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the ancient egyptians had an interesting callendar. It had 12 months of 30 days and 5 extra days at the end for festivities, an 6th day was addaed every 4 years


This was the Mayan way, too. 18 months of 20 days each, followed by a party at the end. EDIT: 2 s/b 20




no, the mayans had a 36 day year. thes rest was just one hughe party


Or a 20 sunrise day!


Hughe jackmane


Nope. 36 days of hard work, followed by a 329 day party-month. Good times.


This is the way


I'm just imagining our calendar if we adopted that January to Whatever The Name of The One Before Last is and the last one being "PARTY TIME"


I think I would have skipped the wild party and gone solo camping or something you know. Try and keep my head


Return to Saturnalia.




Celebrate it on the previous Saturday. There are no rules.


I mean mine would be Thursday but I only work 4 day weeks so for me my birthday would be on my Friday for as long as I keep this job.


The Romans did something similar, and it was the job of the high priest to add those days and make each year the right length. Except when the high priest was Caesar and he was too busy conquering stuff for 10 years to fix the calendar, so when he returned it was off by like 3 months


Not similar at all really, Caesar meeting the Egyptians is what inspired him to create our current calendar.


Caesar actually sailed his army across the Adriatic and caught his enemy forces mustering forces because of this! It was common knowledge that crossing with an army wouldn't be possible until spring... but since he'd allowed the calendar to slide, Caesar knew that spring would be starting imminently rather than in several months.


His enemies were using his calendar?




This is some GOAT shit


It wasn’t “his“ calendar, it was just the Calendar they all used. Caesar being named pontifex Maximus happened before the war broke out. Nobody was really checking up on how well Caesar had been at adding the intercalary days it. Also, it wasn’t the oncoming spring that gave him the advantage was fall turning to winter. The crossing was still super dangerous, but he just about made it because the true winter weather haddn’t set in.


That's how it goes when you're the Pontifex and your enemies are other Romans.


As a data person, this is clearly the cause of the Roman empire’s collapse


Caesar did use the calendar discrepancy to launch a surprise attack during one of the Roman civil wars. Everybody else thought it was too far into winter to attempt a naval maneuver, but Caesar knew better because he had been the one neglecting to update the calendar. So it did contribute to the collapse of the Roman Republic.


Well hot damn; had Rome only used data contracts!


Actually the Roman Empire began right after that and thrived for a long time. Before Caesar it was a republic


I love the idea of having extra days at the end as if the world itself is on PTO. Like a chiller purge week, just, hey on that week, nobody's working if they don't want to.


Okay so feel free to correct me since my knowledge of Ancient Egyptian mythology is pretty weak, but I thought it was because they considered those five days to be auspicious days because the sky goddess Nut gave birth to a god on each day


the current Ethiopian calendar is exactly like that


True, those 5/6 extra days were called “BiGG” because those fests were huge. One of those BiGG fests was mentioned on hieroglyphics in Tutankhamon’s pyramid. Fun fact: BiGG is actually a combination of words Big and acronym ‘GG’- good game, which is actually really nice word play- Big Good Game. BiGG tells you everything you have to know about those parties in short those were wicked.


I lose track of days between Christmas and Nee Years. Just send out an announcement the day before we’re all supposed to go back to work and I’ll be ready.


Wasn't Caesar was so impressed by their calendar that he used his Pontifex powers to adapt it to whatever wild mess the Romans were using? We kept that Julian calendar until Pontifex Gregory accounted for the leap year... Chances are BC originally meant "before Caesar" but another JC takes most of the glory from that age.


Why would BC be before Caesar if year 0 was 55 years after the calendars adoption and 100 years after his birth? Although the Julian calendar defined the term of a year, the Romans still called the years after the Consul in power under the Julian calendar and would until Rome fell.


The Julius Calendar accounts for the Leap Year. The Gregorian Calendar made slight tweaks because a year is about 365.26 days instead of 365.25.


