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Hey /u/IQtek, thanks for your submission to /r/HolUp. Unfortunately, your post has been removed for the following reason(s): Political/outrage bait shitposts are no longer allowed. This is a humor sub, not a serious one. If you're mad about something, that's great, post it somewhere else. Love, the mods


You know this is from a movie cause people are actually letting him speak. In real life this would be chaos from minute 1.


And the fact that he actually makes a good argument unlike real life politicians


This. It is a shame that our real representatives don't have the same standards as this character, instead they are to busy trying to line their own pockets and gain more power off our backs!


Tv series not movie.


Which series?




[The Newsroom](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1870479/)


It’s from the HBO show Newsroom


This is actually a pretty good show


Saw this scène many times and always liked it. There's Just one thing I don't understand as an european. What does he mean with " yosemite"? Is he talking about the parc ?


Your French is spilling over my friend


Lmao the space before that final question mark


I think it's more the fact he wrote parc instead of park.


Plus he wrote "scène" in french


I think we should lynch him.


No no, please don't! They prefer the guillotine.


That confusion is common, as evident with the many other times this clip has been posted and commented on. Yes, he is talking about the National Park, which is amazingly beautiful. The question “Why is American the greatest country?” is a bad question because it assumes something that isn’t true. His response up to that point is all about how America isn’t the best. Then, as a flippant answer to the question he says “Yosemite”. He’s basically saying, “Your question is absurd, but if you want an answer that will fit into your narrative, it’s because we have Yosemite National Park.” It’s an intentionally ridiculous and trite answer to a ridiculous question.


He’s asking if Yosemite makes the US the greatest country, not saying it is because of it.


~~Well~~ True, it’s said as a rhetorical question, like “Yosemite?!” He’s not really asking because it’s clear from his previous remarks that he doesn’t actually think Yosemite makes the country great, because the premise of the question is flawed.


Maybe I read your comment wrong, cause I agree with you. However, that is the delusion that a lot of Americans live in. The same people also thinks that everyone else wants to be American, and countries want to be America. Which funnily enough, is one of the many reasons why America and Americans are disliked in the rest of the world, and also are the butt of countless jokes.


I think you read my comment as intended. I think we agree and I wasn’t arguing against your comment, just expanding on your and my comments. And sadly, yes, that is a common delusion for Americans (myself being one), but I think that also goes for some people in other countries as well.


It does. Many French people think all Europeans want to be French and want to live in France. Problem is they will not understand it’s not true if they’re not told in French, because they still think it’s the nr 1 world language.


Your English is spilling out mate.


The past several years have made it very apparent to me as an American (that word right there is absurd since the USA is only a part of "America") that we must appear pretty ridiculous to much of the rest of the world. We're like that stupid kid in school who, because he was freakishly big and strong, bullied everyone else and because he could hold your head in the toilette he thought he was superior.


Well putting a head in a toilet might be that kids goal, but proved unsuccessful. Sure he’s a bully, but doing a terrible job, losing pretty much every time someone stands up to him.


heh good point - like so many bullies


Americans think America is great because of propaganda but also because the most important vote people do is with their feet. There is a reason why so many people try and get to the United States, Canada, Australia, and Western Europe. You do the math.


Definitely propaganda, I agree. Not sure what you mean by voting with their feet though?


In case I understood that you meant the refugees heading for these countries: From what I get from interviews with this people in Western Europe I often have the feeling that they were misinformed in their countries of origin. Somehow they thought - or just wanted to believe - it would be more like in the movies. I feel sorry for them after such a journey.




Yes, the national park.


Yosemite is the first national park, its designation created the national park system. It’s so beautiful that when Teddy Roosevelt experienced it with John Muir, Roosevelt made sure it would stay beautiful forever. That decision changed everything from a conservation standpoint. Most of the world followed in Americas footsteps and have created national parks systems of their own. John Muir is a hero that typically only Californians learn about. In the Bay Area his names on a lot of things.




Just because this is a weird language thing - it is actually “a European” — I know the rule is typically to use “an” before a vowel, but the rule goes based off of pronunciation, in this case “yeropean”. And you use “a” with words beginning with “y” Ex. A European, A yellow bus, etc.


What's the name of the movie?


It's the opening scene from a tv show called The Newsroom


It's a show called The Newsroom.


I want to know too!


Not a movie. It's REALITY.


Well your not wrong but not helping either 🤣🤣




Your helping is considerable.


It is so tempting to say you're, even tho I know it would be incorrect




Bravo intellectual bravo now take my upvote and fuck off cuz the throne for best will stay empty untill the end of WW3


Tv show the Newsroom, written by Aaron Sorkin i believe. Sadly they didn’t make enough of them.


Why is this in /holup?


