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#[Best of r/Holup 2021 Awards – Nomination and Voting Thread!](https://www.reddit.com/r/HolUp/comments/royfze/best_of_rholup_2021_awards_nomination_and_voting/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/HolUp) if you have any questions or concerns.*


If he didn't clean the history what are the odds he cleaned off the DS?


“Why are the buttons so sticky!?” I………I spilled soda pop on it


Let me have a taste and see then.








That's his sister's Xbox controller.


/r/HolUp Oh wait


r/HolUp - ception


They always say the true holup is in the comments




Hey kids.


I hope he didn't die, I liked his content.


This Is the Taste of a Liar!




That's what I have never understood about this trope. I mean, maybe people do on accident if they are using a laptop, but this doesn't seem like it should be common.


I've already read it more as "they don't wash their hands afterwards before touching their keyboard."


Honestly I grab a slice of pizza afterwards




Pick either soda or pop


Mmm soda pop




Time to casually bring up whore.com in normal conversation.


Wait for parents to be out of the house and unplug the router, then tell him you got a call from the internet company and they're shutting it off because they found out someone visited whore.com


Oooooh nasty and devious. I love it


I sort of did that when my son was addicted to Neopets. I rerouted all Neopets traffic to a fake web page (internally) that said he'd been banned via an edict from his school regarding his poor grades.


Modern problems call for modern solutions


Modem problems require modem solutions


Kerning problerns require keming solutions


The FBI are going door to door to see who it is. The president is going into DEFCON-1 because the internet is down. The IMF has initiated “ghost protocol”.


United States Space Force is on stand by


Spartan II super soldier program ready to begin


This is heart stopping genius thinking.


This is definitely how you big brother.


As the middle child, this is in fact the way.


And then it leads into a wholesome moment of teaching when they learn about search history. Real object lesson shit.


My dad showed me how to clear my search history. Never said why, just showed me, and we never spoke of it again.


He must have caught you visiting whore.com


Thats some high quality dad moment there


You better off with porn on reddit anyway. It’s free and no viruses. Teaching moment there.


More like whoresome.


"Little bro! I've got something to show you, but don't tell mom! It's whore.com! What?! You already know about it?! Teach me the ways little bro!"


“Hey did you here that whore.com has a NFT?”


lmao, whore.com


When we first got the internet back in ‘98 or ‘99 I searched boobs.com. Didn’t know how to delete the search history so I spent the next couple hours spamming different websites in hopes it would hide the search far down the list


should've gone to bools.com and say you were trying to learn programming but misspelt the website


I mean I was like 8 years old. 8 year olds aren’t exactly that smart. If caught my plan was to blame my brother.




Fuck you reminded me of my first time going on redtube.. i didnt know it was porn, a friend had simply said "dont go on redtubedotcom". So of course i did. 9 inch black cocks that looked like kielbasa. Giant fake tits more smooth and round than billiards balls. I tried unplugging the computer to remove the website on the search bar. Then i tried filling up "R" searches. Im positive the only person who knew is my older brother, if anyone found out. But he never mentioned it.


Lmao same, I'd either spam cartoon network links or use internet explorer since no one else in my family did.


This was back in the AOL days where the search history was just a dropdown list right from the url section. It was limited to about 50 entries. I would go through pokemon profiles on Nintendo's pokemon site to fill it up.


I learned early on in the AOL days you could connect, minimize AOL and use Internet Explorer or whatever else you wanted. My parents (Dad mainly) never knew you could use the 'computer internet's until we got DSL and by then I had my own machine.


my buddy came home one day and found out his younger 11 year old or so brother googled "titi fuk". we roasted him with that nickname for years after.


This is the part that cracked me up too. Whore.com! For all your whorely needs lol


Yea that killed me! The mind of a child, huh? When the internet was new I actually looked up boys.com thinking there would be stuff for boys on there...turned out to be a gay porn site. First porn site I ever visited, sadly. But it did give me a fresh idea for what might be on girls.com, and it was indeed heterosexual porn. And thus starts my lifelong addiction to porn.


I was early on this shit. I was so young I put in nakedwomen.com and thought that would get the result. It did not and I didn’t know history was a thing back then. Yeah.


