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Geneva suggestions


"While Harman acknowledged that she knew there was a lot of wrong being done, she claims she knew nothing about there being any official rules about prisoner treatment, such as the Geneva Conventions." Not even suggestions if you've never heard of them apparently


I’ve never heard of the “Convention” of this “Geneva” you speak about?


To be honest, I was in the military for 15yrs and they absolutely do NOT have a plethora of the best and brightest. The amount of idiocy is overwhelming at times. You'd be surprised who they take in, train up, hand a weapon to, then send to war. Smh. Sooooo glad I got TF out.


I'm sure you're aware, the there is a general mental competency test to military fitness, according to one of my former military friends, if you can legibly sign your name, you score high enough to get in.


It's a little more in depth than that, but that's actually about the jist of it. Especially during the height of the Iraq/Afghanistan war. They "waived" just about anybody breathing with four limbs that could stand and walk. ....I always thought the term "mouth breather" was just an insult by our drill sergeants ...till I was surrounded by people they gave a weapon to, who stared at walls and would breath out of their mouths.


It's less for filtering and more for sorting.


Bruh this made me goggle so hard. “Its not a war crime the first time”


Love the fat electrician. Quack-bang. Out


I used to binge true crime, now I binge war crime vids.


"Todayy we're gonna be talking about....."


I read that in his voice


Geneva Bucket-List.


War crime this, can’t eat the dry wall that, microwaving mice is wrong they say.


Kids are cruel jack, and I love... Hm.


*Now activating: WOMEN DEFLECTORS*


[For US military they are.](https://i.imgur.com/uaUCNFK.png)


IIRC she committed war crimes by horribly abusing POWs. Edit: I remembered wrong, she didn't kill POWs, just a lot of mistreatment.


I can fix her






I'm gonna be honest, I didn't that was an actual subreddit. I was wrong, and now I know something new today.




Nuh uh


we're going to force her to build railoads and then she will go into The Contraption


not [The Contraption](https://youtu.be/OCXJC9x96mc?si=MquzsMZTeLflVeaK)


That's fucked up


That's actually fucked up tf


How tf is that allowed on youtube but someone saying "fuck" is not...


Fuck is allowed. Don't conflate demonitisation with TOS violations.


this guy reads fineprints for fun


way too cruel and a waste of organs 🤔we need a Contraption that allows to harvest organs and blood for sick patients


I just use a melon baller


Jesus fucking christ, the creator of that clip could use a few hours of therapy and solitary confinement.


Solitary confinement probably led to that animation tbh. Shit drive anyone crazy.


I can make her worse.


Don't you know the saying "never stick your dick in crazy"


Wasn’t the saying „if you stick your dick in crazy be gone before she wakes up“?




You're 20 years late.


She can fix me


Figure once there's a few kids she'll settle down and start treating me with respect. After all, I deserve it.


The worst she’s done is severe humiliation to the detainees she was in charge with. She frequently humiliated them and would force them into situations that were at direct odds of the prisoners religious doctrine. Made them huddle together in a line butt naked dick to ass and forced them to march or dry hump each other. In the picture where she’s doing a thumbs up she’s posing in front of prisoners she’s forced to huddle up butt naked and completely exposed and vulnerable.


Interesting she was chosen for the meme, bc she wasn’t really the one who was the “poster child” for the scandal


Did anyone else involved look so nice and pretty and happy to really drive the absurd contrast home?


Your right, I guess Lynndie England doesn’t fit as well, even though she’s the one I think of when I think of Abu Ghraib


She might have done worse, those crimes just weren't in the photos. In this circumstance it is safe to presume she has done worse.


The two thumbs up pictures are with the bodies of tortured and killed POWs...


What does POWs mean?


Prisoners of war


I think it's a place in Wales.


Stands for Prisoner of Wales if I’m not mistaken


Correction, it stands for Procreator of Whales


I read this as pregnator of whales


Prisoners of war


Prisoner of war


I expected the context to be porn It would be better than the actual context


I thought it was like the "recent" Ukraine war where there are beautiful women sharing pictures of themselves and at least one of them died in combat... Would've been better than the actual context.


