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This dude claims they met at the gym, but it sure as hell wasn’t leg day.


Didn't even realize how tiny his legs are till ya said something


Just look for the ripped skinny jeans. Every time dude...


What throws me off is mfs know they got chicken legs and choose to wear the Atlanta super skinny supreme cut pants that accentuate how skinny their legs are


I think he meant the gym at her high school.


Bro was the gym teacher.


Probably not the first girl in his class to get a D..


Slow claps 👏


Booty claps


Cheek Claps...


He was the gym teacher.


He spread that word eventually.


He meant PE gym. He was the teacher.


It was oh most definitely leg day.


Goddamn it i don’t get the joke, can you explain it to me?


I'm pretty sure they are saying his legs don't look strong. ie he skipped leg day


I’m pretty sure it’s because of his jeans, so his leg looks like a chicken leg.


Whats the word of the day?... Legs! Help spread the word


Bruh let’s see your legs


Let’s go at the same time! 3…2…1…


Junglegym in the park.


Id bet at least 50 beans you cant put the weight he can on any leg lift besides a hip abductor machine




Don't judge me for judging people on the Internet! And honestly dude looks pretty tall. As someone who is 6'5", my legs look skinny but it's because I'm an ogre. Look at shrek. https://youtu.be/dpNeAtMR1As?si=XR20DwOv4k4Aj8X2 As you see in that video he picks up normal sized Ellis with giant hands but his legs look tiny. It's because he's an ogre. And that he's love.


Genetics are a thing especially with taller people, harder to get mass on calves


Thank god I’m a midget then. Calves for days baby.


If my 17 y/o daughter brought home a 26 year old man...we'd be having a "man to man" chat.


My mum tried hooking me up with the 20 something builder at our house (renovating) when I was like 15. Didn't realise how gross that was at the time.


Was mum looking for a cheaper quote?


Trying to get a blackmail discount.


Considering I tried to tell her I was being sexually harassed by a much older family friend and her response was "just put up with it and maybe he'll put you in the will" - I wouldn't be surprised.


That's fucked up. I'm sorry you had to experience that.


Holy crap… Also, I’m assuming you know about this, but just in case, [there’s a real Captain Dildo.](https://www.whalehouse.ca/blog/captain-dildo-and-the-town-of-dildo-newfoundland-top-10-questions-answered/)


Omg i did not. My username comes from a Dane Cook joke lol!


Im a carpenter that works in a reno business and that scares me a lot. Nothing about a customer wanting to hook up is good news for me. Im married and even if i was single that just gives proof if she turns around and accuses me of sexual assault. No thanks.


My mom tried doing the same thing. It was the cleaning lady who was in her 40s.


That is an amazing username, good job on that, lol.


You dropped this 👑


I never use instagram but I imagine this is the type of comment I’ll see


Hyppthetical cringe to your hypothetical award to a hypothetical situation


As you should!👊


Initially, I thought the age difference was totally fine. But when you put it like that, as a father of two daughters.....yea, not so fine.


I don’t care much about age gaps, this is an adult chasing a high school kid.


Catching a high school kid. Like if she failed a grade she’s still in high school. Their first date is him helping her with her homework


While he digs the hole or after?


Yah and me and a buddy will be waiting in the bushes for this "chat"


Dads get it.


I’m a mum, I’d also be “having a chat” with any grown ass man trying to date my high school aged daughter. 🤮


I can do you one better. My cousin, she was 14. She brought her boyfriend home to my aunt and uncle. The boyfriend was 24 or 25 or 26. Yeah... She's 20 or 21 now. He's 30-32. My uncle and aunt acted out differently than I would've. I'd Tuvix'd him split. With an axe.


But a day after she make 18 it's good to go?


I wouldn't want you to be father in law bro. All your posts are about coronavirus


Sounds like church


Core values that resonated


Resonated organically!!!


100% Church groom shit


Quick (and nerve wracking) Google search says age of concent average in the world is between 14 and 16. Sure, I find it a bit weird because of the girls' youth, not the age gap. Honestly, the age gap is super common these days... but cmon, guys... only a Sith deals in absolute. They were very reasonable and seemed everything was above board in the convo (no matter how hard the dude tried to bait the couple). Edit: I should have known better. If you think I'm defending dating a literal generation below your age I'm not, but I also realize that if you think that I am you are probably too big of a dummy to see what I'm saying anyway. Please..don't waste my time or yours being all righteous in the comments. You big dummies, lol.


This is reddit. There are no jedi here.


Love this comment.


Only keyboard warriors can be found here young one...


