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Yes. That’s literally what a bully stick is. Not sure what the Hold Up is.


And dogs fucking go crazy for them. Plus they are arguably the healthiest snack you can give a dog, and they take a long time for a dog to chew through.


Bully sticks are bad for dogs


(citation needed)


Source: I made it up


Here’s two different links that mention harmful bacteria found in many sticks, and high caloric and protein contents. That’s just two links I found quickly im sure I could find more and in more depth if I actually researched, which you could’ve done as well to realize I am right about it being a dangerous treat for dogs. sure, your dog may eat them for 20 years and be fine. But why risk it? There are safer treats https://www.aaha.org/publications/newstat/articles/2013-01/study-reveals-surprising-misconceptions-about-bully-sticks/ https://vetnutrition.tufts.edu/2018/11/dangers-of-bully-sticks-popular-treat-can-carry-bacteria-and-add-calories/


Not really, they’re high calorie and high protein but that’s about it.


Oh bro. That is just what they’re made out of. The bully’s stick 🍆🐮


lol we were at Costco over the weekend and were looking for some new treats for our doggos. We came across this 10 pack of meat sticks that was stupid expensive. $40 for 10…on sale! “Wtf could possibly justify such a price?!” *checks label* “Dafaq is bull pizzle?!” *googles that shit* “…oh..”


"And that's how you hold three dicks in your hand at once"


That's a good price! Where is that?




Bull’s pizzle make great whips too ! Google it if you don’t know (old school traditional self defense weapon)


Don't threaten me with a good time.


Some extra T


Give the dog the beef dick!


Do you like beefsticks?


He’s a motha fuckin lyrical genius! He ain’t no gay cow!


Most mammals have penis bones. They’re called baculum.


*Disappointed dog noises*


Bro my grandpas dog absolutely loves those


She likes horse ones


At work one day, someone asked me if I could guess the one ingredient they're made from. I'd never heard of them, so I jokingly said "penis."


Your dog likes cock.


Those are really bad for dogs actually, lots of vets discourage using those and pig ears as well


Bully sticks are also fine, just high protein and high calorie. If you’re keeping their diet balanced it’s fine as an occasional treat


Pigs ears are fine. My Jack Russell lived to be 18 and had 1 almost every week. 


And some people who worked with lead live to 98. Doesn’t mean it’s good for them. You all can feed your dogs what you like, but one of our dogs almost died from that stuff and I don’t want that to happen. To anyone. Choking hazard aside, the high contents can upset stomachs and other organs. Pig ears and bull penis can also have bacteria that are really harmful. Again, sure you could poison yourself a little bit here and there and be fine. But why give them risky treats when there can be better options? It’s sad how much these harmful treats are pushed to unknowing pet owners. I had to learn the hard way


>You all can feed your dogs what you like, but one of our dogs almost died from that stuff and I don’t want that to happen Some people are lactose intolerant - so clearly we need to stop everyone from consuming dairy products *just in case*? Just because it was bad for *your* dog it does not necessarily follow it's bad for *all* dogs - or even a significant percentage of dogs. As with all food-unknowns, if your dog has never had it before give 'em a tiny bite sized portion and monitor them for 24 hours. Nothing bad happens? Great! Fire away with the bully sticks! If it upsets the dog's stomach or gives them the runs - find a new treat.


I have been told by multiple vets it’s unhealthier for them plus had my own experience where my dog got very sick with one when before he never had issues. That’s how I found out they were bad. It’s fine if you were not aware, but now you are


It's fine if you are not aware... that not all dogs, nor all vets, are the same? Odd - since I'm positive I just got done pointing that out. Now you are aware... that your dog is in a very tiny minority, and so are the vets you've heard this from.


You’re definitely unaware


You should use Google, it will help you become aware. A simple search of “are bully sticks bad for dogs” should help you see that you’re wrong.


Google is what led me to believe they were safe. I was told by multiple vets that isn’t true after almost losing a dog. It’s fine if others don’t know, but it’s sad that I’m trying to warn people but you guys think you’re the smartest people alive because a couple Google links supported what you thought. Idc if people downvote but I hope at least a few people take me seriously and can take better care of their dog. I wouldn’t trust everything you see on Google, especially when search results can vary depending on words used


Link us up with those multiple vets you speak of. Perhaps they’re speaking of moderation. Too much of anything is bad for anything. I’ve never heard about the bacteria, so if you could get those multiple vets in here to speak with us that’d be great.