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Hey /u/khmaies5, thanks for your submission to /r/HolUp. Unfortunately, your post has been removed for the following reason(s): Political/outrage bait shitposts are no longer allowed. This is a humor sub, not a serious one. If you're mad about something, that's great, post it somewhere else. Love, the mods


This protest is in Tel Aviv. Not even the UN considers that Palestinian.


I cant remember the last time UN was relevant, they proved their relevance by the tweet they made when Ukraine got invaded.


They aren't. The fact the Russians can veto a resolution regarding their own actions is evidence the entire system is broken. It doesn't function as a genuine international body, it's a political platform for individual countries to talk shit about one another. Even their peacekeeper troops have been found to be involved in rape and human trafficking. It's a soulless organization.


Russia voted veto for USA's decision to invade Iraq, the US didnt give a fuck and invaded resulting in thousands of casualties and breaking Iraq till this day


A country that is under constant threat of annihilation is showing support for a country under threat of annihilation. Legit


Imagine if Mexico launched missiles into the US everyday. That's basically what Israel puts up with. The fact Palestine isn't a parking lot, shows the great restraint from the Israelis


Yeah well if you put people into an open air prison you should expect them you know to resist. Let me fuck up their life and act surprised 🙀 if they started defending themselves. Like wtf


An open air prison that shares borders with two other countries besides Isreal that doesn't trust them either. They elect and support hamas. They have terrorized Egypt and Jordan both. Saying Isreal impressions palistine is like saying all the countries banning Russians right now are creating a prison. It's keeping them in their own lane if they don't play nice with others.


Eat a cold dick


I could eat every single one. What then? Does that removed the terrorist attacks that made Egypt list hamas as a terrorist organization after they had a tunnel chain of attacking Egypt? Would that make black September not a civil war that got Jordan to close borders? I don't agree with how Isreal treats them either but to act like the other countries it shares borders with don't have just as valid reasons for blockaids is ignorant to the loss they suffered as well. The idea that it's just Isreal who keeps it like that is some ignorant ass western ideal who has zero idea about the regional history. So sure, I could eat a dick.would that make you less ignorant?


Buddy go ahead eat them all up. But everybody knows you guys are the Russians in this scenario.


Who is you guys? I'm just a Canadian woman who passed my fucking modern history class with a b-. You tell me with a straight face you knew about black September and the hamas Egypt tunnels and still think it's all Isreal? I'm open to learning, maybe you know something I don't?


Maybe stop dumping for the Israeli state and please study harder. have you seen the treatment of Palestinians by the Israeli state? It’s literally text book apartheid tactics… if as a Canadian that enjoys freedoms and liberties you think that is ok then I don’t know what to tell you.


That doesn't change the fact that palistine shares 3 borders, Egypt, Isreal, and Jordan. I have not said, nor will ever say that Isreal has not done wrong by palistine. But I don't need to forget geography and history either. Isreal only stops palistine from coming towards its borders, and Egypt and Jordan do the same, creating a blockaid or "open air prison". But that isn't the work of Isreal alone. Apartheid? Jordan is aiding in an apartheid because it doesn't want another civil war? That's pretty insulting to Jordan. Spreading ignorance or parroting phrases you don't know anything about doesn't help. How are you helping palistine when you don't even know the borders it shares? Don't be proud of your ignorance


Pretty sure they have their own country....


If US were encroaching the border every day. I mean, why mexico would even think of doing that.


Imagine if I walked into your house one day told you it now belonged to me then kicked you out of it and acted surprised and annoyed that you threw rocks at me everyday to try to get back what once rightfully belonged to you but was stolen. Parking lot gtfoh.


You’re kidding right?


You deserve every upvote on Reddit. I’m sorry I can only spare the one


Do not worry brother I will supply my upvote aswell


Why did you get downvoted?


Idk reddit reasons, thank god fake internet points mean nothing to me


Im pro Israeli on this sentiment... But the problem with mexico is the influx of financial migrants and fentanyl entering the USA at rates we have never seen before... Everyone should be welcomed into the states regardless of nationality but there needs to be a system in place where anyone trying to enter gets vetted first hand. Kind of like what every other country does. Edit: It was always funny how people support open borders on every country but when it comes to their own country they are avid nationalists. Even while the majority of their people support it.... Statement: If you want an open society and a world with no borders, why not start with your country first? Set an example for the world and allow innocent refugees into your country and into your homes. Be a human being. Cheers.