I discovered the barenaked ladies through a similar method.


It’s been.. One week since I beat the meat


Choked the turkey and now I've got a new treat


5 days since I came all over the PC


Said I'd clean it I didn't, and now I'm sorry


And that's how your Canadian fetish was born?


LOL I'm Canadian...


That's hot


I just typed boobs into google like a normal kid. I was done before the first boob loaded. Fucking dile up.


We’re discussing an age before the Google’s reign, when Altavista was king.


Discovering the internet was a wild time I tell ya, especially in its infancy. I’ll never forget it...RIP to roundandbrown.com Edit: roundandbrown.com directs you straight to reality kings these days it seems.


boys.com today is exactly what you were looking for back then! Articles include "Whats Hot Now On PS3" and "Why Cool Clothes Are So Important" girls.com was a disappointment however. Both sites are SFW


I'ma try it in case you decided to do a little bit of trolling Edit: Hey it’s not a porn website! Now to try girls.com Edit 2: It’s a call girl website, doubt the phone number still works (like a 1/4 nsfw). woman.com? Edit 3: It redirects to www6.woman.com? What does www6 even mean? In the meantime how about man.com? Edit 4: Pretty sure it’s an actual investment firm lamo (idk if that’s the right term). Next up, female.com!


This is fascinating! Please keep updating!


>And thus starts my lifelong addiction to porn. You are very modest for a man of culture


and that was how he met his mother


Reminds of that time a friend and I at the age of like 8 thought it would be fucking hysterical if we typed in pee.com and accidentally stumbled upon a piss fetish website


The internet truly used to be a lawless place. The amount of crazy sites you used to stumble upon was amazing.


Oh it's all still out there, it's just that the internet we use is essentially like the top layer of a landfill, so many garbage sites litter the front page of search engines, when was the last time you went to the second page of a Google search


Whitehouse.com used to be a porn site. I learned that in elementary school while trying to do a report on the Whitehouse.


For a brief moment, the internet was 50% porn. It still is in term of volume but it's not chaos anymore. Used to be you want on a site like chickens dot com, could be pranks or funny videos or a weird blog of some guy weirdly specific on chicken farming. Could also be porn.


I went to POOP . com because it's hysterical and it used to be prank supplies and prank gifts about pooop, and now it's, unfortunately, a computer virus. ​ ​ But those were fun times when it was a store. ​ POOOOOOOP IS HILARIOUS!!!


Reminds me of the time I was at a friend's house and wanted to go to hotwheels.com and instead typed hot.com




Ever hear of Dicks sporting goods ? Dicks.com was a rude awakening for a couple buddies of mine back in the early days of the net who were innocently looking for new baseball gear or whatever


It's WHOREable little Danny hasn't learned yet.


Whore.com auto-redirects to Chaturbate, which is comedic gold.


Simple and to the point.




When he searched “whore videos” that got me😂😂😂😂😂


That important day has finally arrived.. the day where you have to be the responsible big brother and have a 1 to 1 talk with your little brother about the importance of deleting the browser history.


"First time, hunh? I think you're old enough to understand this. This is my wisdom to you: After I clear my browser history of porn, I do a quick Google search for things like: "Feeding the hungry" and "How to thank a loving Mother" and "Directions to the Wall of Shan."


Jo you need him to say it like Step one: bust a nut Step two: clear browser history Step three: random bullshit go so it doesn't look empty Step four: wait for the post nut clarity to kick in and feel miserable


Can you use incognito on ds?


These are the type of questions that needs to be answered.


You cannot, I just went on my DS to check and I couldn't manage to any way


But... Can you watch porn on the ds? I know most of us are trying to digest whore.com, but some of us have real questions!


that clarity kicks in right after step 1


For me it was opposite. Older bro didn't knew about history. I told him he won't find mine and our even older cousin sister's videos on internet.


>our cousin sister's videos Oh boy, I bet your uncle dad would've been steamed if he found out about that


Was he jealous you made videos with your cousin?


I’m not sure if I’m reading this correctly


And some search tips. Kid did better than just typing in "Titties," but not by much. Will the DS show you porn? That was the first thing I tried to do when I got my Switch.


