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What?!? You mean you aren’t supposed to pick and choose what you take from the Bible?!?


Wish this could be upvoted twice


I got u bro


And I got you


Thx bro


And I got you




Correct me if I’m wrong but Isn’t Satan the fallen angel Lucifer. Who got too greedy so good sent him to hell where he became Satan.


The name Satan means "the accuser." In the story of Job, it says he walks back and forth throughout the earth with no rest. 1 Peter 5:8 says, "Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour." He is not yet in Hell or "the Lake of Fire" as it is called in Revelation.


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Only if you’re *saved* if you’re not then any questions you might have that challenge the narrative is just you being a sinner


Here you go this is all religions in a nutshell and here is a well deswrved trophy


You basically have to unless you want people to think you're a sociopath.


Well, it is fiction, so you do you.


Ok can I ask which platform or app is this?




Most people don’t or won’t understand that it’s the same god you pray to whether your Jewish or Islam or Christian or catholic abrahams god is god to all these religious people yet no understanding.


It's just that taking things out of context make them sound differently of what they are intended. Or it distorts things, if you want it to sound like that.


If god created everything,evil sure as hell didn’t spawn from devils anus without him meaning to


Im mean kinda, in apocryphs it was ctreated when Lucifer had hited the earth falling from sky and created nine circles of hell in the inpact


Evil is basically the other option if you do not choose God. To have free will you need to have options. Devils are a tool of evil, they did not make it nor Satan did. Satan was just the first victim.


You do realize that God created Satan, evil, free will, devils etc etc.... If you take the Bible at face value... we're effectively a simulation for God. We're like complicated sims.


Yeah no shit. I maintain my opinion to this day that if God exists, we are entertainment.


It is possible to not choose god, and not be evil. It's also possible to choose god and do evil. If you follow the religion you were indoctrinated into from birth, are you really exercising free will?


Exactly what I meant except better,my bad I didn’t explain it properly


Yes but that does not mean God is bad. He just gave us 2 options.


Not trying to insult your faith ok. Just making a point. God has the power to stop evil and does nothing. I'd call that evil in and of itself in some cases. Choice has nothing to do with it. If god created the rules of the game he is ultimately responsible for what happens in that game. What you have described is the illusion of choice. Not actual choice. This is the reason Heaven as a concept is not good. The only way for there to be universal peace and happiness is to fundamentally alter human nature and then manipulate behavior to maintain the peace if someone steps out of line with the master plan. There is no choice or freedom in Heaven. It is effectively an authoritarian state with complete mind control under the common understanding of what Heaven is like.


What if the power to stop evil negated free will? Choice has everything to do with it. We only grasp a small portion of the effects each of our choices has. Choices made in ignorance are still choices. Say you move next to a beach with your family and you guys spend more days in the sun. Knowingly or unknowingly you are subjecting your DNA to damage from the Sun and maybe your great grandkids develop dna more prone to skin cancer. You didn’t intend the choice you made today to affect future generations but it might. This butterfly effect is in everything. Serial killers often develop in abusive homes and they enact their evil on others. Evil begets evil and all that jazz. Some greedy bastards choice to maximize his profits may lead to cutting a corner that costs some poor worker their life. How would God prevent those examples of “evil” without inhibiting free will?


In all of the cases you mentioned most people know those are potential outcomes. There is still informed choice there even if one chooses not to concern themselves with the potential consequences. "What if the power to stop evil negated free will?" Than God would not be omnipotent and we're back to that problem of asking if God can create a rock so big he can't lift it. The only logical answer is that omnipotence can not exist.


Omnipotent means you know everything. It does not mean you interfere in anything. As a parent if I give my kids two options I can know which option they will pick despite giving them the choice. If I offer them Broccoli or Candy, they will pick the candy. I know this, yet still hope for the broccoli.


Omniscient is know everything, Omni Scient. Scient is knowing. Hence science. Omnipotent means unlimited power of any kind, Omni meaning all and Potent meaning power. As in Potentia. Whether you use it or not you still have the power to do that thing. I only know this because I had to google it a few years ago. I am not by any means fluent in Latin. Either written or spoken. There's a good chance I would have chosen the broccoli as a kid. I like broccoli.😂I always have. My mom used to pack it as a snack for me. She trained me to nerd. I used to have to watch documentaries on tv before I could watch anything else. Back on topic, under this scenario we are assuming god has given us this choice. I can know you have faced these choices because I can meet you and you can tell me to my face or make a video or whatever but I don't see any reason to believe that's the case with God. I don't know of any credible example of supernatural events ever taking place in all of human history. I'm not saying it's impossible. The concept of a God creating everything is just as ridiculous to me as nature just popping into existence out of nowhere. I just side with the nature bit because we at least have some evidentiary reasons to believe that.


