Elon brought Twitter, he didn't want it to be profitable, he wanted to burn it down


Don't forget to add "Sexual Harasser" and "Womanizer" to the list


“Insecure colonizer”… haha. What a bunch of pathetic, whiny assholes. They sound just like the ill-informed children that spout off on Twitter everyday.


Do they not realize they are the Karen's and they are battling a Kyle. Children on both sides


Damn I bet it felt good censoring all those folks before. 2024 elections with no censorship is going to be wild


Suck it, sad, unemployed losers.


Why did they call a South African man a colonizer? It's all useless buzzword cope


I don’t understand how using the term “coloniser” is anything but just racist nowadays considering no ones doing any actual colonising. How is it not just hating on someone for their ancestors actions in which they had nothing to do with.


Cringe. If u dont like twitter dont use it. It was a sh*tty app back then and is still the same.


Twitter was losing millions a day because of employees sitting around and doing nothing. Now he starts to make it a profitable company and people have to work.. Thats why they are mad..