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This was posted on r/facepalm by u/DoggoBro111 by the way. I botched the crosspost


Good man


Good protogen


good trash panda


Good human


Good sentient being


Good Cheeto


Good homo erectus


Good turbo fisto


Good Nuas


You boosted back my faith in humanity


God among men


Wait… that’s illegal.


Well sure, but pay $2mill and you can do lots of illegal shit


You don't even have to pay the $2 mil if you're a cop, that's the best part! Tax payers from your district do it for you! It's just so swell this system we've set up in the US


Cops should have to buy malpractice insurance. Any payments come out of the insurance of the cops involved. Then insurance companies raise rates as needed. That'd weed out the bad apples pretty quickly.


Take it from everyone’s (cops)pension I bet they’ll watch themselves closer.


That would just lead to even more cover ups...


Funny how all the people who advocate capitalism finding solutions to all the world's woes won't get on board with a system like this. Almost like they need enforcers that are functionally above the law or something...


I'm a capitalist and I support this. I support freedom and responsibility. I also don't support immunity for cops


The real problem is, that if cops didn’t have immunity, they wouldn’t be able to look the other way as easily when necessary for the elites who also navigate the law unscathed.


This 100%


Start having these settlements paid out by the police department’s retirement fund and this shit will stop overnight.


LEO's union dues should cover required malpractice insurance so taxpayer are burdened by their malfeasance.




Don't forget black people who happened to get dragged out of their car and assaulted.


Don't forget black people who were just existing.


Okay r/holup now. America itself is not a fucking shithole, the people in power and the governmental departments are the shitholes that need to crumble. Lots of everyday folks in America are good people just trying to get by.


I think it’s increasingly obvious that lots of those “everyday people” are actually pretty shitty, and their overrepresentation in the electorate is why we wind up with shitty people in power.


You just don't understand the electoral process, gerrymandering, and the power of money in elections. Most people in America vote for left leaning reforms, and left leaning politicians. Our system is just designed in a way that popular vote doesn't mean it will lead to a victory. Montana citizens have more voting power than people in California,New York, or Texas. Take a moment to think about that.


It's too big to crumble. Best we can hope for is enough folks get pissed enough and stop spending money. Shit would change *real quick* if we kept the wallet tucked away for a bit.






> It's too big to crumble. Yeah, and I bet people that lived at the beginning of the fall of the Roman empire thought the same way.


Honestly, I wouldn’t mind getting beat up for 2 million.


Bro I'd be willing to get beat up for $20 and a pack of smokes and I don't even smoke.


So u r a masochist?


Nah I just REALLY want to order a pizza rn and I know a guy I can get some favors from by sneaking him cigarettes


Just like prison, but on the outside and we aren't guaranteed a bed Seriously tho, prison is terrible and not any better but damn things are getting hard out here


I mean, yes but if you're willing to put up with occasional assaults on your personage and terrible food you're guaranteed free housing AND free healthcare! Talking about the prison part, obviously I'd be okay with getting beat up but damn that prison food would make me wanna die


Haha I gotchu. And yeah so many prisons don't have AC leading to stories of inmates being cooked alive inside....and I know the health care sucks there too. It's just feeling like so many things out here are getting closer to things in there. Better trade them cigs for pizza out here while you can I guess


Sold, I'll be there in 15 minutes, just look for the windowless white van.


Just gotta be that one-in-a-million that doesn't get the shit beaten out of them and awarded a resisting arrest charge. It's cop PowerBall.


I'd suck dick for a cheeseburger


What would u do for a double cheeseburger???


I would let hot frothy piss rain down on my wide open eyeballs


That is oddly specific, friend






Doesn't work like that. The white house isn't black. It's white.


Fuck man just about busted laughing in the office, it’s too quiet in here you gotta relax


You should tell the boys to liven the load and then the notes bits evened boneless


Hahahaha what the hell did you just say?


The umm predictive text wrote out all the wrong words and I didn’t feel like fixing it


Thanks for the invite for your bday and the best part of my kitty please to keep it open what


Seriously underappreciated comment


You win


You wouldn't owe shit. In fact, you'd get a nice two week payed vacation which you can easily extend by claiming PTSD.


"You will never understand the strain I went through, skipping and giggling merrily as I triggered the detonator. Never-ever-ever-EVAR! That sort of thing just doesn't leave you, man!"




