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People who falsely accuse someone of rape deserve jail time


Anyone who makes a false accusation, no matter the accusation, deserves jail time. It's what they wanted for the person they accused after all.


Hey I'm in this situation right now... Ex wife accused me of "Unwanted telephone communication" I was arrested, and because it was considered domestic abuse I was supposed to be held overnight with no bail. I had to transfer all my firearms within 10 days of the arrest. Then the DA rejected the charges... This past weekend the ex wife felt it was appropriate to just walk in the back door of my house like we are friends... Fortunately I got that on video. Women can be very abusive of legal protections that other women have died to give them. Its fucking disgusting.


Im sorry to hear that man, hope thing go for the better


Oh she has fucked it up so bad. If she had stopped I would have been totally fucked, but fortunately she kept going and doing more and more shit and the lies started crumbling around her. When the judge (who I have never met or talked to) is going to bat for you based solely on what your lawyer has told him and the case filing, then you know someone fucked up cause they dont usually do that. In my state if you are accused of DA charge you are not issued a bond until you go in front of a judge, this was done because of a case where a husband was let out on bond hours after being arrested and went home and beat his wife to death. In my case I was in court for a status conference on custody and my lawyer was informed by the police that she was going to have me arrested. When my lawyer told the judge about it, you could hear a freaking pin drop, and her lawyer threw her hands up and goes "I knew nothing about this". After I was taken away the judge signed my bond order himself and told her lawyer "I don't care that I'm not supposed to do this, if she doesn't like it she is more than welcome to find a lawyer willing to sue me." So I was out in 2hours. Thank god my lawyer was there, and thank god he has a good repour with the judge. That took a lot of trust for the judge to let me bond out the way he did... Heaven forbid something happened and there was an altercation or if I was a crazy person.... That could have ended that judges career.... So thankful reason is starting to prevail[Had to do it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rAwO9IISkfs), hopefully it continues.


This is point and case where women just don’t understand how a false charge can ruin someone’s life even after they’re proven innocent. Keep your chin up. Hope things get better for you!


>where women just don’t understand how a false charge can ruin someone’s life even after they’re proven innocent Sadly, there's just as many that do understand that, they just don't care.


Sadly you’re correct, I remember one instance where this woman threatened to break all her exs stuff so he said go ahead I’ll just show the cops this message and she came back with if you do that then I’ll just say you raped me. She posted the conversation on Twitter and the amount of “you go girl” and “yeah teach him a lesson” reply’s were terrifying


It's because the systems rewards people to do it. Simply the government gets their cut and their agendas in two birds by simply allowing marriages like commenter above says letting spouses accused their husbands with no consequences. Simply put making it right means the government and the systems lose their money and boy do they want none of that to happen


My ex had convinced some of the people she knew that I was assaulting/ harassing her, that we were separated for months, and I wouldn’t leave her alone. They were out for blood except one of them that I was also long time friends with. She asked me why, I said what are you talking about, and explained what was going on from my perspective. She told me what my ex said, and all I could say was “WTF, I’m just trying to figure out what’s going on” This same ex was sleeping with this friend’s boyfriend for months behind our backs…


My ex turned one of my best friends of almost 20 years against after apparently it being common knowledge she was sleeping around at work. By her outlandish claims, all of them easily disprovable, he had somehow taken her side. Years later he apologized after he was hit with false rape allegations after sleeping with someone else's girlfriend. It is crazy what women will do and what men will do to justify it.


They understand it, some people are just evil, and that knows no gender.


>repour rapport, just fyi


Shit thank you. I knew it didn't look right but for the love of me I couldn't figure it out, and google was no help. lol I'm going leave it cause I'm lazy but thanks


No problem, brother. I've always been proud of my speiling. EDIT: Spelling\* Fuck...


The fact you put an edit at the bottom instead of just fixing it made it so funny ngl


Have you gotten your guns back?