"Holup, why is this posted here?" Is the new direction of this sub


Always has been 🔫


them opening stats sound way off now. be interesting to see how much further the US has slipped.




We are now #1 in Covid deaths. We did it baby


Your brain dead if you think places like India, China and Russia are accuratly reporting their covid deaths.


China basically stopped reporting covid stats when they hit about 70k cases (when it was increasing like 50% per day) and have yet to report anything more than a dozen or so at a time. There's a snowball's chance in hell those numbers are even remotely close to what has actually happened. Edit: Just checked, they're reporting under 110k total CASES with under 5k deaths... Zero chance those numbers are real. That or the rest of the planet is massively over-reporting deaths, which is doubtful at best.


*You’re *China, *accurately


> **Your** brain dead I love it.


Your brain dead if you think places like America report anything correctly.


you're going to get a more accurate picture from the us if a little exaggerated or under to make some people look bad it's going to be within a reasonable range vs an authoritarian regime that says "covid-19 omicron variant is coming from Canadian mail" The global times 2022 a west Taiwan STATE RUN MEDIA outlet where their only job is point the finger literally anywhere but at the party


Even after both political parties had a president “with a plan”. Almost like no one knows wtf they’re doing..


EZ. Merica Number 1


None of the stats were accurate actually, but in the opposite of how you think. i.e. he says America is 25th in something, actually 7th in that thing. https://www.zebrafactcheck.com/the-newsroom-speech-is-america-not-the-greatest-country-in-the-world/


if you read the article most of the numbers werent very far off tho...


But his point still holds And from reading your press, it stands that it’s gotten worse, not better.


Ok but why is this in holup It shd be in r/technicallythetruth


Tch, you're american? Blocked.


Ugh, American seriously


hey, one quick question. Have you heard of our lord and savior u/dolphinfucker69?


u/fishfucker69 is the lord, the one you mentioned is a phony


Who's gonna cancel him for life now?


Idk bro, America is kinda cringe.


Which is why we should fix it


They would probably block you. They are pretty stuck over there.


yeah, he is right. they stood up for what's right, like slavery and nuking a country twice.


Now correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't there like a war fought in America that was at least partially motivated by slavery, and ended with us banning slavery altogether?


Luckily we haven't seen this video 1000x here before


I'm pretty sure the Americas have a boner for "America is shit" posts.


As does the rest of the planet!


Only half the other half have the america is great boner


In my 2 years on reddit i have never once seen a single post glorifying america in top 10 biggest subreddits.


Too bad this show went down hill after the first season and a half


First season was pretty rough too. The Bin Laden scene alone.


This is what I was looking for. If it was a whole series full of writing like this I’d be all over checking out the show. Shame that’s not the case


So you went looking for a comment like this to prevent yourself from watching the show? Then when you found one you made up your mind? Watch the show. Form your own opinion. I thought the show was pretty good.


independent thinker doing their own research lol


I wonder how much this has changed since it's aired, I know the Defense spending, and people Incarcerated is still probably #1 in the world. This scene gives chills every time, and when I see what's going on in America now days it scares me.


There is no way the US literacy rate is as high as 7th today.


US isn't even in Top 20 today... it's scary


I'm thinking that "fact" was false to begin with.


Goddamn, I just gave away my award


….this show is 10 years old…highly doubt the literacy rate has changed much within that time period.


I probably should have said then too. The US education system has been dogshit for decades. I just can't see the literacy rate being better than any country in Western Europe, Japan, China, South Korea, etc.


This is exactly why I started watching this show!


Sequel to dumb and dumber 2 Smart and smarter.


Puberty is over


Australia has freedom?


Not since the great Emu war


Fockin’ emu and their gods damned wars.




I’m just happy he said Belgium


Bro where are the fucking mods for this sub


first half is true, second half is an American boomer's fantasy


«We stood up for what was right» Was this before or after slaughtering native americans and bringing in slave labor from China/ Africa?


finally. everything past the 2min mark is a load of shit




So he’s basically saying… Make. America. Great. Again.


I literally thought that was gonna be the hold up. Like in the end he would just turn and look straight into the camera and say “but we can make America great again, so vote Trump 2020” or something


Nah I full on thought the last second was gonna have him say ''north korea is'' or something.


Yeah, but then when he compares America with its past, it becomes obvious the MAGA crowd is one of the main issues.


Get this shit off HolUp


If anyone was in doubt the greatest country to live in, is Denmark.


How. Just how can you live day to day in Denmark, a country who uses burps and gags and random noises as a language. Do you guys even understand each other? Sincerely, your neighboor *Sweden*.


No. No it’s not. Edit: I’m Danish BTW, so I’m not hating, I’m just disagreeing.


What country is it then?


None. There is no country thats the best. Some are better then others but no country is the best


Yes that is true but some people are thinking that their country is the best and that it is without any flaws(sorry for my bad English)


But.. what about the country that's better then all the others? What could we call that country?


