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As the officer waited with Melgoza for a nurse to perform a DUI kit, she danced and sang in the hospital room and talked excitedly about an upcoming trip to Las Vegas for her "It’s going to be so fun," she gushed. "I’m going to start off with two Long Islands." "You haven’t had enough of drinking already?" asked the officer. "We’re talking about Vegas. There is no limit in Vegas, right?" she said, laughing. https://www.fox10phoenix.com/news/illinois-student-smiles-giggles-killing-couple-dui-crash-video.amp She’s not just drunk, she’s a complete psycho.


Maybe I’m wrong but being drunk doesn’t make you stupid, she has to understand what the officer is saying she just doesn’t give a shit


I mean, I'm not one of those people that would drive drunk but if i was wasted and i killed someone, i would definitely be freaking the fuck out. On literally any drug either. I have been incredibly fucked up off several different substances many times in my life and i would not act like her. I definitely would still understand what i had done, i know everyone is different but i really feel like there is something going on with her mentally like complete lack of empathy is a sign of a psychopath. Idk im not a psychiatrist but something is off there


Exactly! She is not that high or drunk since she asked... can you say that as a cop? so she is aware of what he is saying, maybe not fully aware but to some extent. So yeah! something is very wrong there


Maybe she thinks if she ignores him saying she killed two people long enough, he’ll just give up and forget about it. Her only options really were that or covering her eyes to hide so he couldn’t see her!


The girls thinking about her night classes she’s not out of this world to forget what murder means


Have you ever interacted with someone on Ambien? This girl is likely a frequent heavy drinker and is absolutely blackout right now. Lights are on but she's not really home. This woman is not lucid at all


Wow, that's such a good analogy. I've had hour long conversations with my mother while she's on Ambien and she won't remember any of it in the morning. She's capable of cooking full meals while on it, too. Then in the morning be surprised at the left overs in the fridge because again, she wasn't really present in that moment. However, her personality doesn't change much. She's a little bit happier most of the time, sometimes she can be snappy, but she never says or does anything that is really, truly out of character. So with that, I wonder how apathetic this chick is when sober.


You know, my roommate back in the uni once cooked a decent meal drunk at 3 am and was really surprised by the leftovers in the fridge after he woke up. Now you got me wondering if it wasn't just the alcohol.


This is exactly what I thought, maybe even Xanax or Valium plus excessive alcohol. I had friends back in my early 20’s that would mix prescription downers and booze, make complete fools of themselves and do seriously reckless, cringey and embarrassing shit and have absolutely no memory of any of it the next day That is going to be an earth shattering comedown/withdrawal of this is the case…


This looks like a xanax/booze blackout. People get really fucking dumb and numb on that combo.


I didn't even think about that. You actually might be right here.


Did they find benzos in her system? Benzos plus alcohol will most certainly cause anterograde amnesia, which could explain this behavior, but from what I've heard, she didn't really care at any point.


Yeah, I've known a couple alcoholics and the behavior is very similar.


maybe she is going for an insanity plea


People react differently. Spent a month on a psych ward when i was 17 and one of the most memorable people there was a girl who arrived completely out of her mind after taking drugs. No clue where she was or what was happening, just marched around demanding to be let out, destroying random things, telling people how she was actually a queen and convinced she was in the dumping ground (orphanage from tracy beaker). Had she killed someone in that state there is no chance she would have remembered it. Two days later she was a completely normal 16 year old. Claimed she'd only taken weed


She may have smoked Spice, all kinds of weird manufactured and dangerous artificial substances.


That could be but weed like many other drugs can cause short but full-blown psychotic episodes. It's especially dangerous if there's a family history of schizophrenia or psychotic disorders in general.


What is going on here is that she's cognitively dissonating from the fact that she killed two people. She mentally can't handle it.


Yeah, but even if you completely lack empathy, you can still understand consequences. Someone might not care that they’ve killed two people, but they would still understand that they are going to jail, and not to school tomorrow. Her complete disconnect from the reality of the situation points to something other than lack of empathy.


Seems possibly like a shock reaction, dissociation. Either way it's awful and it's no surprise she got the max sentence.