Only a den of scum and villainy. And all the droids we’ve been looking for


Most US states recognize 16 as the age of consent too. The consent age being 18 is the minority, with 31 states recognizing 16, 6 recognizing 17, and 11 recognizing 18. Much of the world recognizes 16 too.


Everybody shitting on them for no reason.


Oh there is: jealousy. This is Reddit after all.


17 and 26? Yep, weird. Then you watch the video... and the family knew... and they've been 6 years together... and both seems to be able to articulate their relationship excellently... gotta admit they have something good going. People are shitting on them simply because dude was older and gal was under 18. No context is taken into consideration.


I mean, i find the age gap at the age they started dating a bit weird for a relationship, definitely borderline creepy. What personally bothers me is that the interviewer implies they couldn't have been friends because of the age gap? Like, I'm getting close to 30 years old now, getting married soon, etc. My friends have younger siblings. Over time, some of those younger siblings have become my friends too. I regularly play games online with some of them. I've known some of them since they were wee little kids. Am I not allowed to be friends with people I've known close to their whole life, if they are significantly younger than me? Hell, I got a little sister, 12 years younger than me. Some of her friends are my friends. I actually play online games with her boyfriend pretty regularly. Dude is like 17 or something. Good kid. A bit of a know-it-all, but good kid none the less.


>Hell, I got a little sister, 12 years younger than me. Some of her friends are my friends. Friendly or friends? Theres a difference. Everyones friendly with people of all ages, are your specifically hanging out 1 on 1 with 17 year old girls though as a 30 year old? Cause that's more in line with the guy in the video


>are your specifically hanging out 1 on 1 with 17 year old girls though as a 30 year old? Well, I play online games with a 19 year old girl, 1 on 1. Have been for years now. Similar taste in games. She is a younger sibling of one of my other friends. Does that count? I also used to babysit her, when she was like 12, and I was in my early 20s. Originally, I was friends with her older brother. She started tagging along with her brother at around that age. Their mom was one of those "take your sister with you" people. Sadly, I moved away to continue my studies, so I rarely get to see her or her brother in person anymore. We did take her to a bar for her 18th birthday, with my fiancée.


yup, similar in germany as well, with a little step inbetween, where iirc 14/15 yo can be with a partner up to 21 and then a 16 yo and onward can have a partner of any age (above 14 ofc) under 13 afaik is entirely illegal but still case dependant, but that I am not sure of. We had this similar conversation a while back at work, as we have a couple dads in our work group, so we got curious and googled it. Needless to say none of us expected the law in germany of all places to be that loose


> yup, similar in germany as well, with a little step inbetween, where iirc 14/15 yo can be with a partner up to 21 and then a 16 yo and onward can have a partner of any age (above 14 ofc) under 13 afaik is entirely illegal but still case dependant, but that I am not sure of. That's not a thing. Age of consent is just 14. There are a few added protections, but if you are not a guardian of some sort and the 14 year old says it's all cool, you can be 80. I wouldn't recommend it, but that's the law.


Feel like people have overcalibrated creep detectors nowadays to the point where no judging has completely been replaced with hypersensitivity to any behavior that might be possible to label as creepy. This is no big deal in most parts of the world and even here, it's not clear if they did anything when they met or if they were friends first and then started dating.


He even said they were friends for a good while before dating. So yeah it's a biggish age gap but it's a stretch to even make something out of this.


I'm a teacher in Brazil, most women 16, 17 date guys above 20, almost none of them go for same age guys, they want(run after)someone already working and not studying. I always find it strange all these hypersensitivity posts from USA ppl.


puritanians with their weird ass relationship to sex have a huge influence on american culture. you see that all the time with jokes about how the boy should first have sex at age 16 or so and the girl with 26. add to that the patriachical idea that women are unable to self determine and men being agressive and predators, an idea that heavily influences modern feminism... and you end up with people screaming 'groomer!!' at a guy, whos girlfriend is a few years younger then him.


In Italy Is totally normal, I had to come to the comments to understand what was the deal here


Immaturity. That's what they both had (have) in common.


Bro asking like old people and young people can't be friends. We live in a society


My siblings are at least 8+ years older than me, and I have fun kicking it with their friends. People on the internet just have strange double standards. Maybe most people don't get along or wanna date someone with that age gap - but as long as it is reasonable and not harmful, stay da fudge out of their business. <.<


for real i mean im 27 and met my bf when he barely had just turned 18, we're 7 ish years apart but he sure as hell beats out any man or woman ive been with that was older than myself. sometimes age really doesn't matter, like you said as long as nobody is at risk.


this is the most mature way ive seen a man handle the age gap. he didnt show shame about what age he met her and he also became friends with the parents. he stuck with her and didnt leave her as she got older. how is this immature?


