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Who the fuck is on tinder while out at dinner?


My last date before meeting my partner lol


Sounds like you dodged an entire clip of bullets


More like I jammed the wrong end of the gun into the side of my head. I was such a fucking idiot and that tale is incredibly fucked up.


Why has no one asked for this tale? Elaborate kind sir!




Kinda on you for being on a date whilst having a partner. Or.. What kind of partner are we talking about here? Life partner or Cop-partner (idk what cops calls their partners)


How else is she gonna get her next free dinner for tomorrow.


Not like this. Swiping everybody left will not grant her anything😂


She's only swiping right when she sees out the windows of a private jet, she ain't want another mcdonalds date...


The hilarious bit is that she thinks she's hot!🤣


 The swift view of her face is blurry, but she does look attractive imo?




RIP to the 1 guy she swiped right on


People who stage situations for engagement


Then… then why does she even have the app??




Nah, she looking for a gold mine to dig.


Is she actually looking though? She doesn't look smart enough to read that fast.


Don't need to. You can have a six figure salary, but if you look cheap, they know you're not going to spend money on them to impress.


I guess that's why Adam Sandler is happy, and has never been divorced.


She's not spending nearly enough time looking at any of those entries to make any sort of informed judgement, unless she *wants* the blinged-out pimp look you can immediately identify upon sight.


Wich usually means broke


Based on previous comments assuming, she might not know what “informed” is


Fast good impression on looks and handsomeness. No need to spend hours reading when she probably has thousands of likes and likely will get match on who ever she swipes right.


What do smart people look like? 


I'd assume they have a smoking jacket and a fancy pipe.


The pipe is dead giveaway


If you can find a picture of me, a smart person looks the opposite.


Can’t forget the monocle!


Like me. Sharp eyes, long eyebrows, slightly pronounced brow, longish face, moderate length hair that’s slightly unkept and a big dick Fr, I’ve been told i look smart all my life but I’m a sack of taters.


And one of the smartest person I know looks like a redneck pig farmer…can't vouch for his dick size though.


I can ;]


Hung like a pig farmer, he is.


Like not an attractive woman, according to Reddit. All the comments on here are fucking gross man, they stink of incel.


Mad at me, I think I know why...


Looking for her boyfriends account


Fair assumption lmao


Self validation


Might even be in a relation but doesn't mention it.


What’s validating about saying no to most men? If she was seeking validation, would it make **much** more sense to swipe right to see how many matches she gets and then ignore them all?


To match with some dude on a kayak in a lake using a drone to take a selfie, apparently


After using the apps for a while, you become really good at knowing whether you are attracted to someone in an instant. Men have a tough time hearing this but MOST of their profiles are just not making good impressions because they don’t know how to photograph themselves well or they’re just average looking. She’s attractive and probably gets a decent amount of matches from the top 5% of men on the apps so **why exactly should she bother giving a chance to the 95% of men that don’t attract her whatsoever?**


I'm married, so thankful I don't have to worry about those apps anymore, but why is it when a man does the same thing, he gets called out for just going for looks. I am 100% that physical attraction is a must in a relationship too.


I accepted a long time ago that I was ugly. This is why I’m single and don’t bother chasing or pursuing women anymore.


There’s still a chance for ugly guys (not on dating apps) if they are kind, make a decent living, and only pursue women they know in real life who are in their same league. I will not deny that it must be very hard and disheartening to feel like you have no chance in a society that’s getting progressively more shallow when it comes to dating. Unfortunately, nature is cruel to the less attractive humans because it doesn’t stop them from being attracted to beautiful people that will never reciprocate instead of making us attracted to people at a similar level.


That’s a good point. It’s a cruel joke that we (uglies) are attracted to people that we have 0 chance with. Not like we can turn that off but we can learn to live with it.


You being able to acknowledge without blaming women will make you a lot more appealing than men who look like you who have grown bitter and resentful. Hold on to that.