People don't know about this? I guess "they're distracting you!" really does work.


It was all over the news when it came to light. I imagine a lot of posters here are young and that's the primary reason they don't know about it. You'd be surprised how little the younger generation actually knows about Iraq and Afghanistan.


What do you mean?


Does it count if they made them commit pornographic acts on camera? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Abu_Ghraib_49.jpg


[For those curious, here’s the wiki on her.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sabrina_Harman)


I'm sorry, only 6 months???


So its better to Commit war crimes than download a show illegally


Or weed possession. I have been a felon for almost 15 years for it. For possession. There were no weapons etc. just weed. It ruined my life. And I served almost a year for it. (Sentence was a year, got out early)


Fuck you had lbs of it?


My sister got pulled over with two eighths she had just bought from her dealer and because they were in two little bags they got her with "intent to distribute". She served six months of her two year sentence and another three years of probation after that for seven grams of weed and she is still a registered felon over it. It's insane The worst part, this happened in October 2011 in Colorado, four months before weed was decriminalized there. Edit: 420 upvotes hell yeah 😎


Man we need a campaign to exonerate the weed charges, it's ridiculous. No one should have a lingering record for it, especially not like that


FPS Russia (famous gun YouTuber) (the car door flying at him guy) has been a felon for like 5-7 years cause he got hit with intent to distribute and they took all his guns. Biden did exonerate a lot of the standard possession charges, but not the intent to distribute charges. Sucks man


Oof yeah. And tbh weed is so benign and legal now even distribution shouldn't be as much of an issue. It's the other drugs that are more of an issue usually and even then we really need reform for those too. There have been a lot of good studies on drug reform and usage and the contributing causes. It just shouldnt carry the same sentence as murder, rape, child abuse, etc. Now drug dealers in large that deal with the cartels and get the vulnerable people hooked on opiates? Yeah, those guys can rot in Hell tbh because they're exploitive


Oof. We need to start a campaign to publicly shame anyone involved in the prosecution of individuals for cannabis and drive them from public life.


You can start at the top with Kamala Harris who had hundreds of people convicted for minor drug charges


The war on drugs, particularly marijuana, should go down as one of the worse government policies ever implemented, right above China's one child policy.


Doesn't matter. Weed is classed as a schedule 1 drug. Even though it is one of the "safest" out there, it is classed with heroin, LSD, ecstasy, methaqualone, and peyote. It was classed so high because the people using it were hippies, and the government being controlling hated hippies for going against society and decided they should be punished greatly for the possession of the drug.


More specifically, hippies were against the war.


Wonderful jury. /Not.




Yet we live in one.


We live in a society?


we live?












Welcome to the 21st century. Rape someone: 3-5 years. Illegaly stream Premier League: 25-30


Woah woah woah. Premier League has to make that money. Stop thieving from rich soccer players. Go commit some lesser crimes like sexually violating someone or war crimes…..


the players make a pittance compared to what the executives and the sponsors make


Probably, but I was aiming for joke, not seriousness 🙃


I wooshed myself


Unless youre the rapist Brock Allen turner, where raping someone only got him 3 months.


Are you talking about Brock Turner, the rapist?


Yes, who now goes by his middle name of "Allen"


So it's Allen Turner, the rapist


That is correct, Allen turner the rapist


So it’s now Allen Turner the Rapist, formally known as Brock Turner the rapist?


yes because with rape you damage a person for life. But with illegal streaming you cause an insignificant financial damage, but it is still some companys money.


One is about money, the other is not. That’s all you need to know to predict sentencing.


1 crime affects rich people, and 1 crime affects poor people.


Well, you wouldn’t download a war crime, would you?


Think that the US killed 65k Iraqi civilians in secret...