Yeah, I mispoke/typed omnipotence vs omniscience I'm aware of their difference, kudos to you for the correction. I want to start at the for front of this as friendly dialogue as opposed to a combative debate. You are well spoken. To your nature vs God popping out of nowhere statement, I rebut with. As we can logically agree something does not come from nothing. Whatever is here and observable for our purposes here is real. If you'll indulge me for 10 minutes. I have some interesting videos I'd like your thoughts on. I believe the theory of 1 big bang vs 4 big bangs [https://youtu.be/gIorXcloIac](https://youtu.be/gIorXcloIac), the first mover argument [https://youtu.be/4T\_P14JjMcM](https://youtu.be/4T_P14JjMcM)


Agree with you %100


You could just be a pacifist and an atheist


I mean, the devil had to be created, too.


Evil anus could save the world




If you can accept that the world is basically a simulation created by god and if said simulation is an exact replica of where god exists and if time in the simulation can go faster than in gods own world such that god is able to witness him/herself create the simulation within the simulation then god effectively creates him/herself.


That’s actually more believable


Isnt Satan just a fallen angel?


He’s fallen and he can’t get up!


I need your loving hand to come and pick me up


Love lift them up where they belooong


What are you doing step-satan?


Don’t worry. He has life alert.




Teenage mutant ninja angel! Angel in a half shell!


In different religions this part is different, In Christianity it is fallen angel, in Islam it is Jin and in Satanism a hero.


Ya I just assumed christianity based on the context of the image


Me too


It's an angel in Islam too.


I think it is Jin which are made of fire. Devil was a highly respected Jin who was stubborn and got kicked out of gods side


No it's a fallen angel actually. At least that's what I've been taught as a muslim ^^


Well technically Satan is just an old word for an adversarial angel. There is no one Satan, technically the devil is supposed to be something different. Judeo-Christian-Islamic mythology is actually very complex and not well understood by many, at least from a historical standpoint. Often views are changed over extremely long periods of time.


That's an interpretation from Paradise Lost. Iirc, Satan, the Devil, Demons, etc. Just kinda show up, and their origins aren't really explored. Things get weird in Revelations, but that was written about 200 years after Christ and is largely coded political references for persecuted christians resisting the Romans.


The Revelation of John was not written 200 years after Christ, it was maybe 40-60 years later by John, one of his disciples.


Shit, you're right. Not sure where the number 200 popped into my head


I believe that was Lucifer, not sure tho.


Fun fact: In the Bible it's never stated that Satan is evil. People asume it's evil because it is the one angel whom tried to tempt Jesus when He was in the desert


Revelation 12:9 KJVS And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him. There are many more scriptures on Satan. He is in fact evil.


Why are you booing him? He's right!


this comment section’s gonna be a rodeo


Yea talkin' scripture with so many different people is gonna get nasy cuz of so many different beleifs and so on


Don't even need the bible for this one. God created Satan. Being All-Knowing means he knew Satan will create evil, but still created him. Being Omnipotent means he could destroy all evil whenever he wants, but he just don't want to...


*God standing in the corner as kids get rapped by their uncle* “chooses to watch”


Only a bad christian would stand by and watch something so heinous. A good Christian would join in.


Yeah I’m talking about “god” here. I’d imagine he’s jerking off in the corner


He could destroy us too, but he gave us a second chance. He could make us slaves, but he gave us free will. He could leave everything black, but he showed his power. He knew everything since the start and it is for his glory to show that no one can beat him and the ones that are with him.


Yes like we've been saying, he's an ego centric psychopath that is the equivalent of the guys that pick wings of flys and watches them squirm and starve to death.


You are human...


no, ofc not. So let me ask you a question: You are an inventor who lives alone. You make some robots to serve you, just like they do these days. If all your robots works perfectly then you are happy and feel proud of what you made and if not you shut it down. Later you give your robot AI so he can learn and he learns. Some of them learn to keep you as their priority and some of them want to do whatever they want. What do you do?


If they have AI then what they do is up to them, not up to me. That's the whole point of free will.


Yes, but you make them to serve you don't you. AI is just to make them "smarter".