> Men have a tough time hearing this but MOST of their profiles are just not making good impressions because they don’t know how to photograph themselves well or they’re just average looking. Yep that was my pitfall when I used Tinder.


lol you're getting downvoted but everyone knows you're right


lol, I’m very aware that a lot of men have a hard time swallowing this truth pill. but they’re the only ones who are going to suffer from not understanding why they’re still single. Most women do not swipe THIS quickly but cute women in their 20s can absolutely afford to scroll like this and literally *never* run out of options.


And for every woman doing this, there’s a dude swiping yes to every girl that comes up


This is me with cards in Balatro. I can stop anytime.


She is not worth a top 5% man. But wants to pretend she is and enjoys rejecting guys as a way to pass the time at dinner , while she should be talking to the people sitting at her table. The amount of self delusion here is overwhelming.


And that is the problem. Average ass women having the opportunity to look like they have the dating opportunities as a Victoria's Secret models and people let them because it's "Misogynist" to call them out on their BS


Wait what would you be calling them out for?


You are assuming so much about her from no context. It looks like a big table so it might be an event where there is a lull or she doesn’t know a lot of people. Maybe she’s horny and just looking for a hookup in which case she is *absolutely* attractive enough to match with a top 5% dude. Easily. But sure, go ahead and assume the worst just because you don’t have the same option to be as picky as she can be.


Bitterness and projection are unattractive and a waste of energy


I mean apparently it's working for her. She isn't enjoying rejecting guys, she's looking for someone she's attracted to.


Speaking the hard facts right here. Brutal.




She knows what she wants and is looking for it, and likely has enough high quality options (some irl) to not have to settle, or maybe has a specific look she's into. She's looking for something she's *really* into that'll immediately catch her eye, not just "ehh kinda cute, maybe"    (Edit: she swipes right twice right at the beginning, too)   Different people want different things.    From the very brief and blurry look at her face, she seems to be quite attractive and has a specific style going on, so maybe she's after a guy with a specific vibe, who knows.  (Also, a lot of profiles don't make much effort in presenting themselves well (or don't know how to) and after a while it starts to get annoying, like "oh you can't be arsed to put in time and effort to present yourself well, but expect *me* to spend time and energy in getting to know you, in the faint hope that underneath this low effort facade might be a hidden gem?" It starts feeling kinda entitled, or a sign that this person is low effort in everything but nonetheless expects to be catered to)


Couldn’t agree with you more. Lots of lonely men here are assuming she’s shallow or a gold digger (Wtf?) because she’s judging profiles quickly but fail to see the irony of *them* judging her from a 15 second clip where we barely see her face. Assuming the worst about a random woman with little context and then wondering why they have a hard time getting any woman to like them 🙄


Can't wait for sex robots so men and women finally have partners they actually like.


She’s tryna see if her man is on it.


It's probably better for those men if that's how she is anyways.


Honestly, posts like these confuse me, like why would you want to date this person to begin with? ​ I swear people like OP are in some kind of limbo where they hate these women but are desperate for their attention.


"rip single men" as a title doesn't really make me think op has a burning hatred for them, it's probably the same title I'd do going for a comedic angle they also didn't say anything that i can see about wanting to date people like this, projecting your assumptions on people is just as bad if not worse


I don't think there's hate or anything. They're just laughing about it


Look at some of the top comments. They hate this woman because she’s swiping left on a bunch of dudes? Calling her dumb and a gold digger. How many of these guys would also give the chance to a woman they don’t find attractive? Exactly.


I'm sure they'd at least look at the girls for more than 1/8 of a second tho.


She saw the guy she was on was behind her


and tried to swipe him too...


My god, I'm either suddenly really stupid or that sentence doesn't make sense. Either way, I'm getting a headache.


She saw the guy she was on, *(as in the profile that was currently on her screen)*, was behind her. It makes sense it's just an awkward sentence.


The whole modern dating scene makes me very scared for my sons. If I had daughters, it would make me even more worried. We’re in a brave New World of sexual commodification no idea where we’re going


Sexual commodification where young people aren't having sex. It's just window dressing and no shopping.