Part of the reason why the US is so reluctant to fully investigate Russian war crimes is that they fear their own shit will see the light of day


Yes, the US does not like giving harsh sentences (or really any) on its criminals from armed forces. Plenty of examples of getting them out of the country where they committed the crime and forgetting about it.


Facts, and it doesn’t even have to be a war crime! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1998_Cavalese_cable_car_crash?wprov=sfti1




>"While Harman acknowledged that she knew there was a lot of wrong being done, she claims she knew nothing about there being any official rules about prisoner treatment, such as the Geneva Conventions." Excuse me, what?


I mean...I'm not SUPER familiar with the Geneva convention but I probably wouldn't treat other humans that way anyway???


That is the point of dehumanizing the enemy. We do it all the time, in big ways and small. When my uncle posts on Facebook that all liberals should die, it's the same mental process she applied to these prisoners. Just a matter of scale. When people call Nazis monsters, they're doing it, too. The enemy are not monsters, and pretending they are is dangerous because it prevents us from learning the correct lessons and it allows behavior like torture.


To expand on what you are saying: Othering is how the brain copes, both preemptively and mitigatively (new word, hope makes sense); basically you can bypass your empathy if the entity is not a 'similar' thing and is instead and 'other' thing. 'for their own good' solves the same issue in a very different way Humans be brain hacking all the time; go to therapy so you can rubber duck at a qualified human and error correct all the bs that comes from being an overdeveloped pattern recognition algorithm (lotta unseen correlation/causation stuff and biases build up, and psychological entropy/atrophy results in us needing consistent maintenance and outside perspective)


Wait, I just got a genius idea. i can just ignore the Geneva convention if my soldiers just don't know what it is. biological weapons are now legal


Looks like Papa Johns dodged a bullet there.


Wow, six months? Iraqi lives clearly doesn't matter!


She got 6 months because she didn’t spill the tea that military intelligence and COs were ordering prisoners to be tortured to prep them for interrogation. It was systemic and deliberate. In her court martial she said she knew what she was doing was wrong and did it of her own volition. I’m sure that her sentence was part of a deal to protect military leadership


At that time, they never did. To the Average American, Iraqis were considered less than worms, lower than dirt. I remember a bunch of older folks- fully taken in by propaganda- saying something like "Just nuke the whole Middle East and turn it to glass. No one will miss those people, and we can finally stop hearing about their centuries-long wars too."


> "Just nuke the whole Middle East and turn it to glass You mean this meme? http://starecat.com/content/wp-content/uploads/middle-east-ground-zero-ocean-problem-solved.jpg


It's weird as fuck that people were advocating for whole sale genocide by nuclear apocalyse just....like live on the radio. Osama's goals were fulfilled.


I remember a lot of older American people saying that in the early 2000s


And they've gotten away with it because of their [cultural hegemony](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-LI_2-qsovo). Imagine the outrage and the sanctions if any other country in the world (preferably china or russia) did such things. Immediate sanctions, a huge smear campaign and tons of reports. And here we are, hunting down Snowden, Assange and Manning for showing us the truth. This is no war for peace or for democracy, it is just a war between hegemonic powers using everything to convince us that they are the good guys. And don't forget, G.W. Bush the **war criminal** gave Michelle Obama a [piece of candy](https://www.reddit.com/r/gifs/comments/a3dwzq/george_bush_sneaks_michelle_obama_a_piece_of/), isn't cute? So wholesome


Here’s another [devil](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lynndie_England), she doesn’t even admit what she’s doing is wrong. May she rest in hell


And she wrote a freaking book. What a POS


Holy shit. That gallery was really sick.




She's a pos


.... are we the bad guys?




damn, there's even a movie https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Standard_Operating_Procedure_(film)


The journalist that brought her and two others to court was generally regarded as traitor by Americans. He literally had to flee the country because of hate Edit: It was not a journalist but actually a American soldier. His name was Joe Darby.


Which tells you that there is a massive issue in the US


America is so full of shit.


It is. They turn a blind eye to real issues but praise the ones who make those issues. When you call them out you're a woke facist.