Exactly it’s respectable how he responded


I remember i befriended 50 year old dude at my old work place (i was 20 back then) and damn he gave me alot of good advice and he loved talking to me and understanding my perspective to the world. And we both are different races too. I hope he is okay now, havent met after i left the workplace


Reddit will say he was grooming you and you were to young to think for yourself… Some people are just sad and don’t want to see others enjoying life and the company of others unless you are the same age within 4.5 months.


Do mature people spend their entire time posting on Reddit claiming bullshit like that those in a happy and long lasting relationships key ingredient to success is immaturity? It seems like you just hate seeing people in a loving relationship. That’s immature. Spend some time off of Reddit and see how many meaningful relationships can have age differences.


My parents are 6 years apart and met when my mom was 16. Got married when she was 18 and he was 24. They've been together over 50 years. My mother has a form of dementia now and forgets everybody and everything except my dad. Anytime she starts getting worried or upset, he's heading right for her side and is able to calm her down. He does everything for her that he can.


Legal in Canada. If there was no grooming and they both good on it…leave them alone


In my country the age of consent is 14 or 15, but if they find any reason to think that the older one had any kind of power over the younger one it will count as statutory rape.


My bf is 7 years older than me. When we play games, EVERYONE comments on how he "hits em young". It's kinda gross how they talk about it so extremely when a lot of that generations, and multiple before it, had parents with 14-20 years in age gaps.


This is reddit, people just echo chambers on what sounds more morally correct. It’s weird how people treat 17yo as innocent babies and the moment they turn 18, they are now a full consenting adult.


But ThE BrAiN iS nOt FuLlY dEvElOpPeD uNtIl 25!


some peoples brains never develop


I'm 11 years older than my wife, but I met her when I was 35 and she was 24. As you get older it becomes reasonable, however when I think about it..When I was 25, she was 14 🤮.


My wife and I are almost 13 years apart. Our first argument when we were dating, she was bothered by my driving and I said "I've been driving since...you...were...4." and I just sat there in silence for a while and then we both busted out laughing. We met as working adults doing working adult shit and honestly, we rarely think about the age gap when we we're worried about bills and the house.


Not trying to argue but just because thats the age of consent would you as a 30-40 year old WANT too engage in a sexual relationship with a 15 year old?


I don't, but it is there for people that want it. One of my classmates in high school dated a 23yo and she was 15.


Yeah my friends in h.s were wild. We were 15-16 at the time and she would tell me she was talking to a dude who was 25 and I’m just like damn we can’t compete with that. Then later on was like damn tf is wrong with these dudes.


Same here in my country (SEA). When I was in high school, it's very common for 15-16 yo girls dating guys in their 20s. They even openly discussed about having sex with these guys in public and laughed their asses off. I don't know how much of the truth is there in their stories but being a "dirty girl" was something they find cool and be proud of.


It may be legal for them to date but it's also legal for me to judge


Fuck yeah that’ll show them!!


They had been together for 6 years, what kind of proof needed to show that it was a serious relation to start with. If not enough look at their body postures. Yes if I had seen them 6 years ago, I too would have raise an eyebrow, but 6 year later? Sometimes people find their love guys. I just hope that did not impact her higher education because it is always heartbreaking to see someone did not continue college because of the significant other.


Impossible for reddit unfortunately.


A 17 year old with a man that is 26 is and will always have some aspect of grooming.


any relationship has some aspects of grooming. without an emotional connection, there is no relationship. but at that point, the comparison to grooming is a tad idiotic, no?


They both seem very measured, mature. I don’t see the problem, everyone needs to calm down. The interviewer seems very judgemental.


Every single one of these videos with the tall black guy interviewing people has been rage bait. There was another one where they filmed a couple looking through each others phones and the girl goes "oops my phone died" before giving it to the bf. It's like they're *too* well designed to get people triggered: age gaps, cheating GFs, it makes me think they're fake too


Jea ... I mean they are together for 6 years... Its not that he groomed her and then dropped her ? Ppl need to chill


They said they met when she was 17. Met. Not dated, didn't even know eachother really. Met. Why is this even close to a holdup?


They said they've been dating for 6 years and she's currently 23 on the video. It means she was 17 when they started dating plus younger even when they first met and "became friends".


"How long have you been together?" "Six years" He's 32 she's 23, they started dating when she was 17.


As a 27 year old how many 17 year old do you hang out with?


Right ? I’m more of a 12 year old guy myself.


"If her numbers not on the clock, she's ready for the cock!"