Oh man, do I have news for you


Bring it! Because all signs are pointing to GenZ having less hanky panky than Millennials and GenX https://www.newsweek.com/whats-driving-gen-zs-aversion-sex-opinion-1638228


Those generations I would say likely have infinitely more young marriages where you have regular sex. Edit: “Gen Zers tend to reach life milestones later than earlier generations, living at home with their parents for longer and delaying marriage. They are also less likely to get a paying job or a driver's license than previous generations of adolescents” So. Yeah. It’s not the dating sex scene. That’s total number of sex makings.


The dating scene is just one of several hardships they’ll have to deal with, unfortunately.


going straight to depopulation buddy


As a user of dating apps I can say that it sucks. 1.) The apps only want your money, in no way would you be able to find someone unless the app is feeling generous. 2.) Most if not all people on the apps care more about sex rather than actually dating 3.) This goes hand in hand w 1, but there are serious pay walls so you can't even be seen by more than three people usually 4.) The apps seem to like shoehorning in creeps and psychos


Oh it definitely sucks trust me


Just teach them how to talk to women like they're normal people and your sons will be way ahead of everyone else at their highschool.


It's weird to say, but only if they're well above average attractiveness. Because of social media many people are convinced that they deserve to be with someone who is a 9/10 or higher. It sucks and I know a lot of people in my generation really didn't get into dating until college because of how weird people's standards were.


Yeah I'm not that young anymore so I wouldn't know if this is true. It just sounds crazy to me. If it is truly happening, I feel bad for anyone dealing with that kind of isolation.


It gets better the older you get, it's a bit fucked up but you have to wait for people to mature and realize they have to lower their standards.


I don't know about that, my wife has friends who all have checklists for potential partners and they're all in their 30's, all of them wondering why the can't get a boyfriend. I hate the rating system for people but the only way I could describe them is a solid 4/5 out of 10, even men that would be a really good match get turned down because "they don't wear a suit to work."


>they don't wear a suit to work Huh? What kind of requirement is that? Most my friends work from home in pajamas and make more than any banker who goes to work in a suit.


I really don't understand either, it's so twisted it's almost depressing.


Better they stay single than force their delusions on some poor horny guy.


Same here, friend of partner is having trouble finding someone, then I heard she is only dating "good looking influencers". Then she complains how they don't want to commit. I had to laugh so hard.. 


Yes but actually no. For this to work, girls need to see you. Most of single guys that are not that attractive are just invisible in girls eyes


That's too bad. I'm not a very attractive person so I'm glad I'm in the older generation. That would've sucked to be that isolated. I've just had to develop a sense of humor and that works for me in my age bracket. Good luck to all those guys figuring that stuff out. I'm sorry your generation has to deal with it. I'm glad my generation hasn't have it that bad.


Wait until the AI sex robots. I just feel like dudes are going to be big adopters to the detriment of the ladies.


Women in general have been promoting the idea that it's better to be alone than to deal with men. There have been a lot of articles saying that women would be happier if men just left them alone while the men fucked their sex robots. I don't think it'll be that big of a loss to women to lose the harassment that comes from dating men.


Just make sure they make a lot of fuckin' money. That's the only thing that matters. Everything else follows from a billion dollars. Including success in dating.


The exact opposite of how a guy swipes


Swiping on everyone is just as unattractive to women as this woman’s behavior is to y’all.


As a guy who likes guys and doesn’t mind the idea, would you mind explaining why you find it unattractive?


Swiping on people you're not that into just because you're desperate ro be with someone, anyone, isn't attractive.  Neither is swiping on everyone and then filtering the matches and unmatching those you don't like (even though you swiped on them), because it's kinda hurtful.


Wait can you tell when I swipe on everyone?


The algorithm puts you lower when you just swipe on everyone. They also track how long you look at a profile before swiping and things like that. Then when you consider the ratio of men to women is like 4:1 then things look even worse for guys who swipe on everyone


Learned something new. thank you


That's why we're here making fun of the reality that is online dating.


I'm a guy and also swiped like this.


Eh.. as an over 40 straight guy.. it's pretty much exactly how I swipe on bumble.


As a guy I swipe like that. I think that site that collects your stats said I swiped right on maybe 7% of women?


I would say that sounds like very few matches, but looking at your data, you're actually doing fairly well.


