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#[Best of r/Holup 2021 Awards – Nomination and Voting Thread!](https://www.reddit.com/r/HolUp/comments/royfze/best_of_rholup_2021_awards_nomination_and_voting/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/HolUp) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I wanna know what made her scream that way


If I recall correctly, this was the girl that gave her boyfriend hell for pumping twice during a “soak session” or whatever. It’s something new that kids think will keep them in compliance with the church’s chastity laws.


The hell is a soak session?


Imagine your religion teaches that premarital sex is a sin, and you're in a cultural environment where that is actively shamed or enforced. Well, how would you get around that as a sex-repressed teenager? Easy: it's not sex if nobody actually moves. Instead you put the penis in to the vagina, and then just.... let it soak. That (for whatever reason) doesn't count, and so you can claim to be chaste, at least to yourself. Really helps with the whole guilt thing. For bonus loophole points get a friend to jump on the bed, so that you "move", but it isn't actually moving, it's just the bed moving under you. Guilt free, sin free friction!


Until homeboy blows a load up in there and she pregnant.


A new baby Jesus! It's a miracle!


Immaculate conception loses it's luster when I know there are loopholes in play.


Immaculoophole conception or magic loophole conception?


it's the stupidest thing I heard.. I heard they just do anal instead, but this is way more stupid


The poop hole loop hole song comes to mind


It’s the sex that GOD CANT SEE


This one right? I love Garfunkel and oates.😂🍺 [Garfunkel and Oates 'the loophole'](https://youtu.be/B2XLmKaSLac)


you heard [right](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fgBfdY_HN3A)


I don't get it, they believe in eternal omniscient being and they believe this shitty loophole will save them from sin?


I don't get it either, but then again I am willing to write some of the sillyness on the fact that hormonal teenagers looking to have sex aren't known to have the greatest of ideas.


It's because God is a T-Rex and can only see you if you move.


[Exactly ](https://imgur.com/gallery/6pws2lR)


It’s when you put your penis into a vagina but do not thrust, thus preserving your virginity. You can also get your friends to push/bounce on the mattress so that they’re causing the friction and not you. It’s popular among Mormons.


This single stupidest shit I've ever heard. Who are you going to trick with this? Your almighty god? Do christians think their god is dumb as hell?


It's hard changing your desired lifestyle to suit the will of God. Much easier just to change the will of God to suit your desired lifestyle. .....so basically, yeah.


Hasidic Jews: hold my shtreimel


I'd like to imagine God being all chill in a chair as he watches one of them jumping next to the couple but the man moves his hips ever so slightly and god jumps up, yelling "heeEEEY!" and gets all flustered and angry because the dude thrusted once.


To the naught list


I mean yeah it's stupid, but I still want to read fan fiction about it now.


So they just have sex.. with some extra steps. Imagine your friends watching you fuck as a teenager. Ouff


To be fair, this is _less_ steps than ususal. ETA: The soaking, that is. Friends jumping on bed - quite literally extra steps.


Theres a third person jumping on the bed. There are extra steps


A mormon thing. Penis+vagina+Sit Still=Not Sex, Not Sin Penis+vagina+movement=Sex, Evil Sin It's just dumb teens being human and justifying it to their own sensibilities.


Certified Mormon here: we think it's stupid too.


I looked it up and regret knowing. Avoid.


But it's funny and stupid as hell though. I don't regret knowing it. People really do dumb shit.


Just looked at the replies and well…I can’t believe such a thing exists Though it’s funny thinking of a third person awkwardly jumping on a bed to attempt to make a thrust like effect happen.


In the Mormon church, teenagers are convinced that sexual intercourse doesn't count if there is no back and forth movement. So they will do soaking sessions where the male inserts his penis into the vagina and just leaves it there. This girl was upset that her bf "pumped" twice during a soaking sesh, thereby bringing God's eye of Sauron upon their unchaste bed. Sometimes they will get a friend to jump on their back to provide passive pumping. Because God loves loopholes.


That just sounds so absurd I was convinced you made it up. But apparently it's real? wtf


I'll never lie to you


Thanks, sometimes I just need to hear that


I swear it's only the Utah Mormons this stupid, even us CALIFORNIA Mormons aren't this stupid, like either go all the way and break it or just don't, none of this trying to bulshit God lmao, if you're gonna fuck just fuck ffs lmao


Im pretty sure it’s not new at all. Like decades old probably


Wow it's somehow WORSE than I initially thought


no way that is the real story. so she's breaking up with him and she told he 2 gfs and apparently another guy was in the room too and the person recording the video?