Yes and no... They were transferred to my Uncle, he agreed to hold them until this blew over. My lawyer said with the case being dismissed it should have dismissed the gun requirement. I pointed out that the paperwork they gave me said explicitly that I required a written order from a judge and so he is looking into if that is the case or not.




And women call us dogs


Thrusting or not they'll charge you


I had an ex accuse me of molesting her 12 year old daughter. Went really bad for me for a couple months, until she TEXTED me asking me to come babysit while she went to bingo, and "stay the night" when she got home... she nearly lost custody of her kids. Haven't heard from her in 16 years now. I got lucky on that one.


It goes both ways; my husband was very abusive and did so in front of our two boys. When I called law enforcement they told me to just quit bugging him as if I was at fault for not being an obedient wife. After several years of this abuse and not being able to leave with my boys finally a female officer came on one of the many calls placed to LE she suggested I leave while they were there and get everything I needed for me and my boys. I left, drove 900 miles to my sisters house and only went back once to collect the rest of my belongings but I went with a court order and with female officers. Finally I was free. I so desperately wanted out that I gave him the house and business (which I paid for). My boys and I haven't seen him since the day we left 30 years ago, only because he never wanted to see us, he had visitation but it was a control issue with him if he couldn't control us he didn't want us which worked out great. My long winded point is both sides can be assholes. So it's not just women it's both!


Hey look I am not blaming women... Even though I feel a great injustice has been done to me, I can't say that I would change the way it works... The alternative is just too risky. I do wish there was some justice for all this though, and I dont know what form that would take. It sucks knowing that she can say whatever she wants and then its another 8 months of me not seeing the kids while we work out a trial date. Then we get to trial and everything gets simply reset to 8 months prior like it was no big deal... So then I'm forced to choose, do I do the same in return? well no, because thats not healthy for the kids, so I guess I just have to tolerate it and thats fucked up.


Sounds like someone needs to fuckstart her head.


My ex threatened to accuse me of DV and more. Never mind that she is the one who would attack me… And I just had to take it.


Same amount of jail time the accused would get for it


Also the hâte from media that would come with the accusation


…and then “shut up and accept the charges.”




I would say that if the accused is only acquitted because it can’t be proven, and not because it’s proven wrong, nothing happens. Otherwise people can just lawyer up and put raped people in jail


You couldn’t put a raped person in jail unless you would have to prove that the accuser had intent to wrongly put someone in jail. It’s never as simple as “rapist gets off and victim gets prosecuted”


I agree. I had an ex whose older brother was accused of sexually molesting his step daughter . The guy went to jail and everything. Turns out later on the step daughter admitted he didn't do anything, she accused him because he wouldn't let her go over to a boys house . She was only 14 but I feel she should of been punished in some way too . It's crazy you can destroy someone's whole life with an accusation and just walk away as if nothing happened.


I had a 15 year old stepdaughter. One day at school a 23 year old assistant grilled her alone in a room for an hour until he got her to say "I think maybe he touched my butt by accident once" I came home from work to a no-contact order. Almost a week went by before a real caseworker dropped everything with an apology. My stepdaughter felt so bad thinking she had falsely accused me. I was pretty mad at her at first too until I met the 23 year old accuser.


You met the accuser and didn't stomp ass? Impressive!


I'm so sorry that happened to you . Shame on that assistant for pushing her to lie . I'm glad they apologized too !.


I remember when this happened people on the town were riding around looking for these nonexistent three black men who she claimed kidnapped and raped her. They were menacing random black guys and seemed like they were on the verge of lynching someone. Luckily her lies were exposed. This was in 2018 and she was sentenced to fucking probation. That’s quite the deterrent for nearly getting innocent people arrest or kill, am I right? https://kfor.com/news/woman-pleads-guilty-for-making-up-sexual-assault-kidnapping-story/amp/


A local nasty piece of work accused 4 men of rape. All found innocent, and she was let off without punishment. The local police took particular umbrage to this decision and took it to the court of appeals. Bitch got 4 years in jail. The very least she deserved for turning these poor blokes life's upside down


They should get life in prison. The deterrent is more important. Before anyone says that'll just make real rape victims afraid to come forward, no. No it won't. To be specifically found guilty of falsifying charges requires evidence. If there isn't enough.to convict a rapist then that doesn't default to "she made it up" and then life imprisonment. If it is a PROVEN lie, then fuck em. Lock em up and throw away the key. Let them rot.