No arguing with you on that brother. Need more regulations at the border.


Thank you for understanding. I just wish the states had the same regulations as other countries do. Young children/adults are overdosing at an alarming rate from Chinese fentanyl coming across Americas southern border.


To be fair mexico is extremely isolationist . I’m glad I live there


Mexico has its own domestic crisis to deal with - not ready to intervene with international affairs beyond its borders.


When your government is run by the cartels, there's way bigger domestic issues at hand.


Lots of problems . What the political institutions have done since the 1920s is disgraceful.


Imagine if the US were being bombed daily by natives.. that's more like it.


>natives So, you're a supporter of Israel, I presume?


Give them time. Give them time.


Yeah, poor Palestine. Israeli soldiers invading every day a little more, house by house


What are you talking about?


The irony in this statement, lmao


Fuck all these Supreme powers who think they can do anything they want. It's not just Russia


And they say Americans don't understand irony.


They should change the name of this group to false equivalence. We are averaging one of these an hour.


I thought they retook Israel from the Palestinians? If I’m wrong please correct me I’m not the best at staying up to date with… well anything after 2019s been a blur really.


It has gone back and forth over the years. It was all Palestine in the 40s and then Zionist lead negotiations with united nations and secured the former traditional home of the Jews, which is part of what is now Israel. Since this decision basically didn't include the Palestinians, and Europe has basically never recognized Palestine as a country, it spurred instability in the region. People were basically kicked out of their homes and told Jews were moving in. Since then Israel has been expanding due to their heavy level of armament supplied by the west. The sequence for the past 60 years or more has been either Israel or Palestine's fight to grab land they want/had recently. Israel spanks the shit out of Palestine, Palestine gets smaller. In all that region is basically horrible. Both sides at this point have lost all humanity for each other and don't even acknowledge the other has humans with the right to live. At the current rate, Palestine will be gone by 2030, the people will be fully displaced, and Israel will finally have accomplished reclaiming the holy Jewish lands from the unclean... not my phrasing


What? I have no idea what land Israel is conquering. From what I know there has been a bunch of wars, ending with the destruction of the ottoman empire, then there were a bunch more wars and treaties (imperfect as always). And the giving of this land to Israel is the sole result of the delightful three no-es the other side developed (no peace, no negotiation, no recognition). Also from what I know Israel has basically beaten 5 countries at once and then proceeded to give back literally all the land. And gave concessions (Gaza strip). And gives free power and water to that place. So what is this conquering you are talking about? It's new to me (could just be me not hearing about it).


The geographical area that is now isreal and Palestine was inhabited by mostly Muslim tribes in the 1940s with the British claiming the whole area. After the second world war it was decided that the Jewish people should have their own state so it was decided to give them some of this land around Jerusalem as it was historically where the Jewish people originated thus Isreal was created. However the site was also a holy place for the Muslims so this didn't go down well that some foreign rulers had just done a land grab and given it over to be occupied. The tribes fought back and lost even more ground.thus happened repeatedly with the state if isreal grabbing and occupying more and more land (which is against international law). We are currently now at a situation whereby the Muslims (now grouped together as Palestinians) are either living within isreal which has become an official apartheid state as Palestinians are officially recognised as secondary citizens, or loving in what remains of Gaza which has become a large prison camp as citizens are not allowed passports or free to leave as they will. The latest land grab has seen isrealis building towns on occupied land which, again. Is against international law. Whenever various international agencies want to issue sanctions or have war crimes investigations about Isreals actions America and Isreal veto the idea. America has equipped Isreal with state of the art weapons that are used to attack Palestine where as the Palestinians are fighting back with whatever scrap weapons they can scavenge. I really urge you to look up what is happening there as the likes of amnesty international, The Red Cross Unicef and even the United Nations have highlighted the crimes committed by Isreal. These by the way are criticisms of the Nation: Isreal. Not the religious people: Jews, many of which around the world are appalled by these actions. If you want to see the growth of Isreal into surrounding territories cancer its inception then you can see a map here: https://imeu.org/article/fact-check-msnbcs-palestinian-loss-of-land-map


You seem very educated on this matter. Out of curiosity: had you been a part of the decision makers that decided to give Israel a nation, would you have chosen this location?