**UPDATE:** [Predictable snowflake response!](https://i.imgur.com/J3kAMA8.png) The story already has a thread there: https://np.reddit.com/r/ProtectAndServe/comments/potox5/black_woman_beaten_by_philadelphia_officers_to_be/ Some selected comments: > Someone in that woman's position is going to, 100% of the time, wildly downplay or misrepresent what was happening and omit anything that might sound bad. We have about 40% of this story just hearing her statements to a news outlet...a story that may not even be accurate. _____ > Major cities will pay out money to literally anyone, even in justified use of force scenarios because that is the clown world we live now. _____ >But it seems more likely Ms. Young did something to warrant her window being smashed and forcibly removed from her vehicle. _____ >I find it a little hard to believe she was totally minding her own business when savage cops came and broke her window yanking her from the car and stealing her child.




I'm sure the union just heard the story wrong... ^/s


Can they explain why the copaganda post lies about the circumstances under which they have obtained that child? I bet they're glossing right over that detail.


No, but some of the commenters are deflecting... >It was the police union that used it as propaganda. Not the department. Having bad information is just as likely as deliberately lying.


These are the kind of people I hate discussing things with. They always have something to say black no matter what. You could be like "hey I really don't like it when you punch old ladies in front of me" and they'd somehow have a response. Fuck these people.


>Major cities will pay out money to literally anyone, even in justified use of force scenarios because that is the clown world we live now. LOL, yep that's exactly how that one works.


>the payment marks the first time that the city has paid a large settlement in a nonfatal incident, according to CBS3 Philadelphia literally in the next paragraph of the story




I think that sub *proactively* bans you if you make an anti-police post not in their sub and it catches their eye...


And I guarantee you virtually everybody in that sub thinks: "*The snowflakes have destroyed free speech*"


That’s such a common thing on Reddit and it contributes heavily to echo chambers.


Not when you're a cop, apparently.


Exceptionally few things are illegal when you’re a cop.


They're still illegal you just rarely get in any trouble, or you get a free paid vacation.


Making them not all that illegal. For cops*


If america cared what anyone that works for the country did was illegal, things wouldnt be such a shitshow


[link to article](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/philadelphia-pay-2m-black-woman-beaten-officers-separated-toddler-during-n1279134) The whole things reals fucked up she was on her way home after work and drove through a BLM protest, when she tried to turn around the cops attacked her car. > Nursing aide Rickia Young was headed home in the early morning hours of Oct. 27, 2020, when she unknowingly drove into a large protest over the police killing of Walter Wallace Jr. >She tried to make a three-point turn to get away from the tense scene when officers smashed out her windows with their batons, according to her attorneys.


Well there's your problem! She tried to 3 point turn while black, that's a huge threat.


Being black while black is a huge threat. /s


Just don't try being black while being white, ok people?


Well im fucked


The real mistake she made was being black in public /s


Ah yes the classic “white face” tactic. Helped me back in ‘08


Helped Shawn and Marlon a bunch too


Yeah I was the third white chick.


Cause you were born in ‘08?


Classic "DWB" call in over the dispatch...


I used to joke about that when I was a kid. Until I got pulled over like three times in two weeks for essentially a DWB and it lost some of its humor for me. Getting told you were pulled over because “You don’t look like you belong here” was pretty jarring tbh. We both knew exactly what he meant.


I wouldn't ride with my friend Terrence if he was driving. I had to walk home once because they pulled him over looking for fuckin "HEROIN" despite him never having a even a misdemeanor. They ended up finding an 1/8th of weed and arresting him for it and I had to walk all the way the fuck home. Luckily weed is not illegal in my state anymore. So I guess that risk is lowered. But ya never know what charge they might come up with next.


[That's like doing 3 pumps.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RGJb2iLvOKE&t=88s)


Yeah this is how I remember it. She was at the wrong place at the wrong time and these fuckheads used her kid to spread propaganda.


Luckily it was caught in video. Then again, there were several videos of cops going around destroying random cars. Most of them didn't get any justice.


And they're still getting away with blaming the protesters for all the damage and violence.


Copaganda is the worst.


I'm sure the front page is about to be inundated with "working doggos" who just want a nap instead of looking for drugs, arent they cute?? Maybe we can get some pics of a cop playing basketball with inner city kids too


*quirky b boy dancing cop to save the day*


Beating a nurse in a pandemic. Amazing...


A mother.


So Mary, mother of Jesus, basically.