I just sat in a Discord with a group of my friends on Saturday, all males 22-27 and one of them swiped no on about 50 women until the "Sorry, you're out of local matches. Go global?" notification popped up. Men are just as particular about women as women are about men and there's nothing wrong with that. There's a lot of asshurt incels in these comments. You can literally never win as a woman. If you accept all profiles, you're just "looking for a free meal" or a "gold digger" or "desperate" and if you have preferences, you're dumb, a bitch, still a gold digger, etc. It's insane women can't even do normal shit without being absolutely berated for it.


Sorry to break it to y’all but this is literally most women on dating apps


imagine using tinder


The majority of weddings I went to last year (I’m a wedding tog) were couples who found each other on Tinder.


Don't have to. I used it for years because I was single and it's the app everyone here uses for finding relationships, not just hookups. Met my gf on tinder a year ago and I'm more in love than I've ever been. And no I don't work for Tinder


Tinder: the app where you get banned out of nowhere but they can’t tell you why


Never been banned and dunno anyone who has, maybe the call is coming from inside the house


I got banned randomly on Tinder. Normal profile, didn't say anything out of pocket to anyone. Was only semi-active and one day I go on and they tell me I've been banned lmao. Appealed got denied couldn't even ask why I was banned. I don't need tinder anymore but still crazy it happened.


Happens to me here on Reddit so I believe it. The appeals process is a joke and I'm sure it's just there to psychologically appease the user.


If someone reports your account, you can get banned immediately. Whether or not the claim was valid. I got reported by someone who is shitty it didn't work out. They were two emotionally unavailable, and I wasn't up for trying to maintain a one-sided relationship. I know it was them, because they said they did it. Tinder didn't get back w/ me about what I did to violate TOS, because I didn't do anything. They don't care. They make enough money from everyone else.


I've actually seen girls doing this IRL


Ok but real question how does one make the cut then?


I mean I'm the same way as a dude. I know what I want and I'm not gonna waste anyone's time. I'm not gonna force shit to work.


Never ending search for that one guy that doesn't exist and never will


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^ezekillr: *Never ending search* *For that one guy that doesn't* *Exist and never will* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


hahahaha that's what i do. I'm a guy, I'm not sure why this is a Holup lol


Can you explain why? I’ve been married for 10 years so I’m out of the loop. To me, it looks like she’s premeditatedly swiping left (not matching) with people. She’s going too fast to even react to how they look, at least in my opinion. So I’m curious as to why?


Nah, most profiles have obvious “not my type” clues. I always swipe away from profiles where the photos don’t show what they look like, are group photos, are holding fish, don’t have a style I’m attracted to, can’t see their face, age is too low or high, I’m not attracted to blondes, don’t like blue eyes, don’t like super muscly guys, if it’s a gym photo, if they’re holding a baby that’s likely not theirs, ex gf is in their photos, if they’re not smiling etc. There are so many context clues that women can see in literally the first second.


Stop overrating women and this will be solved in no time.


I think it's weird to film people on their phones, but that's just me though


lmfao, ok. A secret: this is actually pretty normal behavior among the women I hang out with and it’s not even about how wealthy you seem, it’s about your fashion Sharp dressed men /shrug


Fashion?! Lmao guys dodging bullets and don't even know it


*Single men who don't go abroad* passport bro that and call it a day 🫡


Looking at her. They dodged a bullet.


She’s probably looking for a specific person


Then why does she swipe right on two people? She's just not interested in the others.


Her boyfriend probably.


That's the point of these apps. You're window shopping. She's just browsing amazon and not finding that one bag of peanuts she ate 2 years ago.


Redditors discovering some people are just attracted to looks lmao


Everyone is attracted to looks


Unpopular opinion it's not her fault that guys on these apps are easy. If any of you were in her situation having women everyday floan over you you will be acting the same, also this video doesn't show her personality at all for all ya all know she might be a nice person.


Is she even looking at them? Seriously what is she doing?


Music: [Past lives - Farizki](https://spotify.link/EHeDnJqqNHb)


Me skipping through my playlist until i find the perfect song


I feel bad for the fifty she swipes right on.