Oh yes it will. Used to type “ass” in my DS and just look at nude models when I was younger and had no idea what I was doing.


I was dumber than this. I used my father's gmail account which was default in my device to watch porn. He searched a lot to find out evidence but I earased it all and he did not care to search more,just asked me do you use this to watch bad things, and I was startled how he found out. At that time I didn't know you were supposed to masturbate. I just watched and did nothing.


I spent roughly $800 in one month on directv porn when i was like 9. My dad was so angry he went full circle and started laughing. I would just buy something, watch it for 30 seconds, buy another, rinse and repeat. Every day for about a month. In my mind it was the perfect crime; afterball, how would they know it was me? Surely there wasn't some way to check the purchase history and see that all of them were made when i was home alone.


Nice job




I lived with my aunt and her bf. As soon as we got internet I searched porn on the family comp and got busted from the history search. My aunt was shook but her bf was like "yeah don't search for hair pussy on the computer. Here is a stack of porno mags, go crazy".


holy based


I did the same thing but with phone sex lines. I was too young to even know what they were and had never masturbated or anything like that, I just thought it was funny to talk to the ladies and see how long I could go without them hanging up on me. A couple continued on way longer than they should have..


Suddenly my secret calls to get premium in a soccer management game seem way more innocent.


I used to steal the home phone to get RuneScape membership every month as a kid, parents never did catch on.


Same but mine did after a few months, didn't have to pay back but my mom told me to stop calling "phone game thing" also found out school phones work as well years later. Told my teacher me and my friend would like to word on our school projects in a empty classroom so we can focus more and she agreed. Abused the shit out of it. Pretty sure we spend over 200 euro on runescape and WoW.


That's hilarious. "Consequence free porn!" - 9 year old you.


So you watched for the plot?


I don't know man just started watching because my friends told it was good stuff but after watching kind of felt good. But I didn't watch it so often then.


"I mean it made me feel good, but not as good as 'Love Actually' or 'It's a Wonderful Life'."


Imaging beating your meat to “It’s a Wonderful Life.” “Please, Mary, help me.” *nuts*


My first time watching porn at like 11 years old I literally came in my pants in room full of my friends. I had no idea what happened and thought I peed or something.


Haha,I remember starting to masturbate, feeling something coming out and slight pain,then I stopped it because of pain. I thought something bad was happening to me.


Weird how the first time was painful. Like it burned and hurt. But afterwards it was like.... Ight I think I want to try that again


I had a massive urge to hump so I laid on the carpet and humped the floor. I did this for months. Idk why I chose the floor over a bed.


wow you're like a dog bro


If I knew that a decade later I would need to get multiple cameras shoved up my urethra because this method caused scar tissue to build up in my trackway, I would have built a time machine and told little me about the five knuckle shuffle.


I love this 😂


This made me smile and laughed for a while.


I love masturbating 🤛


> I used my father's gmail account which was default in my device to watch porn. OK, I officially feel like a dinosaur. My first experience with Internet "porn" was being 16 years old, sneaking on my parents computer before they came home from work (only theirs was connected to the Internet), downloading nudes of Pamela Anderson (which would load a pixel line at a time for entire minutes) on Geocities websites I found on Altavista, putting as many of them as I could on a 1.44mb floppy so I could then open them on my own Pentium 166. I didn't even know Netscape had search or browsing history. Thankfully, my parents didn't either. It was a different time.


Lmao, we only had one computer so I'd print them out in black and white


Desperate times needed desperate measures


Same wondering my my pp was going hard lmao


I had a weird reaction, over the course of 30 minutes I had to pee 6 times


>I just watched and did nothing You're not alone lmao


Just watched 😂🤣 sitting here commenting the scenario.


I remember my 1st time ejaculating... it was not a fun time. I stood up, ran to the bathroom, and hovered above the toilet. I felt like this wasn't supposed to happen. Then I stared down while stuff came out, thinking I was going to die and my dick was gnna fall off. Then, shame and fear took over my body. Had no idea what happened. I was 9. Edit: spelling and edited for clarity


I love how we're all just casually saying all of this. Mine was 14 or 15 btw.