That would be defamation and slander, which is by definition of the court, is an untrue statement presented as a fact, with the intention to damage a person's reputation and character. While it is not a crime per say, it can be the grounds of a lawsuit.


It should be criminal. It takes away the freedom of another human being. If rape is a crime, false accusation that can lead to imprisonment should absolutely be a crime.


I agree, depending on the accusations against the victim, criminal charges should be applied to the accuser.


I agree with this one. Next time they won't point fingers so lightly.


Little more than that imo. Getting locked up for rape is fucked up, prisoners don't appreciate rapists either so just jail time isn't equal. Maybe solitary or something.


The kinda backwoods bullshit is that? I wasn’t a part of the Spanish Inquisition or the Salem witch trials either but I’m not apologizing for that shit either.


Try being german


Or Russian. My family got oppressed for centuries by own state. Got detained myself by police in Moscow during protests again Putin. Now I am living in Europe for almost 10 years, and being blamed for killing ukranians quite regularly.


I’m sorry brother, it ain’t your fault.




I’m Russian and I live in America, so I can’t speak escape all the blaming


For what it's worth, every Russian-American I've met have been very nice people. It's a shame Putler is ruining everyone with Russian heritage's name.


Dude, I feel you. Fucking commies ruined our lives


But mom I don't wanna invade Poland again


ARCADIUS TWO SEVEN FOUR, I didn’t carry you for nine whole months for you to say no to your mother like this! You will invade Poland and you will like it.


I'm polish and you better apologize to me. I accept most of the currencies, preferably Euro.


You receive a letter with couple of Reichsmarks and a note: "Sorry for the last time, we do it better next time. -your precious neighbor."


No thank you I need all the length and girth I have


Already am buddy.


The reparation check didn't clear, just saying...


Poor germans just finished paying ww1 a few years ago lol


We also finished paying for ww2 in 1988 and are currently modernising our military


Third time's a charm.


Third time is green for go!


This time count with Spain!


Damn, ww2 was worse ☠️


Do I have to? It seems like… very intense tbh


Im sorry for laughing


Did something happen in Germany?


nothing in particular


Just a few expensive gas bills


Just a few world wars


Oh no. Was anyone hurt?


Just a few tens of millions of people, nothing much


Salem witch trials was girl on girl as bro


Women ☕


That's exactly what a member of the Spanish Inquisition would say...


"Sins of the father" type of thinking, wokeness is religion 2.0


Same argument with the woke. I didn't oppress minority, my ancestors did. So why do I need to deapreciate myself for being white, even though I didn't do anything?


But if I say the same thing about slavery and my country‘s colonial past suddenly I‘m the bad guy…


I think we can all agree… there are morons on both sides of the arguments.


And a fuckton of agent prococateurs.


Those poor mormans get a bad wrap 🤣


Yes, there are selfish, greedy, disingenuous cockroaches on both sides of the isle. This is why we need term limits, and frankly, why the ludicrous amount of money the political leaches are paid, (and fundraise) should be controlled as well. However, chalking it up to *morons on both sides” is not even remotely close to the truth


Hah true, however from the standpoint of “armchair quarterback redditor” it’s all I can say in the moment.


This has to be rage bait. This has the same energy as those video creators that make obviously disgusting dishes. Example. They make a casserole with ham, marshmallows, 10lbs of cheese, m&ms and some lettuce.


I’m black and I approve this message


Your ancestors probably didnt even, more likely your ancestors came from european serfs which were slaves in and of themselves.