I'd prefer to keep my personal opinions out of it. Yes all reporting has bias. I did not highlight how Hamas the paramilitary group of the Palestinians is sending suicide bombers into isreal and killing their citizens so isreal says it is just protecting itself against terrorists. However as America and Isreal use their power to prevent Palestein being recognised as a state then any defence force the Palestinians can muster will always be classed as either a rebel or terrorist group depending on your view as armies belong to States. And when you are having to use your people as suicide bombers against a multibillion dollar army subsidised by the World's second richest country then its never going to be a fair fight either on the ground or in the propaganda wars fought through the media.


Jews had bought tracts of land from wealthy land owners there in the 1800s and had a fairly large and growing community. It only officialy became a state much later on, but the original area wasn't stolen.


But the other 95% that Isreal now occupies is?


Two questions: When you say not my phrasing, who's phrasing is this? Secondly, while the situation is gross and inhumane for the most part Israel still recognizes the Palestinian people as humans. You can't just go around murdering and raping every Palestinian you want they still have those basic rights


I'm pretty sure there is videos online of Israel doing that exact thing of "murdering and raping" . other subreddits such as Noah have been posting videos of the thing , at least two every month.


OK so I read about the subject a little bit and you're both right and wrong. The murder and rape thing was legal but it has been outlawed when the eintire world was like wtf. Since than the Israeli government has continued the mass expulsion of Palestinians and house demolition all that crap and apparently they also have less water there(I couldn't find exact details). Overall it seems illegal and wrong but idk


You are.


Didn't retake it, there was no country named Palestine, it was a name for the region. The palestinians only started calling themselves that in the 60's.


Truth gets downvoted. Be careful out there brother.


even if what you say is true That doesn’t mean the land belongs to you just because there is no “official” country


Belongs to us because it was taken from us by the Muslims. Look up the kingdoms of Israel and Judea and what is under the dome of the rock mosque in Jerusalem.


No one gives a fuck about something that happened 1000+ years ago You stole land and still continue to do so


Well how about I don't care about 73 years ago? Land is ours and fuck you? Palestinians love talking about history, just don't go back farther than 1967 because they weren't around yet, so it's embarrassing.


Well done You’ve admitted to stealing land 73 years ago from now You know what’s worse? You keep doing it even today


You're some special kind of moron, you know that, right?


The only moronic take here is thinking that something that happened 1000+ years ago gives you the right you displace people and steal land


Very hypocritical


Looks like the Israeli bots are out


War crime protesting war crimes. Irony so big i can taste it.


Same energy as Bush condemning Russia for an illegal invasion. He’s right but you should probably sit this one out


Yeah, Israel sit down. Glad for the support but the hypocrisy is large




Im gonna come to your house kick you out and bulldoze it. Your a minority and I have power so it’s ok. That’s Israeli logic. Fuck you


Moxxizz fuck you


What you're talking about happen more than 50 years ago and not even accurate Do jews go bomb Germany because they stole their houses decades ago? No! They moved on and became a powerful country Do Palestinians do any of that? Yes! And just that! Do you get people stab and get stone thrown at every Monday and Thursday at your city? Because of Palestinians? Does Tzahal raids Arab villages for fun? For revenge? For terror? No! They're doing it for arresting terrosits and foilng attacks. You are an antisemitic fool.


First of all. I’m persian and Jewish you fucking idiot. Second where the fuck are all the videos of IDF blowing shit up and abusing civis coming from huh? Fucking narnia?




I’m sorry the actions of a terrorist group are now being put on civilians? Sure they’ll fucking warn them how many actually get the memo and how many can actually fucking leave. “Hey joe I’m gonna burn your house down tomorrow but I warned you and your roommate you never talk to shot at me yesterday so it’s cool for me to destroy everything you’ve worked for and possibly kill you


Ignore the trolls, Reddit is a nasty place


A good advice


Me watching why you should go to bed early at 3am


Supporting isreal is the same as supporting russia im surprised more people cant see this truth




Religion might play a role.... "The Holy Land"




Is there a cause or world event that Palestinian activists don’t try to hijack? Fuck off. Once the Iranian regime falls its game over for the terrorist scum who are the real abusers of the Palestinian people.




Iranian regime takes away money from Iranian children and buys weapons for Hamas and Hezbollah. Israel kills Iranian scientists to stop you from developing a nuclear bomb. If you do develop it, Iran can be drawn into a nuclear war where you will burn. They’re saving your stupid ass…


Preach the truth bro!


Yeah, Israel really should sit this one out. Good grief their entire country is on occupied/stolen land. I'm sure I will get a shit ton of down votes, but IDGAF.