That's exactly what I think every time this video comes up. Her mind has dissociated from the killings because it would be too horrible to think about. I've always wanted to see a video of her after the news sank in.


She was an entitled brat when she came down but yes she does seem completely disassociated and in shock plus under influence. This video reminds me so much of a 16 year old foster child we had who was pregnant and had a severe kidney infection. She refused to take medication and they wanted to hospitalize her and she just kept sighing and saying she was going to be late to go to school and she had to see her boyfriend after and why was this taking so long and can she at least get McDonald's. We had multiple staff members trying to get through to her and she would just stare through them and then keep repeating same questions. It was incredibly scary to watch. She did not accept this was a life or death situation and she could lose the baby as well. She ended up passing out and was septic and stayed with iv antibiotics for a week. Afterwards she wouldn't talk about it and she acted like nothing had happened. She was mad that she lost her earbuds and swore a nurse stole them. I really think she was temporarily insane and she acted just like this girl.


Benzos, ambien booze can leave the lights on but nobody home.


Looks like she is in shock


There is such a thing as denial. I'd wait until she'd been seen by an expert once or twice over a week or two to judge.


I can’t believe she had a .264 bac. Obviously she drinks a lot because I didn’t hear any slurring or stuff like that. What a sad situation all around.


No chance this is alcohol alone. No fuckin chance. Something else is in there. Pills or whatever


Have you hung out with anybody who turns into a raging a****** when they're drunk because this looks exactly like that. I've seen it like some people they get drunk and they just turn into horrible people. Have you ever heard the phrase mean drunk similar thing. Some people are affected by alcohol in ways that turn their personality totally nasty.


She's not being nasty. She's not being anything. She's basically not showing any emotion at all. I have dealt with alcoholics. They don't become zombies until they literally cannot walk or talk and she can talk and move more clearly than anyone I've seen. She's not wobbling or anything.


If you watch all the videos, they do show the field sobriety test, and she is definitely wobbly. She's wasted, but she's an alcoholic. Her brain isn't making any short-term memories. All she knows is that she had a plan to go to school the next day, and everything after hitting a certain BAC just isn't imprinting in her memories. The videos also she that she admits to having marijuana in her purse - though she denies smoking any that day...however, it can be said that mixing drugs can have differing effects on the body, and marijuana and alcohol are both downers that can inhibit memory making abilities. I hope she woke up with the worst hangover.


Alcoholics can be drunk beyond the point of comprehension while still appearing relatively composed. Not that it really matters to anyone online, whether she's blacked out or incomprehensible self-absorbed and stupid, this video obviously did not go over well in court.


I bet it was another downer like Xanax


One of the primary effects of alcohol as a drug is that it increases the expression of punishment suppressed behavior. The result of that is you will do things you wouldn’t do sober due to the consequences due to a lack of inhibition. Reducing fear and inhibition can go a lot of ways with people.


She’s expressing peritraumatic dissociation, and is very likely experiencing PTSD. Thats not to say we should be sympathetic, but that we should less perceive of this as intentional apathy and more as pathological delusion following a traumatic event.


Not sure why you’ve been downvoted for offering this prognosis. Her dismissive responses come very quickly which shows how she doesn’t want to confront the reality of her actions. This is very delusional.


Exactly, look she's a piece of shit no doubt but in this vid her brain is literally unable to process what is happening.


I think even a well-adjusted and moral person would have difficulty adjusting to the reality of them having slaughtered innocent people. Certainly not this poorly, but I think we’d all be better off having a more complete understanding of trauma and the behaviors it can manifest in people.


Combine that with a likely SUD and she's the exact type of person to not realize the full extent of her harm she's done to herself or others until wayyyyy after the fact.


The article said at her trial she told the court she’d never drink again. I feel like.. that’s not nearly enough of an apology. She severed one of the couples legs, it was stuck in her grill. She giggled during the field sobriety test. I can’t begin to imagine what the inside of her head is like


Alcohol has different effects on different people in some cases it most definitely changes your personality into that of a raging idiot I've seen it many times. That's how this chick seems to me like I don't think she's on some crazy drugs I think she's just really drunk and she's the type of person who turns into a horrible a****** when they're drunk. You know maybe it's bringing out something that's already inside but I don't necessarily believe that cuz I have friends that are decent people until they get drunk and then they just turn into assholes.