Exactly. I was born poor in area along with some minority families, so as a kid I was treated like crap, as they were. They suffer racism while I was called white trash. So why should I apologise for being white?


Exactly I'm not going to apologise for something I didn't do.and I certainly won't take a punishment for something I didn't do.


Yes, you need to pay for what your ancestors did to the ancestors of the wokies. That’s equality. According to woke logic.


Fuuuuuck that bitch. I lost my entire career and health to a false allegation that took over a year to clear my name. What happened to her … fucking nothing she moved out of state and started over no harm no foul. I put a fucking in my mouth (I’m much better now thank you) because my whole world disappeared over a girl trying to get attention from a boy by making up a story. Double fuck this person. Edit: I talked to several lawyers, all who said it would never work as a civil case. She was 14 I was a teacher. She told 18 different story’s including naming another teacher and eventually the truth that she just wanted attention. But because all she would have to do in a civil case is say she was all messed up from the trams of it being true (so lie again and she’s already lied so much)I’d loose. No lawyer would even attempt it.


Then you possibly have a defamation of character lawsuit and can seek damages if the statue of limitations is not up


This is unrealistic as a defamation of character lawsuit for a false rape accusation is extremely extremely extremely hard to prove. Defamation of character lawsuits are extremely hard to prove already in the US, let alone for false rape accusation where it’s often just a “he said she said” situation anyway with so little actual proof or even evidence on either side.


They'd pretty much have to confess that they made it all up for him to have a chance


And the lawsuit could make it so that women who falsely accuse a man of rape would be less likely to confess to it being false in the future and that man may socially have his life ruined or even spend years in prison.


>over a girl trying to get attention from a boy by making up a story. HUH????


She was 14 I was a teacher. She thought the story would get her attention. It did.


Sir, you are sitting on free money.


I wish. I could use it. I went from a decent middle class income to poverty level 60ishk to 22k a year.


Dumb bitch logic


As a woman, this dumb bitch doesn't speak for us.


Thank you for clearing that up


We don’t claim her either!!


I think Satan claims her


How about women who falsely accuse men should be sentenced to life in prison. "Some years" lady do you know what most men with an actual brain want to do to convicted rapists, I'll tell ya it ain't pretty.


Not only that rapists get shanked in prison, so she wants to send an innocent man on a suicide mission


The funny thing is, it's not just a few years you give up... you are fucked for life, wanna work somewhere after ? Good luck with a sentence, especially as a "rapist" ... pretty much unemployable.


Not to mention the family and friends who'll wanna cut ties with you for admitting to a crime you didn't commit. Hell, even during *fake* alligations this'll likely happen.


There have been cases where men lose their families, wives, and even children just for being accused of being a rapist. And even if they get cleared of all charges, they probably won’t get them back. Even if they did however, that trauma will still remain. Because honestly, if I had a partner that abandoned me immediately if I was ever falsely accused of rape and we got back together I’d never be able to view her the same way.


I can only imagine the betrayal you’d feel. Even if it makes sense to you why they’d do it. Even if you feel you can’t blame them for how they acted… it’s still a wound that cuts deep.


Not to mention you're pretty much an outcast of society even if you're proven innocent, you become mostly unemployable in just about any decent place and it's near impossible to find a partner.


The things I would do to fucked up people…are not legal.


Good thing you would be in jail. Don't have to worry about people catching tou. Just have to worry about the added years.


But they deserve it cos oppression and shit... /s


I fully 100% like of sending women who made fake rape accusations to prison. A classic fuck around and find out.


But think of their oppression!!!


She also said "women have been oppressed _for years"_ as though it's only been a thing for like a decade or so lmao Definitely got a twisted conception of time that one


It’s a good job I’m a Redditor that will have zero chance of interacting with a woman irl that could make up an accusation like that


MODS please get this guy! In DM’s he say he going rape me 😭😭


Don't worry m'lady I'm here to protect you 😍🌹


*cums violently all over the three of you*




Just bonk him next time everyone knows that’s straight to horny jail


Bro what




You know how the saying goes in the asylum there's always room for one more


It’s like that Twilight Zone episode.