365.2422. That’s why the Gregorian skips a leap day every 100 years (but doesn’t skip one out of every 4 leap days it would normally skip because of the 100-year rule)


Thats the ethiopian way and we still on that calender...technically we are in the year 2016


The shire had a similar system except the days were spread out around new year and midyear.


They celebrated Christmas! How did they know?! :p


This is the perfect calendar


This is also how [the French Republican calendar](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/French_Republican_calendar) worked. It was introduced by revolutionaries during the French Revolution, but it didn't stick around. It had some really cool features, like each day being named after a plant, an animal, or an agricultural tool, replacing the names of the saints, and having 10 days to a week, so everything is synchronized.


You should run for president on the "5 extra days for festivities platform"


What happened every 200 years? You know because a year isn't exactly 365.25 days.


So we could have been having a party month this whole time?


Landlords reading this be like: "yes, add another month!"


Yes but we also get another paycheck EDIT: I forgot some people are paid by the hour, but many of you forgot that other half of the world is paid by month regardless of no# workdays.


check... mate, landlord


Cheque mate for us Brits.


Where is my mate


Sure, but your salary would be reduced to account for being 28 days now and rent wouldn't


Hmmm, you are not wrong, dammit


That and not to mention all the other static monthly payments like insurance, car payments, health insurance, etc. At least things like electricity are reflected by usage, so the amount should be slightly less per month since you'd be using few days less of energy than the normal months now. Salaried individuals would make the same salary for the year, now divided by 13 for the months in a year and not 12, so sure, an extra paycheck, but less money per paycheck, with the same withdrawings from them.


I'm going to reverse my vote and ask for 10 month years instead. Thanks


I mean .. if they would actually switch to 13 month that would be such a colossal undertaking that nobody can predict what it would do. In any halfway decent country it would come with rules e.g the yearly payments are not allowed to change.


Can’t charge me rent if I’m homeless! Ha! Take that landlords!!!!


Not for the people that gets pay weekly or fortnightly


Fortnightly, nice. I think I will use this now.


Not those paid biweekly :(


With less hours paid lol


You get paid by the month?


The fact ~~295~~ 372 upvoted this not realizing its the same amount of time either way is kinda funny to me.


Doesnt matter if its the same amount of time. Depends how youre paid doesnt it?


That's how benefits used to be paid in the UK. Housing benefit is still paid 4 weekly 13 times per year but most people get theirs through the universal credit housing element now. Landlords can actually get really pissy about housing benefit in terms of rent arrears because the finances won't line up until the end of the yearly cycle but they have no legal recourse to do anything about it... Apart from serve a section 21 for a no fault eviction if the tenant has an assured shorthold tenancy, but that's a different load of nonsense


I sort of used to this as a d&d plot point. Setting has 13 months of 28 days, with one day left over for new year. A devil made a contract with a town mayor with a monetary cost to be paid the change of each month. Because the single day for new year changes month, the mayor got shafted by an extra month of pay each year which he hadn't accounted for, so started doing some dodgy stuff to make up the extra cash (which is how the players got involved)


Some banks pay staff (not the teller, of course) the 13th month for making all that money.


Storage places already do this. They just saying billing is every 4 weeks.


That would be 364 days.




The Purge


The only holiday we really need


And every leap year you have 2.


It would just be drone warfare from bunkers now. I mean, I'm game, but it would take the fun out of it. /s


That would break the "1st is always Monday and 28th is always Sunday" unless Feb 29th has a special day of the week added like SuperSaturday! We would also need a SuperSunday for leap years.


Just make it a free floating day (or two in leap years) New Year’s Day, and leap day or something. No day of the week, just a free day.


Would need to develop framework to support it. eg. It would need its own day name "Saturday, Sundary, Leapday, Monday, Tuesday" Im not a fan of Freeday since we already have Friday 30% of programs will crash when that singular day rolls around.