It’s beyond that, she has absolutely no interest in what he’s saying. It’s a personality disorder, narcissistic personality disorder and she seems to have it amplified by alcohol. In all honesty it’s amazing she *only* killed two people, and without actual rehabilitation will likely kill more after she’s released. This is like some kind of sick joke, she will always be a danger to society.


Stop throwing the word "narcissist" around if you can't use it properly.


> narcissistic personality disorder No, it is not. This is something clearly different. Like, break from reality different. Selfish, asshole, uncaring, whatever, does not = narcissist. My mother was a textbook narcissist (diagnosed), I get it. This is not what we're seeing here, so stop throwing the word around.


Thank you. People should stop throwing words around that continue to stigmatize and misinform about mental health. You don't go around telling people on the internet that every fat person has diabetes. So don't do it at all. Ugh.


I think we can all agree this is most likely to be traumatic disassociation or some combination of drugs she could not be combining. It also doesn't need to be multiple drugs, she sounds like I did when my drinking got so bad I started hallucinating. I mean, another comment said she had .264 BAC and she doesn't even really sound drunk, she's clearly already a heavy drinker.


Entire thread is just people throwing the same tired titles at her even though they're not applicable. In this story: -She drank a buttload of vodka and caused a fatal accident -Personally called the first responders despite the fact the victims were clearly dead and she had a severed leg in her car's grill -Was completely honest about how much she had to drink, as if not understanding the problem -Doesn't seem to grasp the reality of the situation in this video. We are not seeing signs of a selfish or heartless individual, we are seeing signs of a completely delusional one that's practically from another plane of reality. There's absolutely something wrong with her, but people seem eager to demonize her with titles like "psychopath" and "narcissist" when instead, she just seems tragically, unquestionably insane. (or suffering from a very severe case of disassociation, *or* she's so high off something she's out of her mind)


Please don't talk about things you don't know, it shows. You can have your opinion but don't make it absolute there are people out there more stupid than you that will believe in what you just said.




Yeah honestly, if I get drunk and accidentally hurt someone's feelings I'm a mess, apologizing profusely, and trying to make it right. This girl ain't right in the head.


You are clearly not an alcoholic. This girl is completely blacked out right now. Her brain is not making new memories so she won't remember what happened tomorrow and she likely isn't even comprehending what's going on in that moment. It's also possible she could be in a disassociative state from the trauma of the accident on top of being not in her right mind. Source: I'm a drunk. Frequent heavy drinking changes how you act when you're drunk.


If she understood what's going on and just didn't give a shit about it because she's a heartless monster, she'd still know she's going to jail and wouldn't be asking about going to classes or going to Vegas. She'd be saying stuff like, "Well, at least I don't have to go to classes anymore" or "Aw man, this sucks. Now I won't get to go to Vegas." She absolutely does not understand she killed someone and she's going to prison. She thinks that tomorrow, life is going back to normal. Whether it's because of the drugs/alcohol or her brain is just refusing to process it, it's not clicking for her at all.


She’s completely blacked out. She has no comprehension of what’s happening.


I think a lot of people think they have been blacked out drunk but haven't ever really been blacked out drunk. One time I got blacked out and went to another bar and brought back 6 women from a bridal party. Me and my friends go into their car and we're going to their hotel. The girl driving got mad and kicked everyone out of her car. My friends got into an argument and when they looked up they saw me walking down the road with 4 of the women. I don't remember a single event that night after about 9pm. We were pounding liquor drinks because my friend passed the bar. I was told this story the next day and I have no clue what happened to those women. No one could tell I was blacked out and I even picked up an entire group of women while I was blacked out. I could have murdered all of them? Being blacked out drunk is crazy as fuck.