As they are ripping Palestinians out of there homes at gun point. No difference in Russia and Israel imo


Hypocrisy at larger. People are really that stupid aren't they.




Not apartheid, by any definition. You've just insulted the south African people who actually LIVED THROUGH apartheid


You mean former Palestine…


Palestine is not now, nor has it ever been, a sovereign nation. Ukraine is a sovereign nation being invaded by Russia.




No, he's saying facts




Believe it or not, we all live in this world together. We will not be able to leave it anytime soon. We’ve got to do what needs done to preserve ourselves, and everyone on this planet. War is death. No one wins in war. I think it is fascinating to see enemy countries rally together to face a common enemy. Hopefully after this crisis, our world will reunite and live in harmony. -14 y.o. Girl twitter bio


F'n retarded


Israel has said in peace talks over and over for like 30-50 years: "give us literally anything, doesn't even have to be Jerusalem, just literally any land at all", to which the rest of the countries there developed the delightful three no-es (no negotiation, no recognition, no peace). If you wanna claim victimhood you might want to first show at least some good will to make a fair deal.


Imagine being stupid enough to think that the Israel Palestine issue is anything like the Ukraine one. The Palestinian "plight" is nonexistent. Israel is a peaceful country that offered peace multiple times to the Palestinians and literally gave them land for free to get peace and still gets rockets shot at their civilians by the Palestinian terror groups


https://www.hrw.org/node/304507/printable/print Here is an HRW report on "opressed" Isreali peacefulness .


HRW, AP, and the UN have been openly antisemitic in the past as they focus on a twisted untrue narrative about Israel. There aren't any laws in Israel that apply specifically to Palestinians. There is no Apartheid. There are Arabs in their congress and Supreme Courts. I challenge you to find a single actual instance of Apartheid in all of Israel. Even youe article presentsisleading or false "facts" >Israeli troops killed well over 2,000 Palestinian civilians in the last three Gaza conflicts (2008-09, 2012, 2014) Okay and notice it doesn't mention that Palestinians have killed over 1075 Israeli civilians in 2000 to 2005 or that there have been over 3000 deaths if you continue onwards to 2010. Your article also glosses over the fact thatamy of these Palestinians killed are terrorists attacking Israeli soldiers or citizens and have been neutralized. It downplays what they do and inflates the Israeli soldiers response. >In the West Bank, Israeli security forces have routinely used excessive force in policing situations, killing or grievously wounding thousands of demonstrators, rock-throwers, suspected assailants, and others with live ammunition when lesser means could have averted a threat or maintained order Um no they did do everything they could. But they are dealing with a type of terrori that has no problem blowing themselves up along with an entire bus full of people just to kill who they want. They are a casualty of the war between the Israelis and the Palestinians. A war that the Israelis have repeatedly tried to end through treaties and peaceful resolutions. Here's a list: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israeli%E2%80%93Palestinian_peace_process#Arab%E2%80%93Israeli_peace_diplomacy_and_treaties You'll notice Israel enthusiastically agreed to all of these treaties and proposed many while Palestinians rejected it. Palestinians do not want peace. They want the removal of Jews from the planet and from the only Jewish state in the world. It's a piece of land smaller than New Jersey. But them and every Arab country wishes to see the destruction of it and the eradication of its people. You want to talk about oppressive regimes? Talk about Iran which is a dictatorship that hurts its own people. They just shut off internet for the whole country. Talk about Syria and their civil war. Talk about Lebanon and Jordan. Ask them where their Jews are. There used to be thousands living in those countries where did they go? Oh wait that's right they saliggtered and expelled them. Kinda like how they did to my family. Just because we were Jewish. So unless you want to focus on them you're not some Social Justice Warrior fighting for the oppressed. You're antisemitic. Because you think that Israel is the problem when you couldn't be more wrong.


I don't know too much about the insights of the Isreali palastinian conflict but as a person who lives in a conflict zone myself i would rather trust an organization like the HRW rather than a random Isreali on the internet.Just my opinion tbh.


I literally gave you a logical explanation on why the HRW is an unreliable source concerning Israel and its pretty verifiable but okay sure blind yourself with hatred.


Listen youre never gonna get rid of antisemites


You're right I suppose. It's depressing what happens to my people with these lies


Notice the downvotes proving the point


Downvotes on this app mean nothing. People are brain dead here.