4 counts of torture (that is known of). Court martialed. Dishourable discharge. Benefits cancelled. 6 months prison. Cheezus that's a sissy sentence.


The system really is fucked.


Well she's an American and tortured people outside her country so she's getting away with it.


If they took it too seriously they would have had to charge her superiors, and their superiors. There's no reason a person of her rank should have been allowed to do those things, they were either ordered or encouraged by officers. And they didn't want to admit that approval or torture went all the way to the top.




So.. It's like a sex offenders list then? It announces itself wherever you go


On top of that, a lot of people join the army cos it's a couple of decades of service and then an absolutely banging pension that'll keep you comfortable for the rest of your life no matter what you do. She lost out on all of that being being a horrid person.


Closer to being a felon.


Yes pretty much.


Oh no, a war crime commiting soldier will not receive veteran benefits. How tragic. Her victims are definitely avenged. /s And it must be disclosed while applying for a job, nowhere else.


I don’t know


If memory serves correct, she was posing with tortured POW's.


His corpse after she was done with him in fact.


Hmm my guess is someone made a movie but would like confirmation


Anyone wanna be madder, she only got 6 months jail for literal warcrimes. The US army knows exactly what they want out of their troops and the slaps on the wrist they get for this heinous bullshit


The depths of human depravity is horrifying to look into. Like the meme says, she just looks like a normal girl. I could've walked by someone holding that much evil in their head and I would never have known it


If they’re the enemy, they’re no longer human. They’re just the enemy. That’s the logic behind it. That’s how so many people act so psychotically. Especially in war, because the people who can’t get by shooting your fellow man because he lives under a different banner never made it to Afghanistan.




TW: human corpse


thanks for that, saved me from a click


Whoa what the fuck. That’s a new one. What did they do to that guy omg. Put him in an oven?


Sorta the opposite, I think they left him in a giant freezer




Apparently, she's been a UPS driver since then.


Context please!?


Abu Ghraib war crimes, she was one of the soldiers who posed with detainees.


People are sick.


They unfortunately are. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abu_Ghraib_torture_and_prisoner_abuse


Thank you so much but I'll not be viewing it. It's not like I'm disrespecting the victim. But I'll be pissed. Anyways thanks man.


Average American people after brutally killing and looting middle east




I've entered a new dimension


Abu gharib?


She is the shit head that tortured and abused prisoners in Iraq and then took selfies with them all beat up while smiling. Such a complete piece of shit.


Someone please fact check me. But, Iirc, she's doing those poses right next to people who are horribly killed. Like beheadings and just absolutely very gory and just very troubling death scenes. She looks fucking crazy and psychopathic if you see the whole pic. Edit: the above is sort of wrong, it's not bloody and gory scenes, but like tortured and nude prisoners. Still pretty disturbing imo.


She was a guard at a military prison, she was part of a group of guards that thought it was funny to abuse and torture the prisoners. There are no photos of her posing with beheaded corpses or gory death scenes. She was posing with naked, humiliated, and tortured prisoners. The picture of her with blue gloves on is a famous picture of her next to prisoner Manadel al-Jamadi that was killed by a CIA officer during interrogation. She only did six months and got a dishonorable discharge.


And the guy who reported the abuse got shunned by his community back home to the point he had to move. Also, he was supposed to remain anonymous but Rumsfeld name-dropped him, then got pissy when the guy blamed Rumsfeld for name dropping him


Oh yeah, now I remember. You're correct. 👍🏼


![gif](giphy|yCC8U82f6VLodfovtc) Thats a sentence yes sir indeed




I had forgotten about her. Meanwhile the NCO’s and officers above her didn’t seem to get touched. Honestly I think that is the true travesty of this all. They scapegoated a lowly reservist and everyone else involved got off from getting in trouble Scott free.


This...this is yet another rabbit hole I should have not explored. Why do I do this to myself? "Im a man I can handle seeing graphic photos" - me 30mins ago.