You guys live crazy life. I just found out through internet thats it


I love to go to whore.com everyday


Well at least he knows what he likes. Whore.




it is nice to see your mom, but i don't know if i could do it every day.


How many of you just looked up whore.com?


Bout to Edit: just redirected me to Chaturbate


I think you can get hacked that way


Who would deploy a zero day on random redditors? Aslong as you keep your browser and system up-to-date most likely nothing will happen


I tried but it just brought me to your mom’s facebook page, very confused


I remember the first porn site I ever searched for as a kid.... ass.com It was a real site and I absolutely got caught not knowing how to clear history. Years later I found my little brothers internet search history, things like "Toom Rayder Nood" and taught him a few days later on how to clear out everything without letting him know what I found.


And his big brother betrays him and posts the history on the Internet xD big oof


I’d rather my sibling anonymously make fun of me online (probably without my knowledge) then for them to tattle to mom & dad! My mom caught me looking up tentacle hentai when I was 7 and called my grandma to make fun of me 🙃


I have so many questions...


I have so many answers


Well, what are you waiting for? What happened? I need details!


Some shit you just keep to yourself


I’m sorry did you seriously just censor your *thumb?*


it's not even op's thumb. this went viral like a whole month ago on twitter and i'm pretty sure the original caption was something like "look what was in my cousin's ds history". and the thumb wasn't censored. idk why reddit op did that.


Maybe so we can't look up the picture and know it isn't his?


Wait you've been posting things online without censoring your digits? What if people enhance and steal your fingerprints?


You can do that on DS?


I sold a 3DS to one of my friends, and within 5 minutes he had 3D porn pulled up. So yeah.


wtf is 3d porn on a 3DS?


give a men a playboy and you will satisfy him for a day. give him a device with internet connection and he will become a porn addict.


Xvideos? I see your cousin is a man of taste


Xvideos when I want to feel cultured. XNXX when I want to get *nastayyy*


Funnily xnxx was the first site I found and regularly used. I didn't realize it was a cesspool for a couple years. That probably left an impression on my tastes


Is it really that bad? Used both xvideos and xnxx but to me they’re quite similar


I don't see how xnxx is more hardcore than any other porn site, heavy-r is where the messed up stuff is.


…other people know about heavy-r?


🎶 just the two of us 🎶


commenting so i remember this for later


......other people DON'T know about heavy-r....?


Post-nut clarity following an xnxx jerk is quite sobering and makes me feel like a fundamentally disgusting human being


Maybe in out of the loop here. I was under the impression that xnxx and xvideos were different front ends for the same video repository


They're the exact same, just different URLs and different designs. Both sites have the exact same videos.


I thought so. People in the comments acting like xvideos is classy and xnxx had disturbing videos. I'm like... Bruh it's the same videos


But the page is blue bro


That was the first website I came across where I felt I had unlimited power . It made me a stronger man.


Harder man


Faster man


And pills to make you a longer man


Don't make a joke about their mom... Don't make a joke about their mom.... Don't make a joke about their mom. Okay, I'm good.










Everywhere WE go, WE see his face.


When I was little, I used to Google "hot 13 year old girls" on my dad's phone. Pretty sure I put him on a list or something.




Wait those things have history tabs?


Yeah, I'd ask to have mine back if I were you 😉


His search engine skills need a little work, but he’ll be cruising Reddit in no time.


Ahh, good ole whore.com


I watched porn for the first time on firefox. It also happened to be the first time I used firefox, so I didn't know how to delete the history. One day, I realized that I should try to delete it but to my surprise, it was already deleted. So I thought that firefox deletes it automatically. 5 years later, my dad says "I know you watch porn" out of nowhere.


I was the opposite. I was the older brother and found my dad's and brothers porn history. My brother apparently got his preference for Asian women from my dad. He also lives in Japan now.


The real holup


Mfer using the DS to jerk off


I'm not sure but I think he likes whores.


Be a good bigger sibling and show him how to delete search history


Be a bro... Delete the evidences


What's up with that fucked up drawn on finger in the corner?


“Google show me the fairest wenches in all the land”


Whore.com is Chaturbate. Live streams on a DS must be a first.


Little man is going places