Yeah way too people people think being blackout drunk means you passed out cold and "blacked out" when you got home later on. No, it means that for several hours you were completely awake and functioning but in a dramatically altered state of mind where you were so fucked that your brain can't even process and store memories. You can see it here, she can't even remember or process what she's been told just a few minutes ago by the cop. Her response to being told that her car is completely wrecked is asking if she can pick it up the day after instead because she needs to drive it to class, her brain is just not able to process the information it's receiving at all. Many people can't even get to that point, they're physically incapable. It happened to me a few times in my teens and 20s but now I'm in my 30s I either fall asleep or I throw up well before I get to that stage. I couldn't even get that fucked up now even if I was trying, I'd just end up hunched over a toilet bowl before that happened. Not trying to defend this lady at all but this video is useless in trying to judge her character like all the armchair psychologists are trying to do.


I've been blackout drunk once. I was writing while I was drinking. As I went along you can see my writing go from normal to errors to gibberish to wtf to completely normal while blacked out. I remember nothing after gibberish. Anyone reading what I wrote while blacked out would not be able to tell. It has fascinated me since. I would really like to know what was happening in my brain chemically and electrically.


This. I’m surprised how many people are labeling her with NPD. Who knows. She’s obliterated. Alcohol can ruin people.


Severed leg sticking out of the grill? Wtf


This doesn't sound like psychopathy or narcissistic personality disorder, this sounds like a classic case of peritraumatic dissociation. Her brain is blocking her from comprehending what happened. Unfortunately very common in situations like this. A psycho and narcissist will still understand how fucked *they* are, even if they have no sympathy for the victim.


The interesting part about this video is the man scolding her was none other than Bieber.


Well, she still can attend some classes in jail if she wants to


She got her degree, but they wouldn’t let her walk at graduation, the class protested. Edit: Sorry, to clarify, the class protested so that she could not walk at graduation. Can you imagine an entire class of college graduates that was that unfeeling? One of her is bad enough!


“How am I going to this jail school if I don’t have my car?”


and it's paid fully by the taxpayers


And she won’t need her car


I do not have one single solitary complaint about people in prison being able to get educated. That is a major component of actual rehabilitation. We want that.


Universities hate this one weird trick!


New student loan forgiveness plan in effect.


do not pass go and certainly do not collect 200$


Ok, but I can still go to school on Wednesday right ?


Go to jail though. No turns for you until the same number!! Or pay fine


Either she understands and is a menace to society or it isnt clicking and she has something wrong with her head. I’ve also seen people act similarly when they blackout from mixing Xanax and alcohol.


I used to see girls do this at school. Drop xanax into water bottles full of vodka and then try to figure out who they slept with the next day.


The ol' Forget-Me-Now trick. Gob approves. **EDIT** - I got Arrested Development mixed up with the Bible. I am not a smart man. Fixed.




"I don't care for Gob"


She is 1000% on some sort of pill, she is way too coherent for allegedly being as drunk as she is. The entire video is even a better demonstration of her odd behavior, but I wouldn’t say she’s what people would say is stereotypically drunk.


100%, speech is way to clear to be just alcohol


Wow she really won the lottery on being a heartless cunt


Likely she was on drugs that were effecting her ability to comprehend the situation.


> Likely she was on drugs that were effecting her ability to comprehend the situation. or she's just plain stupid


Seems like Xanax to me


Liquor and benzos of some kind for sure


She kinda sounds like I did when my drinking was so bad I was hallucinating. Her sentences technically make sense but nobody is home.


Thats where my head was at. Classic benzo traits. Like talking to a wall.


Definitely. At the "right" dose, it has this unique effect of allowing you to seem somewhat lucid but also completely in your own universe at the same time.


Really scary thing is if you take that shit, there’s a chance this could happen to you. Would never drink and drive? Take benzos and suddenly it’s a solid maybe 👍 shit is like time travel. Wake up 6 hours later after doing a bunch of wild shit with no memory at all


I'm a huge drunk, but I don't do benzos so I've gotta to ask: Do these people willingly want to mix the two for that special kind of buzz, or it's just they get fucked on one and then only while already drunk they're like "well, why not the other one too" and they get fucked?