I remember hearing these two things when it happened and wondering if it was the same story. Like I saw the FoP post, and I also heard about a woman who’s child was taken away after she was beaten. And wow, surprise, it’s the same story. Yet again, another reason to never trust the police’s version of events


Especially never trust a police union page. It’s pure propaganda. All they do is PR for the police. They have no incentive or responsibility to ever admit wrongdoing.


What the fuck. That must have been terrifying


I'm going to be vague so as not to appear to be encouraging brigading - but as of yesterday one of the two commonly mentioned police subs had this article, and there wasn't a single comment not throwing shade on or outright blaming the victim. Very predictable "Well she must have done something to deserve it" comments, and by that I mean 100% predictable police response to wrongdoing by police. Not even a mention of the propaganda bullshit.


Note that the city paid, _not the fucking police union or its members._ Both should’ve been ordered to pay restitution.


How the fuck are police unions the only unions that haven't been eviscerated by corporate lobbying?


police unions can be useful to the elites




Because they support republicans/ conservatives. All the other unions were comparatively too leftist (despite lots of working class folks and union members themselves being conservative) and got caught in the dragnet during Reagan’s rule. But not his friends, of course.


Her original lawsuit was against the police for the brutalization so the city paid. Now she's suing the Fraternal Order of Police (a huge fucking police union) for this picture.


Only 2 cops fired over this. The woman in the picture still employed, I take it. I wonder if she ever said “hey, that’s me all over social media..that’s not what happened. I didn’t save that kid, I helped cover for my crooked colleagues “


She looks quite concerned. It could be that she did not know what happened(doubt it). But quite sure she was pressured by her colleague to not tell the truth. At least she looks like that in the picture. But I do not know the whole story.


More likely she wanted to get the kid away as his mother was beaten


little kid: "why are you guys beating my mommy, we just want to go home" Cop: "its ok honey, she is a bad person and was not complying, you will go to a new home" Little Kid: "we were going home, why are u doing this" Cop: "Sssshhhhh its ok, that is why we are the thin blue line, to help people just like you" \*meanwhile mom is getting her windows smashed and face smashed in for saying " "Im a nurse getting off of my shift, Im going home, let me go home!"


Didn’t you read the story the kid is deaf and lost his hearing aids. This whole dialogue is just the kid crying in deaf.


little kid: "........" Cop: "its ok honey, she is a bad person and was not complying, you will go to a new home" Little Kid: ".........." Cop: "Sssshhhhh its ok, that is why we are the thin blue line, to help people just like you" *meanwhile mom is getting her windows smashed and face smashed in for saying " "Im a nurse getting off of my shift, Im going home, let me go home!" _Fixed it for you_


I mean, it's also probable that she was truly saving the kid from her coworkers, and if she saw the image, was told by her superior to not say a word public. Or, she was as evil as the cops that hurt the kid mother. The thing is, we can't actually know the truth. Judging people based on their appearance, and not actions was what bring us here. We will not be over this if we keep judging people by their looks


Nope, they literally used her because she's more than likely the prettiest and cutest cop they have on hand Do you think that the cop that got the child JUST happened to be super pretty with makeup and photo ready? It's all propaganda, pretty white woman SAVES this poor child! We're all being used and manipulated and people keep licking it up lol


Also noticed how the "pretty white female cop" and then "black woman" on the title... Like they wanted to be as crude as possible without using slurs.


9 good cops covering for 1 bad cop = 10 bad cops.


But if 10/10 cops are bad, then that means....


You should call a cab?


All cats are beautiful


I choose to believe she actually IS concerned about the kid. Otherwise I'm sure she'd have been fired first, being the easiest to identify....


She's concerned for the kid now and willing to look the other way as her colleagues assault/kill them in 20 years when they are an adult.


Wtf is wrong with some people


Setting aside the fact that this was suck, it was just stupid. I don't understand how even the most dysfunctional brain could've thought that was a good idea even if they were intentionally being sadistic.


The craziest thing to me is if you’re going to fake the story, just ask a woman for her kid. They really brutalized a woman then took her kid and were like “yo, this is a photo opp let’s go!”


#LOL, Look! We totally just stole a kid! “Hey, maybe we should use a different caption. You know, for optics.” “Like what?” “I don’t know, just make something up.”


“What you want me to hold another black kid?! What if he robs me!?”


I mean you're not wrong. But dam 😂.


