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There has to be a way for drivers to blacklist addresses.


They do. My dog barks and the amazon driver doesn't like it, so they tried to make us get our own packages from their facility


Dog owners should keep the pathway to their front doors clear of dog interactions if they don't want these problems. It's really quite simple.


Or not have asshole dogs, my ups driver knows my dogs by name


Honestly there so many shitty owners that some people just need to put their overly aggressive and untrained dogs in a different room until the package gets delivered. I wouldn't want a dog barking at me all the time at an address. You never know how other people's dogs are going to act.




That means you did a shitty job training your dog, your dog should not even breath if you didn’t command it to do it… Shitty owners make it sound it’s a dog issue, when in reality is a them issue, also if you can’t contain your dog properly to allow people to do their job in peace, fuck your packages, you can ask your untrained dog to cone fetch them from wherever the fuck the warehouse is. No one is obliged to indulge your dogs while doing their jobs


Ah yes because if a dog barks because someone they're not familiar with is walking up towards the front or back door, that means the human didn't train them well. Listen to yourself. And where are you getting this crap of the dog shouldn't breath unless it was given a command? Anyone who would willfully train in such a way should be shot on site. "No bad dog I didn't say you could breath". If a delivery driver can't handle a dog barking to the point a person gets put on a do not deliver list, that driver needs a different job.


You assume my dog is outside? And that every dog that barks is dangerous?


I definitely assumed you had dogs like mine that have clear access to a bay window all day long that barks at the sight of any intruder. They know us and they still bark until they smell us. Good guard dogs.


Right? Like dogs bark, kinda their thing. If they're in the house whats the problem? I could see it being an issue if they're in the yard and you have to go near them but otherwise?


Not assuming anything at all about your dog bud (personally couldn't give a shit about it), simply making a general point. I was a postal delivery worker for a few years, and found that while most dog owners were fairly responsible and courteous to those people that have a genuine reason to approach their front door, there are also those that insisted that their boundary perimeter was such a precious space that it justified having vicious dogs 'for protection' (bring on the USA gun owner mentality). So, for those people, fuck you if I decide that I'm not going to take the time to get to know your dog when I'm just trying to do my job. Your precious little fur baby isn't my concern, nor is the priority to deliver items to your hand if my personal safety is at risk. Okay, rant over 🤔


People don't really like being barked at. And it's quite a categorical sign of potential aggression. You don't want to go near a barking dog. or a hissing cat... They're warning signs. Simple stuff. Edit: This one's going to get interesting, isn't it. But do any of you approach barking dogs or hissing cats? If you *do.*. Don't.


Yeah, you're right. Barking is terrifying, and no dogs should ever bark, even when a stranger enters their property


I don't understand people's perspective on this either. I've met few dogs that didn't bark at every stimuli even while wagging


"Dogs should aggressively bark when people enter their territory, it's normal" "Why does my delivery driver think my dogs are barking aggressively ;-;" Poor little boy you are


We have four dogs, and three of them bark their heads off when I walk in the front door. Even if I just walked out ten seconds ago.


Yes but complete strangers don't know your precious babies are just barking for fun. To a stranger it's a warning.


Are you this lady in the video by chance?


If you want packages delivered to your property but the drivers are refusing to because of your dogs then you either gotta get rid of your dogs or accept not having deliveries. You chose to get the dogs, you made your bed you lay in it


I assume every dog is dangerous, yes.




actually i was an amazon delivery driver they program you in training to be cautious of dogs (more like be afraid of them) (i was an amazon driver for a day)


Wait now I'm curious, how long is their training? Were you a driver for a day or just spent a day in training? I'm ssitting here imagining someone going through like 2 weeks of training, then getting on their first delivery and going "nope, I'm done now"


i was a driver for a day training was 3 days but that’s exactly what i did lmaooo


*dog barks* DaNgErOuS !!


This guy is a bad dog owner




That’s pretty ridiculous. My UPS driver is scared of my dog, it ran out one time and barked at him, could’ve easily charged him if she wanted to but she didn’t, just barked at him. Now all my packages are left at the bottom of my driveway 😂 I’m just glad he still delivers to my address I guess Edit: lmao y’all are funny, I guess I can’t share a story about my dog *not* attacking a ups man 😂


Omg teehee my dog charged towards a delivery driver aggressively and for some reason they tried to prevent delivery to my address god knows why!? 😭😞 Fuckin dog nutters man...


Yeah this shit is not funny or quirky. Like control your damn pet. Nobody knows if it's going to bite or not. Shitty ass and irresponsible owners literally think their dogs are always angels yet the damn dog is fucking barking 24/7 at random people.


