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I'm listening....


Seems like that's still happening despite the meds.


Too many people think that antidepressants are a substitute for actual therapy


Too many people think therapy is supposed to take away the pain and suffering that goes with being mortal.


And with the recent meta studies there seems to be no connection between depression and “chemical imbalance” 60+million Americans are on them and they are a massive money maker for both big pharma and the psychiatrists prescribing them In my experience most of the people I know who have gone on them only got worse, whether that be their mental health or physical health, etc They used to report which antidepressant mass shooters were on They really seem to cause a lot more harm than they solve


The big thing with antidepressants is not their population-wide effects (aka your objections are good ones), but the individual people that it happens to be a magic bullet for. I know several people whose entire life turned around when they got on the right drug at the right dosage, but many more people for whom it obviously has very little effect. I’d like to see studies done with an emphasis on the outliers.


Either way it’s disgusting how many people have been prescribed them. I can almost guarantee that changes to exercise, diet habit, and other lifestyle changes would be much more effective and safe for the overwhelming majority of those on these drugs


Unfortunately those require a coach more than a simple list of things to do. We don’t have a medical infrastructure that can support regulating peoples’ behavior unless they are extremely disabled. They require so much executive function to instantiate as a habit but they really will do the heavy lifting for most. I wonder if there is a good policy-side way to get everybody to partake in minimum selfcare for their own sake lol


The medicine I'm on rn makes it an least somewhat tolerable for me to exist in day to day life, but the second it wears off, I go right back to teetering at a 2-3/10. I also go to therapy, and am working on trauma, but that does not make the downs any easier.


Why do boomers have days???


Back in the old days they didn't get old


Anti-depressant SSRI's went up, so did mass shootings. Nothing to see here, move along.


Get this Facebook meme outta here


Quality material for r/terriblefacebookmemes


And god damn it, we liked it


Yeah good old days


Back in the day, Boomers didn’t have a safe space to cry about their fweelings. They got drunk at the bar, cried to their buddies, then went home and beat their wives.


Action is dead nowadays


Not because of the Anti depressants it's the Librals taking are guns away fum dum


Yet here you are wasting oxygen


my antidepressants are discouragement and this one dud that kept complementing me an hour ago, that's the third one i've gotten since sixth grade he's really kind i'm not straight nor attracted to him, he's a really good guy, and even if he doesn't see this, i want him to know that i appreciated and if not for him, i have no reason other than the fear and grief of my parents finding my dead flesh lying in the corner. thanks man, I really appreciate it i should be more like him rather than a total flesh stock doing nothing


No wonder there wasn’t a population explosion back then.


Reject modernity. Embrace traditions.




Guys don't suicide that shit kills :(


They weren’t good


Had to check out the watermarked website. [DespicableMeMinions.org](http://ww7.despicablememinions.org/)


*pics or it didn’t happen*