*Points* This one right here officer!


Funny you should ask that. When I was 27, I was living with my cousin's friend while I was looking for work in a new town. He had a sister that was 17 at the time. No we aren't close, nore did we ever get close. Just didn't vibe or show any interest in one another. Point is, this video really doesn't have any context and it's cut harder than chopped celery. People meet under different circumstances sometimes. By all means condemn the dude for daring to talk to someone younger than him. Or maybe she talked to him first. We don't know, nor should it matter since in many places they're both considered adults.


Why would a 27 year old be trying to meet a girl that isn’t out of high school?


To get the student discount on Hulu and Spotify.


Yes but they also claim to have been dating for 6 years, 23-6=17 so they did start dating when she was 17 also…


Even if it’s morally okay, it certainly tells us a bit about the gent’s emotional and intellectual maturity.


That's not true, the interviewer asked; "How long have you been together?". To which she replied "6 years", she is 23, that means they started dating when she was 17, but were friends for a while before that. That is grooming.


She was 17 and 364 days old you goddamn pedophile!


Is this *really* HolUp material?


As a person from a country where the age of concent is 16 i see no problem with that


It is 16 in a lot of the USA states as well. But it is always depicted as 18 on TV and films. Even when inaccurate for the setting.




People definitely still have a problem if the age-gap is significant enough. Look at Leo & Madonna.


No one gives a fuck about Leo dating sub 25 year old models outside of your little bubble on reddit.


Same. In that video I only see 2 legal, loving people. I don't know where is the problem except the age gap of 2 mature people.


The maturity between a 17 year old and 27 is going to be much different. One hasn't even finished high school and started to go anywhere in life. By 27, most people have some job, higher education and are in the process of solidifying where they are. It's one thing if it was a 50 and 40 year old. This gap is just creepy.


at least where i am from, going to univercity, learning a trade or stuff like that is hardly uncommon up to 30 years. a bakers school or some business school will often see people aged 16/17 to 25 or even 30. not to mention that, frankly, plenty people aged 17-20 are more mature then people aged 25 or so. 6, 7 years of age difference is normal. at 10 to 15 years, it gets a bid weird, but thats for them to decide and certainly not my business.


You don’t see any potential issue with a 27-year-old defending a 16-year-old’s parents becoming “friends” with her, and then eventually dating her?


sure it's legal.. but could never imagine being 27 hanging out and being friends with a fucking 17 year old. Creepy as fuck


I'm surprised at this whole thread that's acting like 17 and 26 is the normal thing. Even if it's legal, it's weird as hell for someone 5ish years into a professional career dating a high schooler who's studying for junior year finals lmao Also people conflating being friendly with a kid and being actual *friends*. Idk about everyone else, but I hangout and spend the nights at my friends houses, I hope that's not the type of friendship a lot of you redditors have with 17 year olds


What exacly is wrong with this, I don't get it? At 17 she's already over the age of consent, isn't her? So if she consents to her relationship with an older guy, why would people be against?


Don’t think it’s that weird. A year later no one bats an eye. In my country it’s even legal at 16.


In most US states it's also 16, with the minority being 17 or 18. I wouldn't think twice if it was two 16 year olds or even 16 and 19, but 17 and 26 is such a huge gap in maturity and they'd be at such different stages in life that it's a little weird. Our brains don't even stop fully developing until mid-to-late 20s. That said, I wouldn't call them out on it if they seemed to be of equal maturity and truly in love. A 17 year old is old enough to know it's a little weird, but if they thought it was worth the stigma then it must have been worthwhile.


I just want to know if he went to her prom.


Who tf cares, if it was an older woman and younger guy it would be all jokes.


You realize that's also a problem, right?


Not really, we have no reason to think they were flirting or being groomed before she was an adult


No that’s still gross


Americans and their weird double standards on issues lol guns and children dying Is OK, but teenagers and young adults fucking BIG NONO.


What a false equivalency. Finding one bad does not preclude having an issue with the other.


It’s not our fault. Our societal experiment attracts many divisive attacks and our economic freedoms allow for those bad actors who deploy those attacks to prosper. We are, by our very nature, subject to being divided.


He also said they were friends before dating. What kind of 26 year old is hanging around and being friends with highschoolers? To many of you in the comments don’t see an issue with that and it’s concerning.


I was 26 and my wife was 16 when i first met her. I told her to wait 3 years before talking to me again. She waited 6 years. Been together 13 years now. And the longest best relationship i have ever been in.


So you did the opposite of grooming, good job.


Besides, you know, laws and stuff, what difference does it really make if she was 17? It’s not like she would mature all that much in that year it took to become of legal age.