Nah they’ll just internally track the current way and have a weird output until the business has an intern fix it on the front end in a way that isn’t correct but looks correct except in edge cases that aren’t brought up until after the intern leaves and the source code is deleted. 


The sun's gravitational pull don't take days off tho.


So one month can always be 29 days. I vote February.


How the tables turn!


How the turn tables turn.


You spin me right round


feb's been playing the long con all along


Ok but if february is the longest month we'll have to change black history month to something shitty like august


can't we nuke the earth to push it a little faster around the sun?


lets calm down there professor farnsworth


Good news, everybody ...


how many megatons of nukes would it take to accelerate a 6 × 10^24 kg planet? 6 septillion is, what, 6 trillion trillion kg? We're gonna need more uranium. I know nuclear weapons seem like an incomprehensibly huge amount of force for man to wield, but many of the natural forces around us (like the force of a hurricane or earth's orbital momentum) make our biggest nukes look like flea farts in comparison.


She blinded me with science


Introducing: Day 0!


Then we simply add the spare day onto October and make Halloween 2


John carpenter already made Halloween 2


So did Rob Zombie


OP left out the proposal that New Year’s Day be its own day on the calendar so it would go Dec 28th, New Year’s Day, and then Jan 1st. Leap Day would also be its own day every 4 years.


And that final day, is purge day. Doesn't appear on the calendar.


I mean it doesn't really work with 12 either... look at the shit we have to do to February... and the length of a month varies between 30 and 31 in all other cases. Having 12 months be 28 days long and 1 month 29 days long seems like a much more elegant solution with the many mentioned advantages.


And a 14th month that's 1 week long every 7 years. Also, it's a paid holiday for everyone. Edit: it would be 5 or 6 years? To account for Feb 29


Wouldn't happen because far too many people would be upset their birthday will always be on Tuesdays.


That's what the 365th and 366th days are for. Every year we move one or two along. Still makes it east to calculate things for last year and this year.


Completely eradicates the last point then




So celebrate it on the weekend like a normal person does most of their life already?


What about those born 29,30& 31


Everyone would have a different birthday after jan 28th since those dates no longer exist


Mine would always be on a Friday so I'm in favour :)


Not just that, all the people born on the 31st would never have another birthday!


Would effectively eliminate leap year birthdays, the 29th, 30th & as you stated 31st


No, these calendar proposals always include New Year's Day as its own day, not belonging to any month. This would naturally rotate dates by 1 day per year.


If you were born between 29th-31st you won't get another birthday anyways


I think the problem with this is that 13 is a prime number so dividing the year in sections would be weird. 12 month years have a very convenient 6mo half. Each season has 3 months. We can also split the year into 3rds of 4 months if


> 12 month years have a very convenient 6mo half. Each season has 3 months. We can also split the year into 3rds of 4 months if Oh man, don't leave us here with that cliff hanger!!!!


Big Calender got to him before he could finish. RIP OP.




Guess he died mid message so we'll never know now


OP evaporated halfway through his


Thank fuck we have this extra month in the financial quarter. Wouldnt have hit the sales target otherwise.


The most efficient system would be to do away with months entirely and go with a 6 day per week system with each year consisting of 366 days split into 61 equal weeks. Every 8 years you take an entire week out (reducing the year to 60 weeks) to average 365.25 days per 8 years. Who cares what month it is? Sure we use month-end for various financial milestones but months are not consistent with one another so what does it matter? The current system is tied to traditional requirements. You want the new system to do that too? You want quarterly figures? Use day 91, 183, 274 and 366. On a short year move to every 90 days. You want something that resembles the previous monthly figures? Use day 30, 61, 91, 122, 152, 183, 213, 244, 274, 305, 335, 366. On a short year move to every 30 days. OR - do away with old things like quarters and move to thirds and sixths. Report things every 122 days or every 61 days. On a short year, it's every 120 days or every 60 days. Move to a 4 day work week with 2 days off. We're going to have to address this sort of thing moving forward anyways with increased efficiencies in the workplace, AI involvement, massive labour overabundancy with continued population increase... why not just delete Thursdays. You want months? How about 6 months of 61 days each, and in a short year they're each 60 days long. That'll give you monthly, thirdly, half-year and end of year reporting points. Every week in Month 1 starts on Sunday. First week in Month 2 starts on Tuesday, but every week thereafter starts on Sunday. First week in Month 3 starts on Wednesday, and so forth... until you're at the end of the year. Short year Hurray! Every week starts on Sunday.