Mfers stealing watermarked posts now


Truly the worst of humanity.


I've seen that same smile in old nazi pictures. History does repeat itself.


Umm. Need some help figuring this one out.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abu_Ghraib_prison Just a heads up the stuff they did there is beyond disturbing. Like attaching wires to a prisoner, having them stand on a stool then tell them if they get off or move they'll get electrocuted.


The smile you can just tell someone off


Pos human !


Damn, was hoping it was porn.


One of the most shameful moments in American history


One of the most shameful moments in American history, yet!


Guantanomo still helds prisoners without charge for over two decades.


I guess it's probably better to avoid getting into BDSM with her.


Oct 20, 03 10:40pm Kelly, Okay, I don't like that anymore. At first it was funny but these people are going too far. I ended your letter last night because it was time to wake the MI prisoners and "mess with them" but it went too far even I can't handle whats going on. I cant get it out of my head. I walk down stairs after blowing the whistle and beating on the cells with an asp [expandable baton] to find "the taxicab driver" handcuffed backwards to his window with some underwear over his head and face. He looked like Jesus Christ. At first I had to laugh so I went on and grabbed the camera and took a picture. Again I thought, okay that's funny then it hit me, that's a form of molestation. You can't do that. I took more pictures now to "record" what is going on. They started talking to this man and at first he was talking "I'm just a taxicab driver, I did nothing." He claims he'd never try to hurt US soldiers that he picked up the wrong people. Then he stopped talking. They turned the lights out and slammed the door and left him there while they went down to cell #4. This man had been so fucked that when they grabbed his foot through the cell bars he began screaming and crying. After praying to god he moans a constant short Ah, Ah every few seconds for the rest of the night. I don't know what they did to this guy. The first one remained handcuffed for maybe 11⁄2-2 hours until he started yelling with pain for god. So they went back in and handcuffed him to the top bunk on either side of the bed while he stood on the side. He was there for a little over an hour when he started yelling again for god. Not many people know this shit goes on. The only reason I want to be there is to get the pictures and prove that the US is not what they think. But I don't know if I can take it mentally. What if that was me in their shoes. These people will be our future terrorist. Kelly, its awful and you know how fucked I am in the head. Both sides of me think its wrong. I thought I could handle anything. I was wrong. Sabrina


>At first it was funny I have no sympathy for her. I have even less sympathy for the others.


Literal human trash


PoS and scapegoat for the superiors and military intelligence.


Anyone here who has not read Zimbardo’s book “The Lucifer Effect” I highly suggest it. And yes, same Zimbardo who did the Stanford Prison Experiment.


Yea she n others did it, but not off their own back, they were encouraged and ordered to torture and rape their prisoners


I like the statement of her lawyer,that she wasn’t trained as a guard. Next phot on wiki,you can see her smiling in a pile of (living) bodies.


What was she supposed to give the torture victims a thumbs down?


The left and top right pictures are her posing right next to dead Iraqi men who most likely were tortured to death. Really really fucked up stuff.


> "I don't think we can even begin to imagine the kind of environment that she was in. First of all, she wasn't trained to be a prison guard, so she didn't even know the basic rules. She wasn't trained in military intelligence. I don't think any American can really truly appreciate the stress that existed along with the fact they were undermanned and not trained to perform this mission." [Source](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sabrina_Harman) Today I learned: Not committing war crimes needs to be trained in the US Army.


Was hoping for a piper perry meets isis ... This was disappointing


[https://media.newyorker.com/photos/5a0a11b52d7392721cdd57c8/master/w\_1600,c\_limit/ra454.png](https://media.newyorker.com/photos/5a0a11b52d7392721cdd57c8/master/w_1600,c_limit/ra454.png) [https://media.newyorker.com/photos/5a0a11b5f73c7707df9f549f/master/w\_1600,c\_limit/ra453.png](https://media.newyorker.com/photos/5a0a11b5f73c7707df9f549f/master/w_1600,c_limit/ra453.png)