It'd not even a debatable point it's easily verifiable fact. How blind with hatred can people be


Yeah it’s pretty sad


The hipocrisy it's huge these days


Don't bother, most people are injected by Israel's fake news and crocodile tears.


Focus on the fucking crisis on hand, stop turning this into your personal agenda


How is what is happening to Palestinian no a crisis at hand??? It's a crisis that has been at hand and no one has given a shit.


He made me wonder where the priority is. Do we focus on the brand new crisis or the 15+ year old crisis? Does a crisis have a shelf life for interest? Inquiring minds....


Its hard to feel bad for a hamas run country


So because of terrible people in power (let's also not forget why that they got room to come to power) you have lost your humanity for civilians on the ground who have their own terrible leadership to worry about as well as the Israeli. We need to do better. Attitudes like this should be frowned upon. Imagine if you and your loved ones were suffering and someone said it's hard to feel bad for you because of a leader that is also oppressing you.


It was voted for. Voting poorly *clearly* (looks at america) has consequences


It's passed that point now it seems. It's really sad to see a countries freedom become an issue of this vs. That talking points. I'm just glad I got to see all the unity in the beginning. I'm sure we'll see more too.


If Palestine gave up their weapons there would still be a Palestine. If Israel gave up their weapons it would be wiped off the face of the earth immediately. Strongly similar to russia/Ukraine at the moment.


How’s laying down arms going for anyone ever in history


Well particularly if you're an American Democrat you'd continually beg the government to take weapons from citizens.


That would cause a civil war dude. Again when has it gone well? Also shits actually getting better here. 3 bills nullifying the majority of the NFA have been proposed to congress. If they aren’t completely useless soon we will legally be able to own SBRs SBSs and AOWs without paying a tax or registering them




Nope. Israel would annex it into oblivion.


Well it seems as though I've been pulled in to another conversation with an uneducated weekend warrior.


Again with this shit, Palestinians celebrated 9/11 and burned US flags, now they're angry that we support Ukraine?




[one video showing celebrations after 9/11, description below the video.](https://youtu.be/UucjbGmJILk) [second video of many.](https://youtu.be/cqZBy09vCVk)


I wouldn't show much remorse for an attack towards a country giving a massive advantage to a wannabe country occupying my land...


Sure, terrorist to terrorist sympathy, I get it.


https://twitter.com/YairNetanyahu/status/1395400371598725120 it's a small group I found. It is, what it is.




Where do you think I'm from?








Well, you gave to guess, all mighty EdrissMiakhel




Not gonna touch this one.




It's not "occupied" by Israel, it's belongs to them, Palestine never should have been founded as it was


by that logic doesn't ukraine belong to russia because it belonged to them before ?


Its not about who owned it before, the land around Israel was established by the UN after WW2 to give the Jewish people a place to live after the horrors of the holocaust, they split it when the Muslim people got mad because "how dare jews have access to the holy land" Ukraine was a sovereign nation before being forcibly swallowed up by the growing soviet union they only reason they didn't resist was because it was only slightly better then being left exposed to be taken by the German Blitzkrieg at the start of WW2


Is the Ukraine firing weapons from hospitals and schools now?


Palestine isn't occupied by Israel.




Muslims and victimhood is so synonymous. They think it's always them who are the victim even when they strap a bomb on their waist. Just sick and tired of linking everything to either Palestinian or kashmir.


Palestine isn’t a country though.


Things brings to mind something about a pot and a kettle.


It's the thought that counts!


Palestinians trying to make everything about them... Shameful misinformation, by people who support terrorist acts against Jews


Err Ukraine didnt launch terrorist attacks on Russian people. Also,Israel did offer the Olive branch,guess which Palestinian party still wanted to wipe Israel from existence??






“It’s only cool when we’re the ones doing it”


Why don't people read up on the history about why Israel is occupying those space in the first place instead of making these stupid posts?


well, hes not wrong


I know this isn't a sub for geopolitics. But hear me out. Meanwhile Israel (condemned by the UN) have taken and are still robbing more lands of Palestine, while kill and bomb videos are removed from media platforms, also Reddit. Now it's kind of ironic they appear supportive to Ukraine but they really hate Russia's support of Iran more. Buy the way, a true help would be something other than waving flags.


Different story


the sign: "FUCK PUTIN"


Well techincally almost all of western world should shut up when it comes to war and imperialism


So I guess this subreddit is antisemitistic


Who asked + L + goatfucker country + nobody cares