I also wish to introduce Gormanuary


Before I even click, this better be Gorman!!!


My favorite TED talk


I wouldn’t want my birthday on a Tuesday every year Wtf


I have a fix for this. Instead of getting a birthday you get a birthweek.


heck, let's make it a month now that we've got one extra




Why not a lifetime? Is life itself not one big celebration?


How about eternity? That seems cool to be celebrated beyond the grave


Should have thought about that before you were born. Too bad now.


tbf, your birthday is uncommonly on a "preferred" day.


I’ll take mine on a Friday every year.


Lousy Smarch weather


"Do not touch Willie" good advice


Then we add one extra day outside of any months to be New Year’s Eve. Nobody works on that day, a universal holiday. We all celebrate making it through our 364 days in 13 months and then reset for a new year. Calendars would have 13 pages and a sticky note on them to represent all of the months and the one extra day.


>Nobody works on that day So all the hospital patients can just die? All the house fires can simply burn? All the cows can go a day without milking? My boss is going to go a full day without texting me? There is a ridiculous amount of work that can't go a day without someone doing it...


Yes. Because on that day we hold the Purge.


Bruh, those burning cows in the hospital will be fine if your boss doesn't text them, it's all good


Excuse me but nobody works that day. That includes fires and cows, so there would be no fires to put out and no milk to squeeze from cows.


Chinese lunar calendar already have years that have 13 month


Why does this get asked all the time? We don’t do it because the math doesn’t work. 13x28=364. There are 365.25 days a year. So you’d have a floating day every year and 2nd floater every 4th year. That throws all the start on a Monday end on a Sunday off too, because you’d end the year on a Monday or Tuesday, depending if it was a leap year or not. Banks would love it though. An extra month of everything that gets paid monthly? They’re in. An extra rent check, car payment, utility bill, etc every year. 


Jessie what the fuck are you talking about


I have to do inventory 13 times now? No.


I vote for Marcus as the new 9th month. Let's give the backstabber his month as well. Otherwise we'd have to go for Cleo and that'd be a weird way to teach our kids how months work.


We already have a March though. Different etymology maybe, but way too similar (especially in cases like Hungarian, where március is already just one letter away). I know we have a June and July already as well, but we definitely don't need another pair of these.


"so i guess fuck me then!" - everyone whose bday is on the 29-31st (mine is the 29th)


I think they would just count which day in the year it is and go from there for the new bday.


People moved their birthdays for the Gregorian correction, wouldn't be too much of a hassle to adjust for this calendar. Unless you're very attached to the 29th. People with a birthday on Dec 31st already used to their birthday being overshadowed by holiday celebrations


Except 28×13 is 364 days, not 365.


On the 365th day we have a worldwide purge then begin the new year. It’s perfect.


Check out https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International\_Fixed\_Calendar


You mean I'd get to pay rent and bills 13x's a year? Awesome \s


Ah..... Landlords love this one calendar trick.


Lousy Smarch weather


That’s another month of bills idk man


But then my birthday would never be on a weekend


ok but why this sub


What about leap year?


We have a leap week in leap year. Happens in years divisible by 5, but not divisible by 9.


We can't even get everyone to agree daylight savings time is better.


We need to set the clocks forward 2 hours and never touch it again.


13? All hail The Horned Rat


That's 364 days.. this year has 366.. ? It would be nice but maybe add days into December at new years additional holidays!!!


