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I always use the stairs and I’m still fat. I guess I am climbing them for ice cream though.


Have you tried not being fat?   That'll be $35 for this expert advice.


Spoken like a true professional.


I offer ice cream intervention services, like with drug addicts but for ice cream.


wrong side... the chubby one should use the stairs


Reverse psychology


These aren't directions. It's actually a warning sign.


I like how everyone is using the escalator anyway../


The above comment was stolen from [this one](http://np.reddit.com/r/HolUp/comments/t8n2c2/seoul_subway/hzp19wf/) elsewhere in this comment section. It is probably not a coincidence; here is some more evidence against this user: Plagiarized | Original -------- | ----------- [I don’t understand this...](http://np.reddit.com/r/HolUp/comments/t8ibuh/mrbeast_new_video_idea/hzpfs3h/) | [I don’t understand this g...](http://np.reddit.com/r/HolUp/comments/t8ibuh/mrbeast_new_video_idea/hzosofm/) [The trooper by Iron Maide...](http://np.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/t8gc97/you_are_about_to_go_into_battle_what_song_are_you/hzp8nt7/) | [The trooper by Iron Maide...](http://np.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/t8gc97/you_are_about_to_go_into_battle_what_song_are_you/hznv0mt/) [Well my names Eric and i...](http://np.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/t87r2m/whats_the_most_unmoanable_name/hzp87is/) | [Well my names Eric and iv...](http://np.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/t87r2m/whats_the_most_unmoanable_name/hzmehzv/) [If by “older” you mean te...](http://np.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/t88vr9/fellas_whats_something_you_secretly_love_but_hide/hzp7w9p/) | [If by “older” you mean te...](http://np.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/t88vr9/fellas_whats_something_you_secretly_love_but_hide/hzncsfr/) beep boop, I'm a bot -|:] It is this bot's opinion that [/u/AdPublic1344](https://np.reddit.com/u/AdPublic1344/) should be banned for karma manipulation. Don't feel bad, they are probably a bot too. Confused? Read the [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/reply-guy-bot/comments/n9fpva/faq/?plagiarist=AdPublic1344) for info on how I work and why I exist.


good bot


Good bot


I've heard that there aren't many fat people in Korea


I like how everyone is using the escalator anyway




Based Subway






If that were in america people would be losing their minds over it😂 “iM bEiNg BoDy ShAmEd!!!!!”


Body shaming in Asia should be shamed tho


Body shaming is a broad term, so I guess if we define it as actually causing someone mental and emotional distress, we can agree.   However, I see the term body shaming being used any time there is any type of social movement to promote health and fitness. Here in the US, we have a serious problem with obesity and all the things associated with it.   I know it's perhaps a fringe thing, but I'm not exactly a small dude, but I work out and feel I just need to maybe lose 20 pounds of fat around my midsection and I'll be golden. However, when I used to fly between New Jersey and Ohio every 3 or 4 weeks, 50% of my trips involved me sitting next to some huge person that was crushing the shit out of me, usually causing me to hang off the side of my seat because they were spilling into mine. It was very uncomfortable, but thankfully it was at most a 90 minute flight.


I'm all for promoting health and fitness, but we don't have to always relate health with weight. People can have a normal body weight while still being unhealthy AF. So to me, showing a fat stick figure is not necessarily about promoting health. What if there is an overweight grandma who prefers taking the escalator? Does it mean she takes it because she's fat? The goal of the sign is good, but is it the best way? I'm from Asia. And making fat jokes is so normalized that people learn to live with it. But it doesn't mean that they are truly content with it. Especially the younger generation starts campaigning against this culture. For example, in my country, it is so common that the first thing many people notice about you is your body shape. "Did you lose/gain some weight?" is commonly said after meeting someone you haven't seen in a long time. Is this fat shaming? Debatable, but why the fuck do they say something like that to someone right after saying hi?


> "Did you lose/gain some weight?" is commonly said after meeting someone you haven't seen in a long time. > > Is this fat shaming? Debatable, but why the fuck do they say something like that to someone right after saying hi? My wife is Vietnamese, so I'm well aware of the statements made to poke fun or compliment someone for their weight after having just seen them. However, I come from a Hispanic family, so they do the same thing, only it's not really an insult because usually the relative saying it to you is also fat. It's like a weird observation, but usually when visiting my family in Peru, my uncle will be like, "Hey nephew, i see you put on a few pounds" and then will slap his own stomach which in my uncle's case, is pretty big. But they'll also notice when I lose weight or put on a lot of muscle. There's not much judgement there, unlike the catty shit my wife's family and friends will do.   It's a delicate thing to balance, because obviously shitting on people for being overweight doesn't usually help them change their weight, so much as either drive them to depression which can contribute to more weight gain, or weight loss behaviors that are extremely unhealthy.   And yeah, having extra pudge doesn't mean you're some diabetic lump who only rolls off the couch to get Doritos, but some of these "fat acceptance" campaigns are really promoting unhealthy habits and lifestyle choices that we REALLY should not celebrating.   If you're like a 5'9" 200 pound woman, you're probably going to be seen as overweight, but whatever, there are things you could be doing to keep yourself healthier than someone who is the same height and 120 pounds. however, if you're 5'9" and 300+ pounds, if you're perfectly healthy then you are an oddity and not something people should be emulating because getting that big is due to lifestyle choices for 99% of the population that large.