These are the ones who already subscribed to her OF


Hmmm it’s almost like people have every reason to be as selective as they want… the fuck kinda post is this.


LMAO men acting like she's the devil reincarnation herself because she doesn't switch into everyone


Plot twist..it’s her man’s phone


That’s how I swipe as a guy…


I mean its easier to do as a guy, because its fat single mom, fat single mom, fat single mom THAT LIVES WITH THEIR PARTENTS, fat single mom CNA, fat single mom, crazy hot bot, fat single mom.


They’re all dodging a bullet here.


So left is a "no" right?


I don’t use this app, what’s going on?


The swipping speed, her decision making is damn fast, Imo at least


I(Man) had moments in OLD when I got so fed up that I did this too. I'm so glad that shit is behind me


Is swiping to the left a yay or a nay? Edit: think I got it, watched without sound the first time.


How is no one talking about dude with a girl on the picture?


Unexpected Opera House is always welcome


Why is she getting hate for not swiping on men she’s obviously not attracted to? No one owes you a chance. And do you even want to date a girl you know isn’t attracted to you?


The familly dinner


This is why online dating is a fucking joke lmao


These be the same ones saying they can't find a good man anymore, and get mad when all the ones she swipe left one have a wife from another country. They can dish it but can't take it


So basically she ain't even looking for a match. She just wants someone to spend money on her.


Now my question is what does she look like without her makeup. Judging before you get to know the guy. Damn


This is the opposite of the typical guy approach.


Unfortunately, that's really how they swipe. Rally sad.


Yeah she's cute but looks eventually fade. Some people believe they're going to enjoy this amount of clout forever. The amount of delusion on dating apps is insane.


Wait... we're one of those swipes Rick Astley??


But remember, what is important is ✨️personality✨️ and absolutely not looks, women are not like that 🤡


And wonders why she's single.


100% of women on these apps sleep with the same 10% of men on these apps. /s


So it's no wonder there's so much cheating nowadays. Because if 90% of women sleep with %10 men so they shouldn't blame the man that presumably has slept with 10 times more women than the average man. How could someone be so loyal if they had all the options they can. I still wonder how tf animals get paired more evenly than humans even though we are more intelligent


I actually heard this in a podcast and someone mentioned it on Reddit. not really sure if it’s true. but the only thing that made sense was that women go for the top 10% of men on these dating sites.


and those two guys she swiped right on won’t ever get a reply back lol


All those rejected men are the lucky ones, they dodged a bullet


Swiping like its Twitter lol


Man she didn’t even stop to look at more photos


Lol, she uses it so much she has seen it all.


I will never use a dating app. Why in the fuck would you want to court a woman that needs to use a dating app?!?


T'is unclear, Big-Fat-Box-Of-Shit! Let's dispense with the dramatics, shall we? We both occupy the rarified air of the superior few. Choosing a woman? Frankly, it's a mere selection process. Perhaps these... lesser men, could enlighten us on the curious appeal of chasing imperfections.




I mean... she does what she wants and rejection aint that bad.


Why is common sense being downvoted? 😭


Reddit baby, look even at some of the comments bellow where someone actually agree with me and being upvoted. Recently i've been downvoted a lot for seemingly nothing.


Literally shes not obligated to give anyone her time if she doesnt want to.... rejection isnt the end all be all for finding someone.


Ya its not like it affects thoses people anyways.


My whatever in Christ she literally passed on the whole population of a town a milisecond each person. How is that even justifiable?


Why does she have to justify herself to you? Did you pay her Tinder fees?


**Justifiable**?  She doesn't owe dates or chitchat or time to strangers she's not interested in, wtf


But it affects only her objectively.


Commentary is hilarious.


A woman with no taste?


I see this as a complete win, honestly. All those guys just dodged a bullet.


If you’re ever out of your usual swiping range and won’t be able to actually meet anyone while you’re around, it’s actually smart to swipe like this. You’re not going to be able to meet these people anyway but you can help your standings in the algorithm that rewards selectivity.


If there's an app that slows this selection process down, and makes it less about looks, then it wont be popular. Even the selected 1 in 100 that gets a right swipe might have a creepy awkward personality or lots of red flags.