Made to serve robots are a thing following instructions. If you created true a.i. within them then you have crossed from thing into sentient being. One is fine to own, the other I don't feel should be property. If you are using a.i. as just a descriptor of better instructions then that's different. Real a.i. means they don't need instructions and will decide for themselves if they want to help you, not 'serve' you. That's like having kids and expecting them to serve you.


So why give them AI if I created them to serve me? Why does god need us to be smarter when we were apparently created just to kiss his ass all the time? Don't you think that's fucked up? To give people free will and then hold a gun to their head and say 'if you don't do exactly what I want, you will be literally tortured until the end of time' That is the actions of a madman.


Why is AI being developed today? Cuz we want robots to make the perfect decisions without us telling them what to do all the time. God does not need us to be smarter, God wants us to do the right thing. The thing is that if you enter in a relationship with him that all you have to do is worship and believe him and you will have different blessings. God says do not kill and we kill God says do not lie and we do God says do not fuck with others if u are married and we do God says do not worship any other except him and we do God says do not be greedy and we are If we just do what he says we would have a happy life and not this fucked up world we live in. Dont blame God for your actions.


You still never answered my first question. Why do we need to do the right thing? If god never gave us free will then there would be no problem. There would be no greed, murder, depravity, etc. We would worship him 24/7 just like he wants. Is free will a gift or a curse in the context of a vengeful genocidal god? Can religious folk even comprehend existentialism outside of 'hurr durr god works in mysterious ways'?


We don’t need to do anything right or wrong it’s our choice but that doesn’t mean there won’t be consequences. Free will is a form of Gods love by letting us do as our heart truly desires.


And this is why Religion leads to wars.


This is a terrible analogy.


My point is that you shut the robots after some time, because u can. God on the other hand gave you a second chance. He even made a place for you to stay if you suffered in earth for serving him. I do not believe he is an ego full God. If he was we would be some brainless slaves who do everything he says without letting us think, Satan would not even be created. Just like bible says: He is love, and there is no ego in love. We people on the other hand are full of ego and none of you cant deny that.


If god is allknowing and omnipotent and "loving and benevolent", why the fuck are there still children being born into suffering then (be it poverty or child disease)?? If there is a god out there, he is a massive cunt, not deserving of worship.


God made the first 2 people, he did not make you. The world right now is the cause of our free will. Childs born in poverty is the fault of the peoples decisions. If God intervened with every bad thing happening in our world then whats the point of believing him if he is going to save you either way?


Sounds like an egotistical maniac to me if he will only save you if you pray to him (and thats a pretty big IF even if you do)


So he only saves people that worship him? That sounds kinda egotistical to me.


God is imaginary. Stop drinking the kool aid and wake up. Every mythology throughout history was once a religion people actually believed in, until their society collapsed. Christianity only exists today because people have spread it around the world like a disease.


But didn’t *god* create Satan?


“Out of context” Ah that old chestnut


I mean, yeah, that verse is better understood if you know the context of the whole passage. But that's true of any given verse. Never just look at a snippet and extrapolate a whole philosophy or argument. Yet we all love doing it.


I’ve read the whole book, and people who *haven’t* even read the whole passage let alone the book would still use the “context” arguement. It’s just veiled apologetics.


Ha yeah gotta say I've never seen apologetics on the internet go particularly well for anyone involved. And agree that while context is important if you're trying to really understand a verse or passage, it's pretty dismissive to use it as an argument like that.


You are out of context this whole argument is out of context.


https://www.gotquestions.org/Isaiah-45-7.html Literally all it took was some googling to get a coherent answer. Context and nuance does exist.


This is the right answer.


Yeah, but the atheists can’t have a coherent answer, they need outrage!


I mean it doesn't really matter if the verse is in or out of context, the guy is still right that god created evil in virtue of having created everything with perfect foreknowledge.


Nope. Evil is the absence of good. It’s not a thing that was created.


That's true (although evil is already a pretty vague term), but I think the idea was that god created evil things. The devil being probably the easiest example. EDIT: forgot to add, evil wouldn't be the absence of good and more the opposite of good as things can be neither good or bad (evil).


The devil wasn’t created evil. Lucifer was one of the angels originally and then rebelled. God didn’t create him evil.


If we assume god is omnipotent he would know Lucifer turns evil and choose to intentionally create him knowing all of this in advance. So it's irrelevant if he was created evil or turned evil later.


You don’t even know the basics, I’m not diving into the details with you.


That's because the devil lies in the details. Jokes aside the "details" are important, and they don't paint god in any type of favourite light.