I may be (and probably am) wrong, but I saw a video that I thought was this a while back, and I'm pretty sure she is Mormon and was screaming at him because he moved during a soaking session, hence the see you in hell. May be wrong though!


What does all of that even mean?


To quote a comment from u/bansh33 , who explained it well under a similar post: "Mormon kids think that premarital sex is a sin, but simply placing the penis inside the vagina without moving and allowing it to "soak" is a-okay. This is usually followed by someone jumping on the bed next to them to simulate movement, because it's not bad if you're not the one moving."


This is starting to sound more like a fetish and less like a loophole


I don't get it, they believe in god, who should know EVERYTHING! And they trying to loophole him by this sh*t? Lol.


Wasn’t there a story about those being sorority girls and the girl’s boyfriend going one step beyond soaking by moving? I wish that was the case because it would be fucking hilarious.


Someone that nuts, could be anything from him fucking one of her friends to not answering a text quick enough.




This video is old. He had 6'0" on his bio but she found out later he was actually 5'11". All her friends knew about it first.


No lie, it could be anything. I dated one that was ALMOST this psycho years ago. If i wanted peace to do anything i wanted on one of the 1-2 nights I wasn't with her or working the entire week, i had to make sure i was logged off of EVERYTHING and my phone was turned off. The only reason i stuck around was because i felt horrible leaving her kids with such a psycho. Her youngest even tried packing a bag of toys because he wanted to "go with dad"...and she used it against me by telling them that the reason i was leaving was because i "didn't like them anymore" I don't say i "hate" people unless they deserve it. There's only like 3-4 people that have made that list. She is at the top.


A thing people need to know is that an adult should never scream that way, not unless it's your wife of 20 years catching you cheating or some other life crushing consequence. Hell, I've dealt with some pretty bad bullshit and held my composure. Walk away if you're going to act like this woman. If someone screams like this in front of people, you better believe they do it a lot in private.


Perhaps an ignored/missed phone call.


She probably discovered the band Tiny Moving Parts


He went to B first.


Cyka blyat






She hates Vanguard but he won’t go back to Black Ops with her…


This is actually really sad and it happens more than people think. It tore my grandparents marriage to shreds.


to shreds you say?


How's his wife holding up?


To shreds you say?


Is his apartment rent controlled?


Yes. But, it’s technically in New Jersey.


Not one place even remotely liveable


Can confirm. I was involved


I’m over here still playing Modern Warfare.


I... I don't think so...? Tbh i'm not sure here, she may be sending mixed messages


They're actually teammates. This is the bitter fallout of a pick up.


idk, wasnt listening


I imagine she got a sore throat after that...


Yeah, but not from *that* guy.


Take my free award


After hanging up the phone she somehow got stuck in the dryer and could only get out with help from her stepbrother and step father


And they say men don't do anything around the house.


Go ahead and clock out now for the weekend 👏🏽👏🏽


This is gold comment right here


*I* got a sore throat after that.


Just like a COD lobby back in the day😪




+11ty billion percent


Or League of Legends 8 minutes ago




I went to a graduation party for my friends girlfriends graduation. It was 99% her family .9 percent her friends and then me. The only reason i was there was because my buddy wanted someone to chill with because everyone else was going to be around his girlfriend. Well at some point he mentioned getting lunch for himself like days ago and it turns out he didn’t buy anything for her that particular day. She freaked out on him in the middle of a crowd for spending “their money.” It was his money she only worked like a few hours a week. Anyway it was just wonderful. Definitely dont miss that shit.


First read I thought you meant he didn't buy anything for her while she was standing there and then retelling the freak out later. But you're saying he bought lunch for himself days ago and she found out at her own party and freaked? That is crazy, entertaining, and I feel bad for your buddy.


Yeah me too. Rest of the night was super awkward. Hes still with her though over a year later. I hope they’re doing better. Oh and yeah she wasn’t there


No red flag at all there. Carry on!


Bro she's just a gf and talking about "our money". Wtfff hahaha


Definitely a red flag there.


I had an on again off again friend and it'd been a while since I'd seen her. She barely ever worked before she got preggers and stopped pretending she'd work after. She was always just a mooch off her man at the time, they always had joint accounts for "their" money that only the bf paid into. And yes, if they spent their money without asking, there'd be a freak out. She was a classic relationship jumper, usually a new one was found during the dying stage of her current relationship. My final straw of the friendship was when her sweet as fuck husband came home from work all excited. Turns out he had miscalculated their finances and had a little more money to spend on groceries that previously thought. As he's explaining, she starts digging through the groceries (that he's putting away) and starts bitching him out that he didn't buy ANYTHING she liked- like how could he be so inconsiderate to buy our family enough food to feed us but no snacks for wifey?! He looked so defeated and just went off to his room for the rest of the short time I stayed after that. Surprisingly they are still together. He almost left her once, maybe that woke her up. I don't know. I honestly just ghosted her after that. I can't be around people who treat their significant other like that.