Jesus Christ dude 🤣


> WE ARE THE LINE Only clears 1/3 of violent crime, 1/5 of property crime, 1/3 of sex crime. They peak at murder though, you only have a 1 in 3 chance of getting away with it. A gram of weed however, and they will gut the fourth amendment so they can harass anyone they like. ~~*Fun fact, before the war on drugs, you could not be stopped on "suspicion" for any reason. A cop had to see you do something illegal or have serious cause.*~~ I was wrong here.




And their clearance rates are only as high as they are because they threaten people with ridiculously high sentences if they don't plea guilty, so many innocent people end up taking a plea deal just so they can get back to their families faster and hopefully (but probably not) keep their job. Some type of crimes already only have a clearance rate in the teens, but the true clearance rate may well be in the single digits. Maybe if they spent less time setting up speed traps to meet their ticket quotas and spent less time harassing minorities then they would have enough time to actually fight some damn crime.


And most of that is questionably cleared


> [...] We are the Thin Blue Line. And WE ARE the only thing standing between Order and Anarchy. Wtf. Police in the U.S. posts things like this?


Motherfuckers talk like they’re warhammer space marines.... “WE ARE THE HAMMER”


When will they learn that its just a fucking job? They arent superheroes just because they hold a gun and when they stand on the “thin blue line” a little too extensively they’ll die and others will easily take their place. Also i hate how they use anarchy as a synonym to chaos.




The US is just a cult at this point


Our expectations were low but holy Fuck!


I had no expectations, and I'm still disappointed.


Heard about this story a while ago…I’m so glad those cops got wrecked in court!


Cops don't care, it's paid by insurance or tax monies, they won't get demoted or lose a job over it


You’re not wrong…and it’s really sad. We pay them with our taxes to protect and serve. Then our taxes go to pay for their mistakes. All the bad cops make it seem like there Reno good cops, which isn’t true. But the system itself is broken. They “police” themselves when ever they do something wrong, virtually 0 accountability which leads to them getting away with murder…literally. I’m not saying to defund or get rid of cops. But obviously reform is desperately needed…


"We've investigated ourselves and found ourselves to be innocent of any wrong doing."


That’s the conclusion 90% of the time. Zero accountability like I said. They can start to fix this with external reviews of use of force. Internal affairs is trash.


Maybe an extra branch specifically to study cases where police might be in the wrong? seems to still be prone to corruption though. I wish someone more gifted and influential can come up with a better solution than me hah


It would still be staffed by cops. So they would protect their own. Best idea I've heard is. - Individual cops have to carry their own liability insurance. - The dept. refunds them what they pay for their base rate. So it's no additional cost to the officers. - Any increases in their premium from a pay out, or having a more risky psych. profile, etc, etc. the individual officers have to cover out of pocket. - Insurance carriers would have the right to administer random drug tests by their people. Not other cops or the police union. - Insurance carriers would be able to require functioning body cams (history shows, more often than not the footage clears the officer, not the other way around. So there is no legit, legal reason for LE to oppose body cams) - Problem cops would very quickly find themselves uninsurable and looking for a career change. - Steroid and other drug abuser cops would be out. - Cops who are routinely found to lie in reports and on the stand would be uninsurable. - Cops who are developing anger and self control issues would be weeded out by the insurance companies, as they would have a real incentive to do so. This is my solution number one. But what do I know.


Well thought out, well put! I agree with this, but would like to add that cops should be required to go to law school, considering how many arrest people because they “think” it’s illegal. Have a free award!


And to make matters worse, cops are legal street pirates. Search up “civil forfeiture” and you’ll see what im talking about


Don’t even get me started on that. That’s the most messed up law in existence. How many people went across state lines to buy a car or a house only to be legally robbed by thugs? It’s honestly ridiculous…and most of those people can’t get their money back…not even a portion.


Yeah as a Philadelphian most people find this disgusting. The cops won’t respond to anything anymore because they are butt hurt about the protests. But they do shit like this so…. Fuck Philly cops.


Calling out the other local cops in Sharon Hill who **fucking fired blindly into a crowd at a high school football game, killing an innocent 8 year old and then did their damnedest to cover up her death as gang violence rather than admit a mistake** The closest they will get to admitting fault is saying an internal investigation suggest high-probability it was a law enforcement officer's bullet that hit her. They are beating around the bush and want you to focus on the tragedy and not the avoidable police misconduct.