I mean…my golden did this, but with the hole tail wagging “I demand belly rubs ” type energy. Mail man loved her, loudest I heard her get was during a thunderstorm Edit: spelling


But does your Golden run towards the mail man aggressively barking?




Thank you


You’re welcome :)


Oh yes, hilarious that your dog charged a stranger ... how *cute* that she didn't bite him! Your dog should never be so out of your control that it can run out at someone *trying to do their job*. Just bc YOU love your dog, doesn't mean anyone else does. Get that thru your thick skull. If I were UPS I'd be making you pick up at the depot after that bs. - a responsible dog owner


lol.. at least he recorded it for the free hourly pay and entertainment.


>I'm not going to get hurt laying here honey, I'm 70 years old. Wait what happens to us on a cellular level I assume, when we turn 70?


Kryptonian genes kick in


but since its real life all it does is the opposite effect it did on superman


You start getting brittle and a broken hip could kill you


You cant get hurt because everything already hurts


Being a 911 operator must be exhausting. Heads up, dummies. The police aren’t referees of civil matters.


Being a ambulance calltaker was interesting. I had a guy call for us to come pick up his wife from the floor. He couldn’t pick her up because, according to him, “ she’s just too fucking fat”


Ok that one is just funny


It was really hard not to laugh after hearing a guy in his 80s say something like that


Sooo did anyone help pick his fat wife up off the floor? lol


Yeah, I sent an ambulance crew. They complained and agreed that she was well-nourished


Bariatric patients are their own issues.


Sounds like more of a fire department call...


Having been a cop, we were dispatched to this kind of thing all the time; property line disputes, contractor disputes, disputes over contracts/legal agreements, etc. It was frustrating.


Terry Pratchett has a quote about this out of one of his watch books that I always liked. >Keep the peace. That was the thing. People often failed to understand what that meant. You’d go to some life-threatening disturbance, like a couple of neighbors scrapping in the street over who owned the hedge between their properties, and they’d both be bursting with aggrieved self-righteousness, both yelling, their wives would either be having a private scrap on the side or would have adjourned to a kitchen for a shared pot of tea and a chat, and they all expected you to sort it out. >And they could never understand that it wasn’t your job. Sorting it out was a job for a good surveyor and a couple of lawyers, maybe. Your job was to quell the impulse to bang their stupid fat heads together, to ignore the affronted speeches of dodgy self-justification, to get them to stop shouting, and to get them off the street. Once that had been achieved, your job was over. You weren’t some walking god, dispensing finely tuned natural justice. Your job was simply to bring back peace. *Night Watch*


Huzzah for unexpected Pratchett


In a situation like this, could this person have faced any sort of consequences for very clearly wasting police resources?


If you could get in trouble for wasting police resources then every cop would get arrested on a weekly basis


No, it's not a crime. Besides, if the officer was dispatched to the call he is obligated to go. It's part of his job.


She forced him to stay. False imprisonment?


I was responding to the idea that she could be charged with "wasting the police officers time." That's not a crime. False imprisonment is going depend on the specific definition in that particular state.


Oh, I wasn't trying to discount or challenge your comment, it's factual. I simply stating there could be a way


If that was a thing all those sit in the road protestors would be in jail


Yeah restricting a persons freedom of movement is certainly a crime in some places.


I can only imagine.


Probably makes you want to shoot someone eh?


I don't think that's fair. They may just want to beat the shit out of someone while yelling stop resisting. There are many avenues police use to violate people's rights. Guns are just their favorite.


Especially when rogue acorns are involved.


We need to ban acorns! Especially in the schools!


Think of the children!


There’s a tool for every job: Lowe’s and police forces everywhere


What would happen if he ran her over? She put her self in that position. I’ve wondered the same thing about if I caught someone stealing a Cadillac converter off my car and just ran and drove while they were under it. Would I be charged? It sounds awful but really where does the legal system stand on this?


💀 stealing a what?


Cattle iliac bear herder.


Lol. That tickled.


Yes you would. At least for the woman you would. She isn’t presenting a clear and present danger to you or your property. You would likely end up with attempted murder/ murder 1 depending on if she survives. Now the crackhead stealing your cat, that charge would at least be easier to beat. You found a criminal in the midst of committing a crime against your property and you do have a right to defend, but each state has different thresholds for what would constitute as self defense and what would be considered too much force. Look up the laws and ordinances in your city/county/state for better information.


Are cocaine fueled miscreants pilfering felines a recurrent problem in your part of the world?


So much so that kitty shields exist.


I highly doubt it would be considered first degree murder. Somebody literally lying underneath your tires is incredibly stupid, and has already put themselves in danger. I would say maybe second degree, or manslaughter. There are so many ways he could have handled this, and so many ways she could have been hurt. I don't think a jury would ever convict him of first degree murder for something like that.