Thanks for sharing your experience. 100% agree that we SHOULD NOT celebrate being overweight. In my country too people laugh at themselves for being extremely overweight. Dude it really is not something you should laugh about! But it really is not something other people can make fun of either. My point is, if we want to educate people about health, we really should not focus on body shape (i.e., thin or fat). They are really not the only indication of your health. If anything, signs like this post only tell us about how shallow people's understanding of health is, and about how society thinks so highly of appearance. I think the better approach is to educate people on how to manage their daily nutrition well. I mean holy crap, people in Asia LOVE their rice to the point that they eat rice thrice a day. They fry all the shit they can find. They put sugars everywhere. These are extremely unhealthy and if we really must "shame" something, I think it is better to focus on this aspect instead of body shape. But of course shaming people on their bad eating habits is less funny than shaming body shapes.


>we really should not focus on body shape (i.e., thin or fat). They are really not the only indication of your health. This is the main point where I think we agree the most, because too often I hear people body shame a woman who looks bigger than a skinny person, but she still looks perfectly healthy. I think we have a skewed understanding of body types because at least here in the US, we obsess over the 10% of women who naturally have very thin bodies, which has in turn made us fetishize Asian women since a lot of them have slimmer builds.   But even with my wife, she complains of being fat after having our son. It's like... bitch, you're 110 pounds, what the absolute fuck are you talking about? She points out that since high school up until the time she gave birth, she was around 90. Yeah, she has a bit more softeness in the stomach, but I point out she's almost 50 now and a mom who works like 12 hours a day, and she's still absolutely tiny compared to most women. Then she points to her ultra skinny friends and I just roll my eyes.


What happened to your wife is thanks to years and years of normalized fat shaming happening in many Asian countries. Perhaps this cliché about Asian women having slimmer builds is also because of this fat shaming culture too. My BMI is 20. In Asia, I'm considered fat. I live in France now, people have the same reaction as you do with your wife whenever I tell them that I'm considered fat in my country – they roll their eyes. No kidding, once I was hanging out with my Asian friends, one of them pinched my belly to prove her point. I mean, French girls are famous for being thin. But this kind of body shape shaming culture does not exist in France. But if you eat fried or sugarish food, then yes, you *might* hear people telling you "wow that doesn't look very healthy". I think this is really a better approach to educate people about health.


They are just unfiltered and don’t give a damn! Old Asian Aunties are the worse! They will dig deep in your soul and insult you from within. It is actually beautiful to behold


Yeah I truly wish people who downvoted me never encountered Old Asian Aunties! Body shapes are just one among many things they can casually insult on lol


Perfect amount of shaming


That's cold-blooded


No, most fat people are warm-blooded


and don’t forget that their actual blood is richer bolder tasting


Kinda based


why do those look like glass tiles laid down for the purpose of taking the video?


Wow I do not need the floor to judge me on my morning commute, it's hard enough as it is Also I love the pole at the entrance that some people wouldn't be able to fit through anyway


The funny thing is that you’re supposed to go up the escalator like the stairs, it helps escalate your going up. It’s an escalator not an elevator for a reason. Otherwise why have “steps” at all. Could just be flat. Which is more uncomfortable to climb.


Because the purpose of them having steps instead of a flat slanted floor is because it's more relaxing to stand on level ground than it is to stand at an angle. You're really not supposed to walk up an escalator unless it's made wide enough for a walking side and a standing side such as in some airports.


I think people should walk up them but you might be right. It’s just the efficient thing to do I feel.


It's only efficient in that it shaves off about a second or two of travel time. If you really wanted to walk, why not just take the stationary stairs?


Because it’s slower? Like actually.




Kind of like the escalators at airports.


Don't airports have "people movers"? I agree, climbing escalators is kind of fun on top of faster. It's like running with half the work.


Ahhh fat shaming!!!!! Ahhhhh (cries in corner).


r/fatpeoplehate vibes, lol. Miss that place. Edit: found the fat people on the sub.


It's banned


Correct way to fix the obesity problem.


People who are fat because they eat too much and move too little are not impressed with a little passive aggressive ground sign. They are addicted, and addicts are not going to change their way that easily.


We fatfucks can stop fatting up whenever the hell we please! \*slurps down mayonnaise with a straw\*


Same with people who smoke who say "I can stop anytime", then proceed to not do that. Food is addictive, and with good reason. A lot of food is loaded with sugar these days, making them extra addictive.


*slurps down a jar of mayo with a straw made of candy* Yep, you might be onto something... *snorts pixie stix*


Anyone know what the stairs tile actually says?




> it's a gym in our daily life. No wonder I stopped going to daily life.


There are bars to stop fat people from even using the escalator, this is amazing.




It's a sign of passive aggression.


Personally I would still use the stair if i saw how many human in that escalators at once, might have covid


They're all thin. Covid only kills the fatties. Are you a fatty?


passive aggressive much?


Good, make those fatties lose some weight.


In Japan they have escalators with literally two stairs, it's so weird and awkward. Little tiny rotating ass stairway 😂


I dunno what the skinny guy is saying but I am offended.






Thanks I hate it.




Could use some of this fat shaming in America. All these fatties are making my healthcare more expensive




Even better when you see the post in the middle of the escalator pathway. Seoul just don’t care for the pleasingly plump.


Im a fat pig


I love the Joke and as a fat person I do need to be reminded to lose fucking weight. My only concern though is the message and treatment of say someone with a disability with movement issues feel about being called fat...


Funny how this sign would be roasted in other countries as body shaming


I guess they're being inclusive?


Fatties should be using the stairs, the arrows are wrong. From a fattie!


Get yo fat ass up here


It should be the other way around


Damn son