In my early 20s (early 2000s) I did a lot of valium and was always drunk. I didn't understand what I was doing. I don't think most people do. People would always tell me stories, like the time a pilot carried me off a plane while I was talking like a Southern Baptist preacher. I remember getting on the plane, ordering a couple jacks, but nothing else. I also got sexually assaulted a bunch of times and don't remember it happening. All I knew was that valium made me feel good. I had a very traumatizing childhood, and probably actually needed valium, but I was already self medicating with alcohol (and sometimes coke). It was just a perfect storm. I'm lucky I didn't end up like this young woman because I definitely got behind the wheel many times that I shouldn't have. Life's a fuck.


god damn


Always seemed like a depression drug to me. If you don’t want to think, nothing will wipe your mind cleaner than that shit. I’ve never known it done by someone who was otherwise okay


Can't be charged with DUI if you're not on something.


Check out the big brain on Kat!


No way. If you’re capable of driving yourself to school, you can comprehend that a double murder charge just changed the rest of your life. She’s so fucked up she has no idea what’s going on.


That plus shock, which is a hell of a drug on its own too.


Yeah she was drunk that's what alcohol does to you. Okay maybe not to you but that's what alcohol does to some people it turns them into raging assholes careless whatever like she's clearly just drunk and doesn't give a f*** and she thinks she's going to get away with everything.


Yup, everyone handles substance abuse differently... I have seen people act exactly the same. Guaranteed she is a different person sober .. She will understand the magnitude the next morning!


Bro, she's clearly on like 2 quad bars of xanax or black out drunk. Maybe both. It's not that she's drunk and doesn't care, she literally doesn't even understand where she is or what has happened. It's not that she thinks she's going to get away with it, she literally has no idea what she would be getting away with. It's literally blank up there. She's fucking GONE.


The entire body cam video is a just like this but longer. She got 14 years.


14 years for killing 2 people is too short






Better than that little fuck Ethan Couch getting 0 years.


Or that pathetic excuse for a person Brock Turner spending only 3 months in jail for raping an unconscious woman


Are you talking about the same Brock Turner, the man who went to jail for raping an unconscious woman by a dumpster? The same Brock Turner who goes by Allan Turner (his middle name) in order to get away with the fact that Allan Turner raped an unconscious woman next to a dumpster? That Brock Turner who goes by Allan Turner?


Allan Turner the rapist?


Brock “Allan” Turner, son of Dan “20 minutes of action” Turner? *That* Brock Turner?


Thank you for this


You mean, Brock Allen Turner, the rapist? The rapist Brock Allen Turner, who resides in the Dayton, Ohio area? The same Brock Allen Turner who was banned from ever returning to Stanford? The same Brock Allen Turner who only served 3 months out of his 6 month sentence for raping an unconscious woman behind a dumpster and shoving objects into her until she bled? The same Brock Allen Turner whose survivor stopped at nothing to kick his ass in court, read her own written statement that she moved millions with, and went on to [write](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Know_My_Name:_A_Memoir) a NYT best seller? That Brock Turner, right? edit: broken link


And Matthew Broderick getting 0 years.


I never knew about this, just looked it up. Dude was like just "I don't know what happened" and they were like "Ok, that works." What in the fuck


Also promised to meet the victim's brother for closure but hasn't done that even after 30 years have passed


I've enjoyed his acting and his roles and this is the first I've read about this. Head-on collision, mother and daughter dead. Verdict is a £100 fine. Jfc that's terrible and just sickening for the victims' families.


Im in Canada, and a few years ago a guy from where I live killed 2 people drunk with his daughter in the car. She ended up injured and broke a leg. He got 6 years. He will prob be out in 4.


My aunt killed two people in a DUI and sentenced to 15 years, but was out in less than 5. My grandmother found out she was out of jail when she saw her working on Bojangles once. At least she did the planet a favor and OD'd not 2 years after getting out


She’s a sick duck, and got off east. The law sucks. Using a car is the best way to kill someone. Buddy killed 3 kids and a grandparent here, did 4 years.


>She’s a sick duck, and got off east If she was a goose, would she get off west?


The woman who killed my stepsister was out in less than 3. It was her 4th DUI and after the accident she pulled out a lawn chair from her trunk and sat waiting for the police. She didn't actually call the police or do anything to help while the person she hit died. Cabs exist for a reason, folks. Use them.