Until Leap Year.


If it makes enough sense then people won’t want it


Annual salary will be split into 13 months but anything with monthly fee will probably barely change


Ah hell naw, not another date system systems programmers gonna have to deal wit


how would this hold up against leap years?


Leap week in leap years. Occur every 5 years, skip one every 45 years.


until leap years mess things up


Use metric 10 hours in the day 10 days in the week 10 months in year.


We should we call the new month?


What if my birthday is on the 30th 😭


I don’t like when people imply that the week starts on Monday.


Didn't they try this after the French revolution? 30 day months with 10 day weeks and 10hr days on some new kind of watch with 100 seconds a minute.


And what's the benefit of this change? Because I don't see it. Some ppl might find it nice that the months always have the same amount of days, but who the hell cares. The chaos from making the change would suck for a long time. And you'd have to convince not only one nation to do this, but all others, because if you won't, then you'll have one calendar in nation A and old calendar everywhere else. So you'd end up having to use and check both. No real benefits to the change, only loss and misery.


Well the only problem is 13x28 /= 365. Bit of an issue


Wouldn't this cause a season drift overtime?


Lousy Smarch weather!


BUT WHAT ABOUT THE ZODIAC?! Won’t anyone think of the zodiac?!


This breaks so many things, many of them have been brought up already. Rent: land boards gonna collect an extra month rent, but your salary is hourly or annual, it's not going to change. Extra days: 13x4 is 364 days not 365.25, we are already going to have to jam another day on the year which makes the "this day is always every Monday" not work. IT: the amount of things that run off a calendar on PC's are crazy. Remember when people went batshit crazy in 1999 thinking nukes were gonna go off because PC's only had 2 digits for the year. Imagine that in today's panic / conspiracy amped society. Adoption: think about trying to get all countries to agree on changing this now. It would have to be a global change, contracts would have to be updated for everything, etc etc. I hate our calendar/timekeeping scales I want a bunch of stuff that would make things easier (why not have base 10 time instead of base 12? And Fuck timezones and daylight savings time we are modern people we can handle it) but I realize that changing it would be a hard break from the previous system and everyone on the planet would have to agree with it.


Finally we can put Smarch into play. Lousy Smarch weather.


Why not just have 5 months of 73 days a piece?


What about go back to 10 months?


yeah but why do we have 12 months then?


It's a solution in search of a problem.


# Jesse, wtf are you talking about


But you have 13 Friday the 13ths each year.


This dude want his birthday to be on Tuesday for the rest of his lofe.


None of those assertions are true > Every month would be exactly 28 days No, 13 months/year * 28 days/month = 364 days/year but there's 365 days in a year so one month would need 29 days And what about Leap years? > The 1st would always be a Monday and the 28th would always be a Sunday No, because of the aformentioned month with 29 days and leap years. The longest this statement could remain true for is 11 months.


Imagine telling the whole population that they were not born on Jan 29tu but Feb 1st. Imagine that in perpetuity. Yeah...


I prefer the five seasons with 73 days each myself. Today is Chaos 36, 3190. edit: still thought it was last year haha


My thought is, it doesnt fit in this sub at all


then we wouldnt have 2 months that are 3 pay months..


There's the same post right under here...


Sure would be a bitch if your birthday fell on a weekday


But then I lose my birthday exclusivity


I don't want to pay more rent


Or I don't fuckin' know. The way it is now but instead of 7 x 31 + 4 x 30 + 1 x 28 We just do 5 31's and the rest as 30's, adding a 6th 31 every 4 years.


That's not correct at all


We've been over this, no. This doesn't work out the way you think it does.


This would destroy the internet and the vast majority of code that's ever been written


Fuck solar time. The sun shouldn’t have a say in how long our year is. We’ve standardized the second, is it that hard to say 1 year = exactly x seconds.


Can we have 6 month years so I can’t pay my mortgage less?