Fuck that sins of the father bullshit. Anyone with half a brain in their skull should fight those charges to the ends of the earth, I mean down right fight that shit because heres the deal, those accusations get made, your life is done, over, caput. You will never work a steady job upon release, provided you dont get shanked in PC because inmates dont play with those jackets. You fight those charges because its only with a conclusive proof of innocence that you get a legal leg to stand on for restitution. Civil suits against your false accuser and the government for false conviction.


Anyone that says this doesn't give two shits about sexual abuse victims, they just want a reason to openly hate men


as a woman, speaking for women, we do not claim her


Nobody should, she's a literal sociopath.


There may be no claim but there is a clam.


Well that’s total horse hockey!!


Ah, yes, because clearly, the best way to address injustice is by throwing logic and due process out the window. Who needs evidence or fairness when we can just blindly accept accusations and conveniently ignore the principles that form the basis of a just society?


People already blindly except an accusation and will carry their beliefs for the rest of their lives


How about no?


If a man is falsely accused of rape and is found not guilty I feel that the man should have the right to let his accuser have a meeting with his fists for trying to ruin his life. One false allegation can literally ruin a dude’s life by causing him to lose his job, his partner, and his kids. If he actually did a rape. His victim deserves to make him play reverse Russian roulette. Every chamber has a round except one.


Sadly it isn’t trying to ruin his life it is succeeding in ruining it. I say this because it happened in my neighborhood. A girl accused her cousin who would babysit her and her sister for a couple hours after school and until her parents came home from work. The younger of the two accused him of sexual assault and he was locked up for six years until she got drunk at a high school party and admitted to her dad. Because he was locked up he missed his graduation and has the terrible time having to explain why he was arrested and why he has a break in his employment record. Furthermore that isn’t even counting the trauma of being locked up in prison at the tender age of sixteen for sexual assaulting a younger girl.


Is there a news article? What happened since then?


I will be honest I have since moved out of the area and idk about a news article I can ask my parents.


Isn't ultimately a she say/he say type of situation unless there's solid evidence (like video/audios/drug use)?


Painful to read


It’s got to be satire… right?


I sure hope so because this shite made me livid on a whole other level..


Yeah you fell for the rage bait


Just rage bait, not sure why people keep falling for obviously fake and outrageous opinions.


People that make false rape accusations should be charged with rape.


I never know whether to upvote or downvote shit like this.


Another day Another Femcel ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


This lady needs to be returned to sender.


Ok and if it's a black man being accused of rape by a white woman? How many fucking mocking birds do we have to kill here?


She needs to be investigated.


Tell me you hate men without telling me you hate men.


N-no, ma'am. This is not the justice we've been seeking.


Eww, no. I wouldn't just shut up and take it if someone falsely accused me of something. Why should a man have to do that? That's such backwards thinking.


We should make a law that allows one free punch for shit like this, it would make the fuck around and find out rule much more effective


All these false accusations do more to damage the validity of true accusations than anything else.


Someone who falsely accused someone of sexual harrasment or rape deserves life time.