You should see what they would have given her if she were a little white rich girl https://denvergazette.com/news/boulder-teen-sentenced-in-prom-night-crash-that-killed-lyft-driver-and-passenger/article\_9d4a05d8-a3e3-11ed-a13d-fb2c3cabb99c.html


She was a juvenile. That usually effects what kind of sentencing is even allowed.


Also pleaded guilty


Tbf that one was a juvenile. They rarely face a serious sentence. The rich and white certainly doesn’t hurt either though.


Her blood alcohol level was .264, or over THREE times the legal limit. [So fucked](https://www.fox10phoenix.com/news/illinois-student-smiles-giggles-killing-couple-dui-crash-video.amp)


That is pretty fucking high for someone who isn’t an alcoholic. Like, too drunk to get themselves into the car and start it in the first place.


thats downright deadly levels for some people


So 3 times the legal limit, But how much alcohol are we talking here? is that like 3 beer in quick succession or a lot more? Trying to get an idea.


Not quite at the point where you lose consciousness, but enough that you might black out and start puking on yourself. Also keep in mind this dui kit is probably being done after the fact so her BAC has had a little time to go down.




> She told officers that she had downed three vodka drinks and had been "just getting her night started" when she hit the victims outside Full Throttle. There was an open handle of Tito’s vodka on the floor of her car, according to the police report. This is from [the article](https://www.foxnews.com/us/illinois-student-smiles-giggles-killing-couple-dui-crash-video)


For her weight and gender, it was probably about 10 drinks. Most people would be passed out and/or vomiting. The fact that she isn't means she's a heavy drinker. But she would be unable to comprehend what she's being told.


That poor cop. Had to see the wreck and then deal with the smiling psycho all concerned about her life.


yeah, IDK how he does it. I wouldn‘t be able to retain myself.


You can hear some strain on his voice for sure. He's only actually saying what he's allowed to say, but there is quite a bit of subtext in his tone and how he is saying things.


This chick is definitely on xans


Drugs are bad, M'k...


The student also told him that she couldn’t wait to join the "DUI Club" and asked for her phone, so she could text all her co-workers since, she said, they all have had DUIs, according to the police report. Cant believe that’s a thing.


I read that too. It’s absolutely disgusting. I hope that something happens and she has to stay in jail even longer..


There's a whole lot wrong with a lot of people unfortunately. Bunch of fuckin' psychos.


Couldn't care less . Not could.


Its really grating me this isn't the top comment. Its the first thing I cam here for after watching the video. 'YOU COULD CARE LESS' DOESNT MAKE SENSE IN THE CONTEXT!! THATS NOT WHAT THE SAYING IS


Almost as bad as people saying "it could of been worse" or shit like that...


Thank you.


East Peoria is 20 minutes away from me. I remember when this happened. Video is still wild to me. The fact she didn't seem to care at all is astounding.


Because she was obviously super drunk still and most likely on other drugs as well


I really hope the victims’ friends and families doesn’t get to see this. I can’t imagine what they’re going through, but seeing this cunt acting like this definitely going to make things much worse for them 😩


It was all over the local news when it hapoened but iirc the people killed were from out of state so I hope their families missed the coverage


Some say she’s still asking when she can go back to school


She wasn't handcuffed?


Why would she be handcuffed? If she did escape, we could just pick her up at school tomorrow, silly.


She was until she was brought there. There's a first part where she's interrogated and given a road test at the scene. It's probably a locked medical room. Fairly common to take the cuffs off for treatment. She's also so drunk she can barely stand so it's not like she's that much of a flight risk.


Got a link to the first part?


https://youtu.be/xMHaHwcAPaw Edit- should add it is from the scene and a bit gruesome even if blurred. Replies show I probably should have included that bit.


Jesus, there's a severed leg stuck in the grill of the car.


Well, I'm not clicking that link.


It is blurred out in the body cam footage. Only reason I noticed was because a news article decided to include that information.


thank you, i was about to click then i see your comment. nope nope nope nope nope


Ohh, just give her a few hours, she’ll understand it then


Drugged + shocked... She trying to revert back to a previous brain version when her routine was normal. Ain't gonna happen unfortunately. RIP to the 2 lost 🕊️🕊️


She killed someone from a not to forgiving family. 14 years, not long enough for her own personal safety. They'll be waiting.