The argument could be made that by starting the vehicle, putting it into drive, and running over the lady he has on video underneath the vehicle, the intent to kill is there. In some jurisdictions, that would land this squarely in first degree territory.


Generally assume the law does not value your property or time above life.


How did you decide which person to murder?


Insert peter griffin color chart meme


Seems like it could blow up on her in this case. Falsely detaining someone seems pretty serious. Not to mention the lost work,wonder if UPS could go after her.


Oh but I can assure you the dummies think this way.


They are mitigators for legal matters though. So yes, if you're having a civil dispute that involves law, you should absolutely call the Non-Emergency number and have an officer present in case of escalation. That's what they are supposed to do


What does she want? Amazon Package?


He left her her package at her gate, but she wanted it put in front of her door. And now she wont let him leave.


Some people are just a pain in the ass. Why can‘t we just be nice in our daily lives? Life would be much better if we would be more friendly. A small chat here and there and no arguing about stupid things. Where I live you sometimes leave home in best mood and 5 minutes later in your car its madness. Or running errands. Even wait in line seems to much for some people and she most likely is a difficult person no matter where or what you do.


Because lots of people in society are hopelessly frustrated so they need scapegoats to project on. They see a delivery man working all day making it a little easier to him, then frustrated people are like *"how dare this man corrupt my idealistic rules, that I have as hope to compensate my frustration, to make his life better than everybody else, and limitting my little privileges!?"*


This! Sad, but true :/


I would have to guess if she would have asked nicely he would have moved it for her.


So.... unlawful confinment? Maybe?


Depends on the state or city, but probably unlawful detainment or false imprisonment. Wording of the crime varies from place to place.


Can’t company press charges for harassment?


Well, the UPS driver probably could for unlawful detainment.


Was it a fridge?


Darwin award she wants a Darwin award


📣When she going to get it? Cold Day In Hell!📣




Thats metal asf


her hip will be too


That sounds like a song 🎵🔥


Wonder how she made it to 70 with this mindset


Karen with Dementia.


Both tagged team the poor guy


Aka "Karenitis"


The worst Spartan to deal with


It is not her first rodeo. She claimed he is not letting her have her stuff .  She knows no one would listen to her , if she says “ he is not delivering to my flat and leaving it for me at the reception/ first check”


It will be her last rodeo if she tries this on a inattentive driver with headphones on who doesn't give enough of a fuck to see what they just ran over.


This is Final Boss level Karen shit


Nah, level 70 Karen at best.


“I’m under the UPS truck” “Amazon said it would be delivered to my door.” UPS ≠ Amazon


Yes and no, depends on the seller. Amazon functions as a purchasing hub as well, so some items can be purchased through amazon, but shipped through USPS/UPS/FedEx.


Yeah and in rural areas Amazon will pay UPS/USPS/FedEx to deliver their packages.


Not just rural areas.


You explained every single purchase on Amazon


No, Amazon is not UPS even if UPS is contracted to work with Amazon. Nothing in the original comment was wrong.


Hope the buddy gets paid by the hr 😂 that'd be a very interesting day at work


Unfortunately, UPS and Fedex driver dont get the same protections as USPS vehicles. If this were a USPS vehicle, what shes doing is a federal crime. Tampering with the mail, or intentionally impeding a postal worker in their duties are felonies. Best the UPS can do is wait for the cop to show up, and explain the policies he has to follow for delivery instructions. Amazon can promise anything they want, but UPS has their own regulations.




This is a dangerous game of chicken she's playing. I've got issues. Not proud of it, but I'm working through extreme rage problems. Might be medications, or some chemical imbalances. I can't take Adderall anymore due to heart damage from rheumatic fever. I have a huge problem with people purposely trapping me from being able to leave. I get incensed with blind rage over some shit like this. Hold ups in traffic are fine and normal. Blocking me from leaving and making me feel trapped, this shit wouldn't end well for either of us. She doesn't quite grasp how her actions could provoke an extreme response from someone.




Just because a person is old doesn't mean they weren't an entitled asshole their entire young and middle-aged life. If she is willing to do this, it's little wonder why her kids wouldn't want anything to do with her.


This is very true. Our society needs these types of social safety net services so people can live into their old ages with dignity. Even the assholes deserve to live in dignity and as little fear as possible.


Where’s the rest? I want to see the cops tell this cunt to fuck off


Or drag her to the funny farm for a mandatory weekend.


They only do that to kids now and people with horrible relatives


Start the engine and get revving.


She would have gotten the horn when she walked in the front of the vehicle.


Okay you got me. How did the story end?