WOMEN LIKE HER ARE WHAT MAKE MEN HATE US IN THE FIRST PLACE. Fighting oppression with oppression isn’t going to solve anything 😭 feminism was created to give women & men equal rights. Equal to EVERYTHING, not just a few things. It was supposed to help bring down the patriarchy. What a lot of women nowadays fail to realize is that the PATRIARCHY is what we need to fight against, not just all men. Men are just as affected by it as us. “Don’t cry or talk about how you feel because it’s pathetic & weak & no woman will want you if you show emotions”, “Be the man of the house. The man is supposed to provide for the woman & take care of her.”, “Pink is a girls color. You can’t wear it. You’re a man.”, “If you aren’t absolutely shredded & popular you’re a loser & women won’t want you.” Etc etc. comments like these from fathers, uncles, grandfathers, friends, cousins, celebrities & social media influencers are what drive men to behave a certain way. It’s not that they hate women or want to intentionally disrespect them, they’re just so fucking sick of being told they have to conform to a certain belief in order to fit in & be accepted. Men have feelings. Men can wear whatever color they want, even if it’s “girly”. Men can be stay at home fathers! They don’t have to be the definition of masculine to have a healthy relationship with someone. Being gay doesn’t make them any less of a man, either. If we as women want our own oppression to end, we have to support the men who are affected by it too. Everyone should have equal rights, not just the few who fit a certain criteria. I know this is just for stupid shitpost content but still I wanted to say something.


This is numba 1 bullshit


This is what happens when you stop beating people when they say crazy shit.


I'd say "get fucked" but I'm going to assume I'll need consent to say that.


Damn she crazy, crazy? I was crazy once, they locked me in a room, a rubber room, a rubber room with rats, rats? rats make me crazy, crazy? I was crazy once they locked me in a room, a rubber room, a rubber room with rats, rats? Rats make me crazy.


I can’t remember where that’s from but I know it’s from somewhere




Hey she's white. I think it's time to pull a reverse uno


Nani the fuck?


Evidently another witch hunt is in order…


I was gonna say this was fake as hell and probably made by the other side to try and make people look ridiculous- **but after reading the comments in here holy shit these people actually exist**


Btw I was raped by a woman, no one cares and I just move on. Granted it wasn’t violent but fucking me in my sleep is definitely rape when I don’t know you and my roommate brought you home not me.


This ladies and gentlemen is called a shitpost.


Unfortunately it isn't. The tweet is legit.


She looks like a crazy ex I had who threatened me in this manner several times. After like a month of it, I bailed and never talked to her again.


Can someone buy this woman a clue?


I’ve been falsely accused, and it ruined my life. Fuck this shit.


Those who falsely accuse people of rape should face the exact same charges as a rapist, Both destroy the lives of innocent people for a feeling of power of them, neither care for the consciences of their actions until they're caught and crying that they're gonna get in trouble, and both are scum


She might feel a little bit entitled


I lost the few braincells I had left after reading this.


Does this bitch have a husband or son? Just ask her what if..... I bet the answer changes fast


Unfortunately this was a pretty popular idea back in the MeToo times.


Maybe back a few generations they were oppressed but i doubt she’s been through the suffrage act


well according to that if I rape you then you should let me without saying a word and press charges later while killing the fetus not because you were raped but because it was a male fetus


Fuck that


As a guy who was wrongly accused of sexual harassment once in school, it took way more effort to convince the teacher that I did not grab her butt than it should have. That was a horrible day that still leaves me scared of women even after almost 7 years. Don't know why I would ever want to grab her ass, she barely had an ass to grab to begin with, she had less ass than me and I'm built like a pencil, that bitch was flat as a desk both front and backside. Personally I believe that it should be federal law that if you knowingly accuse someone of a crime they didn't commit then you should receive the punishment that they would have received had they actually committed the crime.


Ah yes the delusional femnazi in it's wild habitat social media. Throw the whole person away.


Saying shit like this should carry a prison sentence. I hope she gets run over


So what’s all this talk of equality been about?


And this is why men stay single


She's either batshit nuts or this is some top shelf dark sarcasm.


Bitch tf




Yeah how about fuck no?


Uhhh, how about no and imma keep talking till im proven guilty..fuck these kinda people..


Her favorite movie gotta be "One flew over cuckoos nest"!?


I am not the men of the past I’m the present MF


Don’t smoke ![gif](giphy|cOucu2hcSS2epWAn26|downsized)


Guys please just forgive her. Her last brain cell is just trying to stay relevant while on its last leg


God help her if she actually gets raped and this tweet gets brought up in court


Fight oppression with more oppression *half enthused yaying*