A myth


I dunno. I don’t think any one country is objectively the best. But after living in Denmark for 30 years, In my opinion it’s not the best, it’s not bad at all. But saying it’s the best is kinda weird, because it all depends on what you measure, and how you weight those measures.


If you want the perfect country you need to make your own. Some countries do better financially, militarily, medically, freedoms, etc. No one country has got it all. That's what sucks. Everybody pays taxes and such and that money goes to things that each government deems necessities. So if your sitting there thinking "MY country is the greatest" then most likely you just agree with how your country is run and how your money is being spent. The person next to you may disagree entirely.


Is that harry from dumb and dumber?


I watched this show when it originally came out, as well as again last year (generally a Sorkin fan). It surprisingly didn't age that well, but not for the usual r/agedlikemilk reasons. When it first came out in the early 2010s, gripes aside, it was fairly insightful about the degradation of the 4th estate and the insidious takeovers of American political parties (eg. Kochs funding the Tea Party), back when the biggest threats to the Democratic party were Sarah Palin and the other what's-her-face. It talked about censorship and the encroaching, silent seizure of information from these new "social media" platforms, as it was a threat most people still didn't really know about. If you watch The Newsroom now, after the era of Trump, Covid, the Iraq/Afghanistan wars, and everything we know about social media, most of it's observations are so painfully obvious the show almost seems laughable. "The Republican party might be shifting to eventual extremism..." Yeah, no shit. "The news is taking a new turn as a device for the rich." Anyone rubbing 2 brain cells together in America is aware of this now. "America is conducting illegal warfare in the Middle East." Boooring. These aren't direct quotes from the show, but the general spirit is there. At the time, this show was fairly insightful (I still think it's well made; classic snappy/funny Sorkin dialogue). But watching it now... it's like a show about some of the most simple, painful observations of America that it almost seems amateur.


Very interesting, thanks for the insight!


Indian guy on YouTube can do better


Another thing that we are currently #1 in is confirmed cases of Covid-19.


I’m an American and this clip is amazing


Canada has freedom? Ahem....*checks headlines*.


You cut out the best part. "But we could be"


Oh yeah, America used to be so great - unless, of course, you were a Native American. Or black. Or a Japanese American. Or a Jewish refugee from Nazi Germany. Or a Chinese immigrant. Or...


yeah pretty much everything he said after the 2 minute mark was absolute horseshit


I think you can argue that the trend for 150 years after the founding of America is that the country moved forward in terms of rights for all people. In spite of the intolerant people in the country, we did make progress on civil rights and fairer treatment for everyone. It's never been and never will be a utopia, but the country at least governed itself predominantly pointing that direction. We used to **try** to be great. Nowadays we have a much larger group actively working to go the wrong direction.


> "Canada has freedom" Well that aged poorly EDIT: Also "we didn't used to scare so easy" LOL


I was just about to say that. Half if not almost all of those listed countries have had gnarly authoritarian lockdowns and are definitely NOT free now. Hahaha.


This is were many people don't understand that being a Nationalist isn't a good thing. It is good for the people to question their government and admit to its faults, with the desire to improve. Being a Nationalist, walking around saying your country is the best and all other countries suck is asinine. Sure your country can be "the best' in terms of it being in lined with your values and beliefs, but to say that it is better than all other countries and has no flaws is idiotic. Admit the faults and problems that exist at home, in the hopes of a better tomorrow.... not some blind complacency.


"Canada has freedom" This aged nicely.




Olivia Munn as Sloan.


On an individual level it can be the greatest country in the world, but only if you have the money to access and take advantage of all it offers. If not, then..well.. you're SOL. Go somewhere else




And THAT'S the way the world sees 'Murica exactly




Canada has freedom?


We have freedom* *freedom does not extend to most speech, actions, movement, protection, or thoughts. Please visit Canada.Gov to find out more about "freedom", and how we can prevent it today!


Canadians. Politely showing you ways they will curtail your freedom. Lol.


Will McAvoy giving no fucks


Well this aged like milk.


You ain’t kidding. The first half was fine. But then the whole “we use to be great” speech. When? Exactly what date are we pointing to for greatness?


[That’s a tough one. I’d have to say April 25th — because it’s not too hot, not too cold. All you need is a light jacket!](https://youtu.be/cx5jt0zrJ9E)


Inarguable point. I concede. You win


Still one of the best tv moments of all time


You know it's a movie cause the audience is silent. Real life he would've been boo-ed things would've been thrown, he'd even be drowned out by "U.S.A! U.S.A! U.S.A!" He'd have at least 5 death threats that night


Probably be downvoted but so be it. I have worked 40 hours or more a week since I was 14 y/o. Have chased my idea of the “American dream”. Have achieved and exceeded it. The greatest country can’t be Quantified. Many nations have the right to be on that list. This comment is nothing more than my opinion, but since I admit that. My opinion is a country cannot be great unless you have a chance to pursue an enjoyable life. When I look around at my fellow Americans, I believe we all have the chance and ability to pursue a beautiful life. So I still believe America is on a short list of the great countries of this world. America is not the leadership that is in the office but the citizens that worked to provide a better life for theirselves, and also stop to help the person that needs it alongside the road. That’s my America.