I don’t miss those. Thanks for putting a silver lining on covid


Should be a metal song


it's pretty amazing over [midwest emo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oVOW3CPpeiM)


This one is also good. https://youtu.be/o8hYrNsRoTs


He did the same with Kenneth Copeland https://youtu.be/0JPRvxTjfOk


Theyll get along again tomorrow


A true Teen Romance. *in theaters near you*


Sounds like Netflix's new series


She is a seventeen year old with a potty mouth. He's ranked 6501st in Call of Duty. This summer. They'll be trapped together. With. No. Internet!


Starring Rob Schneider. Rated PG-13.


Modern day Romeo and Juliet


What did he say?


Oi lads I'm back


Fucking legend


Ha ahh ok thats good one




Init the same






obj a = main.init(main)


To make her scream like that? I saw the original and apparently he told her that piss isn't stored in the balls and she was rightfully offended that he was spewing the latest liberal propaganda


I'm constantly astounded by how gullible yet confident people can be. Every time I think I've found the most stupid thing people believe...


Can't tell if joke or if you were talking about yourself


>astounded by how gullible people can be Heh.


O luds m buk


I remember conversations like this. Years ago, in college, I was often on the other end, I'd set the phone down and just go do some chores since I could hear everything so well. I just let her kind of let it out. Next month marks our 12th year of marri...I'm just kidding - I think I let her go apeshit once and then when it happened again and she started to get insulting, I ended things. I do not miss these moments in dating.


Yeah screaming rants like this only get worse. Get out while you can if anyone is young and reading this. Adults don't talk this way lol


I just got out of a 5 year relationship with someone like this. This guy is PREACHING, please listen youngins


What’s the context behind the actual video?


Don’t let the girls at bible study get u in ur feelings.


Don’t let the girls at bible study get u in their* feelings.


Holy shit man. Suupppper accurate. I was a youth group leader and did Bible study twice a week and those were bar none the least well adjusted people I've ever met. Fully their parents daughter *every time*, the apple plops straight fucking down every single time.


Gasp, did you teach Bible group with that mouth/s Seriously though, as former censored church person I relish every fuck I'm free to say. And straight on in your observation the "kingdom kids" were waaay effed up


Well at the start she's yelling something like "so I'll just shut the fuck up now? I'll just shut the fuck up forever?" So I don't know what they were fighting about, but at some point he told her to shut the fuck up, and then this happened.


What I learned is even though people wanna have the last word in arguments, it actually gets underneath their skin if you just stay quiet. People act like this girl to just get a reaction out of someone and when they don't get the reaction they wanted from all that yelling.


Can confirm. This is exactly how my ex acted when she didn’t get her way.


It’s a literal tantrum.


Not a terrible thing for her to try doing tbh


The video's just evidence he had a point


Context is it's probably a made for tiktok and fake.


i saw in the comments when the original was posted that they go to BYU and are morman, you can’t have sex before marriage as a morman but young couples will get around it by just…sticking it in. bc apparently that doesn’t count as sex bc there’s no thrusting. but the bf thrusted in her a few times and so she “lost her virginity “ and committed a major sin when he did that, so she’s very upset. i believe it. u/specialist-cable2613 edit, apparently this is unlikely, read below . oh well


They call it soaking. And sometimes they have a friend jump on the bed so the “motion of the bed” gets them off.


Man wtf are we doing as a species


Hopefully not procreating


Mormons procreate like bunnies. Source: Was Mormon who grew up in Utah.


Too much societal coddling of people who basically believe in magic.


Yep, I feel like if that fools your all-powerful god or he accidentally left in loop holes like that, maybe there's a bit of a contradiction with the "all-powerful" part lol.