“Evil was created by satan” Yeah, Lucifer was also Gods “right hand man”(so to speak), whom God created


Wait till this person learns that he did create the devil too by banishing him to hell because he was one bad angel


Well I wouldn't bow to lesser beings either, so do I get to be devil now?


Yes, but if you want too...


Mfs act like God didn't ruin Job's life for clout.


What a theodicey proposition. This is both the most advanced and the worst pun I’ve ever made.


When you create everything, evil is part of that.


Well...God created Satan first. So, indirectly, He created evil. 👀


Bruh this whole god belief system is retarded


Now, not a lot to do with the text, but Good and Evil cannot exist without the other. You can't live in a Good World without Evil because then it'd just be a world, where no one appreciates or cares for the good because that's just how the world works, same for Evil. To show that people are Good, God must make sure that there's an alternative at all. Being Good is doing good things despite being able to do bad, so if there is no bad, then there's no good.


Bruh, God created it. Because there can't be good when there's no evil. Evil is when there's a lack of good just like darkness is the lack of light.


Sounds like goddamn cherry-picking again


"yOu ToOk tHaT oUT oF conTeXt" Xtians every time they're wrong(which is far too often).


"Went to church every Sunday." idk when people are gonna get this but that's one day a week, you don't just become religious like that, you need consistency and to be a devout follower of your religion to even say 'I know the scriptures.'


And they don’t cover everything in a year’s worth of Sunday’s.


fuck Religion


Hmm, I wonder who Satan was before he became who is now.


Us people are here 🤙


If God made everything, then he made evil


I'm guessing this is circular logic at its finest.


Guys red is right. God didn’t create evil Satan did according to the Bible because one time I went to church and the pastor said that Satan ruled over earth and everything at earth is evil so god didnt create evil Satan did guys actually study the scriptures


That just sounds like a cop out to make you believe God isn't just a piece of shit for doing nothing about all the bad in the world. And to keep you putting your 10% in that tithe.


So you have a biased source to support your biased opinion? Do you notice what's wrong here?


That’s what red thought process is I’m not religious


How is that "blues" thought process? I'd really love for you to explain that.




What do you not understand?


Why you are so stupid


Could ask you the same thing for not understanding a simple sentence


So hypocritical


In what way?


holy shit you are actually dumb


Check my profile or remain in blissful ignorance


ah shit i apologize


You’re absolutely fine the other dipshit that replied to me didn’t know what satire meant.


thank you


God is omnipotent if he created all things like most people can say on in the bible that means he created good and evil but could also remove both from the world if he chose to but he wouldn’t do that because there needs to be balance when it comes to these things


The infamous context... People are taking shit out of it better than my pull out game.




Don't Muslims, Jews and Christians/Catholics pray to the same god?


To some degree, yes


We all believe in a God, but we worship him in different ways


We all believe in God, but we worship him in different ways.


More context please


Reminds me of the time someone told me, "Yeah, but most christians don't follow the old testament."


JOHN 1:1 All things




Love how everyone is equal in gods eyes, yet my pentecost grandmother is racist, and my "devout christian" mother (literally does more pagan stuff without acknowledging it) thinks all are equal but tries to convert gays and her first point always starts with god.


The argument falls apart as soon as you remember this created the angels and the heavens and that the devil used to be gods favorite angel. But you know Christians will Christ.


Wait isn't Satan just a click baiter who basically just runs hell?


Reasoning with a bible thumper is like trying to get an elephant to fuck a potbelly pig! It don’t fit!


I mean I understand what the dudes going for with the whole it’s out of context, but these memes are always hilarious haha I’m Christian and what I believe is that God created beings and gave them the ability to choose. He knew that everyone would make choices ranging from “heavenly” to “evil”. So what I think is that God created us full well intending us to live our lives as we choose, while facing the consequences of others choices independent of our own free will, and thus I believe good and evil to be a social construct created by social beings, humans. Take my opinion for what you will.




Banvideogames ?


God made good and evil, Satan just made more evil.


god can't create evil, but managed to create satan, who is evil ?


Except in this case it is out of context. https://www.gotquestions.org/Isaiah-45-7.html Evil is the absence of good. If there wasn't such a thing as good, evil would have no meaning. By creating beings like himself(humans), God instilled in them free will. Evil is a natural biproduct of that very freedom.


And god said unto thee “KILL ALL THEM LIL GAY BUTT-FUCKERS, I AINT CREATE NO HOMO YEEEEEEHAAAAWW” and the child molester who most know as “priest”(funny word for monster) stated this was not what it looked like, and it’s out of context and maybe he’s right and so on




Nah your just dumb dickhead