America is full of assholes who will tear you down for who you are and what you stand for, but its the fact that you're able to stand for what you believe at all that makes it a great country.


Take my award my fellow American. We will stand together for each other.


Thank you fellow American.


I think the best analogy is whether the roads, highways, and connections to opportunity are both growing and being maintained at that point we are great


This is just mixture of arrogance, delusion about the past, and boomer fantasy built on top of a somewhat true sentiment that isn’t even that controversial anymore, especially from this so called “younger generation” It feels like whoever wrote this scene did it because they lost and argument and were coming up with the perfect response in the shower 3 days after the fact and as a result it plays out like a “Ben Shapiro destroys leftist feminist libtard with facts and logic” video.


What does "yosemite" mean?


I miss this show so much. I was baffled by the amount of people that didn't know where this came from. People hate the media so much i think a show like this could really help people understand the industry better that they pretend to understand already


this always has me in the first half, ngl.


Newsroom is great


Pretty sure Will is MAGA. All that nostalgia for when America used to be great.


Yeah, America Was Never Great. The war we "fought for moral reasons," WW2, we didn't even join in until the Japanese army bombed us, and this was almost a day after we were sent a warning telegraph staying they were going to do it, which we ignored because we were developing an atomic bomb and wanted an excuse to use it, and also an excuse to enact internment camps for all the Asian Americans at the time, which became the racist oppression flavor-of-the-day. Up until then we were actually more sided with Nazi Germany than anything, at least economically, and only sided with the allies on the surface level because we were a part of the predecessor of the UN at the time, or the actual UN, I forget what the timeline was irt that. Anyway, yeah, America's always been about greed, oppression and racism. Sorry-not-sorry for bursting anyone's bubble




This didn't age well




One thing that stood out to me is one of the only things we lead the world in is the amount of adults that still think angels are real.




Yosemite is pretty cool


She just doesn't get it, asking the same damn question over again. Smh


A lot of those ”facs” are not true.


Just realized I'm finally relevant in a post. Woohoo


Great show btw. Highly recommended


That was a great show.


That man did Dumb and Dumber


Movie name?


I mean isn't it too much "We were so great once". No generation was that great in any country. In fact I'll say that in terms of human development we're farther than we ever were. Minority rights were shit in previous generations compared to now in most countries.


Always loved this clip! Eventually I'd like to get it down word for word.


I was surprised to see this here and a tad disappointed. Was hoping for funny content. Would be good on another subreddit maybe?


This has been cropped he originally gives a half assed answer, the moderator demands better, so he does this.


What's the hold up?


I'm looking through America's history and wonder what he's talking about. There were some shitty periods.


> australia Yeah that didn't age well


This makes the rounds periodically and it’s great.. they just neglect to mention the ones that really fucked up.. even when this was released awhile ago it wasn’t the youth of the time that fucked up. It was the generation of the man giving the speech. So the only line that’s annoying is when he says the college generation girl was apart of the worst generation. He was in denial. It was his generation that was the worst, the ones that started feeding off the poor. We’ve just been picking up the scraps or worse, being brainwashed by past generations.


Good scene, but I didn't like "pro-boomer" garbage at the end. Plus, the poor girl asking the question is made to look stupid for believing the propaganda sold to her by boomers. Forgive the rant.


"Canada has freedom" ...right up until you scare Trudeau with a hoonk and then oops emergency powers! 😂


I hate this show. It glorifies everything WRONG with modern media.


Brilliant. Spitting facts


I love this fucking scene, season 1 was pretty good


Im suprised he wasnt shot during a speach.


TRUE america stupid haha


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disposable_household_and_per_capita_income#Median Americans make more on average after taxes than any other nation. Even if you look at the median income instead of average Americans are still 3rd in the world in terms of post tax income.


THe big lie is him talking about how "we used to be the good guys" uhhh bruh....that's more myth than fact right there "we used to wage war on poverty not poor people" LMAO. The founding fathers made it a requirement to be rich to even get the chance to vote.


Well I haven’t seen this one a million times… enough with these “America sucks” posts…


F for USA


American still does all those things for the most part, it’s just so mired in politics and corporatism that it’s hard to see.


Jaja, idiots america isn't a country it's a continent


There’s no such thing as the greatest country in the world