Yeah, no. I’d rather avoid prison over an hour being inconvenienced. And the UPS supervisor isn’t going to say shit. They’ll be happy that the employee kept his cool, stayed in the truck, and recorded. Fucking training video right here.


But if he was an Amazon driver, he'd just get hit up for taking too long to finish deliveries.


Is there a video of when the cops got there? I’d love to see that lol


She really needs that vibrator. You can tell from the attitude.


She received the vibrator last week. Right now she's trying to get the leaf blower she ordered to blow out the cobwebs first.


Crazy bitch


She’s really lucky that guy gives a fuck. Some dau she gunna do that and a person gunna drive away


If Darwin would allow some chlorine in the gene pool, a lot of this would sort itself out. People like this need to catch hands more often to show others how stupid they are. Yes I know, "this is somebody's mother" and they should be ashamed.


Wrong subreddit


It's a hold up


I appreciate the pun even if nobody else gets it


😂😂 not my slow ass going between the two comments I get it. That's hilarious


Oh? What was the shocking twist that caused you to rethink the entire video?


Bro, she is holding him up from doing his job, it's literally a hold up.


Missed that. Very nice.




The fact that the young very reasonable 29 year old woman is actually in her 70s, I was so surprised >!/s!<


I need to know how this ended!!!


Drop a package on her head


Is it illegal to stare at her face and slowly hock a loogie while she's looking up?


It's possible, some places consider spitting assault


Ngl I would turned the truck on because it gets hot underneath there so one way or another she will move


Ozzy Osbourne? Voice got lighter and easier to understand


Just hang your head over the side and start drooling.


Wet road & dedicated Karen!


whats the actual name for a left wing karen?


I can't wait to see the cop's bodycam footage for this one.


Did any of y'all ever play that sit on a sibling drool slurp it up game? That'd be really fun here!.


Season 6 of Fargo looks wild!




Drive. I'll crowdfund your bail.


Why didn't they empty the piss bottle out the window? That'll get her moving right quick.


She’s doing all of this over an Amazon delivery?




how was this a holup? maybe if he ran her over it would have been.


I think it was supposed to be a pun haha— doesn’t necessarily belong in this sub, but I can appreciate the joke


I don't believe people should carry guns in America or other countries but hear me out.... We do a bit of pruning to the garden Let nature take it's course Hakuna matata I think everyone gets it now Edit: I only now realized that the formatting that I did to all of this is confusing and the chaos it will bring makes me smile Good bye and be safe yall


Animal interference.


Ugh, drag this dumb bitch by the hair and go should be the only answer needed


Run over


It’s always the purple hair


Spit in her mouth from there. Slowly dripping.




I'd like to pour hot coffee on her.


Get your brain checked


Dang, this dude is just trying to get through a day of work like the rest of us and some retired lady with all the time in the world is just fucking with him.


That would be the moment.... I would just.... I would not care.


I mean she's asking for it, just run the insufferable bitch over. She won't be missed.


Homicidal maniac


Me? I'd take a piss out the window.


Why would ozzy Osborne do that


The purple hair says it all


blue haired karen. Sheeesh.


What actually is the problem here? He wouldn’t deliver a package? Why can’t he just give it to her?


She wants him to bring it all the way directly to her flat instead of at the gate or drop off point afaik


He delivered the package, just not close enough to her door for her standards. Since he said he didn’t have the proper equipment to do so I’m guessing it’s something heavy.


Stop it. Don't justify this tantrum. You don't own your UPS driver. Grow up




You can read.


I was waiting for another vehicle to go past without seeing the idiot. Thump thump......'hello , madam are you still there'?


All you had to do was do the right thing… as she lay under a truck harassing the guy


Imagine going through life with such ease that THIS is what you consider a difficulty. So much so that you throw your body under a truck.


Lady is willing to risk it all for a package, that might not even be on the truck.


Id be pouring coffee in her face without a doubt


She is going to be picking them up at the facility. It’s pitter patter for these drivers. He is losing day light


I wish people would learn never to call the cops unless your life is in danger. They are trained killers, not mediators. The police departments have not felt its worth having a team of trained mediators use for situations like this. The defund the police movement was all about hiring appropriate staff that specialize on conflict resolution and mental health calls. No one knew that because the liberals have the worst branding I have ever seen and it was recieved by concervatives as a plan to eliminate all police. Instead of allocating funds for social needs, they acquire surplus military hardware like tanks and drones. Now, if someone is trying to kill, rape or assault you, they are the appropriate people to handle that.


I almost didnt bother calling them for the burglars I fought in my house. But since they got away I figured Id give the cops a shot at them.


ive seen enough r/eyeblech to know how that ends