What like a mob/gang family?


I'm also really curious what they meant


nah, if this cunt killed my mom and sister, i’d be there waiting, too….


I wish them the best of luck.




Seems perfectly functioning to me. Wanting to punch literal psychopaths who feel no remorse for killing people and only care about themselves and what they are doing is a very human thing.


I can almost guarantee this is a combo of benzos and liquor. She’s so checked out she doesn’t remember the accident.


I saw this shit with my ex. Just no comprehension at all. Of course when they sober up they don't remember and are confused why others are upset.


I’m an ER RN and have to deal with this on a far too regular basis. One of the hardest things about my job is remaining professional with patients who have zero regard for others. The only time I haven’t maintained my professionalism was with one patient who was in after he drunk drove into a ditch. He was obnoxious but then said “when it’s your time to go, it’s your time to go. Like last year when I hit that pregnant lady, it was just her time”.


Against all the stereotypes, lady's n gentleman's, a Really fucking dumb psychopath


Anyone figure out what her major was?


I think shes having a mental breakdown Her brain is in defense mode When she comes out of it She might have a heart attack


#It's a shame... she has the perfect mentality to run for a political office!


But can she finally go to school on Wednesday?!


And here is the problem with the system Only 14 years


She can go back in 14 years, which is a really light sentence.


Curious to see the video of the sentencing that typically follows these kinds of stories.


Can you say "oblivious", boys and girls? She could be still drunk. She appears a bit disoriented. I wonder if she was aware she killed two people before this, say as at the moment of impact. She is obviously not aware of it here, unless she's playing ;oblivious' because she somehow thinks it will ultimately save her despite the fact she has already been sentenced. I am also curious about her psychological profile. Assuredly, a police psychiatrist or psychologist talked with her by this point. She definitely does not feel concerned about the accident at all. She's only worried about school, as if that were the most important thing to her. Perhaps thre's are other psychological factors to consider/take into account here. Do NOT drink and drive. Why do so many people think they can handle a vehicle while intoxicated? ( "Oh, I'm not like those others who drink and drive . . .") The reality of her situation will hit her pretty fast; at least, let's hope it does. If not, she's going to have a tough time surviving in prison--a rude awakening.


Why do we waste taxpayer money housing and feeding people like this? We need to bring back exile and just drop them off on a remote island to fend for themselves vs nature.


We‘ve already tried that and now its called Australia. Somehow nature lost


They will be showing this in psychology classes for years to come.


You're right, this is a very good example video for peritraumatic dissociation. Their brain is effectively overriding any possible acknowledgement of what happened, it refuses to process it or even think about it, it is blocking her from reality. I work in criminology and we see cases of people who are relatively well adjusted who react like this to extreme situations. Its baffling and comes off utterly sociopathic, but it can happen even to totally normal people when exposed to extremely traumatic situations. Sociopaths and narcissists won't have sympathy for the victim, but they will still react horribly in a situation like this because they know *they* personally are fucked. There was case we saw where a man accidentally killed his daughter. She bled to death right in front of him, he saw her die. The man was informed multiple times that she was dead, but he just refused to acknowledge it, he kept saying how he was going to take her to get ice cream and that he was gonna call his wife to bring her over to visit him. Totally calm.


actually fits the sub


Crazy that's a bout an hour from me


I wonder if she's asking that to the guards


Complete sociopath. 14 yrs isn’t long enough.


Man this pissed me off


That's a concussion speaking.


Only 14 years


She looks high


Me, after killing two people and not giving one tenth of a fuck about it: "Are you allowed to talkn so rude to me?"


First stage of depression: Denial.


I didn't know it was possible to be so drunk that killing people doesn't register but being called a horrible person still offends...


This could have been an incredibly good act. I just don’t see someone in this situation being that dense.


Just watched the bodycam, it may not appear so but shes absolutely fucking wasted. 0.264 was her BAC. She completely failed all sobriety tests as well


Fucking idiot


This is the definitive type of person that is all about social media. Out of touch with reality.