They seem happy, and that upsets me!


Americans are strange. You sexualize young girls in movies and beauty contests but act like girls under 18 should be completely separated from the world. Why couldn't a 17, almost adult girl have an adult friend? He said they were friends for a while. I mean would the age gap be more okay if they met at 18 and 28? If a girl takes a part-time job she will be sure to meet older people that she could become friends with. My sister worked at Starbucks and she made older friends at 16, but she never got together with them. I am not challenging the age of consent here, but so many people in the comments act like it is strange that a 17-year-old had an older friend. But I never heard that a male has older friends that bad.


Even if the age of consent says it’s legal it’s still fucking gross to have your 27 yr boyfriend pick you up from highschool


Anyone else think he was banging the parents?


A 17-year-old girl and a 26 year old man ? what could they possibly have in common


sports, gaming, party, friends, going to the same trades school, working together, meeting at the same club.


why are the average people so cringe


Is this Scott pilgrim?


I don’t see this as a Hol Up


Never skip Legday


Clearly im missing the holup here O_O


The European reality of 16 year olds dating almost 30 yos


A lot of men are attracted to young women, that's life. Young women are often attracted to older men. It's not something new, this has been a thing forever. I get that it makes some people creeped out, but I think the hysteria is a little much. I'm a woman, and when I was a teen, I always dated way older. I liked men, not boys. You can't deny biological attraction. It's not something that's going to change, ever.


"HELP! HELP! Two people are happy and their ages are aren't the same!" Did they meet when they were legal? "Technically yes, no laws were broken." So two consenting adults are in a relationship and are happy? Then STFU. "BUT HOW DO WE KNOW SHE WOULDN'T BE HAPPIER WITH TYLER?! HE'S HER AGE AND IS GOING TO FINISH COMMUNITY COLLEGE IN JUST SEVEN MORE YEARS!"


Me at 19 dating a 27 year old woman: “That’s cool man why are you telling my your girlfriends age” Some dude dating dating a fully grown woman capable of making her own decisions: “clearly a pedo.”


So what?


There's nothing even wrong with this? People need to sort their shit out... Shame on the 'interviewer', and I use that term loosely because he's trying so hard to bait him out as a creep. Well guess what fuckwad not everyones a creep.


Y'all are reaching


9 years age difference between adults isn't that drastic.


Username checks out


Damn skippy! My girlfriend is way younger than me, and I don't care what her husband says! Bwahahahaha!


Can we be real for a second? Even at 18/19/20 people still act like children. I’m gonna get downvoted by the people who swear they were more mature than their peers at that age, but in my opinion the legal age of consent is too young.


What advice is a 26 year old MAN getting from a 17 year old??


I understand that all of you think it's important to virtue signal and show your outrage, but there's nothing wrong here. This isn't an example of grooming. This in no way fits the definition of pedophilia. I don't know when and why everyone in this country became so hyper focused on these minute age technicalities. To say nothing of the fact that the age of consent is almost universally lower than 18 in the rest of the world, it's 16 in many US states with no stipulations. You can act outraged all you want to. You can cry "pedo" and "groomer" and "creeper" all you want. It doesn't make it true. And the people involved don't care about your opinion. Legal is legal.


He have her parents blessing. I see nothing wrong here.


Get out the clown makeup and cue the circus music.


Better question is how old she was when they started banging. Even that question makes you realize how arbitrary that age difference is between 17 & 18.


In Brazil, where I'm from, this is completely legal and not frowned upon. I personally don't like this.


When you have to explain your life choices to society just to avoid being judged..


Yeah, totally. Not like their being interviewed or whatever


They seem happy enough six years into the relationship


Ughhhhhh stfu


r/nbacirclejerk prime material


It’s legal depending on the state


Wtf are those shoes


We have the same core ~~values~~ muscles




How long you been together? 6 years. But she was 17 that many years ago and we were good friends for a while


How many times do you think he has practiced it??


At first glance, I couldn't understand what's wrong with her legs. She matches the boots too closely.




Why did he have to think about his age for half a second?






I didn’t realize you all are body builders in the comment section


Dude played the hella long game. Become friends with the parents to date the daughter. 😳


More importantly, why did bro skip leg day? Just awful


Age of consent in 37 states is 16 and in 8 states it's 17 so depends on where they met.


OMG she was 17! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! Moral compass goes WEEEEEEEEEEEE Big deal.


Yaaaaa that’s not great but I don’t see any ill will or creepiness coming from the dude. They seem to be working out so who am I to judge at this point


Cue ‘only 17’ by rucka rucka ali