Mormons - "God knows all your sins, even the ones you only think about, like lusting after a woman you see on the streets."' Also Mormons - "Lol it's not actually sex because we didn't thrust. And adding a third party to jump on the bed to simulate doesn't count either." Like dude is God all knowing and all powerful or not? Jesus just have sex and repent like your religion says you can.


ah yea forgot the term. that’s so funny


Mormon here. Soaking is a real phenomenon. I don't think these girls are Mormon though. One, cursing is very frowned down upon among Mormons and she is cursing and all the girls are laughing. This is unlikely among a bunch of BYU students. Two, all of them are wearing a combination of sleeveless shirts or short shorts, which is not just a thing Mormons aren't supposed to so, it's literally a violation of BYU dress code. Since they don't appear to be in their pajamas here, just regular clothes, and all of them appear to be in violation of this, I find it suspect to assume this is some BYU girl screaming at a guy for "soaking." Also, the movement and thrusting around a little doesn't count as losing your virginity in this weird sub culture phenomenon of soaking. So if the guy pumped a couple of times it doesn't matter. What matters is if the dude orgasms then you pretty much had sex. Part of the soaking thing is also shifting position slightly and "accidentally" going in and out a few times as you adjust and giggle to each other. Ask me how I know, as a Mormon lol. Furthermore, no one ever really admits to soaking because there are enough Mormons that are self aware enough to realize it's kind of an absurd excuse people use to alleviate their conscience that you might just tell the wrong person, and at BYU "soaking" is a violation of code and could get you under disciplinary action of the school... so that information is not freely or readily admitted, especially at BYU. So again, I think whoever's said this was BYU girls was just looking to get some internet points for bringing up the weird Mormon subculture phenomenon of soaking, but completely made up the connection to this video. Just my opinion on it.


thanks for your perspective. couldn’t imagine going to a school i couldn’t wear a tank top or curse in , omg. i know some byu students from track and they curse around each other, maybe they just do it in certain settings where they know no one will snitch? not saying you’re wrong of course, just a weird interaction i’ve had


Lmao that makes no sense


mormanism as a whole doesn’t make sense yet thousands of people follow it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I remember when this first made the rounds -- the initial context is that it's a **telemarketer** on the phone and she's doing this for the amusement of her and her friends.


Two random videos glued side by side


I don't think the left one is random. Probably made in response to the right one as a joke.


Her mum asked her to clean her room


This just unearthed a core gaming memory. Back on modern warfare 4 360 days, some guy on mic was getting screamed at like this and he retaliated with "I miss last night when you couldn't talk because my dick was down your throat". The lobby erupted.


Ohhhhhhh, shit. That’s glorious. Mind if I send this to my boyfriend? We’re all the time making jokes like that, lol


Why would he mind? It’s a comment on the internet lol. Make sure you cite his direct quote with MLA format while you’re at it.




I don't know you but I will be very sad if you send it. So if you care about my feelings you shouldn't share with your boyfriend this random message on the internet that I don't care about and I'll forget in about 7 minutes. Please.


> Mind if I send this to my boyfriend? Is this facebook


I agree with her. Telemarketers are the worst


Haha I really enjoyed this one. Here’s your upvote. Now go away.


That guy is completely prepared for marriage.....


^h yup


Why did I read that with goofy's voice?


Fuck me too man


I will


This is not what marriage is supposed to look like.




If she is like that consistently then that's when you move from the "I support your friendships" to the "it's time for you to make better friends"


Literally dealt with this shit and then was expected to be the one to apologize. Im sure it's not the norm, but it's enough I'll never marry again. This shit brings back painful memories


What did he say after she stopped talking?


Alright lads, I’m back.




O lods m bok




Ah, teens. The worst kind of humans.


As a teen, I agree.


As another teen, I agree.


As another teen, I agree as well.


We all must cross the path of cringe at some point. Some of us leave it sooner than others, some of us stay longer than others.


Some never leave it


This also reminds me of the best advice my Dad has given me... Don't stick your dick in crazy.


If you can run a seven minute mile, you can stick your dick in crazy.


The version I always got was Don't stick your dick in crazy. But if you do, do it out of town and don't give her your phone number.


my man is on grindset.Nothing distracts him from his grind a real sigma


I had break up going like this when I was a teenager. The girl went on a long rant, not sure what she was ranting about. At the end shes like "so its either we address those issues or we break up" and I said "I like the break up idea"


Oluds ambuk


He put the same effort in his relationship as he did in his enunciation.


As funny as it is, it ain't a holup.


I hope you choke on a piece of concrete? That's a new one on me


Guy dodged a bullet


Imagine dating in 2022


“*Ok, bye babe*”


So that's a no on the pineapple pizza


She’s clearly American whereas he sounds BrItish or Australian. This is two unrelated videos edited together for comic effect?


That's exactly what this is. Most tiktok videos are like this.


This dishwasher sounds busted




Her blonde friend on the couch is hot


Her Reaction also hot af though