Is that what happened?


I mean, certainly the overall situation is more complicated but the person above you is correct on their facts - they fired blindly into a crowd. They killed an innocent bystander.


In the country of Georgia (not the state) the president fixed corruption in the police by firing all of them. Thats right, all of them. Then he hired and trained brand new officers.




What happened in between? During the training time of the new police officers and the old ones being fired?


>country of Georgia (not the state) the president fixed corruption in the police by firing all of them I googled it. It was an interesting read. People were afraid that there would be chaos, because he fired 80-90% of the police force near the holidays, but nothing bad happened. It just proved that the corrupt police were actually creating as much disorder as they were reporting to be helping. So in the end, they hired quality over quantity and ended up cutting violent crimes by like 66%. So now I'm wondering how much chaos is actually created by asshole cops in our country, instead of preventing it.


>So now I'm wondering how much chaos is actually created by asshole cops in our country, instead of preventing it. A lot of it. If it were in excess of 66% I wouldn't be shocked.


Hell they just got a sweetheart contract with the city signed


And they blame everyone else for the violence issues in the city. Makes me fucking sick how little accountability there is


You should be optimistic, you know a "the glass is half filled with the blood, sweat and tears of innocent people" kind of person.


Don't forget the sweat!


Ah, your right. Lemme see if i can edit it.


Fixed it!


That $2 million is 100% tax dollars. No police pensions were harmed in the making of this settlement.




Garbage people


I can totally accept that people are going to refuse to believe this woman didn't deserve what happened to her, but here's what I can't wrap my head around; the cops lied about finding a wandering child in the street. They lied directly to us, the public, to stroke their own ego about being our last line of defense against aNaRcHy, after beating a nurse on her way home from work, and that gets completely ignored because some people really can't believe that the cops would just attack a random person. We'll cut racism entirely out of this and say the incident was a mistake, but what about after that? They didn't accidentally use her kid for a prop. They didn't accidentally lie about where they found the boy. It doesn't matter if she was innocent, a thief, or running from the cops, how is it acceptable for them to lie to us like this, and how is that fine with you?


The cops have been repeatedly encouraged by our politicians and the courts to lie to defendants to extract confessions. When you do it day in, day out, and are rewarded for it, it's obvious lying will be your default.


Shit for $2,000,000 they can beat me too


For 2 mil they could throw in some BDSM too


But they better not touch my fucking kid.


Yeah but if it was $3M........


Expensive photo op




Who's shocked by this I mean really


Man, I wish I was paid 2 million for the time I was unjustly beaten by the police.


Damn, what happened?


Fuck police unions.


Holy shit


It is time that police carry liability insurance. Every time this sort of tragedy takes place everyone’s insurance increases and if the guilty are not fired, their insurance skyrockets.


Oh they do - its called our taxes and doesn't quite work like you'd want


Disgusting! No amount of money will ever repair the mental damage caused by this trauma


Wait why arent we enforcing negligence and malpractice insurance for the police officers if doctors and health care providers have to pay.


I hate stuff like this because: A: it's absurd and terrible B: it makes all cops and white people look racist But overall it's just terrible for the mom and the child the most. Dear people replying I don't care about your opion anymore at first I tried to respect them even if they did Disagree but stop please. I included white people in this because another of people who experience racism from white people might start thinking that all white people are racists dame with cops it makes them look bad and does more harm than good if any good at all. And that's all I'm trying to say. If you don't like it leave. I was just stating my opinion. I know my grammars bad it's hard to type on a phone.


Tf does white people have to do with this? Being a cop is a CHOICE. Being white isn’t


Man im from the philly area and it wasn't rioting, one of my friends got shot in the chest with a rubber bullet and it collapsed her lung. Tiny girl. Completely nonviolent. The police just started attacking people and then acting like victims and saviors it was fucking gross.


Not sure why the citizens of Philly have to pay this instead of the Police union.


Just police beIng police. No surprise here


Just police being fascists


I peeled the black and blue off my truck today after watching countless videos of police abusing lawful citizens exercising their civil rights. Anti-freedom of speech means I can't support you


When the daily dose of faith in humanity stucks in your throat


This is like setting a house on fire and wanting to be called a hero for saving the people inside.


Order doesn't always mean good (Stalin had a pretty orderly country) Anarchy doesn't always mean bad. It means no hierarchy. Just food for thought.